one's door

Chapter 8

Chapter 8
"You criminal soldier knows some etiquette. All right, let's get up and talk."

"Thank you officer!"

"My official, Wang Deyi, is the chief staff officer of the C-character battalion. I sent you here today to inform you that you will be included in the service of Youtanqi from today. Because this is a new staff, I will personally inform you." He paused for a while, and then asked, "Can you read?"

"Criminal soldiers can read."

"Hehe, that's very good. This is your plate, you can go down and see for yourself. Afterwards, you can take it to the newly marked Youtanqi camp, and find Lin Zedong and General Manager Lin, and he will settle you down. All right, go on your own."

From signing up to coming out with a order plate, it took less than a cup of tea.Zhang Yan was still a little confused.Feeling the helplessness of a little shrimp, he is completely unqualified to ask questions and point out where to go.

However, the words "Tour Tanqi" and "New Establishment" made him feel bad.

You Tan, isn't that what guerrilla sentry means?The "flag" is a level of organization between "battalion" and "group".And this tour flag is still newly established, and even the chief staff officer is needed to act as a temporary staffing notice, indicating that there should be an urgent shortage of manpower.

But at the same time, Zhang Yan also noticed that Wang Deyi said that he was asked to find a general named "Lin Zedong".

The general is always an official position at the battalion level, while the "banner" level should be the "general banner officer".But it is impossible for Wang Deyi to mispronounce other people's positions, so there is only one possibility: banner formation and battalion level.

Zhang Yan asked for directions while walking, and quickly figured out some details in his mind.This is a subconscious action. When he was on the earth, he relied on his brain when he was in the rivers and lakes. He didn't think about it for a long time. Zhang Yan died a long time ago. It's just a group of ruthless people who eat people without spitting out their bones.

Looking all the way there, the camp was indeed too new: it was just a bare open space, and a group of people were pulling tarpaulins on it, and it seemed that they were going to set up tents now.

"Which one are you looking for?"

"Ah?" Zhang Yan quickly turned around, and saw a bearded, shirtless brawny man looking at him fiercely, with a very strong aura, the kind Zhang Yan had only seen on those elite warriors pressure.

"Which one are you looking for!"

"Oh! I'm looking for Boss Lin!" Subconsciously, Zhang Yan sent the order plate in his hand.

The strong man took the order plate, looked at it, then looked at Zhang Yan in front of him, nodded, and said, "Come with me."

"you are?"

"I am Lin Zedong."

".Criminal soldier, please see my lord!"

"Okay, let's go."

All the way into this new camp, Lin Zedong would greet the busy soldiers around him from time to time, or curse or make fun of them, which looked very different from the commander-in-chief in Zhang Yan's impression.

The only tent that has been set up is Lin Zedong's big tent.There were a lot of copper bars and files scattered in it, as well as some large boxes.It looks messy.

"Originally, with your identity and qualifications, you couldn't come to my Tour Tanqi. However, your deed of killing three demon soldiers with three shots last night gave you the opportunity to come here. In other words, I am here, very The elite among the elite cannot come unless they have special skills.

You, lucky. "

"Thank you sir for your praise!" Although Zhang Yan felt that the other party's words were nothing new, it did not prevent him from applauding with excitement.He still knows this basic skill in the workplace.

Glancing at Zhang Yan, Lin Zedong smiled, with some surprise in his eyes.He read the order plate and the clerk's record clearly stated that Zhang Yan entered the Yubei Mountain Fortress seven days ago as a convicted soldier for the serious crime of arson and murder. Fast, and showing extraordinary skills, but he is an out-and-out recruit.But the opponent in front of him didn't behave like a recruit. He couldn't see the apprehension and bewilderment that a recruit should have. Instead, he had the sense of sight of a veteran.

Lin Zedong turned his head and told the adjutant guarding outside the tent, "Go and find Qin Hao."

Then Lin Zedong smiled and continued to say to Zhang Yan: "There won't be many people visiting the Tanqi, and there are currently less than 300 people. It is a newly established establishment, mainly to implement Mr. Song's idea of ​​"take the initiative to attack, and anticipate the enemy first." The main purpose of the battle, therefore, those of us visiting Tanqi are both spies and guerrillas. You must be mentally prepared for this."

After Lin Zedong finished speaking, Zhang Yan's heart sank, and he guessed it right.

Before Lin Zedong could continue, the sound of registration came from outside the tent, and a short but strong bald man walked in quickly.It was the "Qin Hao" that Lin Zedong asked the adjutant to call just now.

"grown ups!"

"Well, Qin Hao, this is Zhang Yan, you can take it away and arrange a place for him. By the way, this is a good thruster, you can figure out how to use it."

"It's an adult!"

After that, Zhang Yan followed Qin Hao out of Lin Zedong's tent.When he arrived at an open space, Qin Hao threw him a long gun, the kind he usually used.

"Take a stab at me."

"This" Zhang Yan was at a loss for such a request.He could tell from the opponent's aura that this Qin Hao should also be a warrior, but a knife and a gun have no eyes, and a slight stabbing with a gun would be fatal.Zhang Yan couldn't help but not hesitate.

But Qin Hao frowned, and said again: "I told you to stab me. Remember, this is a test for you. If you don't want to dig a latrine, show your real skills."

Digging out the latrine? !

If you ask about the worst position in the barracks, it is undoubtedly digging a latrine.Most people can't do that job, and they don't want to do it, and neither does Zhang Yan.

So he cheered up, held the gun with both hands, and didn't use the "Golden Light Mantra" to bless himself, lowered his waist, stepped forward, turned sideways, charged up, twisted his waist, and thrust out the gun!
Zhang Yan was already familiar with this movement, aiming at Qin Hao's left shoulder.Thinking about this position, even if there is any accident, it will not be fatal.

But what surprised Zhang Yan was that the moment his spear tip was about to stab Qin Hao, Qin Hao slightly lowered his shoulders, and then avoided it so lightly, and even directly hit him with his raised shoulders again. When it landed on the barrel of the spear he pierced through, the force generated rippled back to his hands, and the spear was knocked out of his hands with a crack, and even his hands were trembling and numb.

"Didn't you eat? Come again!" Qin Hao frowned a little. He thought that the method of killing the three-headed demon soldier with three shots in an instant was not like this. He felt that the criminal soldier in front of him was perfunctory.

"." Zhang Yan picked up the spear, feeling an inexplicable pressure in his heart.He has learned the difference between warriors and ordinary people like him.Especially when the opponent knocked the spear out of his hand with a shoulder bump.

Could it be the true energy of the legendary martial artist? !
(End of this chapter)

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