one's door

Chapter 6 Night Attack

Chapter 6 Night Attack
Zhang Yan didn't know when he fell asleep, anyway, he narrowed his eyes while meditating.I even had a dream, dreaming that I would fly into the sky and escape from the earth to pick up the stars and the moon.
But Zhang Yan knew how he woke up.He was dragged out of his dream by the dull and disturbing sound of the horn.This voice was deeply engraved in his soul from the first time he heard it, even a deep sleeper would turn over and sit up immediately after hearing this voice and wake up quickly.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Assemble quickly! Hurry up! Put on your leather armor as soon as possible! Hurry up, Lao Tzu!"

When the horn sounds, the assembly must be completed within [-] breaths, and the city wall must be climbed within [-] breaths.This is the iron law that front-line soldiers must abide by. If anyone misses the time, even if he does not die on the battle line, he will be beheaded by the executioners of the supervising team.

In fact, it doesn’t take a hundred breaths to assemble. Everyone sleeps in their clothes. When they hear the sound of the horn, they get up immediately. The armor is also a pullover style that doesn’t need to be tied up, so the assembly is very fast, and it only takes [-] or [-] breaths. At that time, Zhang Yan's group had already assembled, and then quickly rushed towards the city wall defense area not far away, along with the rest of the battalion who also rushed out of the tent.

This is the second time for Zhang Yan to experience night battles. Compared with fighting during the day, night battles make him a little more nervous.

Unlike the human race, the monster race will not be affected too much at night. They can use the faint moonlight to achieve similar vision during the day, while the human race needs the help of firelight and cannot see things at a distance.

With the help of night, the monster clan's offensive is more difficult to be guarded against, and it will cause greater casualties to the defenders on the city wall than during the day.The natural situation is more dangerous.

The sound of intensive footsteps and the sound of shouting and killing came one after another. When Zhang Yan rushed to the city wall, Zhang Yan saw at first sight that the criminal soldier named "Little Monkey" who took his place in the daytime had become two parts, more than half One head fell to the ground, and the rest of the body and body were thrown on the stairs.

"Go up, kill him! Quickly kill him and take back his position! Quick!"

Huagou led Zhang Yan and others to the city wall, and the first task he received was to kill the three demon soldiers who had already jumped on the city wall, and take back the part of the place that they should be guarding.

Six people, against three demon soldiers.This is almost a deadly mission.But the arrow is on the string, it can only be sent out, and there is no possibility of stagnation.Even if an arrow is shot on a stone, the arrow must be shot.

"Brothers! There is no need to retreat! Take a step back and the supervising team will kick your heads as balls, and your family members will also be humiliated when you turn back. Instead, rush forward. Bar!"


"Kill them!"


Zhang Yan also had red eyes, like a wild beast ready to fight for his life.

Two against one, simple and rude.One person rushes to engage the enemy in melee combat, while the other waits for an opportunity to stab.None of them are warriors, so they can only fight with their lives in this seemingly extremely sloppy method.

The one who cooperated with Zhang Yan was Huagou. I don't know if Huagou did it on purpose. He pulled Zhang Yan and stood in front of him. He said, "Be tougher, don't let me die!"

Zhang Yan and Huagou have only known each other for a few days, but he swears that he really understood Huagou's last look, which is really putting his life in his hands.

Suddenly Zhang Yan felt that his shoulders were much heavier, and the spear in his hand subconsciously clenched a little more.

Huagou is good at punching and kicking, and also has a lot of vigor and strength, but it is still not good enough when facing monster soldiers, and it is not easy to be able to entangle for a while.So there is very little time for Zhang Yan.

"Bahai Zhiwen, the demon king tied his head, guarding my house, the evil will dissipate, and the Dao Qi will last forever!"

"Jingtiandi Shenmantra" was chanted quickly from Zhang Yan's mouth over and over again, and there seemed to be another inexplicable shock in one piece, which was obviously like the slight sound of flies flapping wings, but it was deafening ?
One breath, two breaths. Time flies, even with the help of "Jing Tian Di Shen Mantra", Huagou is still about to run out.


Zhang Yan turned a deaf ear, he could feel that the demon soldiers in his eyes seemed to be subconsciously avoiding him, even if they approached, they seemed very anxious.

It's the exorcism at work!

Coupled with the double weakening of "Jingtiandi Divine Curse", the monster soldier's movements also began to look out of shape. He could kill the flower dog with a straight slash, but at the end his hands visibly shook, and the trajectory of the slash changed. Huagou escaped unharmed.This happens more and more often.

After ten breaths, Zhang Yan finally moved.First, he swayed to the right for a while, tricking the demon soldier into subconsciously avoiding it, and then stabbed out with his long spear, aiming at the position where Zhang Yan predicted that there would be a fatal opening after the opponent avoided.


The position where the spear appeared was exactly where the demon soldier's head appeared after he dodged subconsciously, and then the eye sockets overlapped with the tip of the spear.

The familiar soft and waxy feel and the hardness after touching the skull made Zhang Yan understand that he had succeeded in one blow.Then he quickly drew his gun and watched the demon soldier fall straight down.


But before Zhang Yan could jump for joy, Huagou was already yelling for him to reinforce his comrades behind, and Huagou first made up for the section of the city wall that was previously occupied by demon soldiers, holding a gun to deal with the people who wanted to climb behind. The monster clan soldiers who came up.

After a successful killing experience, Zhang Yan became more confident. Using the effects of the magic spell and the exorcism talisman, he made a prediction before the subconscious actions of the monster soldier himself, and grasped the trajectory of the monster soldier. , coupled with the involvement of his companions, it is actually not too difficult to hit the vital point with a single shot, at least for Zhang Yan today.

In less than forty breaths, there were only four of Zhang Yan's group left, and the two were hacked to death by demon soldiers when they were fighting for the offensive and defensive positions.And Zhang Yan relied on his unimaginable performance, three shots, three precise stabs out of the eye sockets of the demon soldiers to achieve an instant kill, reversed the disadvantages, and snatched back the section of the city wall where they were stationed.

However, Zhang Yan and the others have stabilized this section, which does not mean that other defense areas can also be stabilized so quickly.From time to time, there will be monster soldiers attacking from the side, and Zhang Yan and the others need to be distracted to clean them up.Fortunately, the reinforcements came quickly one after another. With the warriors from the elite battalion rushing over, the battle situation was effectively controlled.

And the sky gradually brightened unconsciously.

"Okay, let's rest for a while. I just talked about the general situation and praised our side for the fastest stability. And if our side is stable, it will break the continuity of the Yaozu's siege and cut off their power on the city wall. The combination of forces gave the brothers in the elite battalion the opportunity to defeat them one by one. We should be able to record a great achievement this time!"

Huagou limped back from behind. He was called to listen to the tune just now.But when he came back, there was a deep smile on his face. Although two of his group died this time, it was the most eye-catching defense area in the camp, and it played a strong defense line in last night's attack and defense. role.

(End of this chapter)

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