tokyo enforcer

Chapter 86 Sonoko Suzuki's car rollover scene...

Chapter 86 Suzuki Sonoko's Rollover Scene.
"Yes, only these four people." The Reaper elementary school student replied with a weird expression, because he finally knew who his Xiaolan came to date.

"Tsujimoto-kun, arrest people, this big guy is undoubtedly the murderer." Uesugi Jun doesn't like reasoning, but likes to speak with evidence.

"Hey, what nonsense are you talking about? How could I be the murderer? What evidence do you have?" Seeing Natsumi Tsujimoto pull out the handcuffs with his backhand, Tonoyama Shisan immediately backed away.

"Isn't the evidence in your hand? That's right, it's the bandage on your finger. I'm very sensitive to the smell of blood." Uesugi Jun said unhurriedly.

"My finger is because I ate carrots on my hand during rugby practice, so the wedding ring is gone," Dianshan Shisan said, and there is no way to go on here, because the bandage is tied on the middle finger of the left hand at the moment, and the wedding ring It is well known to wear it on the ring finger.

Seeing that the other party could not continue, Tsujimoto Natsumi immediately leaned towards Dianshan Thirteen.

"Get out!" Dianshan Shisan saw that the matter was exposed, and immediately opened his hands to push Natsumi Tsujimoto away, and then rushed out of the coffee shop.

But what was waiting for him was a very standard outbound hook, yes, facing this kind of person who planned to attack the police.

Natsumi Tsujimoto landed with his left foot forward, turned his left into a lunge, and at the same time put his left arm on his crotch, outside his body, and swung his back. His right fist punched from behind to forward with the combined force of twisting his waist and sending his hips, and hit Tonoyama's face with one punch .

In the next second, Natsumi Tsujimoto didn't even need the handcuffs, because she knocked Dianshan unconscious with a punch, and at the same time, Miwako Sato and Sato Takagi clearly realized Natsumi Tsujimoto's fighting power.

"Tsujimoto-kun, don't make it so bloody next time, okay?" Seeing that Tsujimoto Natsumi punched Tonoyama Shisan's nosebleed out with one punch, Uesugi Jun said a little speechlessly.

"Section Chief, this guy attacked the police. How can we not teach him a lesson." Natsumi Tsujimoto didn't have the slightest liking for a brutal murderer of women like Dianshan, so he had to seize the opportunity to teach him an unforgettable lesson.

"Speaking of the section chief, how did this man commit the crime?" Natsumi Tsujimoto asked while putting on handcuffs.

"It's very simple. First strangle the other party's neck to make her suffocate and lose her ability to resist, then stab her directly into the heart, then lift her up, then throw her into the toilet through the gap above the door, and then tie her fingers with bandages." Pulling out the murder weapon can create the original murder scene, and after that, you need to untie the bandage and throw the murder weapon in, wash your hands, and wrap the bandage to finish, which is why there is no blood on his body."

"The section chief is really amazing." Sato Miwako praised a little convinced at the moment, knowing that it is not an easy task to deduce based on the evidence.

Of course, for the police, it is not necessary to reason out the whole process. If witnesses and evidence are gathered, and there is nothing left to know, there is still a necessary interrogation link.

If you don't know, just ask from the prisoner's mouth. As long as you are not planted, you will basically have nothing to hide if you catch him on the spot. After all, the psychological defense line has collapsed.

"Satou-kun, deal with the follow-up as soon as possible." Uesugi Jun said unhurriedly.

After the case was solved and the murderer was taken back to the Metropolitan Police Department, the crowd of onlookers who had nothing to watch quickly dispersed. At this time, Mao Lilan from the periphery had a chance to come over.

At this time, Suzuki Sonoko, who happened to meet the scumbag at the coffee shop, also appeared.

Seeing that Sonoko Suzuki made an appointment with the key object of the original observation, the Shinigami elementary school student didn't know what he was thinking about, and suddenly said: "Big brother, the woman you mentioned just now is an animal, as long as you say a few words to her, it will be fine." What does it mean that it's here?"

Almost made Uesugi Jun on the side laugh outright.

"Conan, is what you said just now true?" Suzuki Sonoko asked with veins protruding from his forehead.

"Yeah, that's what I said when I heard this big brother call." The Shinigami primary school student said with an innocent look on his face.

"Hey, wait, it's not." The elementary school student who was suddenly violently attacked by Ruo Wangzi killed the god of death felt relieved.

The frivolous and scumbag man named Ruozi was slapped in the face by the angry Suzuki Sonoko.

"Sonoko-chan is not like this. Listen to my explanation!" After speaking, Prince Ruo was about to start to catch up with Suzuki Sonoko who turned around and left angrily, but he was pulled back by an undeniable force after taking a step.

"Boy, if I were you, I would definitely not chase after you, and make the Suzuki consortium's daughter even more angry, because it might be life-threatening." Uesugi Jun held back Prince Ruo and said with a hint of murderous intent.

In terms of emotion and reason, Uesugi Jun should help Suzuki Sonoko solve this little trouble. This has nothing to do with the Suzuki Consortium, it is just a reward to Suzuki Sonoko within his ability.

"Suzuki Consortium." The frivolous scumbag was startled by the intrusive name.

After all, although the Suzuki family is not as popular as the four major chaebols, under the chaebols, they can be regarded as worthy of a name.

In addition, the family headquarters is in Tokyo, so there are not many people in Tokyo who do not know the Suzuki family.

After listening to Uesugi Jun's words, the frivolous scumbag immediately didn't have any thoughts of chasing after him, because the difference in their identities was too great.

A light-hearted scumbag who plays with ordinary women will at most get hit with a hatchet, but if it is Suzuki Sonoko, the easiest level might be to transform into a concrete block to fill Tokyo Bay.

After his face turned pale, the frivolous scumbag hurriedly bowed to Uesugi Jun to thank him, then turned and left quickly.

It wasn't until after the frivolous man left that Miss Mao Li couldn't help but say, "This guy Yuanzi, really."

As the closest girlfriend, Ms. Maori knows too much about the history of her girlfriend's car overturning, and she is very speechless about Suzuki Sonoko's vision.

Seeing this, Uesugi Jun originally planned to take advantage of this opportunity to settle the matter of Miss Mori.

Giving Mao Lilan a place was what Uesugi Jun thought when he knew that the subsystem could give other people places, but because the first batch of places is really limited, otherwise she would be among the first batch of places.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the system can only give people to the police system, so Uesugi Jun wants to take advantage of Feili’s free time, gather the Maoli family, and then persuade Mao Lilan to join the police system, so that the quota will be given There is a premise.

But before Jun Uesugi had time to speak, the message notification sounded in the system.

Turning on the system, Uesugi Jun found that the notification sound came from Kobayakawa Miyuki's private chat message.

Although the design drawing is still in a hurry, the site selection cannot wait until the design drawing is completed, so Kobayakawa Miyuki hopes that Uesugi Jun can be with her.

 Thanks to the three book friends 'Zi Ye Heimo', 'Qingfeng Taoist' and 'Book Friends 20180403200' for their support
(End of this chapter)

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