one's door

Chapter 3 Beads

Chapter 3 Beads
At night, the night wind on the city wall is cool, and there is no light of fire, and it is pitch black.

From time to time, kerosene rattan balls would be thrown from behind the city wall and smashed to the front. The blazing flames could last as long as a cup of tea, allowing the female eyes on the dark city wall to see the situation outside the city wall at night.

Today it was the turn of Zhang Yan's team to be on duty at night.It’s okay during the day, and it’s not that cold on Yubei Mountain, but it’s suffocating at night, especially when you stay by the wall for a long time and don’t move, your hands and feet are cold in the middle of the night.

Zhang Yan tightened the armor on his body, held the spear, put his hands in balls by his mouth and breathed non-stop.His eyes were restless, and he followed the kerosene takraw ball thrown out from time to time to look at the situation under the city wall as a warning.Not far to the left is the position of the flower dog. At this time, you can faintly hear a soft snoring sound, which seems to be squinting.Huagou asked Zhang Yan to follow him before, and said to remind him when the night watchman came over later, so as not to be caught and whipped.

Zhang Yan didn't have such a big heart as Huagou, and Huagou was now an official soldier of Yubeishan Fortress, even if he was caught sleeping before the battle, he would only be woken up with a whip or two.But Zhang Yan is now a criminal soldier, and if he dared to doze off, he would be beaten up. The next day when he came, he saw an unlucky guy who was also a criminal soldier who was caught by the night watchman and whipped more than a dozen times for dozing off. The whip, the blood bubble all over the face.But that unlucky guy didn't survive the third day, and he's gone now.

"Breathe. Exhale. Exhale." In order to keep himself awake, Zhang Yan picked up the breathing technique that he hadn't practiced for many years. Calmly feel the subtle changes in each breath.

The breathing technique that Zhang Yan practiced is called "Sweeping the Sky", a method of breathing that is said to be very domineering, and it is also the core technique of breathing that was only open to the head of Longhushan before.Later, Longhu Mountain declined, and Zhang Yan was the only one left in Zhang Yan's generation.

It is not the first time that Zhang Yan has used the breathing technique since he came to Huangtianyu. He has also used it before, and it is effective, and the effect increases slightly every time.

That feeling was very strange, as if some kind of dirt that he hadn't noticed before was deposited in the exhaled air between breaths, while the inhaled air contained something that made him feel agile.

According to the records in the classics in Longhu Mountain, those "spiritual things" should be the ubiquitous "spiritual energy" wandering in this world, and it is also the foundation for the legendary era of the earth.

To absorb spiritual energy into the body, and then slowly retain it in the dantian, forming a cyclone, this is the first step in the practice of surgery, and it is also the first step in the practice of Shinto.

Of course, this is still a long way for Zhang Yan, at best he has just taken the first step in his practice.You only need to rotate these auras along the meridians around the sky, and finally gather in the lower dantian, and you can take it slowly.

However, this process should have been very simple, but Zhang Yan encountered unnecessary troubles.


Suddenly there was a slight tremor in the chest, and all the aura left by Zhang Yan's circulatory cycle was taken away in an instant, leaving nothing in his dantian.

The aura was withheld just like that, blatantly.

"What on earth are you going to do?" Zhang Yan asked more than once in his heart speechlessly.Too bad he won't get an answer.

At this time, there was a pendant under Zhang Yan's armor, and on the pendant was a grape-sized multicolored bead.It was this thing that cut off his aura.

This bead is not an inheritance from the previous body, but it was brought by Zhang Yan when he traveled from the earth.Even the reason why he was able to cross over is because of this bead.

This bead is called "Wanxiang Bead", and it was picked out by Zhang Yan from a jade scroll handed down from Longhu Mountain.At that time, he was going to clean up the scroll, but by coincidence he opened a hidden mechanism on it, and got the bead from it.

The beads are colorful and flickering all the time, and they are not ordinary at first glance, and they are almost exactly the same as the treasure "Wanxiang Pearl" mentioned many times in the legends of Longhushan classics.So Zhang Yan inlaid it in a necklace and always wore it next to his body.

A few days ago, Zhang Yan was invited to an underground palace in the Tianzhu Kingdom to help people watch the earth to hide their murderous intentions, but he missed and was swallowed by a poisonous mist from a mechanism. Wanxiangzhu took a sharp breath of the poisonous mist, and then seemed to get excited, and hit Zhang Yan's forehead in turn, taking his soul away.Afterwards, Zhang Yan went to Huangtianyu and became a criminal soldier like he is now.

After that, Wanxiangzhu followed Zhang Yan all the time. The only change was that every time Zhang Yan condensed a little bit of spiritual energy by relying on the breathing technique, he would be cut off by Wanxiangzhu just before it flowed into the lower dantian, without exception.

Although Zhang Yan didn't know what Wan Xiangzhu was doing to cut off his aura, he didn't have much resentment in his heart, he was just puzzled and curious.He always felt that Wanxiangzhu was like a sponge that had been dried up for too long at this moment, and it needed to absorb water before it could show its true appearance.

Don't worry, just wait.Zhang Yan's state of mind is very peaceful.

With such an interruption, Zhang Yan's drowsy feeling suddenly became clearer.While continuing to get used to the breathing technique of "Sweeping the Sky", he prepared to make it a normal state, replacing his previous breathing rhythm.At the same time, he was also thinking about how he should gain a foothold in this barren world in the future.

According to some memories of his previous life, he was charged with the felony of arson. According to the laws of Nanyuan Kingdom, he should have had his head beheaded, but he just happened to meet the demon soldiers and became a criminal soldier.It looks like he escaped a catastrophe.

However, in my memory, my predecessor did not set fire, and I always thought that I was wronged.After all, a coward who can scare himself to death at the sight of a killing array is indeed unlikely to have the courage to set fire to kill.

"Get wronged? Forget it, first think about how to survive is the top priority."

Originally, I wanted to step into the threshold of Shuxiu or Shinto as soon as possible by relying on breathing techniques, and then some methods handed down from Longhushan can also be used to save Zhang Yan's life.But now because of Wanxiangzhu's relationship, this road is temporarily blocked.

"Taoist mantras seem to be useful these days. The "Golden Light Mantra" blesses one's body, which can strengthen one's strength, stabilize one's mood, and slow down physical exertion. The "Jing Tiandi Mantra" can have a similar effect on the monster race Or a great weakening of the reaction ability. This shows that without the blessing of spiritual energy, the power of the divine mantra itself and the resonance of the world can also be generated. Then, can similar methods be tried?"

It seems that the methods of Taoism have a strong restraint effect on the monster race in Huangtianyu.After all, in the legendary era on Earth, Taoist monks also had the title of "Slaying Demons and Eliminating Demons".

I just don't know the difference between this "demon" and that "demon".

Zhang Yan then had a new idea in his heart.When he was running around on the earth, he could not only read mantras, but also draw symbols.

(End of this chapter)

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