tokyo enforcer

Chapter 288 Lori God: Loki, look at my body...

Chapter 288 Lori God: Loki, look at my body
"Goddess, the carriage is already waiting at the door." Uesugi Jun came to the door, knocked on the door and said.

"Wait a minute, it will be ready soon!" Hestia's voice sounded from behind the door.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come down on the first floor." After Uesugi Jun finished speaking, he went straight down to the first floor.

Within a few minutes, God Loli walked down wearing a modern white evening dress and the jewelry that Jun Uesugi had prepared for her.

Without complimenting Lori God, Uesugi Jun just walked to the carriage and opened the door.

After helping Lori up, he also got into the car.

"Do you need me to let the carriage wait outside for the banquet to end?" After getting into the carriage, Uesugi Jun asked Lori God.

"I don't need it anymore, and maybe I will go to my friend's place for two or three days." Loli said with a flickering expression.

"Understood, then I will see you off, Goddess, and you will leave when you arrive." Uesugi Jun said.

"It's really hard for you today." Lori God said apologetically.

"It's okay, Goddess, you are glorious in front of other gods, and you can count as saving face for our family members." Uesugi Jun waved his hand and said.

After all, the relationship between the members of the family and the main god of the house is a relationship of both glory and loss. Loli God loses face, and Jun Uesugi and Bell Cranney will be looked down upon by other members of the family.

In the original book, one person and one god are too poor to save face, so naturally they don't care about other people's opinions, but it is definitely not possible at this moment, Uesugi Jun still needs face.

The most important thing is that God Lolita has face, so that her contacts can be used to the maximum extent.

With the crisp sound of tapping and tapping, the carriage quickly arrived at the gate of Ganesha Familiars.

Opening the door, after Uesugi Jun came down, he helped God Loli down, and then escorted him all the way to the steps of the gate, watching God Loli walk in before turning back to the carriage.

Then I let the carriage take me to the entrance of [The Mistress of Abundance], and then entered the shop to taste the delicacies of the wrong world.

How should I put it, the ingredients in this world are good, and the original taste is generally like this, and the drinks are also very average!
This made Uesugi Jun couldn't help but want to taste the special divine wine of Somo.

However, Jun Uesugi may not be able to taste the authentic products specially provided to family members for a period of time, but Jun Uesugi intends to go to the corresponding store to find the substandard products that flow out.

And when Jun Uesugi was dining, in the feast of the gods, Hestia came into the arena in a gorgeous dress, which shocked many gods.

After all, before this moment, Hestia has almost become a laughing stock in the mouths of the gods of Olalie, a typical example of the worst gods.

But seeing Hestia walk in in a gorgeous dress at this moment, many gods were naturally stunned.

After all, this is so fucking subversive.

Everyone knows that the poorest god in Olalie is Hestia who is still acting as the kanban lady at the potato ball stall, and such a Hestia can actually wear high-end evening dresses, which looks very beautiful when she wears them. Expensive fine jewelry.

Today is not Fool's Day!

"Little brat, where did you get this body from?" Loki, the precipice god who knew Loli God was coming, had been waiting for Loli God's arrival, just to satirize this guy who had always been at odds with him in the God Realm. Deal with the Goddess.

But who knew it would be the gorgeous debut of Loli God, how could Loki, who was rarely wearing an evening dress, bear it, so the first one who rushed out to ask was Loki.

"Of course my child prepared it for me. How about it? It's very suitable!" While talking, Loli God still walked around in front of Rocky Cliff God in a natural way.

"Aren't you just a kid named Bell with white hair and red eyes? He should have no money, right?" Hephaestus also came over and asked.

"I just accepted it today. A child named Jun Uesugi prepared these for me. Heh heh, I'm lucky too!" Lolita was quite proud at the moment.

"Another child, eh, it's really curious! Why would such a rich child choose you, a god of poverty?" Loki directly attacked Loli God's weakness.

"It's better than choosing you, the God of the Cliff." The God of Lolita wouldn't be spoiled by Loki, so he directly turned back forcefully.

Then the two goddesses started filming on the spot, but God Lori was too short for her height, and it was a burst of ravages for her to be grabbed by the God of Cliff.

As for the gods watching from the sidelines, it was not a big deal at all, none of them dissuaded them, and quite a few made booing.

But in the end, the lonely Cliff God was directly repelled by the huge shaking.

After defeating the Cliff God, Loli God had the opportunity to discuss with her best friend about her plan to find her best friend.

Early the next morning, Uesugi Jun, who had nothing to do for the time being, went directly to the dungeon.

Regarding the matter of inquiring about information, Jun Uesugi is not planning to start yet. After all, the time for his arrival is too short. If he deliberately inquires about the gods, it will inevitably attract the attention of those boring gods.

And Uesugi Jun didn't feel that yesterday's flattery could make Lolita lose her way. There was a huge gap between him and Mr. Rabbit in her heart.

So there is only one thing I can do now, and that is to improve my own strength. Anyway, I have come to Olarie, and there should be dungeon adventures.

And after being sealed with his own strength, Jun Uesugi couldn't just go wandering in the dungeon with a sun wheel knife, after all, his current body couldn't withstand the attack from monsters.

You must know that some of these monsters are powerful, and some can use magic. Among them, Uesugi Jun finds it difficult to deal with poisonous monsters.

So Uesugi Jun directly asked his wife to help him get a set of full-body armor that fits the fantasy style and has a high degree of practicability to arm himself.

Of course, according to Uesugi Miyuki's personality, after a set of full body armor was manufactured, Uesugi Jun would not dare to wear it and walk in Ola Licheng.

Just because it's too cool, the silver-white armor is not only extremely hard, but also light and thin, and it also has some characteristics of Marvel Zhenjin.

The helmet part not only has a strong toxin isolation effect, but also uses a special synthetic crystal to make a whole lens with no dead angle in the sight part.

This is why Uesugi Jun can't wear it out, because this set of armor looks extremely expensive.

Of course, if the price of this set of armor is really sold by Orari, it is absolutely ridiculously high. After all, the materials of the entire set of armor are all synthesized by Uesugi Miyuki's ability.

And because this is the armor worn by Jun Uesugi, Miyuki Uesugi has gone through repeated scrutiny of every detail. Except for the material, the details are almost perfect.

If Uesugi Miyuki can wait for Uesugi Jun to get the materials produced in the dungeon before making it, the defensive performance of the armor will be improved.

Of course, this is actually enough for Jun Uesugi. After all, his own strength is not bad, and the role of armor is only to improve fault tolerance.

After all, the environment of the dungeon is complicated, and who knows when it will be attacked, especially now that Jun Uesugi does not have the 360 ​​vision he used to have, so he really needs some precautions.

After bringing a few bottles of panacea produced by the Dean Kate family, which cost as much as 50 mana a bottle, as well as some energy potions and stamina potions, Uesugi Jun set off for the dungeon.

Without worrying about logistics, Uesugi Jun directly planned to go deep into the middle level.

After all, the upper level monsters can't give Uesugi Jun any experience, and only the middle level monsters with improved quality and quantity can bring pressure to Uesugi Jun.

In fact, if the number of monsters would surge out at once, Uesugi Jun would not even need armor.

All the way down to the twelfth floor, after passing through the narrow and long middle passage, Jun Uesugi put on the full body armor, and then turned on the unparalleled mowing mode.

After all, at Uesugi Jun's current level, if he wants to continue to improve his strength, he must find a stressful battle.

This is also the reason why Uesugi Jun keeps going down. After all, Uesugi Jun does not have Mr. Rabbit's [One Heart Longing] skill, and the values ​​​​of all aspects cannot be improved quickly.

Of course, after Jun Uesugi met Mr. Rabbit, this skill already existed in the system mall.

But Uesugi Jun didn't buy it, not because he was afraid of problems. After all, this skill came from the wrong world, and it is impossible for problems to occur.

The reason why he just bought it was because Jun Uesugi would make Lolita suspicious after buying it, and the other was because Jun Uesugi bought it was useless because he had no one to look forward to!

He has always relied on himself to make it through. Uesugi Jun may have become the object of admiration for many retainers, but he himself really has no object of aspiration.

Without a target, this skill will not be effective. After all, the greater the yearning, the stronger the effect of this skill.

So in a sense, this is a skill exclusive to Mr. Rabbit, who is used to having a crush or has a fan talent.

After all, only this type of people can fully utilize the effect of this skill.

After entering the No.12 floor, monsters such as horned rabbits with weapons, hell hyenas that can breathe fireballs, and minotaurs with high blood and thick blood began to emerge in endlessly.

To be honest, without the armor made by Uesugi Miyuki, Uesugi Jun might not even be able to reach the No.14 floor, and he would be forced to withdraw.

It is really that the refresh rate and number of monsters are much higher than those of the upper layer.

In many cases, Uesugi Jun hadn't even finished killing the first batch of monsters, the surrounding walls began to crack, and then he sent a batch of experience packs to Uesugi Jun.

Of course, there is a problem with Jun Uesugi's efficiency. It's not that his strength stops here, but that he only uses basic kendo and physical skills to fight.

The reason why he didn't use the powerful breathing method is that Uesugi Jun hasn't fought in this way for a long time, Uesugi Jun also needs to get used to it!
After stumbling all the way down to the seventeenth floor, Jun Uesugi felt that this floor was much darker than the upper floors, which naturally created a much stronger sense of depression.

If a person with claustrophobia came to this floor, it is estimated that this environment would make him close to death without the help of monsters.

That kind of tense feeling that you can't see any light, and you have to mention the monster's attack, and the sense of time that has collapsed after going deep into the dungeon.

The dungeon is designed as much as possible to give and magnify the desperate environment of the adventurers. No wonder there have been rumors that the dungeon is alive.

After entering the No.17 floor, Uesugi Jun walked several hundred meters without seeing a single monster, which is simply unbelievable for the upper floors.

But Jun Uesugi is not unfamiliar with this situation. According to the description of such a scene in the original book, the current situation should be that Goliath, the giant of the stratum, is about to be born.

Because of this, the monsters hid, they were afraid of the birth of the stratum lord.

As the size of the grotto gradually expanded, a spacious space that could pass through dozens of people gradually formed.

The road has also become a one-way street with fewer divergences, like walking into the body of a giant snake with its mouth wide open.

The modest ceiling also began to increase in height crazily, making the phosphorescence flickering like torches look like small specks of light.

In the deepest part of the cave, a hall with a length of about 200 meters, a width of about 100 meters, and a height of about 20 meters from the ground to the ceiling appeared in front of Uesugi Jun.

The moment he entered the hall, Uesugi Jun felt a strong depression.

But Uesugi Jun didn't care about this depression, but stared at the left side of the hall.

The walls and ceiling of this hall are all made of rough rock blocks, and only the structure of the left wall is different.

It was a strange wall that could even be called smooth and beautiful, but extremely unnatural.

Uesugi Jun dared to say this, as long as anyone who enters here, there will be absolutely no existence that will not be attracted by this wall.

Wall of Sighs!

This is the name given to this wall by the adventurers of Orario, because this wall is the place where the floor master was born.

Before Uesugi Jun could carefully appreciate this special scene that combines weirdness and beauty, the sound of clicking sounded in this unusually quiet and dark environment.

In the next second, a huge crack was drawn on the wall from top to bottom like lightning.

Then the wall continued to crack, click, click, the sound became louder and louder.

The cracking voice gradually changed into a heavy cry like panting, moaning, and sighing, shaking the entire hall.

The continuous laments and shouts made the cracks in the Wall of Sighs bigger and deeper, and for a while the entire floor was filled with the sound of the earth.

After lasting for more than ten seconds, the sound was close to critical, and a stronger impact hit the wall from the inside.

In the next moment, a huge breaking sound rang in Uesugi Jun's ears, and the sound inside the wall also stopped at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, the rock blocks flew away, collapsed and rolled to the ground, making a loud noise.

After a bang, in Uesugi Jun's sight, a huge object landed on the ground, and at the same time, the dust raised high made an extraordinarily loud noise.

Oh oh oh!

If Goliath, who was screaming at this moment, raised his hands and slapped his chest, Uesugi Jun might think that he is related to a certain King Kong.

But this voice is really loud. You must know that Uesugi Jun is wearing armor at the moment, and the armor material also has some characteristics of Marvel Zhenjin. It is not a rather exaggerated voice, and it is impossible for Uesugi Jun to feel harsh.

After passing by with a hint of happy cry, the behemoth stood up straight, and the height of seven meters gave a strong sense of oppression.

Thick neck, broad shoulders, tiger arms, strong legs, the shape is very close to the human physique, but the skin is grayish-brown towards rock.

This color alone let Uesugi Jun know that this product is definitely good enough for defense.

As for a large amount of hard black hair extending from the back of the head, which looks as shiny as grease, and grows to the bottom of the neck, it does not add any artistic temperament to the floor owner.

And those blood-red eyes, almost the size of a human head, were staring closely at Jun Uesugi.

Pulling out the Japanese sword and holding it tightly with both hands, Jun Uesugi began to take a deep breath for the first time after entering the dungeon.

After two breaths, Uesugi Jun's armor surface couldn't help showing a trace of electric arc.

Oh oh oh!

With the sound of shouting, Goliath, the floor lord, rushed towards Uesugi Jun with heavy steps.

 Thank you for the support of the monthly ticket of the "Natural Sky" book friends, there are still 54 votes away from the next update

(End of this chapter)

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