one's door

Chapter 4

Chapter 4
When it was dawn, Huagou woke up swallowing the dream saliva in his mouth and blinking his eyes. He stole a lazy sleep, looked around, and turned his eyeballs to look listless.

"Hey, lunatic, didn't the night watchman come in the middle of the night last night?"

"not coming."

"Huh? That's strange. Usually it's once in the first half of the night and once in the second half of the night. Why is it shorter?" Huagou has been in Yubeishan Fortress for two years, and it's the first time that he has missed a night patrol.I was puzzled, but as a soldier, he couldn't figure out the reason for these things.

Zhang Yan shook his head, expressing that he was not clear either.He didn't even sleep all night, and he fought for a while before. At this time, he really couldn't bear it anymore, and his eyelids were fighting fiercely.

"Forget it, it's better if you don't come to watch the night. I can take a nap every day. Hey, don't squint your eyes. After breakfast, you will change your guard. Go down and sleep again, so as not to be arrested by the officials again." I'm going to whip you."

Huagou patted Zhang Yan's back vigorously, and there was a loud bang, almost knocking Zhang Yan out of breath, but Zhang Yan's drowsiness seemed to have slowed down.

Not long after, a group of auxiliary soldiers came up from under the city wall carrying wooden barrels, bowls and spoons, and what they brought over was the breakfast for the soldiers on duty at night.

A bowl of thick porridge, a face-sized pancake, two pickles that are thick and long, and a piece of jerky that is two fingers wide.

"Huh? Why is there still jerky? Don't you think it was sent to the wrong place?" Although Huagou was greedy for the jerky, he didn't dare to mouth it carelessly.The rules in the army are very strict, and a whip is light if you are not careful, and it is too unworthy for such a trivial matter.

Huagou is an old man in the front line of the army, and the auxiliary soldiers are not easy to offend him, and most of them are familiar with him, so Huagou replied puzzledly: "Brother Li, this jerky was brought back from the heavy camp last night. There are so many things this time. There will be pickled elbows at noon!"

"What? There are pickled elbows? Be good! Since when did those gentlemen in the supply camp become so capable?" Huagou swallowed subconsciously.It is not easy to preserve food in the frontier army, and there is basically no need to think about fresh meat. All meat is either smoked or marinated.Although it does not have the taste of fresh meat, it has a special flavor when marinated properly, especially the marinated elbow, a delicacy that Huagou often dreams about.

Half a year or a year?Huagou can't even remember how long it has been since the gang of waste in the supply camp got hard goods like pickled elbows.

The auxiliary soldier looked around, then leaned closer and said in a low voice: "Brother Li doesn't know something, General Manager Chen of the supply camp was replaced last night, and a new one came, General Manager Chen left the fort early this morning. Listen It is said that the general's mansion was very lively last night, and it seems that it has not stopped recently."

"Mr. Chen has been dismissed? Tsk tsk, hey hey. That's all right, go get busy." Huagou and the other party smiled and didn't say much. Everyone is an old fritter. It goes without saying.

"Brother? What's the matter?"

"Hey, I'm afraid the fortress is about to change!"


"It's okay, let's eat. After eating, we can change the guard and rest. Maybe there will be work to do in the afternoon." Huagou didn't explain to Zhang Yan, picked up his small wooden basin, took a mouthful of porridge and pancakes, and ate fast.But he put the jerky away in his arms and didn't eat it together.

After breakfast, after waiting for about a cup of tea, the soldiers on duty came up, and then Zhang Yan lined up with his spear and began to change defenses.After returning to the tent, he simply cleaned up the blood on his body, and then fell asleep in his bunk. In the blink of an eye, the tent was full of snoring.

After sleeping for three hours, Zhang Yan was woken up by his companions nearby. He blinked and looked around, and found that most of the people in the tent had already woken up.Some berths are already empty, and people must have gone out.

"Get up, move around, and clean up the shit and urine. It's time to eat, and it's time to go up the city wall later."

It was Huagou who was greeting Zhang Yan.Because when Zhang Yan came, he was assigned to Huagou's gang, and Huagou was the gang leader, and he had to take care of five or six of his subordinates in everything.

"Huh? There's meat?!" After finishing his business, Zhang Yan rushed to the place where the rice was put and took the rice bowl. He saw pieces of meat in the dry rice, which exuded an attractive aroma mixed in the vegetable leaves. .

"Hey, the pickled elbows are still deboned, so be careful!" Huagou squatted beside Zhang Yan with a rice bowl in his hand.He likes this criminal soldier better. Although he is sometimes crazy, he grows up very fast after going to battle. From his experience, this lunatic can live for a long time. If he cultivates a relationship, he may save his life in the future.

"Brother, do you know where I can get cinnabar?"

"Cinnabar? I don't know, maybe there is over there in the supply camp. Why do you want that stuff?"

"Hey, I want to draw a safe sign, and I hope you can live for two more days." Zhang Yan has been thinking about drawing symbols after waking up.The first choice is naturally cinnabar and yellow paper, first ask if you can get it, if not, then find another way.

"Peace card? Is the Ping An card on your side painted with cinnabar? Well, I'll take the time to ask for you, and if you have any, get some for you."

"Hey, thank you bro."

"Don't thank me in a hurry, you will know if it will work after you ask. By the way, don't bother with your safety card anymore. Didn't you find anything different after waking up?" Huagou scratched While eating, he asked Zhang Yan vaguely.

"What do you mean bro? How can it be different?"

"Here, look over there."

Following the direction of the flower dog's finger, Zhang Yan slightly raised his head and saw the erected fortress flag.This is not the same as before. Wait a minute, this banner seems wrong!
"Ah? Change, change the general flag?!" Zhang Yan could see that something was wrong.In the past, there was a word "Liu" on the banner, which represented "Liu Wen", the supreme commander of Yubeishan Fortress.Although the style of the flag has not changed, the character on it has changed to "Song".

"That's right, General Liu has returned to the imperial city in the morning to return to his command. Now General Song Qinghe Song is in charge of the Yubei Mountain Fortress. This is the military report from the peak when you were still dozing off. But don't worry, The ones who move this time will be the ones at the highest level here, little soldiers like us won’t be affected. But General Song has brought a lot of supplies this time, so we can eat along for a while.”

Hearing this, Zhang Yan understood in his heart that the fortress had changed, and it had no effect on low-level shrimp like them, but they had no way to change it, so they could only accept it.

In addition, in Zhang Yan's heart, he couldn't help but take a high look at the carefree flower dog beside him. The flower dog muttered "the sky is going to change" in the morning before, so he must have guessed the change of general in advance.It seems that the other party is by no means as vulgar as he looks on the outside, and his mind is quite lively.

(End of this chapter)

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