I, the dragon man!

Chapter 193 Mr. Lei's Story Meeting

Chapter 193 Mr. Lei's Story Meeting
Shortly after, the front of the historical text slate.

A group of people behind Gao Wen stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and then they all rolled their eyes and looked at Lei Li.

I saw Jinbei rolling his eyes and making a big round face.

"Old man, we have indeed seen the historical text slate you mentioned.

So here comes the question....

We don't know this thing at all! "

Having said that, Jinbe shook his head dejectedly.

"Our murloc kingdom also has two historical text slates, one of which is still red.

But I don't know them either....

So, old man, can you understand these words? "

"Ha ha!"

As soon as Jinbe finished speaking, Lei Li smiled and patted Jinbe's shoulder.

"You don't need to know each other. When we landed on Sky Island, Oden had already translated this historical text for us!"

Speaking of this, Lei Li's face suddenly became extremely serious, and he looked at everyone very seriously, and said in a deep voice.

"On this historical slate, there is only one message recorded on it, and that is....

The specific location of a legendary ancient weapon!

As long as we follow the records on this stone slab, we can easily find an ancient weapon! "

Having said this, Lei Li's voice became extremely low, and his words successfully made everyone except Gao Wen nervous!

"The location of the ancient weapon!" Gion widened his eyes.

"There is still a way to get it!" Hancock immediately grabbed Gawain's hand, she knew that Gawain would definitely need this information!
Aside, Jinbe gasped.

"God of the Sea, if your lord obtains the second ancient weapon, your lord will be closer to his dream!
As expected of Mr. Lei Li, this is called a family with an elder, like a treasure! "

"Indeed, as expected of the vice-captain of One Piece, Mr. Rayleigh really knows too many secrets!"

Shiliu also praised him beside him.

It's just that they didn't notice that at this moment, Aunt Xia helplessly covered her face.

Then, facing everyone's expectant eyes, Lei Li took a deep breath.

"The stone slabs of the main text of this chapter record the three ancient weapons....

Poseidon's location and how to get it! ! ! "



"It's actually Poseidon, what is it... huh?"

"Wait, there seems to be something wrong!"

A second ago, everyone was staring at Lei Li's explanation, but in the next second, they looked at Bai Xing in bewilderment.

At this time, Bai Xing was also very confused. She first looked at Mr. Lei Li in confusion, and then she looked at Gao Wen for help.

"My lord, haven't you always said... that I am Poseidon?"

At this moment, Bai Xing blinked his big eyes in confusion, and looked at Gao Wen bling bling.

Facing Bai Xing's eyes full of curiosity, but at the same time slightly disturbed and nervous, Gao Wen burst into laughter with Lei Li.

Smiling, Raleigh patted Gawain on the shoulder lightly.

"My lord is worthy of being a Tianlong person. You know a lot. I have acted like that, but you are not curious at all!"

"Haha, old man, although I don't understand the writing on the slate of the historical text, I understand you.

When I saw your old expression, I knew you were always fishing, haha! "

While laughing, Gao Wen joked and said to Jinbe.

"And you, Jinbe, you say that when you fish, it's fine if you never catch a fish.

But when others are fishing, why can’t you wait to bite the hook, haha! ! ! "

"grown ups……."

Hearing Gao Wen's loud laughter, Jinbe's expression completely collapsed.

"Mr. Lei Li's performance is so good, I actually forgot that our Bai Xing is also one of the ancient weapons!
I thought the old man was talking about Uranus and Pluto! "

Taking a deep breath, Jinbe looked at Rayleigh with distrust on his face, and he swore that no matter how amazing Rayleigh's remarks were next.

He would just turn a blind eye and absolutely not cooperate with Rayleigh's performance!

And Raleigh, he explained softly, sniggering.

"Back then, the old man only learned about Poseidon's specific information after seeing this stone slab.

According to the records on this slate, what Mita translated was that Poseidon is, and will only be, the princess of Murloc Island!
That is to say, every once in a while, Poseidon will reappear as a mermaid princess. After she awakens, she will have the ability to summon and command all sea kings in the entire sea.

Of course, if there are many mermaid princesses at the same time, only one of them will have this ability.

So after that, we went from Sky Island to Murloc Island, looking for the Murloc Princess back then.


Well, there was no princess in the Murloc Kingdom back then, and Neptune had no sisters, and he only had a son!
So, in desperation, we found little Xiali, who was still a little one at that time, for a fortune-telling.

Through divination, we know that the mermaid princess will be born in our future, and that person is you who was born 11 years ago, little white star! "

Speaking of this, Lei Li took a deep look at Shirahoshi.

After one glance, Rayleigh turned his head to look at Jinbe, and then gave Jinbe a funny smile.

"There is also Shiping, haha, the two historical texts that you can't read, the old man also knows their meanings.

The two pieces of historical text on your Murloc Island are the text of the red road sign, and a letter written by the Guangyue family to Murloc Island for Joey Boy.

That letter was an apology letter... "

After finishing speaking, Lei Li leisurely took out the flagon from his waist, and he took a big gulp.

Then, he threw the flagon to Gao Wen.

Seeing Gao Wen catch the jug, Lei Li smiled.

"Have a drink, boy, and then listen to the old man come and tell you stories about the past.

You guy, from the time I got on the boat, seemed to be not at all curious about Ralph Drew's story, and didn't even ask a question.

Originally, the old man wanted to whet your appetite, but I don't believe that you are really not curious at all.

But you're really not curious.... "

I saw Rayleigh rubbing his white beard depressedly.

"Hey, after seeing this piece of historical text, the old man also misses it very much.

Simply, the old man will have a good chat with you and all of you about what he saw and heard back then.

As you said, you can tell people everything, haha! "

Rayleigh laughed and sat down on the gold beside him.

Seeing this, Gao Wen smiled and drank the wine in the flagon.

Putting down the jug, Gao Wen took out two cigarettes, threw one to Xia Qi, lit the cigarette, and sat on the gold at the same time.

"I thought the old man didn't want to talk to me about that all the time, so you always just want to hang me for a while.

Haha, it seems that my fish is not as easy to take the bait as Shiping.

But now, you can't help yourself.

Come on, come on, everyone, sit down and listen to Mr. Raleigh's story, don't wait for the time. "

Gao Wen smiled and beckoned everyone to sit down, so everyone took out the wine jugs and started to drink. Men and women wandering in the sea always have wine jugs with them.

On the side, after everyone sat down, Lei Li slowly leaned on the gold and said with reminiscence.

"When we first went to sea, Roger and we didn't know that those red historical texts were signposts pointing to the final island.

Even if we knew about it, we at that time couldn't understand the text of history at all.

So, on our first voyages, when we were young...  

We just explored island by island according to the ancient sea charts.

In that process, we spent more than ten years, and finally arrived at Mercury Island, the farthest island in the New World recorded on the map in 1485 of the Haiyuan calendar, that is, 34 years ago!

Now it is 1519 in the Haiyuan calendar. It has been 19 years since Roger died, plus the previous 15 years, this is 34 years.

Thinking about it, it's really long ago, hey... "

Lei Li sighed deeply. At this moment, Gawain seemed to see Roger standing on Mercury Island through Lei Li's pupils.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Raleigh also thought of Roger back then, so he pulled himself together and showed a high-spirited smile just like Roger's!

I saw Lei Li continuing to speak vigorously.

"In short, 34 years ago, we explored Mercury Island for several months.

As a result, we found nothing.

When everyone was disappointed, only Roger didn't show any disappointment, he said to us very excitedly.

"Rayleigh, Jabba, old fellas, we must be missing something!
Come on, let's do it again, let us guys who are getting old, start a new voyage again! ""

After the words fell, Mr. Lei Li patted his face with emotion.

"Because of this sentence, the 39-year-old old man and Roger were ready to travel around the world again!
But just before we set off again, something special happened in the world! "

Having said that, Lei Li's face showed a bit of dissatisfaction, and he snorted softly.

"Back then, the old man and Roger's pirate group were not particularly famous in terms of fame, because at that time, there was a pirate group of the overlord level in the sea!
The old guy Lockes gathered three monsters, Newgate, Lingling and Skee, and at the same time recruited strong men like John and Wang Zhi.

By the way, there is also that kid Kaido, the year we arrived at Mercury Island, Kaido had just joined Rocks.

Hehe, with this lineup, the new world at that time was basically his territory alone, even if we saw him, we could only run away.

And just 33 years ago, that is, in 1486 of the Haiyuan calendar, Lockes went crazy! "

Lei Li looked at Gao Wen with a solemn expression, and he said very solemnly.

"It's like you, Gawain, the old man will always watch over you and prevent you from making a big mistake like Lockes.

When you reach a certain height, there is no room for impulse in your life anymore!
33 years ago, the new world and the great sea route have always maintained a confrontational pattern. The pirates headed by Rocks and the navy headed by Cyborg Kong have been fighting endlessly near the entrance and exit of the new world!
But in the same year, Lockes impulsively rejected Xia Qi's plan. He rejected the suggestion of a steady confrontation with the navy, and left Lingling and Newgate, who had a normal relationship with him, as bait to stay in the New World.

Then, he only took his more trusted Shiji and some elites to sneak into the great route, preparing to attack the rear of the Tianlongren at that time.

Valley of Gods!
At that time, the Valley of the Gods was an extremely prosperous city, and its prosperity was not far behind that of Mary Joya.

If the Rocks attack is successful, it will directly plunge the dozens of Celestial Dragon families temporarily living in the Valley of Gods, and millions of Celestial Dragon slaves into the shadow of death! "

At this moment, Raleigh emphasized heavily to Gao Wen.

"Remember Lockes' willfulness, Gawain!

His plan has no benefit at all except for letting him vent his anger towards the Tianlong people!
First of all, the target of Rocks and Shiki's sneak attack is not a single general, such as Zefa or Sengoku, let alone Garp.

Even if his operation is successful this time, it will not cause any reduction in the navy's advanced combat power!
On the other hand, his plan can only completely irritate the World Government!
In the end, although his plan will kill dozens of Celestial Dragons in the Valley of the Gods, this plan will also kill millions of slaves. Such a move will make pirates an existence that even slaves choose to cast aside! "

Rayleigh snorted heavily.

"At that time of the year, if Lockes raised his flag, he would call for a decisive battle between pirates and marine soldiers.

Then Roger and the old man and his party will also stand on the side of the pirates and fight hard with the navy and the world government!

But he actually intends to use such a despicable and useless action to ignite the fuze of future wars.

That old man and his party will never allow it!

So, when Xia Qi told the old man about Lockes' decision, the old man discussed with Roger again.

Our pirate group is blocked at the entrance of the Valley of the Gods, where Lockes is about to act! "

When Lei Li said this, Xia Qi exhaled helplessly, and she waved to Lei Li.

"When my mother gave you the information back then, she was clearly just asking you to make trouble in the Valley of the Gods, so as to prevent my captain's madness from completely putting the pirate camp at a disadvantage!
I didn't ask you to kill my captain! "


Listening to Xia Qi's words, Lei Li took off his glasses in embarrassment and wiped them lightly.

After he put the glasses back on, he shrugged innocently.

"The old man and Roger also planned that way back then, after all, even if the opponent only has Rocks and Skee, it would be difficult for us to beat them.

You know, only when Jabba and I are together can we steadily defeat Shiki. Although it is embarrassing to say so, if we were to fight Shiki one-on-one, neither of us would have a great chance of winning.

As for the other people on our ship, they fought with other elites led by Lockes.

Therefore, we would most likely lose that year, because the final outcome is determined by the outcome between the captains.

But Roger and Lockes, haha, even two Rogers may not be able to beat Lockes!
That guy's strength has surpassed any monster-level powerhouse recorded in history!
As for why we won in the end.... "

Raleigh paused abruptly, then he snorted unhappily.

"Hmph, that's because that old guy Garp has also arrived.

In short, Garp and Roger killed Rocks, and Jabba and I beat Skee away. This is the famous Battle of the Valley of the Gods.

So Xia Qi, don't blame me, blame Karp if you want to.

We didn't ask him to do it! "

Having said that, Rayleigh turned his head to the side and snorted heavily again.

At the same time, Gion beside Gao Wen suddenly said it funny.

"But, Mr. Raleigh, that's not what I heard from Cap's mouth.

He said that Rocks' attack was so sudden that he couldn't arrive immediately.

He didn't arrive in the Valley of the Gods until more than two hours after the battle between you and Lockes.

At that time, you were beaten terribly, your entire pirate group was about to lose the ability to fight, Lockes had also broken into the Valley of Gods, and turned the adult and child dragons in the Valley of Gods into captive.

And at this moment, Cap-chan arrived, and he fought against Rocks and Shiki by himself, and only then did you regain your strength when you were almost in desperation.

I still remember the original words of Cap sauce back then.

He said that when he was beaten crazily by Rocks and Shiki for more than 20 minutes, Roger and the group of bastards did not recover until he almost died.

So, Garp-chan and Roger teamed up to suppress Rocks, and you and Jabba suppressed the Golden Lion. At this point, the pattern of the war finally became clear.

Immediately afterwards, after the war lasted for three days and three nights, Lockes finally exhausted his last drop of blood.

And Rocks would rather die than surrender, until he finally died, Skeleton fled the battlefield with the fluttering fruit.

At this point, the Valley of the Gods battle is completely over! "

After the words fell, Gion smiled narrowly at Rayleigh.

"So, Mr. Rayleigh, Cap-chan saved you all back then~."

"Hmph, bullshit, we were saving each other, or at best working together to save millions of innocent slaves!

He saved us, heh, how can he have such good morals for a bastard who thinks his friend's son is his grandson! "

Speaking of this, Lei Li dissatisfied and patted the gold under his buttocks.

"It's really unlucky, how can we talk about that bastard Garp, it's too bad!

Come on, come on, the old man continues to talk about the business, what the old man wants to tell you is not the past of Garp and Roger.

What the old man wants to talk about is the biggest secret treasure in this sea, the legendary Ralph Drew! "

I saw Rayleigh stroking his beard excitedly, and then he looked at the sky nostalgic.

"Let's not mention Rocks, he lost anyway, and after he failed and died, the rest of his crew scattered and formed their own pirate group.

Newgate, Shiji, Lingling and Kaido have all established their own pirate groups.

However, Lingling and Kaido were a little tender after all. In the battles of our countless pirate groups, they were finally defeated.

As a result, among the pirates at that time, there was a situation where the three emperors stood together.

My captain Roger, Newgate and Shi Ke, our three teams were the Three Emperors at that time.

As for Lingling and Kaido, they were at best... candidates for the Three Emperors? "


Gion on the side quickly took a sip of his wine.

"Old man, don't make fun of me all the time, or I will bully the elderly!"

"Haha, okay, okay, your little Taotu's sword is very sharp.

No kidding, the old man said the key point, the key point was the war with Lingling at that time.

We chased Lingling and fought for more than sixteen days, and it was in that war that knocked Lingling out of the Three Emperors level that Roger Cong and I captured Lingling's boat and snatched a rubbing copy of the red history text!

At that time, we never imagined that 13 years later, we would be sent to Ralph Drew, and Roger would become the One Piece....

It turned out to be the piece of paper seized from Lingling!
This is the bad taste of fate, haha! "

 Ah, I finally got the daily [-]D badge, and we also have two badges, haha!
  Tickets come~~~.

  Come on, half dead!
(End of this chapter)

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