one's door

Chapter 2

Chapter 2
"Okay, sit down and rest."

When Huagou told Zhang Yan to put down the spear in his hand, Zhang Yan recovered from the tense state.


"Well, it's back!"

With a plop, Zhang Yan slid and sat on the ground against the wall, the spear in his hand fell beside him, his hands and fingers were stiff, it seemed that it was temporarily difficult to straighten due to too much clenching for a long time.

"Haha, lunatic, you got used to it very quickly. When you climbed the city wall the first day, you were so scared that you were so scared that your face turned pale, and you fell to the ground and twitched, looking like you were scared to death. This is only the fifth day, right? Already watched it Looks like a frontier soldier."

Zhang Yan wanted to laugh, knowing in his heart that what Huagou said was true, the previous body was indeed scared to death, but now this body has changed its owner.

During the rest, the city wall was not idle, and the auxiliary soldiers began to run up with buckets and hooks.They are farmers conscripted from the surrounding area, and they are not allowed to fight, but they can help with some auxiliary tasks, such as delivering water between each attack and defense, collecting corpses, and cleaning up blood and debris on the city wall.

"Let's go, there's going to be a demon cramp over there, go and have a look, I should be able to have your share."

Just after taking two breaths, Huagou called Zhang Yan to get up, and pulled him two, and together they rode their spears to the side a few feet away, Zhang Yan stabbed and killed the demon soldier who jumped up the city wall just now next to the corpse.

"There is one demon soldier of class C, and the demon tendons are divided into seven sections, the third section is used for compensation, and the fourth section is divided into moistening. Li Changgui Zhang Yan in Zhou Dynasty"

The person who wears two layers of leather armor and has an iron helmet with a red tassel on his head is a clerk. There is one on each section of the city wall. Generally, there is no need to fight or clean up. Pick the key points and write them down, as the empirical evidence of the performance of the soldiers in battle, it is also the direct standard of meritorious service.

I saw the clerk holding a strange dagger with a forked tip in his hand, flexibly using the characteristics of the knife tip to open the back of the corpse of the demon soldier on the ground, then stretched it in and stabbed it twice quickly, and then went out, The forked back of the knife is like a hook, just caught a green tendon as thick as a little finger, then peeled off bit by bit, and finally pulled out completely, the total length was nearly three feet.

The clerk kept his hands on. After the demon tendons were stripped out, he began to divide into sections. The seven sections were not bad, and each section was equal.Three of them were collected to pay for the fallen, and the remaining four were distributed to the four people who had just been named as rewards.

Zhang Yan was also allocated a segment.

Huagou enviously said: "That's right, lunatic, it's only the fifth day in the battle, and the demon tendons have been paid for, tsk tsk."

"Brother, what can this thing do? Or is it really just a reward?" Zhang Yan weighed it with a small piece of demon tendon. It is sticky and slippery, and the smell is actually fragrant.

"You don't know?" Huagou curled his lips and asked back: "You have heard of Jingusan, right? The main medicine in it is Yaojin."

"Ah?" Zhang Yan was slightly surprised, and then a not-so-clear memory flooded into his mind.Let him "remember" what the so-called tendons and bones are, and at the same time pull out a large amount of special circumstances about Huang Tianyu, and re-clarify them in Zhang Yan's mind.

The huge information surfaced, making Zhang Yan a little dazed for a while, walked to the side in a daze, and sat down against the wall again, his eyes lost focus.

"Tsk, and he said he's not crazy, this kid's brain is definitely not normal." Huagou called Zhang Yan a few words, and seeing that Zhang Yan ignored him, he was not angry, and shook his head with a smile.Crazy, it's not bad to be normal when killing the enemy, what else do you want from him?

Zhang Yan was not in the mood to deal with Huagou's banter, and the memories that emerged in his mind made him eager to digest them.

The first time he saw the monster soldier before, he knew that the world he traveled through was quite different from the original world, and it seemed very mysterious.But how mysterious it is, and the memory is fuzzy.

Now that he has regained his clarity, Zhang Yan has a systematic understanding.

Let's start with the demon tendons in your hand.To put it bluntly, this thing is a kind of medicinal material, as Huagou said, it is the main medicine used to refine "jingusan".The muscle and bone powder is a very precious buff drug in martial arts, which can allow warriors to strengthen their muscles, bones and strength more quickly and deeply during their practice.Especially for martial artists who are in the early stages of martial arts.

And there are too many things involved in martial arts and warriors, which is also the reason why Zhang Yan's mind is blocked and temporarily dazed.

Martial arts was founded by the martial sage "Xu Fengyang". A piece of "The Essence of Martial Arts" has allowed countless martial artists to discover their own talents in practice, and they have embarked on the martial arts since then.

Tens of thousands of years passed by like a shuttle, and martial arts gradually formed schools between time and time, and gradually had a detailed and precise division of realms.

The first realm of martial arts is: Body Tempering, which is divided into three small realm stages: initial, middle, and latter.

After that, the second realm is: Kaiyuan, which is also subdivided into three small realms.

The third realm is called: Tongqiao.

Then, there was no record in Zhang Yan's memory.But what is certain is that martial arts still has many great realms after the "Tongqiao Realm", but the predecessor of Zhang Yan's body is not a warrior. Among the warriors around him or some anecdotes heard, it is the highest level. "Tongqiao environment" only.

Corresponding to the realm of warriors is the strength of the monster clan, and these memories are even less, only a little bit rough.For example, demon soldiers are divided into three classes, A, B, and C.Further down is the miscellaneous soldiers, and there is no demon cramp after killing them.Going up, there are demon generals, red pupils, white pupils, etc. These are mostly heard by Zhang Yan's predecessor.Exactly how has yet to be verified.

"There is no way of cultivating martial arts, nor the way of cultivating gods?" Zhang Yan finally digested the memories that suddenly appeared in his mind, and then realized something that surprised him.

Because in the legendary age of the earth, there was also martial arts, as well as martial arts and Shinto, it can be said that a hundred flowers bloomed and competed for beauty.Later, when the aura of heaven and earth was exhausted, "Tao" quickly declined, and then "technology" rose and embarked on a completely different path.

But the world in front of me is different from the legendary era of the earth. It seems that martial arts are unique and there are no other disciplines.

"So, I might be the only one here who practices the way of art and the way of God?!"

Zhang Yan blinked his eyes a few times, and after thinking about it for a while, he felt that he continued to pick up the skills he had learned on earth to make a living. This is very interesting!
First of all, Zhang Yan's current body is the inheritance of his predecessor, and his predecessor was judged as "without martial arts talent" by the martial arts academy when he was young. Practice physical fitness and self-defense.

But in Zhang Yan's eyes, although this body left by his predecessor has no talent for martial arts, it is good for skills and gods.Not only his feelings, but also the actual expression.For example, the few times before he recited the Taoist mantra, it had immediate effect, and the effect became more and more obvious, all of which showed that his body was very talented in the art and the divine way.

"In that case, do I count as re-opening the Taoist door in this world?" Zhang Yan suddenly became more motivated for no reason.

PS: Every time I release a new book, I feel uneasy, so I can only have the cheek to ask for a collection, recommendation, and monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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