I, the dragon man!

Chapter 266 Goodbye, Sakura

Chapter 266 Goodbye, Sakura
In the distance, in the corner where Kureha drank alone.

Xia Qi came to her side with slow steps.

Grabbing the wine in Kureha's hand casually, Xia Qi took a big sip, then said with a smile.

"Have a cigarette."

After the words fell, she took out a cigarette from her pocket and threw it to Kureha.

After receiving the tobacco, Kuleha lighted the cigarette leisurely, when the smoke floated up until it merged with the cherry blossom-colored snowflakes in all directions.

Kureha just put the cigarette in his mouth.

"It's really unrealistically beautiful..."

She took a long breath of the cigarette, then looked up at the sky, motionless.

Looking at Kureha beside her, Xia Qi curled her lips lightly.

"Occasionally, I feel sad when I'm alone.

That Rayleigh guy is still alive and kicking, but he's 73.

How many decades can he have?
How long will it take for me to completely lose him?
How should I face my future after losing him?

At that time, can I still be alive like now? "

Speaking of this, Xia Qi drank the wine in the bottle, and saw that she inserted the bottle into the snow on the side, covered the bottle with snow, and made a simple little snowman.

In the silent silence, pink snowflakes gradually covered the snowman, turning the ugly snowman into a cute one.

And Kureha.

She slowly puffed out the smoke rings, and then spoke with all her heart.

"With this person who cherishes yourself, you can still live, little yes, live just like you....

Although, that kind of life always feels that there is something more, it is living... "

Lei Liha stretched out his hand and caught flakes of falling snow. Seeing the snowflakes melt in your hands, Lei Liha grinned.

"As long as there are gifts that can be seen often.

Or who do you often think of?

Or... often have the next dream.

Is that enough? "

After finishing the words, Lei Liha threw the half-smoked cigarette on the ground.

"Tch, I was talking about that, the woman inside is always domineering outside your eyes, and the more you look at it, the more pleasing to the eye.

But what can make us men remember the deepest is the guy who has been with us the longest, always by our side like a child, showing a sophisticated and silly look.


Already have.

The rest, on the contrary, is more like family affection... "

After finishing speaking, Lei Liha only wore a shirt, carried the vest under his shoulders, and walked all the way up the mountain.

While walking, you shook your head and said.

"I saw it, I wanted to see it, the romance of life is beautiful, but the beauty of death....

It's all a beautiful pity.

Shaoyao, would you like to drink two cups? "

"of course."

Chopper nodded, and then walked towards Lei Liha. Before leaving, you patted the pink snowman on the head.

Even good regrets can't escape the fact.

This is, that regret is really beautiful...


At the same time, the center of the distant crowd.

Accompanied by the stories Robin told, the crowd was still moved and unable to extricate themselves.

Of course, including Xiaowen himself, all those who are not knowledgeable enough to be good enough have heard another story that Ace muttered loudly!
We also heard the conversation between Reliha and Chopper....

So, amidst the moving cries of the special audience and children, he sighed softly.

"Is it the most beautiful cherry blossom scene....

It is indeed a beautiful scenery that makes people forget their regrets.

Robin, his father Hikureha, at least in the early stages of his life, was a very admirable guy. "

"Of course!"

While Cai Fu was wiping tears with his big hoof, I raised my head proudly.

"If Xi Cai Fushi's father is still alive, I must have developed a panacea!"


Low Wen nodded, and then patted Robin on the back with his backhand.

"It's a pity that I have already left, so let's continue to work hard with my share."

"you will!"

Robin nodded seriously.

Before Cai Fu agreed, Xiao Wen put Robin up from his back.

Before I went under the snow, Low Wen turned to the reporter in the distance and asked in a loud voice.

"Reporters, the current scenery is enough for them to make this trip in vain, right?
Therefore, they should have a lot of doubts about how to report next. "

The moment those words fell, a small group of reporters immediately became full of energy, we nodded our heads in haste, and at the same time responded to Xiao Wen in disorder.

"I know, please lower Wensheng's worries!"

"Such a beautiful cherry blossom snow, you will record it well!"

"Xiao Wensheng, today's Winter Island has already been called the most worthwhile country to visit outside of Noji's route!"

"It's wrong, you will follow the agreed rules, publicize it well, and attract enough players..."

"Fart, when did you talk, you are reporters, you never record what you talked about!"

"Yes, it's all true. Does such a real beauty need to be fabricated?"

"There is no such touching story told by your pet, and you will record it in detail!"

"You're going to make half the world cry with us!"

"Yes, cry together!!!"

Accompanied by the sound of one sentence after another, the reporters seemed to have unified their opinions, but our opinions made Xiao Wen feel that there was something interesting.

After all, no matter how sentimental life and death are, they are just one story after another outside the mouth of others.

Few people listen to the story.

Who will remember?

Who will take it to heart?
Shaking his head heavily, Wen Wen walked lazily up the mountain, and I waved my hands as I walked.

"Pink snow is very common, and those who hate it should stay at the bottom of the mountain, or go outside the snow field and take the children to play.

As for the assembly time, let's go at [-]:[-] am, and just go back to the boat after [-]:[-] am. "

As soon as the words fell, Wen Wen left in a hurry, and Hancock, Gion, Ace, Bear, Shiliu, and Frankie Dale followed my footsteps.

Ku Lei originally wanted to follow, even if it was pink snow, a straight girl like me would only think it was special, just take a look and enjoy it for a while.

But Iska's intentions to stay here are really too self-willed, you forbid yourself to stay, and by the way, you also dragged Ku Lei to stay here.

As for Gao Wen and Zefa...

Old people like us are the ones who are most touched by Xi Cai Fushi's story.

I saw me waving my hand at Xiao Wen's back.

"Captain, let Qiaoba talk to Dr. Cai Fuha.

The old man and Zefa were just outside the snow field arguing with the children for a while. "

I was also worried that Xiao Wen would hear it, but I saw that I took out a big table and a flagon.

"Godson, warm up the wine!"

Before yelling, Gawain and Zefa looked at each other.

While Ku Lei rolled his eyes, he warmed wine for the old men with the roasted fruit.

The eyes of the two old men looked at each other, and from the end of the habitual confrontation, they gradually became more comfortable.

When the wine was warm, Cai Fu was taken to the side of the snow mountain by Iscara to watch the pink color gradually covering the entire Magnetic Drum Island.

Zefa finally stretched out his hand and picked up the cup behind Gao Wen's face.

I knocked my glass against the steaming jug.

"You have done fewer bad things, so pour wine for the old man!"

"That's true."

Gao Wen poured Zefa a glass with a smile, then I filled it up for myself and touched Zefa.

"If it were another young general, the corpse in our hands would be much more deadly than the old man.

But he... Brother Zefer.

He is a really good man, what you pirates owe him... is really too little! "

After finishing speaking, Gao Wen took a sip of his wine.


Exhaling a mouthful of warm and cold alcohol, Cai Fu grinned.

"So, old guy, the guy who cut off his left hand, you will help him apply to our captain, and try to kill me to avenge him!"


Hearing Gao Wen's words, Zefa shook his head disdainfully.

"Does he think the old man really cares about that?

Compared with the hatred in the past, the old man wants to cut off the wave of pirates. Compared with killing a mere pirate, the old man wants to kill the pirates that no one cares about!
So, it's me!

Brother Flaming, I'm still worthy of our Xia Qi's grief!
If you kill me, Dalowen will face fear and pressure from Qilaoxing.

Did he think that the old man would make it difficult for Da Xiaowen to do so! "

After the words fell, Zefa took a sip of his wine, and then turned his head to look at the pink sky.

While watching, Zefa said with restraint.

"A panacea that can save a country?

Indeed, living in such a beautiful scenery, even if the people have to face the exploitation of Ruruk, we can still feel the feeling of living in ugliness.

What's more, Luluke has already been punished by Dalowen on trumped-up charges.

If so, that scenery is enough to become the pillar of that country's future.


This is really a romantic enough guy, and at the same time small enough guy! "




After getting off the Xia Qi, it was a long time since Lowen returned to the ship, and he practiced with Frankie Dale.

Facing Xiaowen at this moment...

Well, Franchdale was totally reduced to being beaten.

On the one hand, the slow regression before Xiaowen obtained the thunder fruit made me the most troublesome existence above monsters.

On the other hand, we have the Xia Qi on our feet, which is an open space for Frankie Dale to fully desertify to lay the home court.

Relying on the sand I turned into, and without my own physical skills, I am no match for Xiao Wen.

As for the poison under Cai Fu Shidal's hook, I prepared this thing for Whitebeard. It is completely useful for Xiaowen, even if it is useless, I dare to use it.

So, can I be hanged?
Half an hour before the beating, the two of us got up to rest and waited for Diwen to sit back on the beach chair and watch Gion and Hancock play shogi.

The Xuanniao has also rushed back from the mountain.

I said to Lowen holding a bucket of water.


Little man, the potion developed by Xi Caifu after his lifetime is really miraculous, this bottle of potion has lasted for half an hour, and there is still no sign of fading.

Although it is known that that thing is permanent, even if it is permanent, Drum Kingdom can also create a new cherry blossom potion according to the formula, and launch us into the world to maintain the beauty.

As for the dangers of those medicines... "

Cai Fushi raised his little finger.

"Those potions will not affect the water quality of Winter Island, and they can even be used as heavy doses of nutrients.

All in all, those medicines are similar to the nutritional supplements that Dr. Lei Liha gave you, but the dosage is quite high.

In that way, perhaps decades ago, all the people living under Winter Island would have a healthy body! "


Hearing Cai Fushi's words, Xiao Wen looked over with interest.

"If that's the case, it really deserves the title of panacea. Xi Cai Fushi gave Robin a promise, gave Doctor Lei Liha a beautiful view, and I also gave the people of Winter Island a piece of weakness.

What a careless person!

Xuanniao, please reserve some cherry blossom potions, because there are often troubles, you can use the dancing powder prepared by Sand Crocodile, together with the cherry blossom potions, to retreat targeted rainfall on Xia Qi.

Dr. Lei Liha's blue wave series of super nutritional supplements are too cheap to make, and the materials are also very easy to assemble, so it is difficult to assemble them.

The cherry blossom potion made up for that very well! "

On the side, Xuanniao nodded clearly when he heard Xiao Wen's words.

"Giao, the villain is really good at Su Po, why did you think of using dancing powder to artificially rain and snow?
Then go prepare, haha! "

With a small laugh, the Mysterious Bird returned to its own laboratory. Later, the people sent by the Xia Qi to Vegapunk's hometown returned one after another. We brought the experimental equipment used by Dovegapunk in the early days.

So, in the past few days, the Mysterious Bird has not only dug deep into mechanics, but I have also dabbled in genetics a little bit.

Although I seem to have some genetic talent, how can I put it, even Lei Liha appreciates Cai Fushi's dissection technique.

It's very reasonable to think about it. The Xuanniao is a terrifying existence that dissects itself by itself, and then turns it into a living robot.

It's strange for a guy like me to be able to dissect it!


Time passed by, and it was Cai Fu and Lei Liha who knew which big tavern they drank in, and finally returned to Xia Qi.

One after another, the two old men, Gao Wen and Zefa, also came back with the children who were tired from playing.

When everyone was ready, the time came before eight o'clock in the morning.

The Shaqi hurriedly hoisted its flag and left the island where countless people were looking at us.

For Gao Wen, the hearts of Dongdao people are relatively simple.

After all, this hill looms above us, Ruruk.

Just because of Xiao Wen's words, he disappeared from the king's seat.

Although people were delighted with the fact that Luluke had left, the power that Lowen showed in that incident also made people fearful.

And on the other hand….

The more fearful Xiaowen is, the more I will make the people of Winter Island feel dependable.

When there is no low-level text, the people of Winter Island are almost worried about their own lives, because the financial team led by Kalifa and the front-line team of the White Ice Terrace led by Bruno have taught the people of Winter Island how much about business management, and how much they have not yet learned. Planting knowledge.

Don't ask why the Baibingtai front-line team knows how to plant.

It's all under the sea's heptapod, the whale, the shark, and the people!

In short, whether Gaowen left any materials for the people of Dongdao, and I even left some money for the people of Dongdao.

I even scraped all the wealth accumulated by the king and nobles of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom to the Xia Qi.

But I am very serious about leaving the means for the common people to usher in a better life.

Just like teaching a man how to fish.

Noble money?

King's money?

What does this have to do with us ordinary people?
Therefore, for Gao Wen, the people of Dongdao are really grateful.

That outside is the world of One Piece, and that outside is reality. Outside the world of One Piece, when you show kindness to a very small number of people.

That kindness is often rewarded with sincerity.

However, Xiao Wen came suddenly and left suddenly.

Therefore, the people of Dongdao had no choice but to cherish the heart of nostalgia, silently waving our hands with Xiao Wen, the ship that is going away.

When Xiaowen arrived, we knelt outside the snow to greet him with numb faces.

When Xiao Wen left, we stood outside the snow field with sad faces to see us off.

Change is just a few words.

Becoming is the fate of countless people, and our life.

And when such a scene was overlooked by Xiao Wen...

Going down the side of the ship, looking at the crowd that was gradually going away, Xiao Wen raised his left hand.

"Remember us as we are now, everyone!"

When the voice fell, Xiaowen closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"No matter what kind of feat you intend to accomplish, you all have to vaguely know what is your goal.

So, see the people down the bank.

What we are now is what you are fighting for! "

After finishing speaking, Xiao Wen rested his hands on the side of the boat, while Xiaoxiong and Ace beside me kept recording something.

And just when the two of us broke the record, the other looked at the dock in the distance.

Holding the cigarette, Lei Liha sighed heavily.

"It's finally time to say goodbye..."

While speaking, Lei Liha stubbed out the cigarette, and at the same time you tilted your upper jaw slightly, and then closed your eyes.

that's it…….

You catch the falling...pink snow with your cheek.

Listen to the sound of snowflakes melting.

Just like no one is whispering in your ear.

make you drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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