one's door

Chapter 10

Chapter 10
The climate of Yubei Mountain is very cool in the morning and evening, but the temperature is very high during the day, especially in summer, the heat and humidity in the mountain is so hot and humid that even the locals can hardly bear it.

Zhang Yan has never experienced the summer of Yubei Mountain, and it is still early spring, but he has already experienced the cold in the morning and evening.

Counting the days, the eighth day of February is also No. 20 days after Zhang Yan came to Huangtianyu.After more than ten days of training, his group ushered in their first mission today.

The leader of Zhang Yan's group is Qin Hao, a martial artist from Kaiyuan Middle Realm.

In addition, there are ten people including Zhang Yan.This number is a few more than the average "group".And after getting in touch, Zhang Yan learned that except for him, Lao Zhang, and Lao Yu, the other seven people were all warriors.They are all at the initial or middle stage of the Body Tempering Realm.

Lao Zhang is a native of Yubei Mountain. He grew up here and also practiced boxing and kicking. He has been a soldier in Yubei Mountain Fortress for 13 years.

Lao Yu was born as an Orion, and he has been in Yubei Mountain for four years. Although his fighting skills are not very good, his skills in setting traps and tracking traces are first-class.

It confirms what Lin Zedong said before, ordinary people can't come to Youtanqi, and those who come have means.

"You are an exception, you should have come to make up the numbers." Lao Yu joked about Zhang Yan with a smile.Because compared to others, Zhang Yan's "thrust" is not very powerful, and it is not even as useful as Lao Yu and Lao Zhang.

Just make up the number, Zhang Yan has never considered it a great thing to enter the Tour Tanqi, even if he can choose, he would rather go back to the city wall.At least he has figured out the killing intensity on the city wall now, and he is confident that he can survive.Instead of living a life of fear like now.

It was okay before, training in the camp would mean being a little tired, but today, before dawn, I started to slide down the long rope from the fortress, so I was unavoidably uneasy, even walking carefully with my ears pricked up.

Before, Yubei Mountain Fortress had never taken the initiative to spy in the direction of the Yaozu. It had always relied on the city wall to resist, like a turtle year after year.

But this year is different.

When training in the camp these days, I can often hear the general manager Lin Zedong mobilizing everyone. In Zhang Yan's view, this is the belief shaping of the alien version.And don't look at Lin Zedong's bearded and thick-skinned appearance, in fact, his mouth is extremely eloquent, inspiring, he is an absolute connoisseur.Not to mention far away, let's talk about Lao Zhang and Lao Yu around him. These veterans have also become passionate in just a few days, and they are eager to go out and make contributions.

Zhang Yan saw it, but he didn't agree with Lin Zedong's so-called belief at all. Although he also applauded and jumped for joy, he didn't care at all.

What are you talking about?Let me take away my status as a criminal soldier first, and then talk about the so-called belief, okay?
Although he didn't agree with Lin Zedong's encouragement, Zhang Yan also heard a lot from the other party's words again and again.For example, the reason why the defenders of the Yubei Mountain Fortress did not take the initiative to attack in the past, but now they set up a patrol flag to "predict the enemy ahead" is because the main general of the fortress has changed.

The newly appointed fortress general Song Qinghe was obviously not satisfied with the status quo, and hoped that there could be some improvement.So I want to try a strategy that has never been used in Yubei Mountain.

The idea is to be able to know in advance the movement and intensity of the attacks of the Xianwu clan and the Fengxiao clan on the opposite side, so that they can prepare in advance, so as not to be caught off guard and suffer heavy losses. Now everyone is tense all the time.

Zhang Yan still agrees with this strategy, not to mention anything else, early warning can definitely reduce damage, which is good for the soldiers on the front line.

However, Zhang Yan didn't want to go outside the city wall to become a member of the former detective.


No matter how careful you are, your shoes will still make some small noises when you step on the ground.It's not easy to hide in the still of night.

The first half of the mile is open land, except for the weeds less than a foot high, it is full of rocks, allowing people on the city wall to observe clearly without trees blocking their sight.

After half a mile, there is the ups and downs of the mountains, and there is no way to artificially clear the trees, so the road behind will enter the woodland, so we need to be more careful.

The mission this time is also simple to say, in Qin Hao's words, it is to go to the west for about ten miles. On the one hand, he is familiar with the terrain so that he knows it well, and on the other hand, he can train soldiers.

Of course, if there is an attack by monster soldiers, the first thing to do is to notify the fortress, the second is to hide yourself so as not to be discovered, and the last is to wait for an opportunity to kill the enemy while ensuring your own safety.

Although Zhang Yan was in high spirits, nothing dangerous happened along the way. The group of them successfully reached the predetermined location of the mission, a relatively high point, and they could overlook a ravine in their field of vision. Farther away, you can also use the ravines with fewer trees to find the enemy's traces in advance, which is a good sentry position.

Arrived at the predetermined location, but the task is not yet completed, and a simple beacon stone tower needs to be built.It doesn't need to be too big, just two feet square is enough, cover it with stones to prevent rain as much as possible, and put something that emits smoke in it, so that if there is any situation, the beacon fire can be lit as soon as possible to warn.

"It's just a pity that this place is much lower than the direction of the fortress, and it is covered by dense trees. The beacon smoke can be seen in the daytime as a warning, but it is useless at night. We have to find another high point, and then we can use the light as a warning to prevent it." Live at night to fight." Qin Hao is a veteran in the army, although he followed Song Qinghe to Yubei Mountain, he has long been familiar with all kinds of military skills.It is a pity to look at the location of this place, and think that it can only be used as a sentry point during the day, not as the best place for all weather.It is similar to what I guessed when I looked at the topographic map before.

"Yeah, what the boss said is right. Although this place is good, it can only serve as a warning during the day, and it's not a good location at night." Someone beside him echoed.There is no objection to this statement around.

Only Zhang Yan looked at the ravine below, then looked back at the dense forest behind him, and then raised his head to look at the sky opening above his head like a skylight because of the rocks and no big trees growing up.

This place with such a good geographical location is actually said by these people as "it's a pity, it's not good enough"?Zhang Yan felt that his brain was not enough.

Using beacon smoke during the day can transmit the message as quickly as possible to let the people in the fortress know that the demon soldiers are coming, and that's no problem.At night, it can also be very effective in conveying warnings, but instead of beacon smoke, fireworks or Kongming lanterns would not be enough. Zhang Yan thought of this and reacted immediately.

This is not the earth, and it is impossible for people here to know about the inventions of the Xia Kingdom of the earth such as sky lanterns and fireworks.

if that's the case
(End of this chapter)

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