tokyo enforcer

Chapter 76 The first step taken on my own initiative...

Chapter 76 Take the initiative to take a step.
After carefully searching around, all I saw was the bank manager staring blankly at the broken vault, the insider who couldn't move, and the attacker who had a strong smell and twitched from time to time.

This time it's a big fall!
The door of the bank was quickly opened, and Dayou Police Department couldn't wait to rush in.

"Where's the person?" Dayou Police Department immediately asked the guards.

"I didn't find out. The only place where the two hostages could be sure was the underground parking garage, but we only know that they entered the underground parking garage, but we didn't find their traces in the surveillance video in the underground parking garage. Then there is one result, They entered the sewer in the garage." The security team came to this conclusion after investigating and monitoring.

It has to be said that the guards still have two brushes.

"Damn it! Tokuya, block all the traffic intersections leading to the Metropolitan Police Department for me, and you must stop those guys." The Otomo Police Department knew that this time it was a big shame. When they caught them in front of the Metropolitan Police Department, Dayou Police Department knew what was waiting for him.

And the Otomo Police Department did predict that Jun Uesugi was planning to return to the Metropolitan Police Department. After all, there was no place. After all, it was even more embarrassing here.

Of course, what Otomo Police Department didn't know was that Uesugi Jun predicted his prediction. Since Otomo Police Department didn't talk about Wude and sent people to monitor Uesugi Jun, Uesugi Jun had predicted Otomo Police Department's final trick of fooling around.

There is also a way to deal with this Uesugi Jun. The ground is blocked by you, but you can't do it in the sky.

Don't forget that whether it is Jun Uesugi or Miyuki Kobayakawa, it is easy to fly a helicopter.

In fact, after Miyuki Kobayakawa drove the car out of the sewer, it drove directly into the river.

After Miyuki Kobayakawa's second transformation, the armored vehicle is now not only unable to fly, but also amphibious.

Of course, if you keep driving in the river, it will definitely attract the attention of many people, so Miyuki Kobayakawa went ashore directly from a sidewalk after driving for a certain distance, and drove straight towards the hangar where the helicopter was parked.

Soon, Miyuki Kobayakawa flew into the sky in the helicopter ordered by Atsushi Uesugi.

At this moment, Dayou Police Department, who got the news halfway, rushed to the hangar, but it was too late.

Cars driving on the road are easy to intercept, but helicopters flying in the sky cannot be intercepted without weapons.

Looking at the helicopter heading straight for the Metropolitan Police Department building, Dayou Police Department felt a cold heart at the moment.


And there is no reason to refute!

Because while the three opponents blocked their strong attack, they also staged a scene of breaking open the vault door and fleeing with the money in a short period of time.

And that was a simultaneous attack from top to bottom, exceeding the strength of 30 people.

That is to say, the Dayou Police Department didn't know that if he didn't directly use the guards, the snipers on the opposite side of the building might not be able to escape, or they would be even more desperate.

"Otomo Police Department, I am very disappointed in your command." These are the original words of Takao Antzuka.

Takao Antzuka did not object to sending the security team to the top of the bank building by helicopter. After all, if the other party did not notice, this was indeed a good breakthrough.

But after knowing that the top of the building was blocked, it seemed very irrational to send out even a negotiator without symbolic representation, and directly dispatched assault troops regardless of the safety of the hostages.

The most important thing is that [-] people who are fully armed can't beat two people, it's nothing if they can't beat Jun Uesugi, even Natsumi Tsujimoto can't beat a woman, it's not as simple as losing face, and in the end they made two toilets A lot of flavor.

Not to mention Takao Antzuka, other Metropolitan Police Department officials who were concerned about this matter were silent for a while after hearing this.

With Atsushi Uesugi returning to the Metropolitan Police Department with the two girls, this exercise can be regarded as dusty.

After Takao Antzuka returned, the Supervision Division submitted the assessment results to the Otomo Police Department. In short, it was three words, unqualified.

The one waiting for the Dayou Police Department is to be demoted. It is a trivial matter to be dismissed by the department head, but it is a major matter to be demoted by a police rank. After all, it is directly related to the income issue.

Then there was the second one, who was transferred from the Metropolitan Police Department. As for the distribution place?

It depends on the chief inspector of the security department, Tanaka, who is far from willing to protect him. If he is willing, then it is basically no problem to stay in the police station in Tokyo and wait for the opportunity.

If Superintendent Tanaka is unwilling to protect him, it is not impossible to send him to the countryside of Hokkaido or go directly to a police station on a remote island as the head of a police station, and live a retirement life directly.

However, in the eyes of many people, Superintendent Tanaka probably won't show up.

After all, the Dayou police department was just a pawn he placed in the criminal department, and such a guy who lost the chain at a critical moment was not worth his shot at all.

You must know that someone has to come out to take the blame for this exercise. If you want to keep the relatives who made up for this in the Tanaka Police Department, the Otomo Police Department will naturally stand up and take care of everything.

Uesugi Jun doesn't care about the future of Otomo Police Department. In his opinion, after arriving at the Metropolitan Police Department, the exercise is a thing of the past.

Similarly, both Otomo and Tanaka are already irrelevant to Uesugi Jun.

At this moment, Jun Uesugi was sitting in the office of the Minister of Criminal Affairs, drinking tea with Toshiro Odagiri on the sofa.

"Uesugi-kun, you did a great job this time!" Odagiri Toshiro couldn't help but praise.

"Minister, the strength of our two sides has not been on the same line from the beginning, and victory is a certainty." Uesugi Jun shook his head and said.

Hearing this sentence, Odagiri Toshiro was a little surprised, because he had basically never heard Uesugi Jun's arrogant tone, and Uesugi Jun gave him the impression that he was always humble after all.

Is this change due to this incident?

It really is!
Because of this matter, Uesugi Jun thought a lot during this time, and then decided to take the initiative to take a step forward.

"Minister, I want to be promoted to the police rank, and then I will form the zeroth section of criminal investigation of the Criminal Department of the Metropolitan Police Department." Jun Uesugi said his decision after thinking about it for a while.

After hearing this, Toshiro Odagiri did not look at Jun Uesugi with the eyes of a lunatic. After all, Jun Uesugi has always given him the impression that he is the type who makes decisions before acting, that is to say, he must hold something when he speaks.

"Give me a reason that I cannot refuse." Toshiro Odagiri said with inexplicable eyes.

"I have mastered extraordinary power." After finishing speaking, Uesugi Jun patted his hands lightly, and he immediately floated up on his seat.

 Thanks for the monthly ticket support of the book friends of "Unknown has been a thousand years. Dream is unrecognizable"
(End of this chapter)

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