tokyo enforcer

Chapter 63 Codename 【Masumi】...

Chapter 63 code name 【Masumi】.
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In fact, every auction of Chie Sagami Ohno was unable to avoid tax avoidance, but without Atsushi Uesugi to share half, Chie Sagami Ono was able to enjoy the income of the auction exclusively.

As for another tax-free method is the tax refund after donation, this can only be operated by Jun Uesugi.

But Uesugi Jun will not operate, after all, the money is not entirely his own, and Uesugi Jun has no reason to help Sagami Ono Chie more.

In addition, if you want to avoid more than 1 million taxes, you need to donate at least 3 million materials, which is more than Uesugi Jun's first donation.

So the best way for Uesugi Jun is to do nothing, just wait for the money to be collected, less is less, anyway, the auction will not disappear after this time.

As long as Chie Sagami Ono's sales are not broken, Miyuki Kobayakawa's income will continue to flow.

After finishing the auction, Jun Uesugi grabbed the man kneeling on the stage and disappeared in place.

This shocked everyone again, after all, it was obvious from the way of leaving that Sagami Ono Chie hugged her thick thigh.

No need to think about it, what kind of scenery Sagami Ono Chie will face next.

In fact, after Atsushi Uesugi left, Chie Ono Sagami was indeed very popular. First of all, she gained a stack of business cards from the four major conglomerates and the second-tier major consortiums.

After waiting for the big shots to leave, the rest of the middle class is surrounded like stars holding the moon, and when the middle class circle is greeted, there is also the bottom circle.

After all, although the status of the current Sagami-Ono family has been improved because of today's events, it is Sagami-Ono Chie's social status that has been improved more, and the status improvement of the Sagami-Ono family is not obvious.

So at this moment, he is still in the bottom circle, but as time goes by, when Sagami Ono mirrors the influence of Sagami Ono Chie to develop the family, he will gradually get rid of the bottom circle and enter the middle, or even the upper class.

And before that, no matter how many people gave face, it didn't mean that the status of Sagami Ono's family had improved much. After all, everyone knew that face was actually given to that mysterious person.

Who wouldn't want to befriend someone who can kill a strong Shikigami with a single shot of lightning.

Compared with the rising stars in the social world, Jun Uesugi has a bit of a headache here.

After breaking the opponent's spirit with Tsukiyomi, and then tortured with illusion, Uesugi Jun learned his identity from the man's mouth.

It's true that the family is right, but it's not that the main family is a branch, and this person has already been expelled from the circle of exorcising demons because of the failure of the core inheritance of the main family that he wanted to steal.

Even the Chang family is still looking for this person, and what Uesugi Jun cares most about is not this point, but this man actually has a code name called [Masumi].

People outside of Neon may not be too sensitive to this code name, but Uesugi Jun knows that this name represents a kind of wine.

A famous wine from Nagano Prefecture, this wine was founded in the 2nd year of Kanbun, AD 1662, the original wine of Suwa Spring in Shinzhou, Nagano Prefecture.

In the Meiji and Taisho periods, the local wine was once said to be "countryman's wine". In order to wash away this shame, the local Suwa Toshi of Tsutaki Village succeeded. Waiting for the sun to reward.

The meaning of the code name [Masumi] is probably from the branch of the Chang family. The family is in a big city, and the branch is naturally in the countryside. Another meaning is that I hope this man can finally wash away the shame of being expelled like [Masumi] wine.

Yes, this man is from an organization jokingly called a winery, and the boss behind it is Renye Karasuma.

Looking at it from the beginning, the winery is really not simple. Gin and others thought they were the core, but they didn't expect that they were still the periphery.

To be honest, Uesugi Jun admired this old thing a little bit, and he was able to dig extraordinary people to form the core layer.

Although these extraordinary people are estimated to be people who shout and kill in various circles, but they have extraordinary power.

To be honest, if Sagami Ono Chie hadn't invited Uesugi Jun to sit in charge tonight, Sagami Ono Chie's own safety might be in question.

Because the ghost that Uesugi Jun sprayed to death with a thunderbolt actually gave Uesugi Jun 4000+ order points, it can be seen how many people's blood is on this ghost's hands.

Uesugi Jun is having a headache at the moment when he meets a member of the winery who doesn't want to deal with him at all.

After all, it involves the extraordinary, and many methods that are effective for ordinary people cannot be used on people with extraordinary power.

Uesugi Jun was worried that the execution of this person would bring trouble to himself, because Uesugi Jun didn't know how many members of the organization code-named there were in the organization, and what their methods were.

After all, there are no organizations in the world of Conan who have had extraordinary powers, and the uncontrolled unknown is the most troublesome.

After thinking about it, Uesugi Jun decided not to execute it himself, but threw it to the Bamoto family.

Uesugi Jun believes that the people of the Baben family will not make this guy easy, and it is entirely possible that he will be fed to monsters.

Stealing the core inheritance of the family is not a trivial matter, especially for Nihong, which attaches great importance to inheritance, it is definitely a serious crime and a capital crime.

And as long as he didn't die under his own hands, Uesugi Jun believes that no matter how powerful a person is, he should not be easily traced to him. If he wants to find clues, he must find them from the Chang family or Sagami Ono Chie.

As for Sagami Ono Chie, Uesugi Jun is not worried. After all, Uesugi Jun has already shown with words and actions that there is an organization behind her.

Uesugi Jun is indeed ignorant of the winery, but the winery is also in a state of confusion about Uesugi Jun.

After all, Sagami Ono Chie knew at a glance that she was a peripheral person who could be discarded, so the significance of catching her was very limited.

In addition, Jun Uesugi showed his first-hand space technology before leaving to warn the forces related to [Masumi], if there is no way to counter space skills, it is best not to mess with me.

And the most important thing is that the extraordinary world is different from the secular world. It is definitely a question mark whether the extraordinary force formed by Renye Karasuma is as powerful as the outer world of the secular world.

Even Jun Uesugi suspected that it was still unknown whether Renye Karasuma was in a dominant position in this organization.

After all, the [Masumi] provided him with extremely limited information, which gave Jun Uesugi a sense of Miyano Akemi's knowledge of secular wineries.

If this is the case, Renye Karasuma may not have a great role in this organization. After all, extraordinary forces speak with strength.

In the pupil technique space, after thinking for a long time, Uesugi Jun came out with 【Masumi】, then came outside the Bamoto's house, and threw this guy into the Bamoto's house.

Needless to say, when they sensed that there was an abnormality in the enchantment, the Chang family was naturally flustered.

(End of this chapter)

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