I, the dragon man!

Chapter 172 The Challenge in My Heart

Chapter 172 The challenge in my heart (I will add more, if you refuse to accept it, hit me!)

"What, 8000 million Baileys?!!"

The old man Raleigh was startled by what he said just now, and he stared at Franky with wide eyes.

Facing Mr. Raleigh's unbelievable eyes, Franky replied seriously.

"Of course, after all, on the special wings of our Black Bird, I applied a lot of grease for sealing diving.

Some of that oil disappears with every dive!

If we want to pass through the Akula Ragna tsunami, even if our wings do not have the diving function, we must come into contact with a lot of sea water.

Considering the impact of the tsunami, maybe just one collision can scrape off all the grease on our wings that can dive three to four times! "

Speaking of this, Franky showed an indifferent smile instead, and he continued to talk with a relaxed face.

"However, we won't lose money, but will make a lot of money. The sea salt brought by Akula Ragnar is sold at about [-] Belly per gram on the black market. With the size of our Black Bird, this One trip only needs to successfully pass through the tsunami.

Then we can leave at least three to five tons of Sea God's Salt.

This kind of sea salt is priceless, and only Seven Waters can produce about [-] tons of Sea God salt in the market every year, and those salts will be sold or eaten up in less than a month.

So, hey, I suggest we give him a shot!
The most important thing is, if I can watch the ship I built challenge the Poseidon tsunami from the front, then I will be so excited that I will explode haha! ! ! "

Franky's laughter made everyone smile expectantly. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and then they looked at Gawain in unison.

As for Gao Wen, he looked at Kalifa and asked softly.

"How long before we collide with the Akula Ragna tsunami?"

Hearing this, Kalifa nodded and replied.

"My lord, the watchtower at the highest point of our mast is [-] kilometers from the waterline of the ship.

We still have plenty of time to prepare. "

After getting Kalifa's answer, Gawain nodded with a smile.

"Notify all members of the ship to secure the protrusions on the deck.

If it cannot be fixed, try to move it into the cabin first.

If you really can't carry them, just smile, and later you will use gravity to send them to the sky.

After getting ready, let our Xuanniao challenge the most legendary tsunami on the Great Route! "

Accompanied by Gao Wen's heroic voice, everyone immediately started to move, and Jinbe was the first to throw a large pile of fishing lines that he had been using recently into the cabin.

Immediately afterwards, all the drinks, sofas, beach chairs, booths, tables, parasols, carpets, etc. in the rest area were sent into the cabin by the cadres and members of the Black Ice Platform.

On the contrary, the stage that Uta just purchased from the Seven Waters City the day before yesterday was quite troublesome, even the series of 30-meter-wide descending ramp doors in the main cabin could not accommodate it.

In this way, not long after, Uta looked at the new stage of Ascension with tears in his eyes, and said pleadingly to Yixiao.

"Uncle Yixiao, woo woo, beg you, please control it well, don't let my stage be hit.

Ahhh, I've hit it, my stage was hit by a super huge dried salmon and salted fish!
Wooooow~~~! "

Hearing Uta's cry, Jinbe in the distance quietly rolled his eyes in shame.

That's right, that salted fish is the salmon he caught a few days ago...

Hey, I really didn't have time to eat...

Fortunately, Uta did not pursue it, so everyone's work continued.

In this way, after 10 minutes of intensive preparations, Gao Wen and his party were finally able to directly see the highest point of the Akula Ragna wave from the deck.

The sweeping white waves were like a raging white mountain fire, gradually rushing towards the Xuanniao.

As the tsunami got closer, the middle and lower part of the big tsunami was finally exposed.

Facing the tsunami, Da Xiong picked up the pen in his right hand, stood the pen in front of him, and did a simple calculation.

After a while, Big Bear turned his head and said to Gao Wen.

"The altitude is about 7000 meters!"

Hearing Big Bear's words, Khalifa frowned in surprise.

"It doesn't match the height of 4000 to [-] meters recorded in the Capital of Seven Waters. Why is this tsunami so terrible?"

"The Cause of the Distance Traveled by Tsunamis."

A smile softly answered Kalifa's question.

"In the past years of traveling, I have seen Akula Ragnar more than once. When the tsunami reached the capital of seven waters, it was already the end of the tsunami.

Facts have also proved that when the tsunami passes through the capital of seven waters, it will dissipate in no more than 10 minutes.

Therefore, the capital of the seven waters has always welcomed the gods of the sea who are in the final stage.

And we...

Clearly, our challenge is a little bigger! "

As soon as the joke came to an end, Franky on the side bumped his fists together excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and posed the super classic poss of Franky's flight commander!

"Even Sea Train can make a breakthrough in front of Akula Ragnar, our Black Bird will have no problem!
I'm ready, I'm super super excited right now! "

Looking at the excited Frankie, Gawain also showed a slightly excited expression. He walked to the bow of the boat slowly, and everyone followed him and stood at the bow of the boat.

Looking at the increasingly turbulent sea around, facing the huge waves with a height of more than 7000 meters at a distance of about [-] nautical miles ahead.

At this moment, Gao Wen seemed to have returned to the world before time travel, and stood in front of Mount Everest!
A strong sense of challenge and incomparable fear kept fighting in Gao Wen's heart!

I saw him take two deep breaths, and between these two breaths, his fear was completely thrown away by him!

In the past, he had no chance to challenge Everest, so let him challenge Akula Ragnar now!

With firm determination, Gao Wen put his left hand on the hilt of Luming Huche's sword, and then he spoke to the crowd.

"I don't plan to go back to the cabin, I want to stand here and experience the feeling of a head-on collision with a tsunami.

After all, if I eat the fruit in the future, I will never have the opportunity to face the tsunami like this! "

After Gao Wen's voice fell, everyone around looked at me and I looked at you.

Then, Gion nodded slightly.

"I'll watch you, my lord!"

"The old man also supports your decision to face natural disasters with a weak body. This kind of experience is very good for your domineering look!"

Having said that, Raleigh waved to everyone around him.

"Everyone who ate the fruit, hurry back to the cabin, especially Brother Yixiao.

Those things we float in the sky have to rely on you to continue to maintain.

As for those who have not eaten the fruit, let them all stay.

This is not an ordinary experience. If there is no ship like the Xuanniao that looks like an island, it is absolutely impossible for our previous small boat to go through the tsunami head-on. "

After Lei Li finished speaking, he nodded slightly with a smile.

"Got it, I'm going back to the cabin."

At the same time, Big Bear also led Uta towards the cabin.

But just when Uta took two steps, Bai Xing suddenly yelled at Uta.

"Uta, if you really want to watch the tsunami, you can hide in my mouth~!"


Hearing this, Uta turned back in a daze, she looked at Bai Xing in disbelief, and shouted.

"I don't want it, how can I make such a disgusting suggestion, I don't want to hide in your mouth!"

The moment Wuta finished speaking, Bai Xing froze, the happy expression disappeared immediately, and then she turned around abruptly.

Like a human hugging his knees, Shirahoshi curled up his big tail, and she cried while hugging his tail.

"I'm hated, woo woo, obviously I always stay in the shark's mouth, woo woo.

It's obviously a good intention, woo (ó﹏ò)! "


Utamon was stunned, she looked blankly at Bai Xing who was crying loudly.

"Why...how can you cry so easily, this is a foul!

Are you made of water, Shirahoshi! ! ! "

While questioning loudly, Uta arrogantly rushed to Bai Xing's side.

"Stop crying, since you sincerely made a suggestion, then...then I'll just accept it!"

I saw Uta put on a heroic expression.

"Isn't it just the mouth, come on, stuff me into your mouth!"


Bai Xing immediately turned from the rainstorm, and before Uta could react, she picked Uta up and put it in her mouth.

A moment later, Uta's head was exposed outside Shirahoshi's mouth, and her hands were gently pulling Shirahoshi's lips.

"Hey, don't touch me with your tongue, or I'll bite you straight away!"


Bai Xing quickly nodded.

At the same time, Hancock gently squeezed Gawain's hand, and then said goodbye to Gawain.

Lu Qi also returned to the cabin with his pigeons.

At the same time, the surrounding seawater sank slightly, and the Xuanniao and the tsunami were getting closer.

On the side, Xia Qi was sitting leisurely on the side of the boat. She reached into her pocket to feel for it, and then threw a cigarette to Gao Wen.

"Little Gao Wen, there is still time for the last cigarette, don't waste it."

"Of course!"

Gao Wen took the cigarette, took out the lighter and lit the cigarette. After the tobacco burned, he stood there silently waiting for the invasion of the huge waves.

Not far away, Franky was chatting non-stop with a remote control device.

"In order not to allow the big ship to ride the waves along the current, while we are fully exposed to the tsunami, I will start the Armstrong maneuver..."

"It's the cannon!"

Even though he was smoking a cigarette, Gao Wen opened his mouth to interrupt him.

After being interrupted like this, Frankie had no choice but to nod depressingly.

"Well, in short, I will have to turn on the full wind cannon for a while, but even so, our ship may not pass through the tsunami, but will follow the current caused by the tsunami, rushing at an angle of at least ninety degrees To the sky!
Although Mr. Franky is very smart, this is the first time for me to do this kind of thing, so I can't guarantee whether our plan will be successful or not! "

"Don't worry, brother Franky with the cockscomb head!"

Jinbei on the side patted his stomach confidently and said.

"After the collision, if the bow of our ship can't hold it down, then I'll give the Xuanniao a hard kick!"

"The old man will also help, even if the bow of the boat cannot be pushed down, we will step on the bow of the boat!"

Rayleigh gave Franky a thumbs up while taking up Shipin's words.

After getting the reply, Franky was completely relieved, and at the same time, Gawain's cigarette was about to burn out.

Casually throwing the cigarette butt into the sky, Gao Wen suddenly drew his sword out of its sheath.

"It's coming, everyone!"

The moment the voice fell, the tsunami was only less than 800 meters away from the Xuanniao.

At this moment, Gawain could no longer see the sky and the sun. Everything in front of his eyes was blocked by the extremely thick tsunami and the sea kings mixed in the tsunami.

Looking at the sea kings densely packed in the sea, Shirahoshi opened his mouth and said instinctively.

"There are a lot of sea kings, we can't let them hit our ship, otherwise the Xuanniao will be injured, and they will be injured too!"

Having said that, Shirahoshi looked at his hands seriously, did he really have the kind of... ability to control the sea kings that everyone said?
Thinking of this, Bai Xing violently shook his head.

No, I don't want to control any life, I just don't want them to get hurt!
After strengthening his mind, Bai Xing raised his head and opened his arms towards the super tsunami in front of him.

"Everyone in the sea, get out of our boat!!!"

At this moment, the sea kings in the tsunami were all stunned.

Immediately afterwards, they swam incomparably swiftly, clearing a space for the Xuanniao in a blink of an eye.

It stands to reason that this is definitely a good thing, but on the contrary, there was a scream of extreme fright from the Xuanniao.

"White Star!!!
Have you forgotten that I'm still in your mouth! ! !

I was blown away by you! ! !
Help ah ah ah ~ ~! ! ! "

At this moment, Gao Wen dared to bet that Uta's voice was definitely better than Vitas's dolphin voice.

On the side, Lei Li wanted to turn around and save someone in an instant.

But in the next moment, Uta, who flew out, felt her body suddenly heavy, and then she quickly fell into the air!

That's right, Uta really felt that she was falling, but the direction of her fall was the sky!

In just a moment, Uta came to the clouds at an altitude of 8000 meters.

At the bow of the ship, seeing Uta flying into the sky, Gawain was relieved, and Yaoyao gave a thumbs up to the direction of the cabin.

With a smile of knowledge, it is obvious that he has been paying attention to this side all the time.

At the same time, Franky yelled.

"Get ready, I'm going to start the wind cannon!"

After the words fell, Franky was so excited that he pressed the switch of the wind gun.

boom! ! !
The infinite hurricane rushed out from the gaps in the wings of the Black Bird, and the Black Bird rushed forward at least 300 meters in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the Xuanniao, which hit the huge wave head-on, suddenly raised its head. Baoshu Adam's buoyancy is so good that it really can't hold down the boat by its own weight alone!
At the same moment when the Xuanniao accelerated, Lei Li, Jinbei, and Shiliu jumped into the air.

They stepped on the air with moon steps, then turned around suddenly, and stomped hard on the bow of the Xuanniao with their feet!
Accompanied by the slight sound of the deck being torn apart, the rising momentum of the Black Bird paused for a while.

And just after a short pause, the figurehead of the Xuanniao, which was about to fly, plunged into the sky-splashing water curtain of the Akula Ragnar tsunami!

boom! ! !
The Xuanniao stopped violently due to the acceleration of the wind-laden cannon, and Gao Wen took two steps forward.

Beside him, Gion gently grabbed Gao Wen's hand, but Gawain shook his head fiercely.

After showing a resolute look at Gion, Gawain broke free from Gion's hand, and saw him throw his long knife into the deck in front of him viciously.

Gripping the handle of the knife tightly, Gao Wen took a deep breath, put on a forward lunge posture, and turned his head towards the oncoming water curtain.

At this moment, Gao Wen smiled extremely satisfied!

In the next moment, the coat on Gao Wen's body was swept away by the tsunami, and his dress and shirt were also torn several places by the violent sea water.

Gao Wen's head was dizzy violently, but he tightened his grip on Lu Ming Hu Che.

Zizi! ! !

The soles of the shoes rubbed violently against the deck to make a small step, and Gawain straightened his sideways head, struggling to resist the sea water that slid across his face and body.

This first collision, Gao Wen only felt as if he had been in a car accident and hit a wall hard!
Fortunately, after the first moment of support, the sense of collision was much smaller, and it was replaced by the pressure generated by the two-way rush of the Xuanniao and the tsunami.

But the first wave of collisions failed to completely defeat Gao Wen, so Gao Wen can naturally hold on to the current pressure.

Beside Gao Wen, Gion held his breath and looked at his lord appreciatively.

Then, Gion pulled out Jinpira, and slashed at Gao Wen's body with a knife.

Accompanied by the saber energy, the two clumps of aquatic plants that were about to hit Gao Wen were chopped into pieces.

As for Gao Wen, he held the knife, opened his eyes, and greedily stared at everything in front of him.

Like Gao Wen, it was Uta floating in the clouds.

In Utana's extremely wide eyes, the Xuanniao crashed headlong into the tsunami.

Moving forward, the whole ship advanced rapidly in the tsunami, until two minutes and 40 seconds later, the Xuanniao rushed out of the tsunami and crashed into the sea where the water level was rapidly decreasing.

On the bow of the Black Bird, Gao Wen, who was almost out of strength, felt a glare of the sun.

So he straightened up slowly, just holding the sword like that, and showed a bright smile to the sun.

Obviously it was just challenging the biggest tsunami on the Great Route.

Gao Wen's heart made him feel...

His future will be smooth!
 Do nucleic acid, do nucleic acid, my God, it has been sealed for several months.

  If it weren't for half-death without earning wages, and only relying on everyone's appreciation to eat.

  That half-dead is probably too poor to have anything to eat.

  Thank you all for appreciating me.

  Let's go, poke my throat, and sleep~.

  Good night, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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