tokyo enforcer

Chapter 85 Reaper elementary school student: The coffee shop is dead again...

Chapter 85 Reaper elementary school student: The coffee shop is dead again.
"Let me introduce myself. My name is Uesugi Jun. This is Natsumi Tsujimoto. We are from the Metropolitan Police Department. The purpose of coming here today is to invite you, Tsubaki-kun, to join the Metropolitan Police Department and become a member of the Zero Investigation Section of the Criminal Department." " Uesugi Jun said directly.

"Police? No, no, I'm sure I can't!" Tsuba Mukui immediately waved his hands and said.

"Aoi, Section Chief Uesugi is very serious." Tsuba Kishiro said involuntarily.

"But Grandpa, I really can't do the police." Tsuba Mukui seemed a little surprised by Grandpa's persuasion.

"Xiaokui, the classroom where Section Chief Uesugi is located is the Supernatural Department of the Metropolitan Police Department. If you join it, you won't have to worry about attacks from monsters in the future." Tsuba Kishiro persuaded.

"Yeah, our class leader is very good." Natsumi Tsujimoto also spoke, but he had to stop after saying a word. This time, it's not that he shouldn't interrupt, but Jun Uesugi's cell phone rang.

Taking out his mobile phone, Uesugi Jun turned to Natsumi Tsujimoto and said, "Tsujimoto-kun go outside and start the car, there is a case."

"Okay, section chief! I'm sorry." Tsujimoto Natsumi nodded, stood up after speaking, and walked outside.

"Sorry, I can only stop here today. We have a case and need to leave. I hope that I can get in touch with Mr. Tsubaki in the future, so please forgive me and leave first." After finishing speaking, Uesugi Jun stood up directly, and then It's going straight out.

Uesugi Jun is still not sure if someone else called, but if it is the number of Shinigami elementary school student, then there is no need to think about it.

As for Tsuba Kakui, Uesugi Jun's stay is of little significance. After all, Tsuba Kakui is closest to Tsuba Kishiro.

It is enough to teach Tsuba Mushiro in the follow-up. Uesugi Jun believes that a wise old man will ask his granddaughter to point out the most suitable future for her.

After going out, he picked up the phone. Sure enough, the Shinigami elementary school student told Jun Uesugi that there was a female dead in the toilet of a certain coffee shop.

After hanging up the phone, Jun Uesugi pondered for a while as he walked out, and found that the case of the Shinigami elementary school student didn't seem to follow the TV sequence at all.

But if it's not important anymore, for Uesugi Jun, it's probably not his turn to come forward in person after the death pupil's case.

After all, unless it is a serious case, don't expect a police officer to rush to the front line in person.

Putting it to Uesugi Jun, basically only cases related to extraordinary powers have the opportunity for Uesugi Jun to act in person.

As for the ordinary cases brought by the Shinigami elementary school students, I will teach the appropriate people to handle them according to the situation later.

When I drove to the coffee shop, there were already many people around the door.

"Section Head, you're here!" Sato Miwako and Takagi Tsuru, who had just arrived not long ago, couldn't help being a little surprised when they saw Uesugi Jun coming.

Because after Uesugi Jun informed her in the car, she thought Uesugi Jun would not come.

"Chairman?!" The Shinigami elementary school student said that he couldn't ignore this title at all.

"There are many reasons for this. Sato-kun, how is the investigation of the case going?" Uesugi Jun couldn't help but said.

"We just arrived at the scene, and the colleagues in the forensics department just finished moving the corpse out, and the on-site evidence collection is still in progress." Miwako Sato shook her head and said.

"Then let's go together!" After speaking, Uesugi Jun walked directly towards the toilet, and then a group of people came to the toilet.

"The deceased's name is Himeno Yayoi. He was 24 years old this year. He was stabbed to death in the heart, but the victim's neck has traces of being strangled by gods and things. If the judgment is correct, the victim should have been strangled first and suffocated." , and then he was stabbed into the heart, and then he was pulled out and died of massive bleeding." After entering, Miwako Sato did not speak, but asked Takagi Tsutomu to tell the results of the preliminary investigation.

"Have you checked the victim's personal belongings?" Uesugi Jun asked immediately.

"After checking, it is confirmed that the money was taken away by the murderer, and it is very likely that outsiders entered the robbery and murder case." Gao Mushe's judgment is consistent with that of Megushisan in the original book.

"But." The Death God elementary school student on the side was not convinced, and said immediately.

But before he could say two words, he was interrupted by Jun Uesugi.

"Takagi-kun, have the murderer's footprints and blood stains been left on the window sill or outside?" Uesugi Jun asked.

"This hasn't been discovered yet!" Takagi Shakes his head, after all, it hasn't been long since the investigation started.

"There is no need to suspect outsiders. If it was an outsider who committed the crime, he was so panicked that he didn't even take away the murder weapon, and there was such a large amount of blood sprayed. On the window sill and on the ground outside. So there is a [-]% possibility that insiders committed the crime, because only insiders dare not keep the murder weapon on their body. Go ask who has entered the toilet before and after the deceased." Uesugi Jun immediately said affirmatively.

"Yes!" Takagi Toolman wanted to act after speaking, but was stopped by a voice.

"I know those people, because I happened to see them." The pupil of the God of Reaper said immediately.

Elementary school students agree with Uesugi Jun's reasoning, which is much more reliable than Takagi Toolman.

As Uesugi Jun said, most outsiders will take away the murder weapon, after all, this can reduce the chance of exposure.

But without taking the murder weapon away, there are only two results that Uesugi Jun said.

"That's really great, who has entered the toilet?" As the door was pushed open, Uesugi Jun immediately asked the Shinigami primary school student.

"That tall man, that man with a long beard, that brother with his hair tied up, and this aunt." The Shinigami elementary school student then pointed out the four people who had entered the toilet.

"Long time no see, Aunt Miles." Jun Uesugi said to Fei Miles very respectfully.

"It's been a long time. I didn't expect you, Uesugi-kun, to be a policeman now." Fei Mili hadn't seen Uesugi Jun for a while.

"Thanks to you, I was admitted to the Police College as I wished, and after graduation, I joined the Metropolitan Police Department." Uesugi Jun said very humbly.

"Uesugi-kun, there is no average person who can become a section chief at this age." Feili had heard Miwako Sato's address just now.

"Some strange things have happened. I'll tell you when I have time. Let's get to the point now, Conan. It's true that only these four people have entered the toilet before and after the deceased?" Jun Uesugi immediately asked road.

 Thanks to 'gshahdf', 'homanst', 'Full Night and Stars', 'Heizi hentai', 'Dugu Shenglong', 'hill2', 'Phantom of the Moon', 'The Lord of the Six Paths', 'Waterdrops in the Mirror' , 'Zhaoling Jun', 'Bass Bacon' and other eleven book friends' monthly ticket support
(End of this chapter)

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