tokyo enforcer

Chapter 306 Chasing temples, destroying ghosts and gods...

Chapter 306 Chasing temples, destroying ghosts and gods.
"Just say that I invited him to taste the divine wine brewed by the god of wine, Soma. Is this a good reason?" Uesugi Jun asked after thinking for a while.

"Sacred wine! Let me try it." Hearing the divine wine, Uesugi Kenshin's eyes lit up immediately, and he returned to his statue casually.

In the next second, Uesugi Jun felt some kind of fluctuation spreading from the statue.

After a few breaths, Uesugi Kenshin walked out of the statue.

"Is there any result, Patriarch?" Uesugi Jun asked immediately.

"Master Jian Yulei is very interested in the sacred wine, and he will definitely arrive before the dinner. Xiaojun ask Tsubaki to prepare well. It is rare to be able to invite the righteous god. We can't be too rude." Uesugi Kenshin said with a smile.

"Understood! I'm calling Aoi to prepare the dinner!" Uesugi Jun nodded and said.

As for the location of the dinner, it is in Uesugi Kenshin's pseudo-god domain.

In the past two years, thanks to Uesugi Jun’s sanctification, after the partial opening of Uesugi Island, the daily flow of people at Uesugi Shrine has increased many times compared to when it was in Yonezawa.

Even though these are only shallow believers, they also provided Uesugi Kenshin with considerable faith.

And these faith powers Uesugi Kenshin were not used to extract faith coins, but were directly used to condense the domain of the gods of faith.

Of course, because the time is too short, Uesugi Kenshin's pseudo-god domain is not only small, but the layout inside is relatively shabby.

Even the eight fourth-order maidens who decorate the facade were transformed by Miyuki Uesugi himself with the blood of the goddess clan.

Otherwise, Uesugi Kenshin would not even be able to show a decent receptionist.

But this is enough to make Uesugi Kenshin happy. After all, he has been imprisoned for hundreds of years. Compared with the ghosts and gods of the same period, he is far behind. This is why he has no confidence to invite the righteous gods.

As time passed, Jian Yulei appeared in the distant sky standing on a chariot drawn by two horses above the sky invisible to ordinary people.

As the God of War and God of War in the neon mythology, Jian Yulei's way of traveling is also quite different. If you are invited by Yu Yanjin at this moment, maybe what Uesugi Jun sees is a fox carrying a sedan chair.

After arriving at the apse of Uesugi Shrine, Jian Yulei did not immediately enter Uesugi Kenshin's divine domain, but stared at Uesugi Jun who greeted him with Uesugi Kenshin.

"Master Kenyulei, why don't you sit down and talk if you have something to do?" Although Uesugi Kenshin didn't know what it meant when Kenyulei stared at Uesugi Jun when he arrived, he still opened his mouth and said in time.

"Okay!" After Jian Yulei finished speaking, he entered the false god's domain under the guidance of Uesugi Kenshin.

Soon Jian Yulei was led by Uesugi Kenshin to sit on the main seat. Even if he was just a clone, he was also a clone of a righteous god. Compared with the so-called 800 million ghosts and gods in Nihong, I don't know how noble he is.

After Jian Yulei took his seat, Uesugi Kenshin and Uesugi Jun also took their seats, followed by several priestesses who presented the dishes cooked by Tsuba Muoi.

After the dishes were served and the wine was filled, the priestesses retreated to the side as signaled by Kenshin Uesugi with a wave of his hand.

"You are Jun Uesugi, why do you have the aura of the body?" Jian Yulei was straightforward enough, without touching the food and wine, and asked straight to the point when he came up.

"Two years ago, I was fortunate enough to go to the Paradise of the Gods and become the family member of Lord Jianyulei!" After speaking, Uesugi Jun got up directly, then took off his shirt and exposed his back to Jianyulei.

"So that's it! You little guy is really capable! You actually found the location of the main body." Jian Yulei's avatar couldn't help but say something in shock at this moment.

"Master Jian Yulei, I'm so proud of you!" Jun Uesugi replied humbly.

"Then let's talk about it directly, I shouldn't be here just to let me taste the divine bar brewed by Somo." Jian Yulei said immediately.

"Mainly, I have three questions that I want to ask Mr. Jian Yulei!" Uesugi Jun said unceremoniously.

"Ask, since you are a member of the main body, I will not hide what you can answer." Jian Yulei replied.

This is the reason why Uesugi Jun must ask Loli God to help him change his religion before leaving the wrong world.

"The first question, what is the relationship between the emperor's lineage and Amaterasu?" Uesugi Jun didn't say anything, but when he opened his mouth, everyone in the room was shocked.

"Strictly speaking, there is only one enshrining relationship. The statements of the emperor's lineage are actually putting gold on one's face. As the number of ghosts and gods in this lineage increase, the more belief power is divided, the more status it will have in Amaterasu. Low." After thinking about it for a while, Jian Yulei gave such an answer that surprised Jun Uesugi a little.

"The second question, can Gao Tianyuan's strength resist the Buddhas enshrined in the temple?" Jun Uesugi's second question was much more shocking than the first question.

After Uesugi Jun finished asking, Uesugi Kenshin couldn't help but look at Uesugi Jun in shock. Is this descendant planning to jump into a battle of gods?
"Little guy, what do you mean?" Jian Yulei didn't answer directly, but asked with a frown.

"I want to fight for faith!" Uesugi Jun said bluntly.

"Have you come this far?" Jian Yulei couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Master Jian Yulei, after entering the ninth step, you have to prepare sooner or later, don't you?" Uesugi Jun said.

"That's true, let's talk about your thoughts first." Jian Yulei nodded incredulously, and then asked.

"Master Jian Yulei, I want to unite with Shintoism to expel the temples from Neon, and then take action to eliminate or exile those ghosts and gods who waste their beliefs. Neon does not need so many gods, except for righteous gods, only It is enough to leave the Uesugi Shrine." Uesugi Jun said a big plan that Uesugi Kenshin dared not even dare to think about.

"Temples and those ghosts and gods have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Have you thought about how to collect beliefs after they are exiled?" Jian Yulei did not reprimand Uesugi Jun for his ambition. After all, if it is really feasible, Jian Yulei does not mind trying one time.

Just like Uesugi Jun said, Neon Shinto has close to 1 million believers but nearly 8 shrines are sharing the power of faith, which is indeed very wasteful.

And if Jun Uesugi did it, then the entire Neon would end up with only a few Zhengshen Shrines and Uesugi Shrines, and the natural faith would be more concentrated.

But there is a premise here, that is, the neon believers must accept this fact and be able to actively reverse their beliefs.

"After entering modern times, secular human beings pay more attention to benefits. Since they want benefits, give them benefits. After the plan is completed, the urban legend is released, saying that among the last remaining shrines, the shrines can buy them from themselves every year. Select the most devout believers from among the believers, and then send the list to the Bloodline Warlock Association.

At that time, the Bloodline Warlock Association will send special personnel to transform the bloodlines of these believers, allowing them to step into the extraordinary and gain strength.As long as the first batch of examples appear, I believe that the secular people will forget their previous beliefs as quickly as possible, and will go to the remaining shrines to worship more piously. "

"What's the third question?" After listening to Uesugi Jun's words, Jian Yulei did not make a statement, but continued to ask.

"I want the Uesugi family to take over from the emperor's line, is that possible?" Uesugi Jun also asked directly enough.

"You want to be the emperor and govern the world?" Jian Yulei was a little surprised, after all, he didn't think the secular name of the emperor was attractive to Uesugi Jun.

"Yes, but it's not the emperor, but the emperor! As for the secular world, I want to make Nihong the Second Church!" Jun Uesugi replied unhurriedly.

After listening to Uesugi Jun's words, Jian Yulei understood what Uesugi Junwu Emperor meant. After all, he is a martial god and he is a member of the main body, so it is definitely not appropriate to call him the Emperor.

"Second Church State? I can't give you an answer for the time being. I need to discuss with other gods before making a decision." Jian Yulei did not veto Uesugi Jun's plan, but said after thinking about it.

As for what he wants to discuss, it is definitely not about the emperor's lineage. The main thing is to expel temples and other ghosts and gods, and focus on the matter of belief.

As for the lineage of the emperor, in Jian Yulei's view, it is not a problem at all. After all, Uesugi Jun already has ideas about how to build the teaching country, and the teaching country is very in line with the interests of the gods. I believe that even Amaterasu will not object.

After all, to her, belief is the most important thing, and compared with belief, everything else has to stand aside.

After finishing the most important conversation, Jian Yulei will definitely not leave just now, after all, the main purpose of coming this time is wine tasting.

Immediately, the banquet officially began. I have to say that the perfect wine brewed by Somo is really awesome. After one sip, the soul is trembling, and an intoxicated happy smile appeared on his face.

That is to say, the strength of the three wine-tasting members is not bad, otherwise there will be such an ugly appearance as the members of the Suma family in the wrong place.

After a free drink, Uesugi Jun was kind enough to send Jian Yulei a few bottles of divine wine directly from the system mall with order points.

Although the number was small, Jian Yulei didn't mean to blame him.

After all, Jun Uesugi had explained the situation in the Paradise of the Gods clearly to Jian Yulei, so he naturally understood the fact that the divine wine was scarce after the divine power was sealed.

After receiving the divine wine, Jian Yulei left directly, and he needed to discuss the plan proposed by Jun Uesugi with other righteous gods.

A month later, Uesugi Juncai was notified by Uesugi Kenshin, and rushed to Nara with Uesugi Kenshin.

After passing through the torii of Ishigami Shrine and entering the divine domain of Jianyu Lei, Jun Uesugi and Kenshin Uesugi visited Jian Yulei.

"I called you here this time to tell you that the last plan has come to fruition." Jian Yulei said in a deep voice.

"Did it fail?" Uesugi Jun had a premonition when he heard Jian Yulei's tone.

"Yes, some guys' buttocks are crooked, but they only oppose exorcising temples and ghosts, but they agree with your religious plan!" Jian Yulei nodded and replied.

"What good things are those adults thinking about!" This is the answer given by Jun Uesugi.

"Don't you want to?" Jian Yulei knew too little about Uesugi Jun, thinking that this was also one of Uesugi Jun's goals.

"Of course I don't want to. I don't have enough benefits. Why. If there are righteous gods asking the adults later, please tell them that since the neon lights are not working, the focus of the Uesugi family will be transferred to another world. In addition, I don't know what the religious plan is. , and never made such a plan.” Uesugi Jun answered very decisively at this moment.

Jian Yulei couldn't help but frown upon hearing this, because it was different from what he expected.

"Not thinking about it anymore?" Jian Yulei couldn't help asking again.

"Does Master Jianyulei plan to return to the God Realm?" Uesugi Jun not only did not give an answer, but asked Jianyulei another question.

"What do you mean?" Jian Yulei asked with a frown.

"The last time I talked with the goddess of authority who obtained the teleportation spar, I learned that now there are only righteous gods left in the God Realm to maintain the operation of the God Realm. I think that as a clone, should my lord be Jian Yulei?" The main body has fulfilled its obligation to maintain the God Realm, and the environment in the God Realm must be much better, so it is enough for me, my family member, to stay and watch over here." Jun Uesugi replied calmly.

"You don't need to worry about this matter, just do your own thing well, and the Jiaoguo is also thinking about it!" Jian Yulei reprimanded Uesugi Jun in a very stern tone.

"Yes!" Uesugi Jun replied and stopped talking.

"Xiaojun, what were you thinking just now?" After leaving Nara, Uesugi Kenshin couldn't help asking.

"It's just for the sake of the main god, and there is no other meaning!" Uesugi Jun didn't believe in Uesugi Kenshin's character, but didn't believe in Uesugi Kenshin's strength, so he didn't tell him the truth.

After hearing Uesugi Jun's words, Uesugi Kenshin knew that he must have ideas, but it was difficult to say them out.

"Forget it, you are the pillar of the Uesugi family, and I will try my best to support you." Uesugi Kenshin couldn't help saying.

"Thank you for the trust of the ancestor." Uesugi Jun stopped talking after finishing speaking.

"How's the situation?" After returning to Uesugi Island, Uesugi Miyuki came up to him and asked.

"No!" Uesugi Jun shook his head and said.

"That group of damn trash not only vetoed my plan, but also wanted me to contribute to build the Theocracy, they want to eat shit!" Uesugi Jun directly scolded in a private message.

"Um, what should we do next?" Miyuki Uesugi couldn't help replying.

"It's very simple, low-key development is to gradually transfer the power of members of the Uesugi family to another world." Uesugi Jun replied after thinking about it.

"Are you going to give up the earth?" Uesugi Miyuki asked in surprise.

"No, this is also my homeland, and with the large population, there is no reason to give up. First, take the time to transfer the main personnel to another world, and at the same time develop it for refuge." Uesugi Jun replied rationally.

"Evacuation?" Miyuki Uesugi couldn't understand what Uesugi Jun meant, but she understood that it was definitely related to the big plan Uesugi Jun said.

"Yes, refuge, since those gods are blocking our way, then let them get out of this world. I have a 20-year plan." Uesugi Jun immediately narrated Uesugi Miyuki.

 Thanks for the monthly support of the book friends of 'Shuilianmengyue', there are still 16 votes away from the next update

(End of this chapter)

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