one's door

Chapter 7

Chapter 7
It is luck to survive, and it is a surprise to be able to make a contribution.After all, this is the harvest that everyone did not expect when they worked hard.

The blood on his hands was still there, but it didn't stop Zhang Yan from grabbing the bread and gobbling it up.Here, even if you have cleanliness, you can forcefully suppress it.

"Madman, I gave you the first credit, kid, and I should be able to give you the credit in the afternoon. This time it is definitely worth the credit of a whole demon tendon!"

Monster tendons are not the basis or target of Nanyuan Kingdom's calculation of military exploits, but front-line soldiers like to use it to compare the size of their merits.Generally speaking, the contribution of a whole demon tendon is considered to be an extremely rare achievement, and it is not easy to come across it once a year.

"You kid has only been here for less than ten days, and you have so many demon tendons in your hands that can be offset. It is estimated that by the end of this year or the beginning of next year, the crimes on your body should be eliminated." Huagou also sighed.

"Can it be eliminated so quickly?" Zhang Yan was a little surprised when he heard the words. He didn't know the rules of the frontier army's criminal soldiers to eliminate crimes. Meaning, he can be exonerated in at most one year?Is this too easy?
"That's right? You are guilty of arson and murder, which is the same as beheading. Generally speaking, this kind of crime requires five years of exile in the frontier army. If you die halfway, you will not be compensated. But if it is offset by credit, the four demon tendons or Equal credit is fine. In addition, your crime is called murder, but in fact, you only burned a few houses and killed one person, so it is not an obstacle to offset it.

Based on your performance in the past few days, the four monster tendons are not a problem for you.One year is enough time. "

At first glance, it seems that it is indeed easy to offset a crime of decapitation, but in fact the difficulty is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Not to mention the distance, but as far as Huagou knows, the seventeen criminal soldiers who came to the fort with Zhang Yan are less than ten days old, and there are only six people left.Continue for another year, and it will be rare to have one or two left.However, the remaining criminal soldiers who are finally cleared are the strongest elites or backbones in the frontline army except for warriors. Generally, most of them will choose to stay in the frontier army. Here, it is better than them to go back to the rear. Simpler and more able to use their own strengths.

Getting used to the days of exchanging demon tendons for money, how many people can go back to work as part-time workers or set up stalls for business?

Of course, the money for working hard in the frontier army is indeed ample, and this is one of the few things that Nanyuan Dynasty can talk about.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, the clerk found Zhang Yan and reported the credit to him. As Huagou predicted, it was equivalent to a whole demon tendon.

But unexpectedly, in addition to giving credit, Zhang Yan also got a transfer order from Secretary Cong.

"The guilty soldier, Zhang Yan, is brave and fearless in battle. He is temporarily leaving the guard position of the city wall while wearing his sinful body. He is dispatched elsewhere. Report to the battalion officer immediately after receiving the order."

Zhang Yan: "Ah this?"

Flower Dog: "."

What is accidents everywhere?That's it.This is true for both Huagou and Zhang Yan.

Huagou managed to find a powerful helper, and in the future, he just waited for the steady killing of demon soldiers to earn demon tendons. How comfortable would it be?How many days has it been?Are people about to be taken away? !

After passing the order, the clerk kept his usual indifference and said, "Zhang Yan, you have also received the order. Hurry up and go back to the camp to pack up your things and report to the staff officer. If you are late, you may be whipped." After a pause, he said to the dumbfounded flower dog next to him: "Li Jiang, you have heard the matter, you should sign Zhang Yan's transfer order now, tell the boss, and I will give priority to filling up the manpower of your group later. I also asked you to join forces with Zhao San and his group for a while, work hard, and just survive this period of time."


Although Huagou is the team leader, he is only a soldier at the lowest level in the army. Don't look at the usual bluffing as if he is very happy in Yubei Mountain. In fact, the circle is still small, and there is no one who meets people at the upper level. room for bargaining.Even though he was very reluctant to let go of Zhang Yan, a powerful assistant, he still signed the transfer order honestly and did not dare to complain.

As for Zhang Yan himself, he didn't even have the slightest right to choose. When the military order arrived, it had to be carried out to the letter. No one cared what he thought in his heart, whether he was willing or not.

In fact, Zhang Yan was planning to dawdle on the city wall, and leave Yubei Mountain after his sins were cleared away. After that, he was going to wander around this novel world and practice cultivation by the way.But now he has been transferred away with a single shot, and his whereabouts are unknown, which makes him feel very uneasy.You must know that he is now a criminal soldier. To put it bluntly, he is the best candidate for cannon fodder. It is not impossible to send him to death.

"Crazy, take care of yourself!"

"Brother, you too!"

"Let's go!"


We have only known each other for a few days, but we had a fateful friendship, but now we have to separate, and we don't know if we can see each other again.This feeling of hasty parting made Zhang Yan not in a good mood.There is a kind of discomfort of "after getting familiar with the environment and being thrown elsewhere immediately".

Saying goodbye to the flower dog in a hurry, Zhang Yan went down the city wall and didn't go back to the tent. He didn't have many things, and they were all in his bosom now, and he didn't even see a change of clothes.After thinking about it, he walked directly towards the battalion officer's tent.

There are 1000 people in a battalion, which belongs to the main military establishment level of Nanyuan Kingdom. The commander in the battalion is "General Manager", who is in charge of all affairs big and small.There are quartermasters, clerks, organization officers, training officers, etc., and what Zhang Yan wants to see is the organization officer who is in charge of the organization and personnel dispatching in the battalion.

Zhang Yan had never met the weaving officer, and he didn't know the surname of the weaving officer. He even asked all the way where the weaving officer's tent was.

Zhang Yan was stopped several times along the way, and the patrolling soldiers checked the order in his hand before letting him go and pointing him in the right direction.

"Criminal soldier Zhang Yan was ordered to come and report!"

Before entering the door, you have to sign up loudly, and you can only enter after the answer inside. The upper and lower levels are extremely strict, and anyone who does not obey the rules can be whipped, and the severe one will lose his head directly.

As for the guards at the gate, no, the district bureaucrats are not equipped with guards yet.So it's all up to yourself.

"Come in." A hoarse voice sounded from the tent, like a voiceless voice, and it could be heard that the speaker's throat should be uncomfortable.

The tent is not big, similar to Zhang Yan's usual tent.It's just that it's not that crowded inside, there are desks and many bamboo and rattan shelves, and the shelves are full of copper scrolls or paper books.

According to the etiquette in memory, Zhang Yan knelt down on one knee and raised his voice again: "Criminal soldier Zhang Yan, see the officials!"

(End of this chapter)

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