one's door

Chapter 5 Talismans

Chapter 5 Talismans
After five consecutive days of high-intensity offense and defense, the sixth day finally stopped.

Zhang Yan didn't know whether the monster races under the city wall had just retreated, or they were accumulating strength and waiting for an opportunity.But today is the most relaxing day for him since he traveled to this barren realm.

In the evening, Huagou was called away, saying that the general manager asked all the gang leaders to explain. Zhang Yan guessed that there were some new arrangements after the fortress changed generals.

It was just after dark that Huagou returned to the city wall with a smile on his face.Raising his hand, he slapped Zhang Yan with a small bag the size of a palm.

"The cinnabar and small board you want, and half of the pen, you can try to get it yourself, if it doesn't work, then I can't help you." Chance found his friend in the supply camp and asked for the things Zhang Yan asked him before he came.Not to mention, there are quite a few cinnabar things in the supply camp, and it is said that they are used to make insect repellents.

Zhang Yan took the small bag, thanked him again and again, and opened it at the same time. Inside was indeed a small bottle of cinnabar that had been mixed, a half brush, and a stack of five and a half palm-sized thin wood chips.

Forget about yellow paper.After asking Huagou before, Zhang Yan also had a lot of information about "paper" in his memory. Although that thing is not expensive in this world, its output is not much. It is used by scholars, and it is rarely prepared in the army. , the quantity is in the hand of the clerk, and the people in the supply camp dare not withhold it, and it is not the yellow paper that Zhang Yan wants.

However, it is not impossible to use thin wood chips instead of yellow paper, but according to the description in the classics, the talisman effect of this kind of wood painting will be less effective, unless it is a special wood such as peach wood or fire sycamore.

As long as there is no battle on the city wall, the general garrison is relatively free, and as long as you don't lose your position, don't doze off, and don't ask you to stand up straight and concentrate on guard all the time. After all, there are watchtowers on the city wall. The main security task is not on ordinary soldiers like Zhang Yan.

So Zhang Yan took out the cinnabar and half of the pen while he was free, and began to draw the talismans he wanted on the thin wood chips.

There are many types of talismans in Longhu Mountain, and it can even be said to be all-encompassing. The techniques and methods in it also look simple but are actually complicated.Of course, although Zhang Yan has now arrived in a world where he can cultivate, he still can only choose the most superficial talismans that "can only be tangible" to draw because of the Wanxiangzhu. Those advanced ones are described as those that can borrow the power of heaven and earth He is not qualified to try the talisman.

In the end Zhang Yan chose two kinds of talismans.One is called "Exorcism Talisman", and the other is called "Spirit Gathering Talisman".

The exorcism talisman is easy to understand, it is a kind of talisman that can be used to drive away evil spirits and monsters. What is the specific effect? ​​Zhang Yan remembered that there was a saying in the classics of Longhu Mountain: It can make monsters feel uncomfortable and avoid them.

Zhang Yan's understanding is that it should be similar to the effect between mosquito repellent water and mosquitoes.

The spirit-gathering talisman is not used to deal with monsters, but for personal use.It is said that it can make it easier to gather spiritual energy around the talisman, creating a more suitable external environment for practicing breathing, and the effect of this talisman can be superimposed multiple times.

The most important point is that these two kinds of talismans are "just visible" and can be effective without the assistance or blessing of spiritual energy.

Of course, these are all said in the classics of Longhushan, whether it is true or not, Zhang Yan feels that it has yet to be verified.

The first thing to draw is the spirit-gathering talisman. After the painting, Zhang Yan dried the water stains and put it close to his body while watching the lively flower dogs "tsk tsk" at the side. At the same time, he felt the effect of this talisman quietly.

"Huh?! Really useful!"

After Zhou Tian's breathing, although the little bit of aura finally formed was still sucked by the Wanxiang Pearl on his chest, Zhang Yan still noticed the difference between before and after he wore the spirit-gathering talisman.

"Seems a little easier than before?"

To put it bluntly, the technique of exhalation is to sieve the spiritual energy by breathing. If Zhang Yan feels that it is easier to filter the spiritual energy, the only possibility is that the concentration of the surrounding spiritual energy has increased, that is, the spirit-gathering talisman has taken effect.

This needs to be compared, so Zhang Yan drew a second spirit-gathering talisman, and after drying the water stains, put it next to the body, and then continued to sense.

"Sure enough! This spirit-gathering talisman is really effective!" If Zhang Yan felt that the first spirit-gathering talisman was "very inconspicuous", then the effect of the second spirit-gathering talisman superimposed would be "subtle but noticeable".

The spirit-gathering talisman is effective, so it doesn't make sense that the exorcism talisman with the same threshold has no effect.So Zhang Yan drew another exorcism talisman for himself.

After finishing the painting, Zhang Yan thought for a while, and asked the flower dog next to him, "Brother, do you want to get a picture to keep you safe?"

"I have, your sister-in-law prepared it, and put it in your underwear. You can keep that thing for yourself." Huagou smiled. He originally wanted one. The word "safety" always has psychological comfort that cannot be rejected.But when Huagou saw Zhang Yan's so-called "Safe Card", he immediately lost any thought of consolation.

What did they draw?The mess is neither words nor pictures, but just barely regular lines.This thing has a fart relationship with "Ping An".

Simply unreliable!I think Zhang Yan is playing tricks on him.But after thinking about it, Huagou was relieved again.Crazy, don't lunatics just do such inexplicable crazy things?Forget it, expecting a lunatic to do something serious is a disease of the brain.

Seeing Huagou sneer at his talisman, Zhang Yan didn't know what to say.

The last five veneers were painted with talismans, one exorcism talisman, and four spirit-gathering talismans.Coupled with the "Golden Light Mantra" and "Jing Tiandi Mantra", Zhang Yan felt that as long as he was more careful, he should be able to survive the battle of the city wall for a long time.

Zhang Yan carefully put away the remaining cinnabar.This thing still works.

Later in the evening, Zhang Yan went back to the tent after changing his guard, had a meal, and began to meditate.

In the eyes of people on the sidelines, this is completely the weird behavior of a lunatic.The legs were twisted up, the upper body was straight, and the curious person tried Zhang Yan's movement with his hands on his sides, palms up. He felt uncomfortable all over, so he smiled and joked a few words and then ignored it.

As for why no one teased or bullied Zhang Yan, who behaved weirdly, it's easy to understand. If it were you, would you bully a lunatic who could kill demon soldiers?If you go crazy and kill you as a demon soldier, who do you turn to to justify?
Zhang Yan didn't bother to care about what others thought of him, a lunatic was a lunatic, but it made him quiet.Now with the blessing of the four spirit-gathering talismans, he feels that the efficiency of using the breathing technique to sieve spiritual energy is more than [-]% higher than that at the beginning!But in the end, the generated aura failed to stay in his dantian, and was completely sucked by the Wanxiang Pearl.

(End of this chapter)

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