I, the dragon man!

Chapter 171 Akula Ragnar

Chapter 171 Akula Ragnar
The heavy snow started to fall after four o'clock in the morning, but the wood of Baoshu Adam was too strong and the sound insulation was too good, and Gawain slept too soundly.

So he didn't notice it at all.

And Hancock, who was woken up by the heavy snow...

She tiptoed to enter Gao Wen's room, but Gion grabbed her neck from behind.

So the two of them scolded fiercely...

This is why the two women were full of resentment towards each other when Gao Wen went out...

Of course, Gion and Hancock have always been bad women under the bed and good sisters on the bed.

Within two hours, as soon as the snowball fight started, Hancock and Gion were in no mood to argue.

After all, that man was beaten so badly, who would be in a bad mood?

Meanwhile, on the deck, near a bunch of floating red balloons.

Gawain avoided Lei Li's pursuit with great difficulty.

While being beaten by Snowball, he had to listen to the guidance of Gion in the distance.

"My lord, try not to dodge, let your body consciously face the attack, you must take the initiative!
Practice the iron block first, and become an iron block, and the pain of practicing paper painting in the future will be greatly relieved!

There is no other technique for the iron block, it is just punched out. When you are beaten, you can mobilize the muscles like I taught you, so that the muscles of the whole body are tense!

Be careful! ! ! "

Gao Wen clearly saw the blood he spit out. If Lei Li hadn't tried his best to keep his hands back, he might have knocked his teeth out with this blow.

With a splash, Gawain fell to the ground.

He is a handsome carp and stands up again. Now he is no longer the weak chicken he was in the past!

A snowball hit his weak spot, and now Gao Wen was completely thrown into the street.

Although I am much better than three months ago, but compared with the guys on the boat, there is a long way to go...

With bare feet, Big Bear took the meat balls on the soles of his feet and slid all the way to Gao Wen's side.

Boom, another red balloon flew out. Only then did Leili check the time, and continued.

"It's ten o'clock, let's finish the game first, and then follow me to practice domineering and domineering!

It's not enough just to be able to entangle, the overlord color has many magical functions, so hold on tight! "

"it is good."

Gao Wen nodded, then rubbed his waist.

Even though the pain was photographed by Da Xiong, he still felt uncomfortable, just like phantom limb disease, obviously there is no pain, but he still feels that he is in pain.

On the side, seeing Gao Wenwen's appearance of being able to massage his weakness, Gion sighed softly, and whispered in a low voice.

"My lord's willpower is really amazing. Even if the real injuries and pain can be photographed, the mental exhaustion and pain will inevitably accumulate.

But until now, it has been several months, and he can still stick to it meticulously... "

"Yes, Gao Wenjun is too harsh on himself, but this is one of the reasons why you and I admire him!"

Hancock responded softly.

Just after responding, Hancock couldn't help but glared at Gion.

Why did she say you and me!
Why do I want to marry me with her! ! !

Hancock stared at him, so Gion couldn't help but stare back.

In this way, Gion and Hancock fought again, and the sound of the collision of the supreme sword and the supreme high heel was heard endlessly.

That picture made Bai Xing and Uta, who were playing in the distance, gasp. After watching the battle, they couldn't help but look at each other.

Looking at each other for a moment, Bai Xing asked in a worried voice.

"Why do sisters like to fight so much, are all big sisters like this?
Uta, when we grow up, let's not fight, I'm afraid of pain. "

"No, how could it be!"

Uta waved her hands swearingly, and the next moment, she was embraced by the happy Bai Xing again.

At this moment, Uta frowned.

Change your mouth, you really should change your mouth, right?
I want to do it now! ! !


Not to mention Uta's depression, Jinpei who was fishing on the side of the boat sighed leisurely.

"Hey... my lord and Mr. Lei Li are going to start practicing domineering looks again. I really can't catch this fish..."

Hearing Jinbei's words, Shiryu, who was lying on his back looking at the snow not far away, chuckled.

"Jinping, even if you don't use domineering looks, you have never caught a single fish, have you?"

"Ahem, what are you talking about, how can you say that you can't catch a fisherman's business?"

When Jinbe argued, Gao Wen's dominance had already unfolded, and all the fish in the surrounding sea rolled their eyes and floated to the surface.

Seeing this, Jinbe flicked the fishing line fiercely, and the huge hook directly hooked a salmon.

"Hey, ah ha ha ha, Shiliu, look, you've caught a fish here, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I did catch..."

Before Shiliu could reply, the tea drinker not far away said with a smile.

"Although I'm blind, please believe me, I really saw that you were caught..."

I heard...

Jinbe: (_|||)
"Ahhh, how can you look down on my murloc's fishing skills like this!
In the past, he was a super fisherman who lived with fish! ! ! "

Jinping is going crazy, is his fishing skills really that bad?
It wasn't like this before, I used to be able to catch fish casually!

Looking at Jinbei who was about to cry but had no tears, Franky, who was repairing the wings of the Black Bird, said something fair.

I saw Franky talking to Jinbe while oiling the wings.

"Jinbei, with the size of our ship and the siphon system I set up, no matter where you swim, it will be like an explosion in the ears of fish...

So you're fishing near our boat, isn't that a huge joke? "


As soon as Frankie finished speaking, Jingping's expression suddenly brightened.

It really wasn't my fault, haha!


In the midst of everyone's laughter and Gao Wen's training, the Xuanniao left the range of heavy snow and came to the vicinity of Judicial Island.

Everyone didn't stay this time, but continued to drive towards the capital of seven waters against the dazzling sunlight.

The last time Gao Wen took the sea train from Judiciary Island to the capital of seven waters, it only took about six or seven hours.

But when they took the boat, they drove for two full days before seeing the shadow of the capital of seven waters.

Compared with three months ago, the capital of Seven Waters is now more prosperous by two points. After all, have they received a big job?

Even in the shipyard of the capital of seven waters, there is another super-huge ship keel being built, which is obviously Roswald's future trillion.

Because Esbagu is not in the capital of seven waters, but hosts the three islands of the casino in Chambord.

Therefore, after resupplying in the capital of seven waters, Gao Wen and his party continued to drive towards the farther Changhuan Island.

Of course, before departure, Franky has recorded the location of the new station of the Seven Waters in detail. After everyone arrives at Changhuan Island, Franky will also locate the location of the Seven Waters Station, so that it will be convenient for the future sea trains. track docking.

It is different from the vicinity of Chambord, perhaps because Chambord is closer to the Red Earth Continent.

The distance between the nearby islands and the islands is relatively short, and almost all of them can be reached within a day or two.

But after leaving the capital of seven waters and going to Changhuan Island, as the distance from the Red Earth Continent got farther and farther away, the distance between the islands gradually became farther.

At ten o'clock in the evening, on the Black Bird, Gawain rested on the beach chair after exercising, and Kalifa briefly reported the latest information to Gawain.

There is nothing worth paying attention to in the past few days. Gao Wen's heavenly gold is still being transported to the capital of seven waters in a steady stream. As for Murren Pill, the plan to expand the original sea train line has also begun.

Dan's progress is not bad, and it is estimated that the sea train route between the two stations will be completed in two months.

However, this time was still too slow for Gao Wen.

So after chatting with Khalifa, Gawain brought Franky over again.

Not long after, Frankie came to Gao Wen's side awkwardly, and after sitting down, he smiled.

"Boss, what's the situation, do we need to add any functions to our Xuanniao?"


Gawain waved his hand, and threw another can of beer to Franky.

When Frankie opened the wine, Gawain asked thoughtfully.

"Dan reported to me the current work progress. If it is just an expansion, the two islands, that is, a railway track between the two stations, will take at least two months.

Isn't this a bit slow.... "

"Hey, there is no way to slow down, boss..."

Hearing this, Frankie had no choice but to explain.

"Our sea train itself is very easy to build, both in terms of materials and structure, it is much simpler than a ship.

The only trouble is laying the track.

The floating stones used for the base function are relatively easy to deal with. There are still quite a few of them. Almost every island has some stock, which can be used with a little processing.

However, my lord, our railway tracks are in trouble. At different distances from each railway track, special metal materials need to be specially synthesized to deal with the local hydrology.

It took two months to build the railway track between the two islands, which was very difficult. Although the capital of the seven waters has rich experience in shipbuilding, the capital of the seven waters really does not have much experience in the metal manufacturing industry.

Moreover, Dan is still a beginner in the field of synthetic metal, so he will be slower at the start, and his speed will definitely increase after he becomes proficient. "

"So, after actually taking over the construction of the sea train, there are only two difficulties for you at present.

One is the hydrological and meteorological observation problems faced by start-up sea trains. For example, in the sudden heavy snow a few days ago, the body of the sea train needs to be strengthened, and the rails also need to be protected from cold, right?

As for the process of expanding the sea train, the difficulty is only the speed of the rail materials and the completion of each stage, right? "

Gawain said sharply, and his words earned Franky nods.

So Gawain thought for a moment, and asked Franky softly.

"Okay, let's put this question here first, after we reach the Magnetic Drum Kingdom all the way, we will try to hand over the Tun Tun Fruit to you.

If Vegapunk has the ability to take out the fruit of the capable person, I hope that you who eat the swallowed fruit can bring speed to the sea train project! "

"Okay, my lord, you can leave it to me Super Frankie, haha!
I also really want to spread the sea trains all over the world as soon as possible. In that case, my master's dream will come true! "

Having said that, Frankie showed a longing expression.

And at this moment, Kalifa not far away received a call.

After a while, Khalifa came to Gao Wen's side and said softly.

"Master Gawain, our lookouts have just observed the huge tsunami Akula Ragna!"


Hearing this, Gao Wen stood up interested.

"The city of the seven waters faces the super tsunami of the gods of the sea once a year. Is today the time to take shape this year?"

"Yes, my lord!"

Kalifa nodded.

"Although Acura Ragnar happens once a year, the time is not always fixed, it seems that we are lucky.

Before you leave the capital of the seven waters, there is also this one-of-a-kind sight to behold! "

"Yeah, haha, luck is really good, let the watchman ring the warning bell, the gods of the sea are still worth our attention!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Kalifa nodded and left immediately, and a moment later, a leisurely warning bell sounded on the Black Bird.

The cadres who had been staying on the deck immediately approached Gao Wen, and the first one to arrive was Shiliu. Without saying a word, he clutched his Thunderstorm excitedly.

"My lord, who to kill!"


Looking at Shiliu's fierce face, Gawain lightly hammered his chest.

"I've been suffocated for the past two days, right? But there's really no way, our ship may be too big, and it can be observed by other pirate ships hundreds of nautical miles away.

And when they saw us, we couldn't see them at all, so we couldn't even touch a pirate... "

"Jie hehe, thank you for your concern, but it's okay, I haven't had any major addictions recently.

After all, some time ago, with the support of adults, I really did a good job, haha! "

After Xiliu laughed and finished speaking, he lowered his head again and said to Gawain seriously.

"So, my lord, what does the warning bell mean!"

At the same time Xiliu asked, all the cadres around had arrived, and even Uta followed Bai Xing on top of him.

Looking at everyone, Gao Wen smiled and clapped his hands.

"Don't be so alert, this warning is not an enemy contact, but a tsunami.

The annual gods of the sea in the capital of seven waters, the Akula Ragnat tsunami that once set off thousands of meters high is heading towards us, and it is also rushing towards the capital of seven waters behind us. "


As soon as Gao Wen finished speaking, Mr. Lei Li immediately laughed.

"This is a great thing!"

He excitedly said to everyone.

"Recently, I always feel that the cook on our ship has no emotion in cooking, so Akula Ragnar came.

Once this tsunami comes, our salt can be replaced, haha! "

After the words fell, Lei Li took off the military cap he had just put on. Since it wasn't a team fight, he didn't bother to be formal.

While throwing the general cap nearby, Rayleigh continued.

"You know, every time Akula Ragnar roars, it will roll up the pure seawater buried tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of meters deep to the tide.

The sea salt extracted from that kind of sea water is the best among all salt seasonings in the world!

As long as we rush through the tsunami head-on, we can hang the pure sea water brought by the gods of the sea on our boat, and when the boat dries up, won't we have the sea god's salt! "

Having said that, Raleigh shook his head complainingly.

"In the past, only the City of Seven Waters could extract Sea God's Salt in this way, but although the City of Seven Waters is big enough, it has too many people.

The sea god salt is divided into left and right, and even if you, the captain of the Celestial Dragon, are on board, we can only eat sea god salt for two or three days a month.

But now, no one will snatch the sea god salt left on our Xuanniao ship with us! "

Raleigh grinned excitedly.

"So what are we waiting for, let's speed up, our big ship can't be crushed by some tsunami!"

Listening to Lei Li's words, Xia Qi frowned slightly.

"It's a good suggestion, the sea god's salt tastes really good.

But whether our ship can withstand the tsunami.... "

While speaking, Xia Qi looked at Franky.

Noticing Xia Qi's eyes, Frankie thought for a moment, and then he nodded very simply.

"Absolutely no problem, even the buildings in the capital of seven waters can't be built by the precious tree Adam!
Besides, the Xuanniao is a super ship built by my uncle Frankie himself!

Not only can we punch the tsunami, we can even spread our wings slightly to leave more sea salt behind!
but……. "

Frankie looked at Gawain pitifully.

"But boss, if you face the tsunami directly....

In terms of hull maintenance, it is estimated that an additional budget of about 8000 million Baileys will be added! "

(End of this chapter)

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