tokyo enforcer

Chapter 305 These days, I am really afraid of introversion...

Chapter 305 These days, I am really afraid of introversion.
"Earth. Then how did you get here?" Jian Yulei was shocked by this answer.

"Through a goddess of authority who manages a certain world, I bought a teleportation crystal from her!" Uesugi Jun replied without hiding anything.

"The goddess of authority, so that's the case." Jian Yulei still knows about the goddess of authority. After all, the earliest god in the lower realm is only a thousand years old, and the matter of the god realm has not been forgotten.

"Xiao Jian, Jun will leave this world after becoming a member of your family, I hope you don't mind!" God Loli spoke on behalf of Jun Uesugi.

"Um..." Jian Yulei thought he had found a bargain.

After all, he had already heard that some members of the Hestia Familia joined the expedition this time, and reached the 59th floor that had never been reached before.

Apart from Mr. Rabbit, Hestia is currently only one dependent.

No wonder Hestia was willing to give him up to him, it turned out that he was leaving!

At this moment, Jian Yulei naturally understood why Uesugi Jun had to change his religion.

Because if he didn't change his religion, Uesugi Jun would have the breath of Hestia on his body, and when he returned to the extreme east of the earth, the clone left on the island would not give him good fruit to eat.

But it's different to become one's own dependent and carry one's own aura.

"Okay!" Jian Yulei looked at Loli God with pleading eyes, and immediately agreed wordlessly.

"Master Jian Yulei, can you take a drop of your divine blood?" Uesugi Jun asked suddenly before changing his sect.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, the favor is enough to prove everything." Jian Yulei shook his head and said.

"I understand." Uesugi Jun didn't say anything, but took off his shirt and squatted down with his back facing Lori God.

Soon the conversion ceremony was completed, and Uesugi Jun put on his shirt, and then came to the family members behind Jian Yulei.

"It's the first time to type in the family members, and I didn't prepare any meeting gifts, just give each of you some useful knowledge." After speaking, Uesugi Jun nodded on the foreheads of several people.

After finishing, Uesugi Jun said again: "Master Jian Yulei, Lord Hestia, I hope to see you again, then I will say goodbye first!"

After finishing speaking, Uesugi Jun moved out of Orari, and then broke free from the power of the seal.

In the next second, World Power appeared, and then Uesugi Jun was directly repelled out of the wrong world.

The way Uesugi Jun was sent away was no different from any other way of being sent away. They all shot straight into the sky with a beam of light. The only difference was that Uesugi Jun did not return directly to the God Realm like other gods.

He was directly thrown out of the earth fault world, and then he used the pupil technique to locate the earth, and then disappeared in the interface universe where the earth fault world was located.

Seeing a huge beam of light outside Olali soaring into the sky, some insiders sent silent blessings.

"Hey Uesugi-san is a demigod!" The one who was most surprised was Rabbit-kun.

"Let's go now, faster than expected!" Hill couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the divine light outside Olalie. Not good news.

"That brat, you are really straightforward!" Loki was a little surprised, after all, Uesugi Jun walked too fast and straightforward.

"From now on, we can only rely on ourselves, let's work hard together!" Lori couldn't help shouting.

"Welcome back!" When Uesugi Jun saw the light again, the first thing he heard was the voice of his wife Uesugi Miyuki.

"I'm back!" Uesugi Jun laughed happily.

Next, Uesugi Jun was not busy with anything, he just took Uesugi Miyuki to Suqing World, and then the two of them took a good tour of the world, which was considered as compensation for the lack of honeymoon trips back then.

After returning to Earth, Uesugi Juncai summoned his retainers.

"I have a big plan, and all the following things will serve this plan. And the first step of the plan, I need to know the strength of the family first, how many people are there in the domestic police?" Jun Uesugi said to Toshiro Odagiri asked.

"Master Patriarch, after two years of renewal, there are 100158 in-service police officers plus the police academy and a number of personnel prepared by the training center." Toshiro Odagiri replied in a serious tone.

"Shiho, how many bloodline transformations have you completed in the past two years?" Uesugi Jun nodded and asked Shiliang Shiho.

"700 people with third-order bloodlines have been successfully transformed!" Sera Shiho replied.

Uesugi Jun is quite satisfied with this data. After all, it was done independently by Shirashiho, and Uesugi Jun can't completely occupy Shirashiho's time.

"Next, the main focus of the family will be on the country. By the way, what level of strength have you reached now?" Uesugi Jun asked.

"Brother, according to the standards of the extraordinary world, I have already reached the seventh level." Uesugi Huangquan was the first to speak.

"My lord, I am the sixth step." Mao Lilan immediately followed.

"Master Patriarch, I am also a sixth-order!" Teng Shengzi replied.

"Master Patriarch, I have just reached the seventh level." Nikaidou Tong said.

"Master Patriarch, I am currently at the sixth rank." Sagami Ono Chie replied.

"Master Patriarch, I am also a sixth rank." Sera Akemi replied.

"Master Patriarch, I'm almost at the seventh level." Suzuki Sonoko's voice followed.

"Jun-kun, except for a few of them, everyone else is at the fifth level." Uesugi Miyuki added immediately.

"Didn't you do a blood transplant?" Jun Uesugi couldn't help asking Miyuki Uesugi.

"Chun Jun, the bloodline with the highest upper limit is the descendant of the God Race from the Suqing World, and even if it is transplanted, it is impossible to reach the sky in one step. Laizi, Mai, Meihe and the others all transplanted the bloodline of the Goddess Race, and they immediately crossed over to the fourth level. But time is not enough, accumulation is limited!" Uesugi Miyuki shook his head and said.

"Sorry, I didn't notice this problem." Uesugi Jun did ignore this problem.

After all, skills or extraordinary abilities can be purchased by relying on order points, and there is no shortcut to the accumulation of actual cultivation bases.

Moreover, the bloodline is high, and the lower limit is only ensured after transplantation. As for the upper limit, it depends on the individual's foundation and future.

"By the way, what has happened to your subordinates abroad in the past two years?" Jun Uesugi continued to ask.

"Brother, you are desperate, even a bit too desperate." Uesugi Huangquan said with a slightly unnatural expression.

"Too hard?" Uesugi Jun asked a little puzzled.

"Well, I tried too hard, and the result is that when my own people meet each other, they will snatch targets from each other, and even fight. I only have 300 people left abroad, so some of them are no longer policemen, and some are even dead. Wanted by the local government." Fuji Seiko added.

Before this result appeared, no one knew to what extent the allure of the subsystem had reached.

The most important thing is that the retainers who have already gained strength did not expect how much sparks would erupt after the collision of foreign business philosophy and subsystems.

Super hero!

I believe these four words are enough to explain the attitude of foreign personnel towards the subsystem.

Yes, in the eyes of those people, this is an opportunity for civilians to turn into superheroes.

In addition, it is to enforce justice, so the policemen who get the subsystem have a feeling of being chosen by fate and consciously superior to others.

Naturally, the law enforcement is not as cautious as Jun Uesugi was at the beginning, especially when hunting, he basically shoots at the target.

And such ultra-violent law enforcement will naturally cause a series of local reactions, and then there will be more intense collisions between red and black.

Before Uesugi Jun auctioned the world coordinates, the supernatural forces would endure the activities of the Uesugi family, but after Uesugi Jun left, how could the local supernatural forces give any face to those who stayed.

That is to say, the major forces mobilized a lot of power to go to another world, otherwise the power of the Uesugi family abroad would have been wiped out.

And because Uesugi Jun was not there before, Uesugi Miyuki wanted to sit in Nihong, so Uesugi Miyuki did not send other retainers abroad to develop power.

Anyway, for the retainers of the Uesugi family, the dead personnel subsystem will recover all the data, so that the next successor will immediately have the strength of the previous one.

After you are familiar with the power and have some experience in using it, you can become a qualified tool man again.

Therefore, after the absence of foreign personnel, the biggest loss is manifested in the lack of tool personnel, and the speed of harvesting points has slowed down, that's all.

Of course, the big waves wash the sand, except for some counselors who are as stable as old dogs, those who can survive the fierce collision are naturally the elite of the elite.

Uesugi Jun asked, and the total number of people left abroad is less than 6000.

The other places had already returned to the retainers, and then they put them in the Metropolitan Police Department.

In fact, the people Sera Shiho and Uesugi Miyuki took the time to carry out blood transplants are all the owners of the subsystems, and they are the main force in exploring the different world in the past two years.

With the display device mass-produced by Uesugi Miyuki, 700 people explored the world of Shield Brave and Bone King without any casualties. Of course, because it was safe enough, there was no bloody storm that was caused by a group of retainers on the mainland of Farmate back then, so the harvest was relatively small. limited.

As for the other policemen who got the subsystem, they all set their sights on the Neon land.

Otherwise, if you can't go abroad, you can only stare at the domestically produced products.

With Uesugi Miyuki in charge, none of the superpowers in Neon would dare to target the police officers. After all, Uesugi Jun is a top powerhouse that even the emperor dares to persecute.

Offending the Uesugi family is comparable to offending the emperor's side. Under such circumstances, who would dare to make a move?
It is precisely because of this that the domestic crime rate has plummeted in just two years, especially in Tokyo next to Uesugi Island, except for some criminals who do not belong to the current scope of the Metropolitan Police Department, the rest are almost covered by the Metropolitan Police Department. sweep away.

After all, the Metropolitan Police Department is backed by Uesugi's family and has top experts in charge. Who dares to say no, especially if the Metropolitan Police Department has not messed around. Whether it is arrest or secret execution, they are criminals who deserve to die or be sentenced.

It was unreasonable, there was no general trend, and the emperor refused to show up. People with extraordinary powers poured their power into another world. The remaining peripheral people either fled or obediently waited to be harvested.

After two years, the current situation of the entire Neon is that there are more wolves and less meat. Many subsystem members have even proposed to take turns to hunt in different worlds.

As for whether he was forced to do nothing, or drifted away, that is unknown.

After listening to the reports from the retainers, Uesugi Jun nodded.

The periphery of the Uesugi family wants to replace America as the real world policeman. So far, it has been severely resisted.

However, Uesugi Jun is not worried about this situation. If it doesn't work now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future, just take it slowly.

"It's okay. I took the initiative to make a deal with Hardy back then. It was because I thought of the possible depletion of criminal resources that I tirelessly explored the different world. Since the peripheral members have this request, it is enough to meet it. It is still the same sentence , You have to pay corresponding risks if you need to become stronger.

Shiho, the next bloodline transformation on your side is suspended. The Uesugi family has no free lunch to eat. If you want to qualify for bloodline transformation, you have to pay the price first.Afterwards, you discuss an evaluation method to limit the number of people who can apply each year. Let alone practicing hands before, from now on, the blood transformation ceremony of the Uesugi family cannot be made too cheap. " Uesugi Jun said after thinking about it.

"Understood! I will stop the follow-up arrangements." It was Sera Akemi who spoke. After all, Shiho is in charge of blood transplantation, and her elder sister has to be in charge of coordinating the order of personnel, and she cannot let other things disturb her younger sister.

As for Atsushi Uesugi’s call to stop the project, Akemi Sera was also very happy. One was to relieve her sister from being busy, and the other was that some of the retainers did say something, thinking that getting a third-order bloodline without any credit would be a problem for the retainers. It's not a good thing to say.

"Well, don't leave for the time being. There may be big moves at any time recently. I need your strength. In addition, gather the 700 third-order bloodlines and accept the favor of the Uesugi family. It is time to contribute You must support me immediately." Uesugi Jun said here that the meeting can be adjourned.

"Hi, I'll understand later." Everyone replied in unison.

"Very well, today's meeting ends here." After Uesugi Jun finished speaking, he disappeared directly into the conference hall.

When it reappeared, the person was already inside the Uesugi Shrine.

"Xiao Jun, do you have something to do?" Seeing Uesugi Jun appearing here, Uesugi Kenshin knew that his descendant probably had something to do for his ancestor.

"Old Ancestor, I want to meet Lord Jian Yulei alone, what can you do?" Uesugi Jun asked.

"Master Jianyulei, Xiaochun, you need a reasonable reason to invite the avatar of Zhengshen." After speaking, Uesugi Kenshin did not agree, but expressed his own difficulties.

It's not that he doesn't want to help, but that he doesn't have that much face.

 Thanks to 'Gu 1688780145', 'Big Snow Snow', 'Bookworm 027', 'Borrower', 'dn58' for their monthly ticket support, there is still 17 votes left before the next update

(End of this chapter)

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