one's door

Chapter 1 God Spell

Chapter 1 God Spell
Knife with a hook, open the skin;

A palm-breadth knife, cuts down demon generals;

Strip off the monster's skin, pull out the monster's tendons, and exchange for meritorious service, Hao Erlang.
This song has a strange tone, but it is not difficult to learn, even if you don't know how to sing it before, you will be able to do it after listening to it two or three times.

Behind a section of the city wall, more than a dozen men sat on the ground and gathered together, each of them was covered with blood, and their armor was also damaged. They had weapons and dry food in their hands, eating and resting at the same time.

"Stop babbling and singing!"

"You want to care? I love to sing!"

"Tsk tsk, let Huagou sing if he likes to sing. He has saved three demon tendons now, and he hopes to exchange money for the money at the end of the month and send it back to the girls at home. I'm so happy!"

"Three?! Huagou, you bastard can do it! This time it is enough to change two more lands! But you have to take it easy, you have the land, if you lose your life, those lands I'm afraid that if you want to take advantage of others, it will be a miserable loss!"

"If you dare to curse me again, I will even convulse your tendons!"

"Hahaha, flower dog, don't be afraid, the more you are afraid of dying here, the faster you will die. Didn't the lunatic say something yesterday? Hey, lunatic, how did you say that word yesterday?"

"Live to die. Besides, my name is Zhang Yan (yàn), can you stop calling me crazy?"

"Yes, yes, to live to die! This word is good! To live to die! On this Yubei Mountain, this word is really apt!"

Being called a "lunatic", Zhang Yan could only smile bitterly. He had seen the tempers of the people around him, and he was especially stubborn about giving people nicknames.It seems that his title of "madman" may not be taken off.

He gnawed on the dry and hard bread in his hand, and barely swallowed it with water.Although it's not tasty, it won't make you sick. After all, even if you give Zhang Yan the big fish and meat now, he won't be able to eat it.He is not used to killing like these guys around him, and now his stomach is still churning.

Four days ago, Zhang Yan was in an underground palace in the Tianzhu Kingdom on Earth, helping a group of people who were fighting against each other to see the ground to hide their murderous intentions, but after making a mistake, he was covered by a cloud of black mist and his whole body instantly turned into fly ash. Opening his eyes, he came to the Yubei Mountain Fortress in front of him. While frightened, his legs were weak, and at the same time, he was forced to pick up a long gun and immediately started desperately.

To use the sayings in the novels that Zhang Yan read on Earth before, he is considered a soul wearer now, right?And the predecessor of his body was a sent criminal soldier, who had never seen the slaughter field, and was frightened to death, and then Zhang Yan traveled over to pick up the plate.

At any rate, this physical fitness is ridiculously strong, coupled with some basic physical skills brought by Zhang Yan from the earth, he can only survive after mastering the essentials of fighting on this city wall.Taking advantage of the remaining memories in his body and the gossip of the rough guys around him, he gradually figured out the context of the world in front of him.

This world is called Huangtianyu, and the Yubei Mountain Fortress that Zhang Yan is currently in is a frontier called "Nanyuan Kingdom" in Huangtianyu. It borders the Yaozu in the west, and there are constant wars all year round.

The tyrannical monster race, even if it was just a nuisance, made it extremely difficult for Nanyuan Kingdom to deal with it. Every year, a large number of strong laborers were dragged to various fortresses on the frontier, and the battle damage was extremely high.

Therefore, Nanyuan Kingdom has a "flexible" response law.That is, every year, young and middle-aged prisoners with serious crimes will be taken to the front line as a supplement, called "criminal soldiers".If the criminal soldier gathers enough three monster tendons, the crime will be reduced by one class.When the charges are cleared, the criminal soldiers can regain their status as civilians. At that time, they can go home or stay in the side camp to serve in exchange for pay.

Many of the rough guys in the same team as Zhang Yan were transferred from criminal soldiers to formal soldiers and stayed after their crimes were reduced.The main thing is to work hard here. If you are lucky, you can really earn enough for your wife in a year.

But Zhang Yan is still far behind, he has only been here for four days, and the crimes on his body are serious. According to Huagou, it is reasonable for him to think about how to survive first, and there is no need to think about the demon tendons for the time being.

The rest is only a meal, and then we will go to the city wall.There are two teams of people stationed on a section of the wall, and now there are 35 people in total.The two teams alternated rests.

It is said that the city wall is only about ten feet high, and people with more agile hands and feet can climb it with a little effort.What's more, it's not a human being to deal with, but a demon.

Monster soldiers!

"Madman, why are you still shaking? Haven't you gotten used to it these days?"

".My name is Zhang Yan."

"Hahaha, outside you are called Zhang Yan, but here you are called a lunatic. Who made you mutter and mutter non-stop? Aren't you just like those lunatics?"

"." Zhang Yan was speechless for a while.He was chanting a mantra!Why can't these people make sense?A good Taoist mantra, when it comes to these people's mouths, it becomes crazy and completely unreasonable.

"If you don't want to be like Liu Mazi, you should lower your body and don't show your head!"


Zhang Yan tightened his grip on the spear in his hand. Although he had experienced this kind of fighting many times in the past few days, he still couldn't adapt well, but his legs didn't go weak anymore.

"Huh! Huh!"

The sharp wind whistled across the head. It was iron and wooden gun shuttles thrown from under the city wall. The flower-headed Liu Mazi in Huagou's mouth was stabbed in the face by this kind of javelin. The head was smashed to pieces by the huge impact.

At this time, you have to wait, don't rush, wait for the drum to sound.

On the opposite side there was an iron and wooden gun shuttle, and there were also feathered arrows on the city wall to return fire. The whistling sound was like the whisper of death in his ears, and Zhang Yan had to lower his body again. At this time, only the wall stack in front could give him some comfort.

"dong dong dong"

"The drum is ringing! Get up, raise the gun! It's about to come up!"

Almost by reflex, Zhang Yan stood up from the crouching position, with the long spear in his hand raised above his chest, both hands clenched the barrel of the gun from front to back, and the tip of the gun slanted down from the edge of the wall to gain momentum When he was ready to go, the muscles all over his body were tense, and even the veins on his neck were bulging.


The moment Zhang Yan opened his posture, a black shadow suddenly jumped up from outside the city wall. Through the moonlight and the huge fire on the city wall, one could see that the other party had a big bloody mouth with criss-crossed teeth and mottled hair on his head. His eyes are vertical, and his stature is at least two heads taller than Zhang Yan!
This is the demon soldier!
While Zhang Yan stabbed the opponent's head with a charged spear, he muttered something: Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, the root of ten thousand qi.Practice extensively for thousands of kalpas, and prove my supernatural powers.

The gun stabbed firmly into the opponent's eye socket. It felt soft and waxy, and then hard, and then stirred with the momentum, and finally retracted the gun forcefully.

Except for Zhang Yan himself, no one noticed that as he kept chanting, a golden light imperceptible to the naked eye circulated on his skin, and finally turned into strength and disappeared in every movement of his gun.

At first Zhang Yan didn't notice it either.At that time, he was almost scared to pee, but he just habitually recited the Taoist "Golden Light Mantra" that he used to make money when he was running in the rivers and lakes. The reason why he survived until now in the fight.

Stabbing one or two demon soldiers is not the end, but the beginning of a battle.

"Not good! Right side! You fucking watch the right side! Come up! The reserve team! The reserve team go up and kill that bastard! Quick!"

The city walls are densely packed with soldiers, but there are always omissions where the latter are breached, and the monster soldiers who jump up need to be dealt with by the reserve team.But the number of the reserve team is not enough. Once there are too many openings, or if there are too many monster soldiers jumping up, they will not be able to deal with it at all. Live, but also make up.

The strength of the demon soldiers is far greater than that of ordinary soldiers. With a big knife, they can easily cut a person in half with a knife. They have rough skin and thick flesh. With leather armor, they need to pick eyes, necks and other places to kill them. .

"Crazy, you go to the right! You can't stand that side!"

Zhang Yan gritted his teeth and nodded, without thinking too much.When you get on the city wall, there is no distinction between you and me. Everyone is fighting for their lives. If the defense line is breached, everyone will die.

It is said to be on the right side, but it is only a little more than five feet laterally. There are already three people lying on the ground, all of them have a big hole in their stomach, and their intestines are flowing all over the floor. In a panic, I want to pick it up and stuff it back, but After picking it up for a while, there was no sound.

"The heaven and the earth are natural, the filth and qi are scattered, the cave is mysterious and empty, and the Taiyuan is shining brightly"

Zhang Yan held the spear tightly in his hand, fixed his eyes on the neck of the demon soldier who jumped up the city wall, and began to chant another kind of magic spell in his mouth.

Invisibly, the syllables of the divine mantra were fluttering like flies' wings, and ordinary people would not even care about it, but the demon soldier in the middle trembled all over, and then his whole body seemed to be a little tired.


Zhang Yan saw the opportunity, and thrust out the spear in his hand vigorously and obliquely. The tip of the spear ruthlessly plunged into the back of the demon soldier's neck, piercing five inches into the flesh with a puff!
Seeing that Zhang Yan had succeeded, the surrounding soldiers howled and followed. They stabbed one after another, most of them aimed at the head. Taking advantage of the serious injury to the back of the neck of the demon soldier, his eyes and even his mouth were stabbed by a spear. He stabbed with a long spear, and fell down in a moment, his whole head seemed to be in tatters, and he lost his breath after a few convulsions.

"It seems that the "Jing Tian Di Shen Mantra" is really useful for these demon soldiers!" Zhang Yan only had time to sigh excitedly, and the flower dog's shout sounded behind him, and he hurried back to his previous position, repeating the mechanical Like a killing move.

(End of this chapter)

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