one's door

Chapter 13 Pattern

Chapter 13 Pattern
The Yubei Mountain Fortress is built on the mountain, basically including a section of the mountain that is relatively easy to climb.The main means of defense is the city wall Gadili.

Except for some main buildings inside the fortress, which are made of stone, the rest are tents, which are convenient for integration and adjustment.

The General's Mansion, as the core area of ​​the Yubei Mountain Fortress, was heavily guarded, but it was actually just a square stone house that wasn't too big.

Although it was night at this time, the general's mansion was still brightly lit, the fortress leader Song Qinghe was still writing at his desk, and he didn't look like he was going to rest.

Unlike others, the part of Song Qinghe's resume that belongs to the military is actually not much. To be honest, he has only been in the military for eleven or twelve years, and he can't be called "thick seniority".So he didn't need to guess, he could have guessed that this time he made a surprise move to replace the original general of Yubei Mountain, and the fact that he was sitting here would definitely attract a lot of rumors in the court.

It is estimated that Song Qinghe will not be able to shake off the title of "Lucky Jin" for the time being.

Song Qinghe entered the martial arts academy when he was young, and has been practicing and teaching in the martial arts academy since then.Song Qinghe originally thought that he would end his life in the martial arts academy, but he never thought that one of his seemingly ordinary students in the martial arts academy would be a prince who entered the school after hiding his name, and this prince He became the emperor of Nanyuan Kingdom in the future.

Song Qinghe didn't know whether he should be grateful for his "fairness and justice and equal treatment" when he was a teacher. Anyway, he was valued by the emperor who was still a prince at that time. When the prince became emperor in the future, he was transferred from teaching martial arts The courtyard was transferred away, and he went to the Imperial Guard to hang up with General Wei Pian.In the next ten years, he worked in almost all the guards of the Nanyuan Dynasty, but he was always a partial general who was not responsible for the leader.

This visit to Yubei Mountain was a very important starting point in Song Qinghe's military career, and it was also the first time he took the post of general as a lord.

Although he refused to admit it, Song Qinghe was suffocating in his heart. After all, he was very annoyed after being called "Lucky Jin" for more than ten years, and he definitely wanted to prove himself.

And the best way is to do something in the Yubei Mountain Fortress, so that the rumors of the Manchu dynasty will dissipate by themselves.

As a general, "doing something" can only mean winning on the battlefield, or making some unprecedented breakthroughs in defense.

So the first thing Song Qinghe did after he took office was to set up the Youtan Banner, a special "banner" at the battalion level.Looking forward to using this as a breakthrough, we can make some changes in the passive defense situation that Yubeishan has been in for a long time.

"Take the initiative to attack and anticipate the enemy first." This is not just for fun, but the goal that Song Qinghe is going to achieve in Yubeishan Fortress.

Even for Song Qinghe, his coming to Yubei Mountain was not a "temporary idea", but he received hints from the Ministry of War and the Emperor half a year in advance.He is also preparing for it.And Fish Back Mountain is far more important than it appears on the surface.The important reason is also the reason why it has been disturbed all the year round.

Everything lies in Yushan Fruit Tree.

Yushan fruit tree is a strange species.Although there are many strange species in the world, the territory of Nanyuan Kingdom is not considered vast, so the Yushan fruit tree is already one of the rare species in Nanyuan.Its uniqueness is not only that it can bloom and bear fruit all year round, but also lies in the unique use of its fruit.

First of all, Yushan fruit is not small in size. When it is ripe, it is as big as an adult's fist, and it tastes sweet and soft. It can be eaten raw or mashed and steamed as a staple food or dish.

However, it seems a bit wasteful to use Yushan fruit as food.Even in the Yubeishan area, there were only farmers who picked it for food in the early years, but no one has done this for a long time now.Because it is much better to sell for money than to eat after picking.

The origin of the name of Yushan fruit is also related to its main use today.

"Yushan" is the most famous master of the wine country in Nanyuan country. He not only knows how to taste and brew wine, but also is a martial artist with a high level of cultivation.Yushan fruit became famous after he accidentally discovered it and used it to make wine.At the same time, it is also accompanied by a famous wine that is sought after by countless people in the warrior circle: Yuguo Niang.

Yuguo Niang brings out all the hidden effects of Yushan fruit that can strengthen muscles and bones.Its effect is similar to "jingusan".Although it is not as violent as Jingusan, it is relatively cheap and available in sufficient quantities all year round. It is almost an indispensable auxiliary for warriors.What's more, Yuguo Niang is surprisingly delicious, and it is a fine wine.

And the reason why the Yaozu wanted to attack Yubei Mountain to snatch the Yushan fruit was because the Yaozu also liked the effect of strengthening the body and bones in Yushan fruit, and they didn't need to use it to make wine to stimulate the hair, and they could absorb the hidden effect of the fruit directly by using it ,More convenient.

In this way, the competition on Yubei Mountain determines the ownership of most of the Yushan fruit trees.

And the ownership of the Yushan fruit means that the income of the Nanyuan country's treasury can even affect the strength of the warriors in the country to a certain extent.After all, compared to expensive muscle and bone powder, the price of Yuguo Niang is much more affordable.

It has almost become a consensus among warrior circles to use tendons and bones when breaking through the realm or laying the foundation, and to use jade fruit to brew on weekdays.

In addition, Yuguo Niang is also a means of knocking on the door of Nanyuan Country's foreign affairs.If the past quantity of Yushan Fruit can be increased, it will be a great event for the entire Nanyuan Kingdom.

Song Qinghe knew very well that behind his coming to Yubei Mountain, apart from his own desire to prove that he was not only lucky but also capable of matching, why didn't the emperor and the Ministry of War try a variety of strategies for Yubei Mountain's defense line?

"Attack proactively and anticipate the enemy first." In Song Qinghe's calculation, not only can it effectively reduce the increased casualties of the fortress garrison rushing to fight, but it can also extend the defense line forward and gradually form a new defense range.So as to more effectively keep the Yushan fruit on the mountain.

Moreover, this strategy is not a head-on move, and will not provoke a strong counterattack from the opposite Haoyue Demon Kingdom.And the proportions can also be freely determined by the Yubeishan Fortress.

But everything is difficult at the beginning.Although the special terrain of Fishback Mountain is easy to defend fortresses, it is not so easy to take the initiative to set up new guard posts.After the frontier sentries are properly arranged, all that remains is to set up traps and obstacle areas outside the fortress to slow down the speed of the demon soldiers.The latter also includes strategies such as rushing to harvest the Yushan fruit.Even now, Song Qinghe is still perfecting the details of his series of plans.

"The terrain is not conducive to setting up an all-weather sentry post, but if you continue to stretch forward, you will be too aggressive." Song Qinghe, who was at his desk, frowned tightly. On the table was a topographic map of Yubei Mountain and a copy sent back by You Tanqi in recent days When he went to the field to report, the situation was much worse than he had expected.

At this moment, the adjutant knocked on the door and reported softly: "My lord, General You Tan Qilin is asking to see you outside."

(End of this chapter)

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