tokyo enforcer

Chapter 291 I don't mean anything, just mean...

Chapter 291 I don't mean anything, but I mean it.
Naturally, Uesugi Jun couldn't let Loli God still silently carry debts and work in Hephaestus' store, right?

In addition, Uesugi Jun is not as naive as Mr. Rabbit, and at the same time, he can't afford to lose this person, which is why he came here.

"Hey! No wonder Hestia always has a smug expression on your face when he mentioned you. It seems that you are really sensible! But can you really pay back the money?" Hephaestus A little shocked at the moment, and then asked.

"God Hephaestus, you are too proud, please don't worry about the debt, but can you pay directly with gold?" Jun Uesugi asked.

"Of course, as long as the total value reaches 4 million fare." Hephaestus nodded and said.

"Then, I will repay the debt now!" After finishing speaking, Uesugi Jun opened the suitcase he brought, and then opened it, which was covered with pieces of gold with a net weight of 1 kilogram.

The value of one fare in the world is about one yen, and the price of gold is not much different, so 4 million fares need about 400 kilograms of gold, and the two boxes that Uesugi Jun brought each contained 300 yuan. Kilograms of gold.

After all, Uesugi Jun's situation at the moment is that he doesn't know the price of weapons, so he can't come here with exactly [-] million mana in gold.

Seeing Jun Uesugi go directly to the gold even if he didn't agree with each other, even Tsubaki, who had seen it once before, couldn't help being a little dazzled at the moment.

Hephaestus was even more surprised, after all, she didn't expect Uesugi Jun to come prepared.

After Tsubaki's weighing, the weight of each piece was confirmed, and then a box and a half of gold was counted out and placed on Hephaestus' desk.

After counting the number, Hephaestus also directly took out the contract of sale signed by Lori.

After Uesugi Jun confirmed it, he put it away directly, and then Uesugi Jun took out a rolled leather from his pocket and put it on Hephaestus' desk.

"What does this mean?" Hephaestus couldn't help asking Uesugi Jun, after all, she knew what Uesugi Jun brought out.

"This Goliath's hard skin is a gift from Hestia's family. I would like to thank Hephaestus' family for taking care of my goddess before. Please accept it." Uesugi Jun said. very beautiful.

"Little guy, the value of your heart is not low!" Hephaestus said involuntarily.

"God Hephaestus, you are too serious. Compared with the friendship between you and my goddess, this monster's drop is nothing at all. The world is no better than the gods. My goddess has received too much attention from you. , although not having this will not affect your friendship with the Goddess.

But if we members of the family know the situation of these things, but still ignore them and continue to pretend to be stupid, it will be very rude.Therefore, within the scope of my ability, it is very necessary to prepare a thank-you gift. Originally, Bell and I should come together to thank, but Bell is currently taking care of the goddess who is resting, so I can only come here alone. Please also Never mind Hephaestus. Uesugi Jun waved his hand and said.

"Hestia is really lucky to be able to accept your child." Hephaestus's words were not polite.

After all, Olalie's adventurers are complex, but most of them are relatively low in status.

You must know that the nobles in the wrong world, as long as they have a normal mind, basically don't want to come to Olalie to be an adventurer, so there are few adventurers in the group of adventurers who are as well-founded as Uesugi Jun.

"God Hephaestus, you are flattered." Jun Uesugi replied humbly.

"With you here, Hestia's family will develop sooner or later. After you go back, tell Hestia for me that I welcome her to visit my family at any time." Hephaestus continued.

"Okay, I will definitely convey the words of God Hephaestus, so I will take my leave first." Uesugi Jun finished speaking and picked up the remaining box, and walked outside under Tsubaki's leadership.

Looking at the back of Uesugi Jun leaving, Hephaestus couldn't help showing a smile.

My best friend really found a pretty good child!
But then Hephaestus glanced at the hard skin of Goliath on the table, and couldn't help showing a thoughtful look.

Because a few days ago, members of her family told her that someone attacked Goliath in a short period of time, but none of the teams came forward to admit it, and they all thought it was the other team's crusade.

Could it be him?

No, it's too exaggerated to say it again, you must know that the strength gap between the trust of Lv1 and the floor master of Lv4 is too huge.

Regardless of Hephaestus' conjecture, after leaving Hephaestus' family residence, Uesugi Jun found a place to put away the box, and then returned to the family residence.

On the way, Jun Uesugi stopped by a prop store called [Retailer], wanting to see if there was any second-hand product of the sacred wine brewed by Suma God for sale.

As for why I came to the item store to buy wine, it was mainly because this store was very popular among adventurers, and there were many products of the family members in it.

In fact, apart from their own stores, many business family members will put their products in other stores in order to increase sales.

And the products in this store are classified according to family members, so if you want to find a product produced by a family member, you only need to find the name of the corresponding family member.

Uesugi walked around and saw the sign of Sumo Family. At this moment, there was a row of wine in the display cabinet. Compared with the drinks produced by other family members, the second-best wine of Sumo Family had no packaging at all.

Except for the mark of a family member, there is only a glass bottle left, and the inside of the bottle is a transparent liquid.

If you don’t know the famous name of Suma Family in the wine industry, if you are a novice, you will take a quick look and 100% will not choose this packaging that does not stimulate the desire to buy at all.

But if you take a closer look, you will find that in the entire row of drinks, only the most expensive Somo wine has the least amount.

At this moment, there are only two bottles of sub-standard wine with a bottle of 6 fares left. Compared with other drinks with more than ten bottles, it is not difficult to find out how popular this drink is.

And what is the consumption level of 6 fare in Orari?

To put it simply, an average person spends about 100 fares for a meal, even in a high-end tavern like [The Rich Mistress], Mr. Rabbit only spends more than 1000 fares for a meal.

From this, it is not difficult to see what level of consumption a bottle of 6 fares is!
To put it simply, this is the culmination of the types of alcoholic beverages currently sold by Olali.

If it weren't for Sumo's family members who were reluctant to sell the perfect version of the divine wine, the upper limit of the price of the wine would probably be raised a lot, after all, that thing can intoxicate the soul.

He took out all the two bottles of wine inside, replenished the stamina potion and mental potion that had been consumed last time, and then Uesugi Jun went to the door to pay.

After walking out of the [Retailer], Uesugi Jun returned to the station without haste.

By the time Uesugi Jun returned to the station, the sky had already darkened.

Opening the door and walking in, Uesugi Jun found that Mr. Rabbit and Lolita were waiting for him in the lobby on the first floor.

"Brother Uesugi, you are finally back!" Mr. Rabbit couldn't help but said happily.

"Chun, where have you been running all afternoon?" Lori, who just woke up from sleep, couldn't help asking.

"I went to a place and took care of some things. Does Goddess have time?" Jun Uesugi replied with a faint smile.

"What's wrong?" Loli looked at Jun Uesugi in a puzzled manner.

"I want to ask the Goddess to update my status before going out for dinner. I have worked hard in the dungeon these days." Uesugi Jun said to Loli God.

"Okay, come up with me!" Although she likes Mr. Rabbit very much, Lolita still knows very well that when updating the abilities of family members, other family members cannot be present.

Uesugi Jun then followed Lolita to her room on the third floor. After Uesugi Jun took off his shirt and exposed his back, Lolita pricked his finger and dripped blood on Uesugi Jun's back.

Jun Uesugi Lv1
Strength: Ⅰ0→I 59
Durability: Ⅰ0→H 101
Skill: Ⅰ0→I 67
Agility: I0→I72
Magic: I0




"Chun, what have you been doing in the dungeon these days?" Hestia's eyes couldn't help puffing out after updating his ability values.

"It's just exploring the dungeon, nothing else special." Uesugi Jun replied unhurriedly after hearing the words.

"It's impossible, what have you done? Although your ability value improvement is a bit outrageous, what's even more outrageous is that the great achievements you have obtained in the past few days are enough to satisfy the upgrade. It is absolutely impossible to explore the dungeon. I got it." This was the first time Loli God encountered such a situation.

And after hearing the words of God Lolita, Jun Uesugi knew what was going on, and his great achievements should be accumulated by killing Goliath alone.

You must know that Mr. Rabbit can upgrade by killing a Minotaur alone, and Jun Uesugi hacked a floor to death, mainly because he can't upgrade, so what the hell.

But at this moment Uesugi Jun's ability value is really low, so low that Loli God is a little entangled.

After all, if Atsushi Uesugi can upgrade now, he will definitely be famous in Orari.

But this kind of ability value upgrade, the improvement brought to Jun Uesugi is too low.

"Goddess, there was an accident during the exploration, so..." Uesugi Jun said.

"Then do you want to upgrade?" God Lori asked Uesugi Jun. After all, she couldn't make up her mind, so she could only ask Uesugi Jun. You must know that Uesugi Jun can hold back from upgrading now, so she can choose to use her abilities The value is raised.

After all, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to accumulate ability values. Therefore, at the initial level, adventurers often choose to increase their ability values ​​as much as possible, and only choose to take risks and hunt for great achievements to upgrade when they have no progress.

"Do I have the ability to develop?" Jun Uesugi asked after thinking about it.

"There's only one swordsman!" Lolita shook her head and said.

"Then let's not be busy." Uesugi Jun was not satisfied with the swordsman's development ability.

Because in the wrong world, the ability to develop is actually equivalent to an acquired talent, and Jun Uesugi does not need the talent of a swordsman.

"Okay, I understand. But don't be too forceful when exploring the dungeon in the future." God Lori nodded and said.

"I see, Lady Goddess. By the way, I went to Hephaestus Familiars this afternoon. This should be an item that Her Majesty Goddess left on Hephaestus Familiars. In addition, God Hephaestus asked Let me tell you, she welcomes you as a guest at any time." While speaking, Uesugi Jun took out the contract signed by Hestia.


Seeing the contract presented by Jun Uesugi, Hestia knew that the child in front of him had helped him settle the debt of entrusting Hephaestus to build two first-class weapons.

"Chun, is this really good? You know this is..." Hestia couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

But before she could finish her sentence, Uesugi Jun shook her head and stopped her.

"Goddess, for me, the weapon made by God Hephaestus is more important than money. Without your relationship, Goddess, others can't find a way to entrust it." Uesugi Jun didn't care.

"But I can't ask you to pay for Bell together!" Even though God Lori loves Mr. Rabbit, she still doesn't approve of Jun Uesugi's repayment of Mr. Rabbit's share in this matter.

"Goddess, I am your family member. If you are forced to work in Hephaestus's shop because of debts, I will be ashamed. If you feel sorry, you can tell Bell the truth and let him Work hard to make money to repay the debt I asked him to pay." Uesugi Jun replied very straightforwardly.


After listening to Luo Lishen, she was speechless. After all, she was too poor to care about her face before.

Moreover, Uesugi Jun's speech and behavior revealed a sense of nobility in many places.

As for creatures like nobles, God Lolita has read a lot of novels and knows their temperament very well.

If Atsushi Uesugi was born in a noble family, then it is reasonable for him not to accept that he, as the main god, should work part-time.

Whether it is because of debts or survival needs, it is not acceptable for this family member to work here!
Because nobles value face very much, unless it is really impossible to maintain it, it is a matter of course to maintain a glamorous appearance at all times.

And for Hestia, it would be best if he could not go to work and enjoy the offerings of his family members.

"Goddess, this is what I'm thinking, you should rest for a while, and when Bell and I have saved enough funds, we will use the family funds to open the most high-end restaurant in Orari." Jun Uesugi gave Loli God a plan a more reliable future.

You must know that Hestia is the God of Stove Fire, so it goes without saying about cooking skills. It is estimated that no one in Olali can cook better than her.

It's as if the divine wine brewed by Somo is the pinnacle of Orari and even the whole world once it goes online.

Therefore, the best way out for Hestia's family is not to rely on Mr. Rabbit to pull up the expedition team, but to gather chefs and extend their hands into the catering industry.

Focusing on the catering industry and supplemented by the exploration team to expand the family members, this is the normal development model for the family members of the Kitchen Fire God.

"Restaurant?" After listening to Jun Uesugi's plan, God Loli suddenly showed some emotion. After all, God Loli knows what she is good at when she can't use divine power. But that's all.

It can be said that Uesugi Jun's words directly woke her up, how should the dependents develop and grow.

"Chun, you will need to worry more about the development of the dependents in the future." Lolita looked at Jun Uesugi and said.

"Goddess, I will try my best." Uesugi Jun nodded and said.

After finishing the conversation, Uesugi Jun followed Lolita downstairs, and then headed outside with Rabbit-kun.

Early the next morning, Uesugi Jun got up and went downstairs. At this moment, Mr. Rabbit was already waiting on the first floor.

"Morning, Brother Uesugi!" Mr. Rabbit greeted Jun Uesugi.

"Bell, are you waiting for me?" Uesugi Jun asked.

"Yes, Brother Uesugi, I'm waiting for you to enter the dungeon together!" Said Mr. Rabbit energetically.

"Sorry, Bell! You can't go to the floor I'm exploring." Shaking his head, Jun Uesugi's ability to teach the three inheritances to Mr. Rabbit is already the limit. As for being a nanny, Jun Uesugi doesn't have such free time.

"Floors that I can't go to?! May I ask Brother Uesugi, how many floors have you explored?" Mr. Rabbit asked unwillingly after hearing the words.

"20th floor!" Uesugi Jun said.

"Floor 220?!" Mr. Rabbit was really surprised this time.

"Yes!" Uesugi Jun nodded and said.

"But." Mr. Rabbit felt that his common sense had been completely overturned.

"Bell, I have already said that I am very strong. Haven't you seen those inheritances?" Jun Uesugi said to Mr. Rabbit.

"I know." With a strong reluctance, Mr. Rabbit finally gave up his idea, but at this moment his desire to become stronger is stronger in his heart.

"Well, remember to tell the goddess later that I may not return for a few days. After all, going to and from the middle is too much time." Jun Uesugi continued.

"I see!" After finishing speaking, Mr. Rabbit pushed open the door and left.

(End of this chapter)

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