tokyo enforcer

Chapter 64 The implication from the pig teammate...

Chapter 64 Involvement from Pig Teammates
But after they found 【Masumi】thrown in the yard, someone ran outside immediately.

It's a pity that Uesugi Jun has already left at this moment, and he has to rush back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

In fact, when Uesugi Jun came to support Sagami Ono Chie, the shadow clone at the Metropolitan Police Department hadn't left work yet.

Yes, even though it was so late, Uesugi Jun's action team was not able to get off work.

It's not that Uesugi Jun has something to delay here, but that the internal meeting of the search section has been held until now.

As for the reason, it's not a big deal, it's just that several department stores were forcibly stolen.

Originally, it was not the turn of the second-fifth forcible criminal search-murderer search 3-10 police officers to be responsible for this kind of thing. After all, the 3-10 department is only for injury and homicide cases.

The team that is really responsible for this case is the Sixth Robbery Search - Robbery Search Department 2-6, after all, they are the department that specializes in investigating robbery cases.

But the problem is that the department store that was robbed belongs to several consortiums, including those in the Kanto and Kansai regions.

In fact, the initial case did not occur in Tokyo, but in Kyoto in Kansai, and then fled to Osaka within a year and a half and finally arrived in Tokyo.

With the fleeing of the robber gangs, the more consortiums suffered losses. When the latest case appeared in Tokyo, and the materials of the previous cases were handed over to Tokyo, the Metropolitan Police Department immediately felt the combined pressure of many consortia. The department is under a lot of pressure.

After the idiots in the 2-6 department took over, they couldn't find any clues for more than ten days, so Toshiro Odagiri could only directly issue an order to ask people from other departments of the first search department to dispatch personnel to help solve the case.

Whether the case can be solved will not be discussed first, but the attitude of attaching importance to it must be done first.

So for the members of the 3nd-10th forcible criminal search-murderer search [-]-[-] department who are only responsible for hurting and killing, this is definitely an indiscriminate disaster that was dragged down by pig teammates.

According to the order of the joint investigation, except for those who really can't let go, other people must unconditionally join the joint investigation.

Tonight's meeting is a bit similar to the study meeting before the start of the Neon production team, mainly to summarize the previous investigation data.

They all conducted a joint search, and if the searchers didn't even know the direction, then why not search, so on the first night when Toshiro Odagiri gave the order, the people who were dispatched were sent to understand the case.

I am so busy now, it is purely because there are several department stores that were robbed before, so I need to know too much information.

After finally finishing the meeting, it was almost 11 o'clock in the evening when the group came out.

When they got home, Miyuki Kobayakawa made a supper, and then the four of them sat down and chatted while eating.

"These damn robbers have come to Tokyo. If I catch them, I must break their hands and feet." Natsumi Tsujimoto, who was delayed from the evening party, was very angry at the moment.

"I said Mrs. Uesugi, how do you cook your food? Now it's getting better and better, and you can't stop." Nikaido Xianyu didn't care about tonight's things at all, and at this moment she Almost buried my head in the plate.

"Indeed, Miyuki's cooking skills have definitely improved by leaps and bounds recently. After picking up the chopsticks, she really can't stop until she eats everything." Tsujimoto Natsumi praised while cooking quickly.

"Eat as much as you like, Jun-kun, do you have any opinion on this case?" Miyuki Kobayakawa certainly knew how her cooking skills improved.

However, her attention at the moment was not on the compliments of the two women, but on Jun Uesugi, who had been thinking all the way back.

"If that's all the information released at tonight's meeting, it can only prove one thing." Uesugi Jun said unhurriedly.

"What's the matter?" Kobayakawa Miyuki asked immediately.

"Kyoto, Osaka, and even the 2-6 series guys are a bunch of idiots." There were no outsiders present, and Uesugi Jun naturally didn't mind telling the truth.

"Department Chief, why do you say that?" Nikaido Yanyu raised his face and asked.

"Jun-kun, is there anything in the information that they haven't noticed?" Miyuki Kobayakawa also became interested.

"It's actually very simple. Looking at the scene of each case, you can understand that this is definitely not an external intrusion case. In such a clean scene, the security guards of several department stores have similar calibers and robbers suddenly appeared. The inside should cooperate with the outside, and it is even possible that all of them are insiders, after all, every crime is committed on the night after the department store is closed." Uesugi Jun said unhurriedly.

"It's also possible that the robber stayed in the department store ahead of time and waited until there was no one left." Nikaido Xianyu thought about it for a while, but she was interrupted by Miyuki Kobayakawa before she could finish speaking.

"Laizi, if you hide somewhere in advance and come out after people leave, it will be difficult to avoid surveillance. And if you don't know anything about department stores, how can you find and control the security room so accurately every time, so there must be Insiders are here." Miyuki Kobayakawa agreed with Jun Uesugi.

"Since there are insiders, why didn't the guys in Kyoto and Osaka investigate?" Natsumi Tsujimoto expressed his puzzlement.

"It's very simple. Either I didn't think of it, or I didn't pay attention at all." In Uesugi Jun's opinion, this case is not difficult, and it is not difficult to find out the suspects, but it needs to be a little more serious.

"Not paying attention?" Tsujimoto Natsumi asked in bewilderment.

"Our police know a lot about those people in the upper class. Because of this understanding, the criminal police at the bottom are more subtle about the mentality of the rich after they are looted. Compared with desperately catching robbers, they are probably more gloating, especially those who It’s better for a criminal policeman who is difficult to get promoted than to find a robber with a gun.” Uesugi Jun felt that the mentality of the guys in Kansai might be like this.

"Um..." Tsujimoto Natsumi couldn't say what he thought too, of course he wouldn't be as devoid of justice as those guys.

"So at the beginning, the Kyoto side estimated that they should deal with the investigation. Anyway, there are more robber cases every year, and most of them can't be caught. They don't think it's nothing. When the second and third cases appear, When Kyoto paid more attention to it, the gang of robbers had fled to Osaka, so it was just right, handing over the dossier to Osaka. It was another safe and sound day in Kyoto, and it is estimated that Osaka also held the same mood. The dossier was handed over to us." Uesugi Jun spread his hands and said.

"These damned tax thieves." Natsumi Tsujimoto said angrily.

 Thanks to the three book friends of 'I saw you last time', 'Agirera', 'Small can't bear it, but sell it' for their support
(End of this chapter)

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