tokyo enforcer

Chapter 75 Professor Yang's housekeeping skills...

Chapter 75 Professor Yang's housekeeping skills
(Dear book lovers, please ask for tickets, collection, and follow-up reading)

Without enough explosive power, it is not easy to open this door. As far as delaying time is concerned, this arrangement is completely sufficient.

Yes, there is no need to keep people watching the safe passage. After all, if you really want to force it open, there must be a lot of movement. If you hear the movement, Uesugi Jun can occupy a favorable position to play real CS.

So Uesugi Jun and Tsujimoto Natsumi did not guard the safe passage, but guarded the men's and women's toilets. The windows of these two places are the only points that can be broken through in the bank.

Accompanied by the sound of a large group of Ula Ula outside, Dayou Police Department and Anthill Police Department also appeared outside Chengdong Bank one after another.

With Anthill police watching, the Dayou Police Department will not be too far behind, and the road of monitoring is still the first to come up.

And seeing the repeated advertisements, the Dayou Police Department was not very angry, after all, this was already expected.

If Uesugi Jun was so careless that he didn't even cut off the monitoring, it would be a big joke.

Walking out of the command vehicle, Dayou Police Department immediately asked about the situation of the sniper on the opposite side of the building, but also did not get any useful information.

After all, the places where snipers can see are quite limited, as long as Jun Uesugi and the three of them don't appear in the gathering range, this team is just a display.

The sender has been installed in advance, Uesugi Jun and the three don't need to deliberately lure this team into being fooled now.

So the only thing Dayou Police Department can do here is to launch a strong attack.

On the bottom floor, there are only two toilets that can be accessed. Outside the two toilets, Jun Uesugi and Natsumi Tsujimoto are guarding respectively.

As for the security guards who came down from the helicopter on the roof, they just broke open the locked door on the roof with great effort.

The people in this team didn't expect Uesugi Jun to be such a dog, and directly locked the door, but the bully didn't have the equipment to open the door.

Yes, paintballs are not enough to destroy the locked gate, and the tools for unlocking the lock are useless against the locked gate, and the rest can only be broken through by brute force.

The quality of the bank's hardware facilities is needless to say, after all, for the bank, safety comes first.

Breaking through this door without the right tools is as difficult as heaven. As the saying goes, you have a good plan, and I have a wall ladder.

"Chun-jun, Xia Shi, the guests are here." With Kobayakawa Miyuki's voice sounding from the earphones, the two got ready.

As for Kobayakawa Miyuki who was squatting in front of the bank vault at the moment, she also stood up, then took out her gun and walked to the door, shooting at the tightly bound insider.

"What the hell are you doing?" The insider, who was suddenly fired, yelled at Miyuki Kobayakawa.

"You should ask the Otomo Police Department why they chose to attack you regardless of your safety?" Kobayakawa Miyuki said, spreading her hands.

Hearing this, the man stopped talking immediately.

On the other side, along with Kobayakawa Miyuki's prompting voice, there was also a voice from the toilet.

Natsumi Tsujimoto may not be clear about the other party's personnel and configuration, but Jun Uesugi can see it clearly. The Tanaka Police Department has brought a full 20 people, holding electric batons, carrying explosion-proof shields, wearing explosion-proof helmets, and wearing stab-proof Take a suit.

It can be said that apart from firearms, they are already armed to the teeth, and the most unfriendly of them is the police electric baton.

Fortunately, these people used electric batons instead of stun guns again, otherwise Natsumi Tsujimoto would be in trouble.

"Tsujimoto-kun, kick!" Uesugi Jun called Tsujimoto Natsumi at the moment when the people who sneaked in from both sides were about to open the door.

Then the two kicked hard on the toilet door, and the group of people behind the door instantly felt a tyrannical force acting on themselves through the door.

The body flew backward involuntarily, and the players behind were separated by less than 20cm. After hitting, the force was transmitted backward one by one.

After the clatter, the attackers in the men's and women's restrooms fell to the ground.

I have to say that Tsujimoto Natsumi's power is a bit exaggerated.

No wonder you can brake with both feet and smash the windshield of a truck with one punch.

After taking the initiative, Uesugi Jun didn't have to remind Tsujimoto Natsumi to follow up.

Seeing that the fallen man was holding an unfriendly weapon such as an electric baton, Natsumi Tsujimoto's already rising anger instantly flared up.

Snatching the electric baton from the nearest person, Natsumi Tsujimoto crackled at the group of people.

In the situation where people are next to each other, no one can escape being electrocuted to the end of incontinence.

Jun Uesugi in the next room also used the same method to deal with the intruders, especially Tanaka police department who hit Raiko Nikaido.

Uesugi Jun didn't hesitate at all, even if Tanaka Police Department yelled to stop, Uesugi Jun didn't listen, and directly hit him with an electric baton.

After a while of wailing, the attackers all fell down, and then the smell of urine began to permeate.

And this side just finished cleaning up the attacker's door, and Miyuki Kobayakawa sent good news over there.

The door of the electronic vault has been opened. Although there is a second iron railing door from the previous era inside, it can't stop Miyuki Kobayakawa. She didn't use brute force to pull it open. You just need to know about the large bolt cutters for the steel bars. .

Of course, after breaking open the vault door, Miyuki Kobayakawa definitely couldn't take the contents inside, but quickly came to the outer lobby, brought the bank manager in and put him at the door.

Immediately after meeting Uesugi Jun and Tsujimoto Natsumi, after taking a Joto Bank's quack toy and putting it in his backpack, Uesugi Jun heard the knock on the door from the safe passage.

The two women looked at Jun Uesugi, and asked with their eyes if they should let the guards come and leave.

Uesugi Jun shook his head, he didn't care about offending Otomo and Tanaka Uesugi Jun, because these two guys are likely to be kicked out of the criminal department after today.

But the guards are different, there is no need to offend, even if Odagiri Toshiro and Inspector Tanaka do not deal with each other, Uesugi Jun has no need to stand up for him.

After all, they have only been around for the past few years, and the active members of the guard are still young, so there is no need to cut each other's face just for the sake of momentary enjoyment, and there will inevitably be time to deal with them in the future.

The most important thing now is to leave and return to the Metropolitan Police Department.

After making a gesture with their eyes, the three of them directly turned on the running mode.

But this time, Jun Uesugi, who was walking at the end, didn't even leave a reminder to the people present. After going down to the sewer, he pulled the manhole cover over and covered it, and then followed the two women towards the prepared car.

It wasn't until Uesugi Jun and the others got into the car that the door of the safe passage was knocked open, and a group of people with guns came online with the aura of special forces.

(End of this chapter)

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