one's door

Chapter 9

Chapter 9
Facing a warrior who was likely to have inner strength and true energy, Zhang Yan knew that he would never be able to hurt the opponent if he was on guard, so he gripped the gun barrel again and prepared to stab with all his strength this time.

". There is a thunderbolt inside, and the god of thunder is invisible.

Donghui communicates thoroughly, and the five qi are vigorous.

The golden light appeared quickly, covering my body. "

The "Golden Light Mantra" was quickly chanted in Zhang Yan's mouth, the voice was not loud as before, and the speaking speed was extremely fast, and he had already recited it three times in a short time.

Qin Hao frowned slightly in front of him, secretly thinking that Zhang Yan looked very abnormal right now.But other than that, he didn't feel any difference between the other party and before.

"What are you doing? Quick. Huh?"

Before Qin Hao could finish his sentence, he saw Zhang Yan turn his back and charge up to stab again. The speed and strength had increased by at least [-]% compared to before!Even the tip of the spear trembled slightly in the middle, which made the direction more uncertain than the straight stab before, and made it more difficult to dodge.

Qin Hao didn't panic, and still didn't draw out the long knife in his waist, but this time he used his hand.He raised his left arm, turned sideways, and cut to the vicinity of the attacking gun with a very fast hand. As soon as his palm touched the area, the momentum of the gun tip was pulled away by him, and finally he was stabilized after the castration rapidly weakened. Hold on tight!
"It's okay, with some containment and luck, your thrusting method can indeed kill the low-level demon soldiers in one blow. From today, you can practice together, and now go over there to help build the camp."


Zhang Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that he didn't need to be driven to dig out the cesspit.I just don't know what to do next.Is it a joint attack battle formation in the army?Or is it a unique means of scouting?

While thinking about things in his heart, Zhang Yan quickly went to the side to find a job and got busy.As for setting up a camp tent, although he doesn't know how to do it, he is still able to help with hard work such as carrying things and smashing nails.

When it comes to strength, Zhang Yan has a deep understanding after coming to Huangtianyu.According to the memory of the original owner of the body, the predecessor was just a businessman in a tavern, and he was only 25 years old. Although he could be called young and vigorous, he was not the kind of strong man who often worked hard.

But based on Zhang Yan's personal experience after traveling over, he found that his body is surprisingly strong, and his arms and legs, which don't look thick, contain huge strength comparable to those professional fighters and even weightlifters on the earth. .Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to dance for several hours without being unable to raise his hand even with a spear that weighed ten catties.

Of course, the reason why Zhang Yan was surprised was to compare the physical strength of people on the earth, not to compare it in the wild world.

After Zhang Yan came over, he found that not only his own strength was outrageous, but everyone around him was equally strong. This is unimaginable on earth, but it seems normal in Huangtianyu.Even the strength that surprised Zhang Yan himself was placed on others, and he would only feel that his strength is ordinary. Even in the eyes of a strong man like Huagou, Zhang Yan's strength is still weak.Not to mention those warriors who mainly exercise their muscles and bones, the gap between Zhang Yan and them is even greater.

Just like just now, Zhang Yan stabbed with all his strength under the blessing of the "Golden Light Curse", and was so simply caught by Qin Hao empty-handed.The difference in strength between them is probably several times as large, and it may even be more than ten times.

The days that followed were beyond Zhang Yan's surprise, and they were much safer than when he fought life and death on the city wall before.

Of course, tired is definitely tired.In addition to the training he had expected for joint attack battles, there were also some knowledge and skills about surviving in the wild.For example, which wild fruits and vegetables are edible in Yubei Mountain, which delicious-looking things are poisonous, which places are often haunted by monsters, which places are frequently smoky, and so on.

And a detailed description of the monster clan opposite Yubei Mountain.This is also what Zhang Yan is most interested in. He listened carefully, and then he understood the general situation of the Yaozu in Huangtianyu.

The monster clans on the opposite side of Yubei Mountain are mainly the "Xianwu Clan" and "Fengxiao Clan".

The "clan" is the most important power structure of the Yaozu.Generally speaking, a demon country is established by splicing together several or even dozens of clans.The Xianwu clan and the Fengxiao clan belong to the "Bright Moon Demon Kingdom" in the west.

But not every "monster" can be called a demon clan.

The demons in Huangtianyu are one of the main high-spirited and intelligent creatures here, almost equal to the power of the human race.But there are several types of demons.Generally speaking, Yaozu specifically refers to "half-demon".It is the descendant of the combination of the legendary demon god and the human race.It has the characteristics of a demon and some appearances of a human race.

The other is the monster in the form of a complete beast. This kind of monster has high or low spiritual intelligence, and they are collectively called monsters.

The last type is the offspring of the combination of a half-demon and a human race, called "demon species".The number of demon species is the least, and they are generally mixed among the human race. They are no different from the human race in terms of appearance, but their blood will have obvious characteristics of the demon race.No matter whether it is in the human race or in the demon race, the monsters are taboo existences. Once they are discovered, they will be hunted down endlessly.

In addition, there are strong and weak demon kingdoms, and they also have main directions of attack.This makes the power distribution of the demon country different.

The Haoyue Demon Kingdom is not considered the strongest among the demon kingdoms, at most it ranks in the second-rate.But it is also much stronger than Nanyuan Country, but their focus is not on Yubei Mountain.This allowed Nanyuan Kingdom to barely resist for a long time.

As for Yubei Mountain, the mountain is rugged and easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is very troublesome just to climb up the mountain. In addition, there are many monsters in the mountain, so it is actually not a geographical location for large-scale attack.However, there are many benefits of attacking Yubei Mountain Fortress. The most important thing is that the defenders of Nanyuan Kingdom can stick to the fortifications, and have no time to defend the surrounding mountain jade fruit trees vigorously, so as to take advantage of the emptiness to loot.

However, although the loss is quite a lot every year, it does not mean that many ordinary people were killed or injured.Because the mountain jade fruit trees are all on the mountain, not a place where they live together.And the mountain jade fruit tree is very strange, it blooms and bears fruit all year round, and the yield is extremely high, but it also suffers from the soldiers in the Yubei Mountain Fortress.

But the two monster clans didn't dare to invade too deeply, and the two sides had a bloody tacit understanding all year round.

The most intuitive thing is that neither the Xianwu clan nor the Fengxiao clan will use too much force when attacking. Generally, the low-level monster soldiers are the main force, and the middle or high-level monster soldiers rarely appear.On the other hand, Nanyuan Kingdom did not engage in any strategy of "clearing the wilderness up the wall". Even though there were losses every year, it still maintained this cruel situation of endless killing but controllable.

PS: This is to thank the leader of the book friend "Ziying Ziying" for the reward, so I added an update.

In addition, I also want to thank all the old friends who came to me from the old book to show me the scene, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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