I, the dragon man!

Chapter 194 Ralph Drew's Secret

Chapter 194 Ralph Drew's Secret

When talking about the rubbings seized from Lingling, Lei Li smiled very happily.

"At that time, we didn't know what we seized from Lingling. We only knew that although we couldn't understand the words, Lingling cared about that thing very much!

It must be a good thing to make her value it so much, so we put that thing in the cabin to press the boat.

Later, after the death of Rocks, the sea gradually calmed down, and we didn't need to devote our energy to the endless war.

So after that, we went back to the starting point of the great route, Upside Down Mountain! "

Speaking of this, Lei Li stretched out his hand and gestured twice on the gold.

"As we all know, when we crossed the Upside Down Mountain from the Four Seas, we officially entered the great route.

We will face a choice!

There are a total of seven routes on the great route, and each of these seven routes has its own ocean currents. As long as we choose one route, we can't change the route midway, we can only follow the chosen route all the way.

When we sailed for the first time, we took the leftmost route, that is, the route that departed from Meteor Island and passed through the country of Barrywood after descending from Reverse Mountain.

So after going to sea for the second time, we boarded other routes.

And so, year after year, we searched each route for a path that would bring us closer to the final island.

But ten years have passed, and we still haven't found any clues about the final island! "

Rayleigh took a deep sip of his wine.

"That's not a year or two, it's a whole decade, and most importantly....

In the past ten years, we have not only gained scars all over our bodies, but also a piece of news that made us extremely painful.

Roger has an incurable disease! ! ! "

On the side, Gao Wen nodded thoughtfully when he heard this, and finally reached the point.

He listened very carefully to what Raleigh said, because even he didn't know much about these things before traveling.

After all, Gao Wen is just an ordinary fan, he is not a fanatic, and he will not deliberately remember the timeline of the world of One Piece.

Therefore, like everyone else, he quietly and carefully listened to the clues of history.

I saw Rayleigh sighed for a long time, and then he continued to talk.

"When Roger knew he was terminally ill, he was anxious, really anxious!

Or rather, we all panicked.

We hurried to invite the most powerful doctor at that time, Kulokas, and let him board our ship.

Ha, that old guy is very dissatisfied with this, he really doesn't want to be a pirate, but... "

Raleigh smiled and pointed at Gawain.

"Gao Wen, you haven't met Roger in person, so you won't feel the charm of him.

That is a kind of... as long as he is determined to seriously invite, we cannot refuse his charm!
However, haha, although you can't feel that kind of charm, we can feel that kind of charm, Little Momotu, Xiaojinping and everyone, and this old man actually felt that kind of charm for the second time.

Because your charm is even worse than Roger's! ! ! "

On the side, listening to Raleigh's example, a group of people suddenly understood what Roger's charm was like.

As for Gao Wen, he smiled lightly and waved his hand.

"Old man, no matter how much you praise me, I won't give you an annuity increase, so let's continue telling the story."

"Tsk tsk, don't be arrogant or impatient, you are different from Roger in this regard, that guy is very bragging.

But that's fine, you are you like this, and it's your calmness that gives the old man more confidence! "

Rayleigh nodded, then he looked around and continued talking.

"After Roger became seriously ill, we speeded up our voyage. At the same time, although we had no clue, we also found many stone tablets similar to Lingling's historical text rubbings around the world.

Although we can't understand him, we also regard him as one of the clues, frantically chasing the trail of the final island.

And during this period, trouble came to us again, and this trouble is called the Golden Lion, Shi Ke! "

Raleigh gritted his teeth in displeasure.

"That guy's ambitions are getting bigger and bigger. He has never been satisfied with being the Three Kings. He doesn't even care about the position of the One Piece King. He just wants to be the Lockes of the past and gather all the pirates together. The world government is in full swing!
For this, Golden Lion approached White Beard, but unfortunately, White Beard did not agree to Golden Lion's plan.

After all, Whitebeard is no longer a simple pirate. Now he is a patriarch. He is very concerned about the safety of his sons, and he doesn't want to start a war with anyone and cause more killings.

Therefore, the Golden Lion, who failed to negotiate with White Beard, teamed up with Lingling and set the target on us!
You should have all heard of the Atwall naval battle in 1497 in the Haiyuan calendar. In that damn place, the old man faced the most dangerous battle in his life.

Even when dealing with Rocks back then, because of the help of that bastard Karp, we were not forced into a real predicament.

But that time, we fought to the point that both sides were close to dying!

Fortunately, with God's blessing, a sudden huge storm brought our war to an end, and our two teams failed to decide the winner after all.

But after this naval battle, our ship became more and more dilapidated, and it was almost impossible to sail on the sea.

Moreover, Roger's health is getting worse and worse... "

Rayleigh took another sip of wine, and after finishing a jug, he casually threw the jug into the distance.

Then he went on.

"In order to find the final island in the last stage of life, we needed a faster ship, so in 1498, we came to the capital of seven waters.

By the way, that year, Frankie just became Tom's apprentice, haha, we've seen that guy since he was very young.

Anyway, we asked Tom Shipwright to build us a new boat, the Euro Jackson!

After that, we drove the clipper back to the new world and continued to collect information about the final island.

And in the process of our collection, the last element that made us successful appeared! ! ! "

In Gao Wen's eyes, Lei Li was extremely excited at this moment. He was old but still proud, as if he had returned to the era of high spirits back then.

I saw him clapping his hands heavily.

"In the new world, when we were exploring an island, we encountered Whitebeard again, haha.

To be honest, our two pirate groups have rarely fought for a long time, but this time, there seems to be a newcomer with good strength in the Whitebeard group, and that guy charged us from a long distance away.

Don't need to look, we all know that he is Lengtouqing, but for the sake of his strength, Jabba and I both want to have a fight with him.

But, haha, the closer that guy Roger is to death, the more he misses the taste of fighting. He directly robbed the enemy.

As soon as he tried to avoid it, the stunned young man was chopped off by Roger and flew more than 800 meters, breaking a dozen giant trees before stopping.

So Roger fought for three days and three nights with the white beard who protected his short.

When the war was over, we drank with Whitebeard, and while we were drinking, Roger knelt down to Whitebeard, and he seriously asked Whitebeard to lend us that stunned young man for a few years!

Because that Lengtouqing's surname is Guangyue, that is the surname of the family that created the main text of history!

It stands to reason that it is impossible to succeed in borrowing the crew, and White Beard was also directly angry, and we almost had another fight.

However, Lengtouqing actually wanted to join us on his own initiative, and he made a request to Whitebeard to follow us.

In this way, Oden came to our ship with his cat Mamushi and became our crew! "

Having said that, Raleigh narrowed his eyes, and his attitude became more solemn.

"Because of Mita's participation, our next journey will be placed in places where ordinary texts are stored one after another. Through Mita's translation, we have found more clues from those stone slabs, that is, other history. The location of the text.

Until we arrived at Sky Island and came to the place where we are sitting now. After looking at the slate, Mitian translated the location of Neptune.

After Roger asked Oden to carve the traces of our presence on the slate, we followed the slate of Sky Island to Murloc Island. As a result, although there was no Neptune on Murloc Island, we found the first piece of red there. History text!
When Oden translated the content of the red history text for us, we were completely stunned. It turns out that the key to the final island is the only four red road signs in the world!
And at this moment, the favor of fate appeared! "

A mysterious smile appeared on Rayleigh's face, and then he said with deep meaning.

"The year 1498 of the Haiyuan calendar was an extremely fantastic year. After we deciphered the text of the first road sign from Fishman Island, we found all the text of the road sign in just a moment!

The one on Mermaid Island is the first road sign, and the rubbing we got from Lingling's Wanguo was the second road sign.

As for the third and fourth signposts, they are actually in the hometowns of Mita and Maobamushi respectively!
In this way, at the end of 1498, we took a boat all the way to Wano Country and Zou Island. On the back of the incomparably stalwart elephant owner, we solved the secret that has plagued the world for 800 years, the final island! ! ! "

When Lei Li said this, Gawain's face finally became serious, because Gawain knew that what Lei Li was going to say next was most likely the secret of the final island.

At the same time, regardless of Gion or Hancock, their expressions became tense!
Even Jinbe, who had decided not to be shocked a long time ago, silently stared at his big eyes
As for Uta.

The little girl's mouth could barely close.

The baby is only 13 years old this year, and the baby has only been out to sea for a month.

In just one month, does the baby already know the biggest secret in the world? ! !

Facing everyone's expectant eyes, Lei Li said with a smile.

"The final island is a floating island with no fixed location. Only by using the text of the four road signs to locate the operation rules of the island can we calculate its location at that time!

Fortunately, Jabba's old buddy is a super good navigator, haha, he quickly calculated the address of the final island.

In this way, in 1499, we landed on the last island!

Then we saw an amazing, big joke, ahahahaha! ! ! "

Just talking about this, Lei Li couldn't help laughing out loud, and while laughing, he slapped his thigh fiercely!
"You can never imagine what kind of joke it is. After we and Roger saw that joke, we couldn't help laughing. How could there be such a great joke in the world!"

"Hey, old man, don't be annoying, just hurry up and talk!

Where is Ralph Drew, and what is the big secret treasure! ! ! "

Jinbe finally couldn't bear it any longer, he asked Rayleigh with great anticipation.

Seeing Jinbei's unbearable look, Lei Li suddenly showed a mysterious smile.

"Haha, whether it's Little Jinping, Ralph Drew, or the Great Secret Treasure, don't you already know what they are from the moment you hear the name?"

I saw that Rayleigh's fingers were covered with armed domineering, and then he wrote slowly on the gold.

"Laugh (funny) Tale (story)"

"One piece (one piece, whole)"

After finishing writing, Raleigh said with a smile.

"Whether it's Ralph Drew or Wanpis, these names are all named by Roger after seeing the island.

These names actually contain a lot of information.

Ralph Drew, hahahaha, that's a ridiculous story.

As for Bumpies, lol.

The so-called great secret treasure is actually a real great secret treasure that can integrate the world into a whole! ! ! "

At this moment, Raleigh no longer had the same teasing meaning as before, so he continued.

"When we arrived at Ralph Drew, we found an extremely huge banquet hall on that island!
In that banquet hall, there were countless... chairs of different heights and sizes that were tattered but could still be seen!
Then, we saw the real historical text on Ralph Drew, which told the secrets of the whole world!
Once, in the infinitely distant ancient times.

There are no human beings in the sea at all, and the life living on this land is only a series of non-human races such as the fur tribe, the demon tribe, and the long-hand tribe!

At the same time, in that era, the world did not have the concept of a country at all, and creatures of various races lived scattered and conquered each other.

Their lives were exceptionally primitive, with winners owning everything and losers slaves for tens of thousands of years.

And just 5000 years ago, we humans emerged from the moon!
That's right, this is part of the Great Secret Treasure, and this is one of the news that the World Government has been trying to cover up!

We and the Tianlong people actually have the same ancestors. We and the Tianlong people should never be distinguished as high or low. We are a whole, the descendants of humans who came to the sea from the moon!

Therefore, Tianlong people have never been more noble than any of us! ! ! "

Having said that, Lei Limon looked into Gawain's eyes.

When he found that Gawain didn't show any anger or change in expression, Raleigh nodded in admiration.

Then, he continued.

"We come from a more advanced civilization, a city called Piruka, the moonlight city.

The original city was facing destruction, so, led by a guardian named Nika, they came to the sea to build a new home.

In ancient human civilization, the sacred tree is the root of everything, so they sowed the seeds of the sacred tree on different islands.

But the holy tree has extremely harsh requirements on the environment, and in the end only three trees survived, namely Adam, Eve and the tree of omniscience.

And it is these legendary holy trees that brought devil fruits to this sea!
Of course, it was during this period of time that the murlocs moved to Eve's root system and settled down.

At the same time, feeling the chaos in the world and the overcrowding of slaves, Nika, the guardian of humans and the sacred tree, also began to ride the elephant master transformed by the king of Uranus to roam around the world.

He worked hard to resolve the conflicts among the major races and tried to liberate those slaves. As a result, the world finally entered a period of peace, the major races gradually became peaceful and joyful, and there were fewer and fewer slaves in the world!
So, since then, Nika has become the sun in the eyes of the slaves!
Of course, Nika will always die, and it is said that there will be a day of death after all.

No one could have imagined that after Nika disappeared, the major races in the world still maintained peace after being persuaded by Nika, but the human beings once led by Nika became the source of chaos!
Human beings themselves have started endless civil wars. The war has made human beings no longer have unity and friendship, and all they have is hatred.

Even, the ancient humans turned their backs on Nika's ideas and became staunch supporters of slavery, and such a world lasted for 500 years in a row!
During these 500 years, human beings have multiplied thoroughly, and even gradually occupied most of the world's territory, but the more so, the more serious the division among human beings.

No one remembers past history long ago, no one cares about the fact that all human beings have only one common ancestor.

Even the legend of Nika the Liberator has been completely forgotten by mankind.

And until then, another miracle appeared, his name was Joey Boy.

500 years ago, a giant named Joyboy inherited Nika's strength and aspirations and established the Great Kingdom, the most powerful country at that time.

Because the life of the giant is quite long, Joy Boy walked on the sea for a full 700 years.

During these 700 years, he not only wanted to save and protect races other than humans, but he also wanted to find ways to unite humans.

But it's a pity that he couldn't do it this time, because human nature is far more complicated than the simple and incomparable races!
After working hard for 700 years, Joey Boy failed to bring peace back to the earth at all, so at this moment, Joey Boye proposed a bold plan!

He wants to use the three ancient weapons to completely destroy the Red Earth Continent, and then use the Red Earth Continent as a material to connect every island in the world.

Joey Boye believes that as long as the world no longer has different cultures and ideologies due to geographical isolation, even if there is still a difference in life between various races, they can become a country and will not be trapped in the world again. In the chaos of war.

And this is another meaning of one piece. The big secret treasure we saw on Ralph Drew is such a plan to connect the world into one!

Do you know what the plan is, haha, that plan is really interesting!

Joey Boy actually wants to use himself who ate the Nika fruit as the bowstring, use the Eve rhizome as the bow arm, and use Poseidon and Neptune as the power to launch the Murloc Island onto the Red Earth Continent, completely destroying the Red Earth Continent as a whole. A seamless, nearly indestructible structure!
Immediately afterwards, Joey Boye will also use Pluto, the Pluto he customized from the capital of seven waters, to smash the remaining large parts of the red earth continent after the structure is broken.

Then use what we humans brought to the sea from the moon, who can float in the air and manipulate a small area of ​​space, and can also change the blood factor and seal the ability of the devil fruit, Uranus, the king of heaven, to transport the smashed red earth continent to the various islands!

Hahahaha, what a terrible plan, and what a ridiculous plan, but unfortunately, this plan is really possible.

Because 800 years ago, Joyboy first convinced all races except humans and got the support of those races!
Then, as all races stood behind Joyboy, humans had to join in.

In this way, Joey Boye invited representatives of all races to the final island, and he was going to hold a grand banquet to commemorate the great plan that was about to start.

It was supposed to be a feast hosted by the giants, with all the kings of men, and the leaders of all races, but in the end, Joyboy suffered a terrible betrayal.

Because Imgar, the queen of the most powerful human country at that time, did not bring envoys to the banquet, but a person headed by the king of heaven, who had deeply improved the blood factor...

Killing machine! "

(End of this chapter)

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