one's door

Chapter 11 Making Lamps

Chapter 11 Making Lamps
"You said you have a way to complete the warning at night? Here?" Qin Hao looked at Zhang Yan in front of him with an unkind expression. He had been in contact with the assassin for some days, and he had also heard some stories about the opponent's previous garrison on the city wall. , At the same time, I also have a deep understanding of the other party's title of "lunatic", and it seems abnormal to talk about it all day.

After completing the construction of the beacon for the scheduled inspection point, he started to come back. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yanpao said that he had a way to turn the inspection point with a good geographical location into a perfect all-weather inspection point. Qin Hao had to pay attention to this. .However, having been in the army all year round, he couldn't think of any way for Zhang Yan to change the flaw in his previous position, so he frowned subconsciously, wondering if it was the other party's crazy nonsense again?

Although Zhang Yan saw the undisguised "suspicion" in Qin Hao's eyes, since he opened his mouth, there was no way out.There are no jokes in the army, even for "lunatics" must be strictly obeyed.Besides, he is not really crazy. Once his method is proved to be effective, there is no doubt that a "great contribution" will never escape.

Before Huagou said that if Zhang Yan stayed on the city wall for more than a year, he should be able to clear up his crimes.Later, when he arrived at Youtanqi, Zhang Yan felt that his way of clearing his crimes was confusing again, but now it seemed that there was another turning point.

"Yes, boss, I have played a little trick before. If I change my mind, it can be used on the previous sentry post as a warning method at night. It is not only fast but also unobstructed by the night."

"Simple and quick? Unaffected by the night? Little tricks? Hehe, Zhang Yan, if you shut up now, I'll pretend I didn't hear what you said just now. Otherwise, you're going to bring me something, or you'll be using military affairs It's a child's play, fifteen lashes are indispensable. So you'd better think about it before you speak!" Qin Hao's words were blunt, but it gave the "lunatic" in his eyes the last retreat.

Lao Yu and Lao Chen next to him panicked and wanted to take Zhang Yan away. Like Qin Hao, they thought that Zhang Yan had gone crazy again, and wanted to take advantage of the gang leader's escape route to quickly take Zhang Yan away, so as not to It would be too bad to be whipped.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yan was still stubborn. Not only did he not leave, but he stiffened his neck and said: "Boss, I am not talking nonsense. I really have a method that can be used on the sentry post as a night warning. And the method is absolutely simple and feasible, please You must let me try it!"

This... Qin Hao waved his hand to get Lao Chen and Lao Yu out of the way, and then looked at Zhang Yan who looked expectant. At this time, he was a little uncertain, after all, this "lunatic" did not seem to speak with certainty. In nonsense, is there really some "little trick" that can solve the customary rules about setting up sentries in the army?
"There is no joke in the army, Zhang Yan, did I really listen to what you said?"

"Boss, don't worry, just listen to the truth, I really have a way!"

"Let's listen to it! The rest of the people stay alert on the spot!"

Zhang Yan didn't dare to hold back, seeing Qin Hao frowning and giving him a chance, he quickly told the general situation of the Kongming Lantern.As for why Kongming lanterns were chosen instead of fireworks, the main reason is that Kongming lanterns are simpler and easier to make, and unlike fireworks, which involve gunpowder, which may be difficult to deal with.

"Kongming Lantern? It's a strange name. But are you sure that a few pieces of paper, a few thin bamboo slices, and a ball of oil lamp can fly?"

He understood it, but Qin Hao's expression didn't improve at all, and he was still ugly.He really didn't think the "Kong Ming Lantern" that Zhang Yan mentioned could fly.It doesn't make sense at all!
Zhang Yan also had some headaches, he couldn't explain to the other party what "hot air buoyancy" was, and he couldn't explain who Kong Ming was.He could only bite the bullet and say, "Boss, when I get back to the camp, I'll make one and you'll know if I'm talking nonsense."

Qin Hao nodded. A lie cannot be true and a truth cannot be false. Indeed, one only needs to go back and try to know the truth.But he was still not optimistic about what Zhang Yan said, it was too unreliable.

After waiting for a while, Qin Hao let everyone set off again, leaving only one sentence for Zhang Yan: "Try it after you go back, if it is really effective, you must be a big credit, if you just talk about it fifteen times, then I will Hold the whip yourself!"

Zhang Yan read the stern look in Qin Hao's eyes, and swallowed subconsciously.Even though he has absolute confidence in himself, the thought of being whipped by a martial artist like Qin Hao still gives him goosebumps.

Back in the fortress, "Crazy Zhang wants to build a flying lamp" quickly spread in the Youtan Banner.

The army is closed, and whoever goes to the latrine and pulls his pants can make many people happy for several days, and they will be given a dozen or so nicknames that have something to do with "shit".What's more, building a weird flying lantern that no one has ever heard of, doesn't this make you sharpen your head and come over to watch the fun?

Even Lin Zedong, the general manager, came over, and asked the luggage to bring all the lamp-making materials that Zhang Yan wanted.

It was already evening when we returned to the fortress, Zhang Yan didn't even have time to eat dinner, so he started to work under the eyes watching the excitement.

Kongming Lantern Zhang Yan has been making Kongming Lanterns since he was very young. It was originally a small trick in the Taoist sect. After entering the lives of ordinary people, many practices and customs about Kongming Lanterns were derived.

This time what Zhang Yan made was a small Kongming lantern, one foot square, neat and unpretentious, and its appearance had nothing to do with the word "flying up".

"This is the end?"

"Well, it's done."

"Hahaha lunatic, you just wait for the boss Qin to give you loose skins! Next time I'll see if you dare to talk crazy or not!"

No one would believe that such a soft thing can fly into the sky.It is not something of a cognitive system at all, and at first glance, it is impossible to gain anything other than ridicule.

However, Zhang Yan kept smiling, and glanced at Lin Zedong who was standing beside him with a similarly unhappy expression. After the latter nodded, Zhang Yan took out the fire folder and lit the heat source under the Kongming Lantern.

The ordinary rag used for the heat source is soaked with kerosene and packed in a small bamboo tube, exposing a section that can continue to burn slowly.

After only a dozen or so breaths, the faces of the people watching the excitement changed drastically. From "watching the excitement" at the beginning to "shocked" later, even Lin Zedong's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, with a look of fear. Trust the way your eyes look.

After the soft paper lantern gradually swelled up, Zhang Yan let go of the two hands that were holding it.

"Float up!"

"It's flying! It's really flying!"

The "flying" of the Kongming Lantern will not be very fast, it will lift off slowly, one foot, two feet, ten feet until there is only a small bright spot left.

This lunatic didn't talk nonsense, but came to the truth!
There really are flying lights in this world!

(End of this chapter)

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