I, the dragon man!

Chapter 267 What a Fucking Exit

Chapter 267 What a Fucking Exit

boom! ! !
The sound of weapons being handed over continued to come from the depths of the dense forest.

The sound was far away, and countless giant dinosaurs frantically fled in all directions.

For a while, this forest has some shadows of Jurassic Park.


Meanwhile, above the sea.

Gawain and Shiliu walked out of the training ground hand in hand.

Gao Wen, who was shirtless, patted the bruise on his shoulder lightly.

Shiliu wiped his hair helplessly.

"My lord, your thunder... the voltage should have increased, right?
The speed at which Thunderbolt consumes my Armed Color Domineering Qi has increased a lot.

If I don't take advantage of it for a while, my arrogance is broken, and my hair...

Hey……. "

Sighing leisurely, Xiliu stuck his head into the shower and washed it.

Then, he lowered his cap much lower.

A good thing and a bad thing came to him at the same time.

The good news is...he's bald!

The bad news is...he didn't get stronger! ! !
Looking at Shiliu's gloomy look, Gao Wen innocently shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll pay attention next time..."

After finishing speaking, Gawain patted Shiliu's shoulder in a funny way, and then he came to the dining table and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, Kalifa said softly to him while setting the tableware for him.

"My lord, according to the nautical chart provided to us by Mary Joya, the island we are about to arrive at is called the Ancient Island."

"Oh? It's actually that island!!!"

As soon as Kalifa finished speaking, Jinbe beside him became excited, and he lit up his eyes with great interest.

"The legendary ancient island, an ancient wild land that has hardly been affected by any pirates!
It is said that there are countless... legendary dinosaurs on it!
Tyrannosaurus rex, spinosaurus, triceratops, brontosaurus, brachiosaurus?
Hell, I'm afraid I'll have to hunt for a long time before I can eat it all, haha! ! ! "

Amidst the loud laughter, Jinbe didn’t even eat his food at all. He knew such good news, so of course he would go to the sea to play with the little fat sticks in the waves, and personally catch two sea kings to jump on the boat to cheer everyone up !

Looking at Jinbei's excited look at the table, Gawain rolled his eyes amusedly.

"As expected of Shiping, since he lost the burden of Murloc Island, he is really active..."

"Ha ha!"

Gao Wen's words directly made Zefa laugh, and Zefa grinned while eating the nutritious meal prepared by Kuleha.

"What kind of murloc is this Jinbe?
Whale Sharkman!

What kind of fish is a whale shark?

That thing is known for being mischievous in the sea, whether it is a dolphin, a seal, or a walrus or sea lion.

Whale sharks always give them two tails, and beat them all into seals, or the kind with big eyes and small eyes!

As we all know, whale sharks are bums who are active on the bottom of the sea. They don’t care about old people or children. As long as a whale shark passes by, even a dog will be slapped...

In other words, Jinbe as a Whale Sharkman....

Hahaha, the old man already finds it rare that this kid can be as stable as he is now! ! ! "

After the words fell, Zefa laughed and poured a large bowl of paste into his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he slammed the bowl down hard and roared.

"This thing is really unpalatable, hell, I will never eat this kind of thing next time, absolutely not!!!"

After sternly saying a word, Zefa walked towards the training ground full of anger. Behind him, Ain and Binz looked at each other and smiled wryly.

"This is the fourteenth time the teacher has said this..."

"Cough cough, keep your voice down, if Dr. Kureha hears it, we will be beaten together with the teacher again..."


Amidst the murmurs of the two students of Zefa, Gao Wen took a sip of his wine in a funny way.

"Is the whale shark the most famous bum in the sea?
No wonder this guy, Shiping, looks like a super animal fuller all day long... "

After speaking, Gawain put down his wine glass and turned to look at Kalifa.

"Speaking of business, what is the ancient island, stop for a while, and let Franky record the location of the station by the way.

However, the treatment plan for this island cannot be the same as other islands.

The ancient island has a unique wild environment. It would be a pity if that environment was destroyed by too many human activities.

In short, the train station is built on the edge of the island to minimize the range of activities for tourists and passengers, and at the same time, a planning area is established, and a series of means such as fences are used to divide the station area into...a human protection area....

Of course, it can’t be written like this on the surface, so let’s write it as a natural dinosaur protection area, so as not to feel inferior to the passing passengers. "

On the side, after listening to Gao Wen's words, Khalifa nodded slightly.

"I understand, my lord. On the one hand, many ancient animals such as dinosaurs are quite dangerous, and we must prevent future passengers from having too much contact with them.

On the other hand, we haven't yet made passengers feel like they are being protected.

Therefore, the way of dinosaur sanctuary is the most appropriate! "


Gao Wen nodded, and at the same time couldn't help muttering in his heart.

If there were only dinosaurs on that island, it wouldn't be a big deal to set up a protected area.

But besides dinosaurs, there are countless ancient viruses on that island.

This is the ancient virus, not the ancient virus. The ancient virus makes people die, but the ancient virus makes people shop.

In the original manga of One Piece, Nami suffered from an extremely serious disease because she was walking in the ancient jungle of the ancient island wearing a T-shirt.

If it weren't for their good luck, they found both the Drum Kingdom and the legendary doctor Kuleha.

Maybe Nanami sent it directly.

Therefore, it is Gawain's real purpose to let future passengers avoid the ancient forest, beasts and viruses.

If it is said that tourists who travel through Taikoo Island, two or three out of ten will die of illness.

Then there is no one on this railway line!

Although Kalifa couldn't see through Gao Wen's thoughts, she was best at understanding the spirit. Soon, Gao Wen's arrangements for the ancient island were conveyed to the ears of the Black Ice Terrace by her.

And as time passed, it came to about two o'clock in the afternoon.

Gao Wen and his party finally stopped near the ancient island.

When their ship approached the sea, the people on board had already heard the sound of gold and iron from afar.

As a result, people gradually gathered on the side of the ship curiously, and looked towards the ancient island full of primitive jungles.

From a distance, ordinary people can only see two vague figures colliding with each other.

As for people like Gao Wen.

After they saw it, they couldn't help but stare at each other.

"Giant, Dongli and Broki?!!"

Mr. Raleigh was the first to frown.

"When the old man took this route with Roger, he saw the two of them fighting endlessly!

As a result, it has been 20 years now, are the two of them still fighting here? "

After the words fell, Lei Li narrowed his eyes in admiration.

Lei Li was aside, and said softly with a smile and thought.

"Oh, Mr. Raleigh knows them?
As giants, their fighting voices are really powerful, even if I can't see them, I can still hear their voices.

There was not even a trace of hatred mixed in their battles, their battles were just like pure-hearted young children playing.

That being the case, why are they marked for 20 years? "

"20 years……?"

After a smile, Kureha shook her head with her arms curled up.

"You really underestimated them, Xiao Yixiao!
These two guys have been fighting on this island since my mother was young!

How old is my old lady? Looking at them, I am afraid they have been fighting for more than 90 years! "

After the words fell, Kureha let out a deep breath.

"By the way, the reason why the two of them are able to fight is also related to my mother's friend!
Shaoyao should also know about this, right?

That's right, it was the old woman who used to be a child, that is, the old lady of Little Bear, haha.

Back then, about 90 years ago, the Giant Pirates at that time were really a trouble at sea.

The giant pirates with super physical fitness and long lifespan who came out of the giant kingdom Elbaf, those guys really made a fuss, enough to cause a lot of trouble for the navy!

So, bear, your mother was probably sent to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom to try to solve the giant soldier pirate group. "

Having said that, Kureha took a sip of the wine, put down the bottle, and let out a sigh of relief.

On the side, Gion was slightly taken aback when he heard that he was in a trance.

"Miss Kureha, can you not hide half of the story?

I know about the Giant Soldiers Pirates, and I also know about the blue and red ghosts on the ancient island.

I even remember that the reward for the two of them should be 97 billion Baileys, which was [-] million Baileys [-] years ago.

However, the battle between the two of them is also good, or the Giant Pirates...

What do these things have to do with your friend? "

While talking, Gion gave Kureha a puzzled look.

Hearing this, Kuleha smiled leisurely.

"Little rabbit, don't worry, you have to be patient enough to hear the whole story."

After the words fell, Kureha was silent for a moment with evil taste, and then said softly in the eyes of everyone.

"In the sea back then, there was no such an emperor's pirate pattern.

At that time, although there were also legends about Ralph Drew, but because no one had actually been to that island for a long time, most of the pirates did not flock to the new world as they do now.

At that time, the new world and the great route did not have the extremely exaggerated distinction between strength and weakness.

The navy's blocking of the new world and the great route is not as serious as it is now.

In such an environment, the kingdom of Elbaf, the legendary home of giants, came out of a group of pirates for the first time.

The Giant Soldier Pirates, as a pirate group purely composed of giants, their appearance has really increased the momentum of the pirates.

In this regard, Mary Joya made certain measures, such as intercepting and chasing down.

But not everyone can deal with a group of giants on the sea, those guys have the special fighting skills of the kingdom of giants, overlord!

Although the power of the overlord varies from person to person, even the weakest overlord is far more powerful than the main guns of those warships at that time.

Hundreds of giants stay on a ship and release the overlord skills at the same time.

My old lady was lucky enough to see it once. The scale was like hundreds of thousands of warships firing their main guns at the same time!
Therefore, simple force action cannot stop the pace of the giant soldier pirates.

Of course, the world government at that time also had strong people, such as the steel-boned empty teacher Silver Ankle Ke Wen, who was also a monster among monsters.

If they show their real strength, then the giant soldier pirates are not particularly troublesome, but the trouble is that they are giants, and giants can be called the most united race in the world!
Once the human side, especially the world government, dispatches strong men, they will inevitably face a full backlash from the giant kingdom Elbaf!
As a result, the world government at that time gave up its plan to solve the giant soldier pirates by force.

Instead, Huairou's plan was brought by my old friend! "

Speaking of which, Kureha took out the cigarettes and divided them among everyone, and then she continued.

"I remember, it was happening in my mother's hometown.

The old lady was in her thirties at the time, and returned home after her second voyage.

Little Bear's mother came to Winter Island and said she wanted to visit me. Of course I wouldn't mind. We had been drinking for more than two months at that time.

Immediately afterwards, the ship of the Giant Soldiers Pirates stopped on the shore of Winter Island.

The old lady didn't take them seriously, even if those giants became pirates, they were all simple and upright guys, so the old lady warmly received them.

And just as the old lady was receiving them, the old lady's old friend, that is, Little Bear's mother, stepped forward.

That guy always liked to be a child, so she used her innocent childlike appearance to sneak into the giant soldier pirates.

Immediately afterwards, the two captains of the giant soldier pirates at the time, namely Dongli and Broki, happened to hunt a sea king each.

So, the old lady's old friend asked the two giant captains in a child's tone.

Which of you two has the bigger prey?

Ha ha! ! ! "

Speaking of this, Kureha burst out laughing fiercely, and while laughing, she patted the side of the boat and said.

"Even my old lady didn't expect that a mere problem of the size of the prey would be highly valued by the two captains.

Immediately afterwards, regarding this issue, the two of them had a considerable degree of dispute.

At first, they measure the length of their prey with each other.

Later, after the length was decided, the one with the shorter prey began to compare the weight of the prey.

It happens that the shorter prey is slightly fatter, so in terms of weight, the winner is different.

So, later they began to compare the pattern of the prey, the male and female of the prey, and the style and ferocity of the prey.

When they left Winter Island, the two of them were still arguing.

Later, my mother heard the news that the giant soldier pirate group was disbanded and the two captains were missing.

Of course, after hearing the news, my old lady went to check it out in person.

Sure enough, the two of them fought on the ancient island near Winter Island... "

I saw Kureha slapped his forehead heavily.

"What is the tradition of the giant race? It's probably about being persistent and competitive!

The little rabbit remembered that their reward order was issued 97 years ago, and the day they started the war was just two months after their reward order was issued.

In other words, they have indeed fought on this island for 97 years!

As for why the members of the Giant Soldiers Pirates think the two of them disappeared....

Because the two of them started fighting as soon as they left Winter Island. First they damaged the ship, and then they fought all the way from the sea to the ancient island!

And their crew members were beaten and separated by the two captains! ! ! "

Having said that, Kureha showed a dumbfounding expression.

And others….

Except for Gao Wen who was still able to calm down, everyone else all showed crap expressions...

Even the trio of little girls, Baixing Wutaweiwei, couldn't handle it right now.

They are not very good at swearing, but the eyes they showed at this time.

Their staring eyes were also full of words that they couldn't speak quickly!
Now the overlords of the sea, that is, the Four Emperors, they are right to sit on their thrones.

The former overlord of the sea, One Piece, although he died on the execution platform of the navy, he set off the era of great pirates and found the legendary Ralph Drew!

The earlier sea overlord, the Rocks Pirates.

If it wasn't for external pressure and internal discord, if it wasn't for the unprecedented collaboration between Navy King Garp and One Piece Roger.

Narox will not make a brilliant exit.

And before Rocks, the giant soldier pirate group that is most likely to dominate the sea...

Less than two months after they received the bounty, the size of the two sea kings led to internal strife among the captains, directly breaking up the entire pirate group...

As for what the hell is wrong with this matter?

With a smile, my invisible eyeballs almost popped out! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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