tokyo enforcer

Chapter 292 Armor stacking, it's all exhausted from beating...

Chapter 292 Armor stacking, all of them are tired from beatings
Now he needs to seize every share and every second to become stronger, so that he won't be so unwilling next time.

After Mr. Rabbit left, Uesugi Jun also washed up, and then set off with the black knife.

With the first experience, after Uesugi Jun entered the middle layer again, it only took a little time to reach the No.17 floor.

At this moment, the deepest hall has returned to the way it was when Uesugi Jun came last time, but the feeling of depression is far worse than last time, which means that there is still a long time before the birth of the floor master Goliath.

All the way down to the No.18 floor, Uesugi Jun went to the rest room directly to take a look, but no one had patronized him.

Immediately, Uesugi Jun put on the armor directly, and then entered the No.19 floor, and started to collect experience and money.

If he didn't have the artifact in his hand, Uesugi Junzhen didn't plan to enter the dungeon. After all, he needed a loli god to establish a good relationship. The best way is to directly support the dependents who mainly focus on catering.

But with this weapon, Jun Uesugi's focus has changed.

After all, he is not in a hurry for this time. You must know that this artifact is a powerful boost even for Uesugi Jun, so it is very cost-effective for Uesugi Jun to spend some time to raise the level of the artifact.

Then Uesugi Jun put on the armor and directly indulged in monster spawning and jungle, and in the process, Uesugi Jun became more proficient in mastering the things instilled in the previous system.

And with enough sparring and various emergencies, Atsushi Uesugi's relatively lacking actual combat experience began to fill up little by little in the constant battles with monsters.

Although they are not fighting with humans, these monsters in the dungeon are not stupid, and they will even turn their heads and run away when encountering an invincible strong person.

It can be said that if it were not for the influence of that tyrannical instinct, these monsters would be even stronger.

And since entering the twelfth floor, there is never only one monster fighting Uesugi Jun, but a group of monsters every time, the difference is that there are more and fewer monsters.

Every time he encounters a siege, this is why Uesugi Jun needs armor, but it is also because he is besieged every time, which allows Uesugi Jun to gain more combat experience.

After all, Jun Uesugi was not killing for the sake of killing, but was fighting to absorb every battle experience.

After summarizing each battle, Uesugi Jun's improvement in combat is quite fast.

At this moment, he could no longer go down from the original 20th floor, and now he has reached the level of nearly 30th floor.

After fighting for more than ten days in a row, even Jun Uesugi felt a bit overwhelmed.

So Uesugi Jun chose to end this practice, and turned all the way up and back to the ground.

After more than ten days, when Uesugi Jun returned to the station again, he found that there was already a small human race in the station.

"Brother Uesugi, welcome back!" Mr. Rabbit was very happy to see Jun Uesugi returning.

"Chun, welcome home!" Lolita beside her also said happily.

"Master Uesugi, my name is Lilyluka Erde, and I am a supporter of Lord Bell. Please take care of me in the future." It can be seen that the vermilion-haired little human girl has worked hard for this meeting, after all She is using the way of speaking in the Far East at the moment.

"Hello, I'm Jun Uesugi. Goddess, is this the new junior who joined the family?" Uesugi Jun asked knowingly.

"The stealing cat didn't join the family, and her situation is a bit complicated!" God Lori replied.

"Complicated situation. Well, as long as the goddess approves of you, it will be fine." Uesugi Jun didn't intend to worry about Mr. Rabbit, after all, he was still busy.

"Thank you for your understanding Uesugi-sama." Student Sneaky Cat breathed a sigh of relief at the moment.

After all, she got too much information about Uesugi Jun from Mr. Rabbit, two of which are very noteworthy. The first one is that Uesugi Jun is very rich, and when he is rich, he doesn’t change his face when he spends 4 million fare at a time .

As for the second point, it is that Uesugi Jun is very strong, he is so strong that he only accepts the favor and only has a level of Lv1, but he can go deep into the 20th floor to take risks.

In addition, there is some additional information learned from Lori's divine ability, and Jun Uesugi, who has never met, gave her only one feeling, that is, if Hestia's family elects the leader, Bell will be the first to join The probability of the adult being elected is far lower than that of the second-ranked Uesugi-sama.

"Chun, you have been in the dungeon for almost fifteen days this time." Lolita couldn't help asking.

"Um, Goddess, I can't tell the time in the dungeon, so I don't know the exact time. I just want to bask in the sun and return to the ground." Jun Uesugi replied.

"So how many floors have you explored this time?" Lolita asked curiously.

"I've seen the entrance to the 30th floor." Jun Uesugi paused before replying.

"The 30th floor, Mr. Uesugi, have you been exploring alone all the time?" Sneaky Cat's expression was a little shocked at the moment. After all, she is a senior supporter, and she knows very well that in the dungeon, almost from entering the middle floor, It is not something that one person can face alone.

Therefore, Uesugi Jun's strength is fully displayed at this moment.

"Well, yes!" Uesugi Jun replied with a nod.

"It's too powerful!" Mr. Rabbit couldn't help saying, since he got online with classmate Sneaky Cat, his understanding of the dungeon has improved by leaps and bounds.

"By the way, Bell, have you gotten into a fight recently?" Jun Uesugi asked looking at Mr. Rabbit, who still had some bruises on his face.

"This is Huaxin being beaten by Mr. Hua Lun!" Before Mr. Rabbit could speak, the jealous Lolita spoke first.

"Warren so-and-so?" Jun Uesugi asked a little surprised.

"It was caused when Miss Ais helped me with special training." Mr. Rabbit said.

"Special training?!" Uesugi Jun frowned slightly when he heard this word.

After all, he has already given Mr. Rabbit the inheritance, but Mr. Rabbit was still involved with Aisi Wallenstein.

"Yes, I want to become stronger faster! But I don't," Mr. Rabbit replied hastily.

"It's okay, I believe you! And fighting against people really helps to improve the combat experience, and it really helps a lot to improve the strength. But is Ais Wallenstein of Loki's Familia so free?" Uesugi Jun asked one more question knowingly.

"Miss Ace took the time to help me. The expedition of Rocky's family will end in two days, so Miss Ace is relatively free these days." Mr. Rabbit explained according to his own understanding.

"Well, Bell, you can handle your affairs by yourself, as long as you don't disappoint the goddess. Goddess, is it convenient for me to update my status now?" Uesugi Jun asked.

"Of course I'm free. I also want to see how your recent progress has been." Lori God is also a little curious about Uesugi Jun's ability value. After all, Uesugi Jun can be regarded as expedition to the 30th floor.

And this achievement, many of Olali's family members can't reach it.

Following Lolita up the stairs, after taking off his shirt, Lolita impatiently pricked his fingers, and after dripping the blood of the gods, brought out the state behind Atsushi Uesugi.

Jun Uesugi Lv1
Strength: I 59 → F 332
Durability: H 101→C 671
Skill: I 67 → D 501
Agility: I 72 → E 429
Magic: I 0




After almost half a month in the dungeon dust battle, Jun Uesugi's progress can be said to be very great.

To know that the whole Olalie's ability value can be quickly improved, there is only Mr. Rabbit at present, and he can only do it by virtue of the skill of "One Heart Longing".

As for Uesugi Jun, it was purely based on non-stop fighting.

Especially durability, the more you get beaten, the faster your durability will naturally increase.

The strength has been resisting more with less, but when Jun Uesugi was tough, he was in the minority after all, so the increase in strength was the most limited.

On the contrary, the instilled skills were integrated through the continuous fighting, which made the skills improve rapidly.

As for agility, it's not surprising to be able to get such an improvement. After all, no one wants to be beaten, and surrounded by a group of monsters, if you want to avoid being beaten, you have to react as quickly as possible.

And seeing Uesugi Jun's update this time, Lori God feels a bit like watching Rabbit's update.

This increase speed is too violent.

It is precisely because she understands this fierceness that Loli God knows what kind of battle Uesugi Jun has experienced in the dungeon.

After all, Atsushi Uesugi did not have [one-hearted vision], so it is self-evident what is behind such an exaggerated ability value increase.

"Do you want to upgrade?" Lori asked Jun Uesugi for the second time.

"Has the development ability increased?" Uesugi Jun asked.

"Two are added, one is [abnormal resistance] to resist abnormal states, and the other is [hunter] specially used to deal with monsters! Do you need me to introduce these two development abilities to you?" Lori God asked.

"No need, Lady Goddess, I have inquired about these things. At present, [Hunter] is definitely the best, but I want to wait a little longer." Uesugi Jun shook his head and refused to upgrade.

You must know that his current great achievements may be able to meet his needs for at least two upgrades, but Uesugi Jun wants to wait a little longer to see if he can meet the [Lucky] development ability that Mr. Rabbit obtained during the first upgrade.

After all, [luck] is the real rare ability in the development ability. As for the [hunter] ability, which will be strengthened when encountering the same kind of monsters that have fought and gained [experience points], although it is not bad, but Not as good as [lucky] ability.

"Okay!" God Lori chose to respect Uesugi Jun's opinion. After all, compared with Bell who was constantly going on, the child in front of her was the most worry-free among the entire family.

Putting on his clothes and turning around, Jun Uesugi took over his ability value update form from God Lolita.

Uesugi Jun is generally aware of his own improvement, but Uesugi Jun is a little surprised to be able to accumulate such experience points in one go.

Of course, this can be regarded as a kind of reward for Uesugi Jun who has fought day and night for more than ten days. He has paid a lot of hardships. If there is no such gain, it is really not worth it.

"Go and have a rest, I'll cook for you tonight, let's celebrate your return from the expedition!" Lolita immediately patted Uesugi Jun on the shoulder and said.

"Then I can wait to taste the cooking skills of the Goddess." Jun Uesugi responded with a smile.

"Leave it to me!" Lori said with a thumbs up.

"Okay, then I'm going to wash up." After finishing speaking, Uesugi Jun stood up and walked towards the first floor.

After washing up, Uesugi Jun returned to the room where he had left for more than ten days, and fell into a deep sleep.

It wasn't until night fell that Uesugi Jun was awakened by a scent.

Walking down the stairs, the delicious food was already on the dining table in the hall.

Seeing Lori God took out a bottle of red wine and was about to open it, Uesugi Jun stopped her.

"Goddess, today is my first celebration as a member of the family. Since it is a memorable day, let's drink some good wine!" After speaking, Uesugi Jun took out a glass bottle from behind and put it on the table superior.

"Is this the wine brewed by Sumo?" Seeing the logo of Sumo Family, God Lolita's eyes lit up immediately.

You must know that recently, because of the resident, there is no need to worry about life problems. The gods who were shy to meet before Loli God have recently moved around, and they have re-familiarized their previous relationships.

It was inevitable to have a meal during the visit. Naturally, I knew the name of Sumo's second-best wine, and at the same time, I also knew that Loki liked to drink this kind of wine very much.

"Well, when I went to the [retailer] to replenish props last time, I found this by accident. Although I haven't drunk it, I bought the remaining two bottles just because of the price." Uesugi Jun smiled. replied.


Hearing Uesugi Jun's words, God Lolita and Mr. Rabbit stared a little bit at the moment.

I couldn't help but think in my heart that as expected of a person of noble origin, I really only buy the expensive ones and not the right ones.

On the other hand, the student Sneaky Cat who had not spoken all the time, after seeing Uesugi Jun take out the second-best wine, his expression was a little bit uneasy.

"Fill it up for me, I can't wait to taste if the taste of the wine brewed by that guy in Sumo has diminished." God Lori quickly pushed the cup over, and then signaled Uesugi Jun to fill it up for her.

"Okay!" Uesugi Jun wished that Loli God would drink more, after all, she didn't drink too much, and Uesugi Jun couldn't find out what he wanted to ask.

And under Uesugi Jun's deliberate drive, after three rounds of wine and five flavors, Lolita's face was already flushed.

"Hey, Goddess, what kind of place is the God Realm?" Uesugi Jun began to mention the topic he wanted to know intentionally or unintentionally.

"Shenjie. Jun, listen to me. Shenjie is a super boring place. It is almost eternal. The face that sees the boredom is far worse than Olalie." Lori God at this moment He has begun to speak incoherently.

"Goddess. Was she born in the God Realm?" Jun Uesugi continued to ask.

 Thanks to 'Book Friends 12081913' for the support of the monthly ticket, there are still 53 votes away from the next update

(End of this chapter)

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