one's door

Chapter 12 Geeks

Chapter 12 Geeks
Although the Kongming lanterns from the earth are not good-looking, they can instantly subvert the consistent cognition in Huangtianyu: things without wings can't fly.

Looking up, I watched the small light spot in the sky slowly getting smaller and smaller until it disappeared.There was even a little panic on everyone's face, worrying about losing such a magical flying lamp after the lamp was blown away by the wind.But when he saw the smile on Zhang Yan's face, he realized that it was not unusual, and it was made under the noses of all of them.

Although Lin Zedong looks big and thick, he can wield a weapon as well as pieces of paper and bamboo in his hands.After confirming the effect of the Kongming Lantern, what Lin Zedong has to do is to personally confirm whether the effect of the Kongming Lantern can be achieved by anyone, and there is no secret recipe or unique technique.

The structure of the Kongming lantern is simple, and there is no need for more delicate techniques. It can be just about the same, and then turn on the heat source below. After a while, the second Kongming lantern that appeared in this world will slowly rise into the sky, in the dark night sky. appears particularly conspicuous.

"It's done!"

"Make Master Chief a flying lantern!"

"It seems to fly much more stably than the one made by Madman Zhang!"

"That's right, that's right, the master's lights are more stable, and the flying is faster, it seems to be a lot brighter!"

"As expected of Mr. Ba, it's amazing!"

Zhang Yan: "."

There are almost no new recruits in Youtanqi. They are either warriors or soldiers in the frontier army. They are not too afraid of Shangfeng, so they habitually shoot out a series of flattery. Regardless of whether it was blunt or not, I shot it subconsciously, and I couldn't help it.

Lin Zedong, on the other hand, seemed to have no time to take care of the tide of flattery. After confirming that the effect of the Kongming lantern he made was almost the same as that made by Zhang Yan before, his face was full of smiles.

"Okay! Very good! No Zhang Crazy, Zhang Yan, you come with me." Lin Zedong turned his head and led Zhang Yan to his big tent after speaking.Now that the thing has been proven to work, Lin Zedong also wanted to hear Zhang Yan's thoughts on how to use it.As for continuing to report, Lin Zedong is not in a hurry. It will not be too late to report after the ins and outs are clarified. This is not a time of great urgency. If it falls, it's better to be more stable.

The adjutant didn't need Lin Zedong's instructions, and after Lin Zedong left with Zhang Yan, he gave a gag order to all the soldiers in the banner. Before there was a formal order, it was forbidden to talk about "flying lanterns" in the camp.

In the big tent, Lin Zedong was sitting on a chair, smiling and looking at the few materials in his hand, they were all leftovers from making Kongming lanterns before, and they were extremely simple.He still finds it miraculous that such a simple thing can be made into a miracle that can fly into the sky like a Kongming lantern.

"Zhang Yan, you took out the Kongming Lantern, and you also proposed to use it as a guard post at night. Now let me ask you, do you have any other thoughts about the Kongming Lantern? Tell me all about it."

Zhang Yan bowed and replied: "My lord, the use of Kongming lanterns has not changed much. Its main use is for long-distance warnings. At the same time, it can also have a good effect at night by using the characteristics of burning and shining. Just like If the high ground that our team explored during the day today is equipped with Kongming lanterns, it can perfectly solve the defects of its terrain at night, so that it can be used as a sentry warning all-weather.

In addition, the outer skin of Kongming lanterns does not have to be made of paper, and some light, thin and compact materials are acceptable.This allows for use in more weather conditions."

After all, simple materials can only meet the general situation, and it will not work in rainy days.You have to find another material and try again and again.Even the structure of the Kongming Lantern, as long as it is kept roughly the same, it is entirely feasible to make special details.

These ideas are not new. There are many changes to Kongming lanterns on the earth, and a single hot air balloon can play many tricks.It's just that these ideas are not suitable to be raised now.It's okay to mention superficial ideas, otherwise it will easily appear unnatural and suspicious.

Lin Zedong listened carefully and even took notes.After making sure that Zhang Yan had no other thoughts, he got up and walked to Zhang Yan's side and patted him on the shoulder.

"You are very good! This time Kongming Lantern is indeed a precedent for opening a sentry post, and Kongming Lantern will definitely be used by the whole army in the future. I can't tell you how much credit you have for this, but you can't escape even one of your great achievements. Yes. It is conservatively estimated that it can at least be worth the credit of the two demon tendons!"

Three monster tendons can reduce the crime by one class.In addition, Zhang Yan has a lot of demon tendons in his hand, so he will be a big step away from clearing his crimes!
Although Zhang Yan understood that the value of the "two demon tendons" was still much lower than that of the Kongming Lantern.But who let him be at the bottom now?Moreover, he is still a criminal soldier, so it is not bad to have these promises from Lin Zedong, and he will be satisfied for a long time.

"Thank you, my lord, for your kindness!"

"Hehe, get up. If you have any ideas in the future, you can speak out boldly, even if it doesn't work, it's okay, but you have to pay attention to the occasion, it's only within Youtanqi, do you understand what I mean?" Lin Zedong said for the first time. I thought maybe this "Crazy Zhang" was not as crazy as he looked, maybe this person had a different way of thinking about things in his mind, which made others misunderstand?On the contrary, this person is not a lunatic but a "geek" who thinks differently from ordinary people?
"Criminal soldier understands. But sometimes when you want to dump something, you don't have anything at hand. Do you think you can mention it to the quartermaster?" Zhang Yan understands that the opportunity must not be missed, and now the shock of the Kongming Lantern is still there. , plus Lin Zedong's explanation just now, it shows that he should be more useful in the eyes of the other party now, and it shouldn't hurt to take the opportunity to make some small requests.

Sure enough, Lin Zedong wasn't dissatisfied at all. What great demands could a crazy criminal soldier have?If it is too outrageous, the quartermaster will not give it.But if this "lunatic" finds something useful again, wouldn't it be another surprise?Who can tell?
"Yes, I will inform the military supply side to make it easier for you. If you need anything, you can find it yourself."

"Thank you sir!"

"That's how it is, you can step back." Lin Zedong waved his hand and pushed Zhang Yan back.Now he has figured out the matter of Kongming lanterns. Although he can't say "why the lanterns can fly", he just needs to know how to use them. It is not his interest to deduce the mysteries of the world.

So Lin Zedong tossed about on the table, made another relatively smaller Kongming lantern, tried it, and after he was satisfied, put it together with the rest of the materials and carried it in his hand. After leaving the tent, he headed towards the General’s Mansion of the fortress. .

(End of this chapter)

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