one's door

Chapter 14 Miscellaneous Studies

Chapter 14 Miscellaneous Studies
"My subordinates see you!" Lin Zedong walked into the study carrying his things, and before Song Qinghe could speak, he knelt down on one knee and cupped his fists to see him.

Song Qinghe didn't raise his head, and continued to write at his desk, but said: "Find a place to sit down, and talk about anything."

Lin Zedong was a confidant that Song Qinghe brought with him when he took office, so that he would feel at ease handing over You Tanqi, the most important position in his plan.At the same time, he was followed by the general of the supply battalion and the general of the war camp.

You Tanqi has completed the initial training in the past few days, and has started to go out of the fortress to carry out explorations, and the first round of field reports has also arrived in the hands of Song Qinghe.So Song Qinghe didn't think that Lin Zedong could have any great events here, so he just came here to ask for someone.Lin Zedong had been here several times before for this matter.

"My lord, one of my subordinates has a guilty soldier. He came back from the expedition today and said that he could offer something to make up for the shortcomings of the sentry post's terrain, so that the position that was originally restricted by the terrain can also play the role of a sentry and warning around the clock. And the subordinate experiment Later, when I found out that there was this thing, I revived all the factual and non-real sentry locations in the west of the fortress!"

Lin Zedong has followed Song Qinghe for many years, since Song Qinghe became a general in the Forbidden Army, knowing Song Qinghe's temper and habits well, he took out things and put them in front of him while talking.

And Song Qinghe finally raised his head at this time, frowning and waiting for Lin Zedong's next words.

"My lord, this thing is called Kongming Lantern. It is a strange thing that can be lifted into the air by more than a hundred feet without external force. It is also simple to make and uses ordinary materials. The subordinates can make it by themselves and succeed after only looking at it once." Lin Ze As Dong said, he lit the smaller Kongming lantern and let it float slowly in the room.At the same time, using the remaining materials, I started to make another one as a display.

They are all knowledgeable, and Song Qinghe has been thinking about things related to the layout of the sentry post in front of the west of the fort these days. Now he can't sit still immediately when he sees the effect of the Kongming Lantern. Yue took down the Kongming lantern that was already on the roof, and after turning off the heat source, he held it in his hand and looked at it repeatedly. At the same time, he also paid attention to the movements of Lin Zedong who was currently making a new lantern.

After Lin Zedong's new Kongming lantern floated up slowly, Song Qinghe asked, "Why can this thing fly?"

Lin Zedong shook his head and said: "My subordinates don't know the reason, but it should be the mystery of heaven and earth, not a means of practice. And the criminal soldier who donated this thing didn't understand the reason, just saw it by chance when he was a child. out to solve the sentry problem."

Song Qinghe was silent for a while, and nodded after studying it himself for a while, "Indeed, this is the mystery of heaven and earth, not a method of practice. It can be classified as miscellaneous learning. The criminal soldier under your command may not be simple."

"Miscellaneous studies? My lord, do you mean the kind of knowledge that few people know about the fundamental principles of heaven and earth?" Lin Zedong also studied. Although he didn't pay much attention to knowledge, he had a lot of contact with it and heard of it. There are many legends and stories about learned people, including what Song Qinghe called "miscellaneous learning".

The so-called miscellaneous studies should actually be counted as a school of learning.


"No way? My lord, the criminal soldier's life is simple, and he doesn't seem to be related to the legendary miscellaneous knowledge. Maybe it's a coincidence? And that man looks crazy."

"Hehe, miscellaneous learning takes a different path. If he looks crazy, it is more likely that he is from the side of miscellaneous learning. You should keep an eye on people." Song Qinghe has seen those who know miscellaneous learning with his own eyes. Yes, each of them seemed to be a little crazy, and they were a little more certain about the criminal soldier Lin Zedong was talking about.

Now with this Kongming Lantern, for Song Qinghe, it really solved the big trouble in his heart.

"With this thing in hand, the layout of the west guard post will be much simpler." Song Qinghe walked to a huge topographic map hanging on the wall of the house while talking, and recreated some red marks that he took off. posted it.

"In this way, the line of defense can be expanded ten miles outward, and the warning distance is calculated, which is almost equivalent to a buffer of fifteen miles. Haha, yes, the result is much better than expected."

But Lin Zedong didn't just announce the good news, and he also explained clearly the defects of Kongming Lanterns.The smile on Song Qinghe's face subconsciously restrained a bit.

"So at present, Kongming Lanterns can only be used in normal weather, and the effect on windy or rainy days is unknown, right?"

"Yes, my lord. According to the criminal soldier, some materials that are similar to paper but waterproof than paper can be used to overcome this problem. However, it is more troublesome in windy days, and the details of the Kongming Lantern need to be adjusted.

In the former case, the subordinates thought that the green feather cloth could be used instead of paper. Although the cost would be much higher, the effect would not be bad. Moreover, if the Kongming Lantern was tied with a string, it would be easy to take back, so that it would not become consumable and could be used repeatedly. .

As for the windy or snowy days, this needs to be pondered again. "

Song Qinghe knew that the green feather cloth was very light and strong, and it was very dense. If it was held in the hand, it was almost indistinguishable from paper. It should be feasible to replace paper as a rainproof Kongming lantern.As for windy days or worse weather, these are not in a hurry. The practicality of an ordnance cannot be achieved overnight. The current situation of Kongming Lanterns can solve most of the problems, which also means that Song Qinghe's plan can Continue to push forward, so as not to be constrained by the terrain and choose to advance aggressively.

Pointing to the newly pasted red mark on the topographic map, Song Qinghe looked at Lin Zedong and said: "Zetong, these places are temporarily designated as sentry points, and you need to decide the manpower and rotation time for your patrol flags. Minimize casualties as much as possible.

In addition, the area and route for laying traps can also be selected at the same time. "

"My subordinate understands!"

"By the way, you can be more lenient to that criminal soldier. Try it first. You can also give him some hints. If he can still come up with similar miscellaneous methods, you can give him more credit. In addition, You ask the supervisory team to send a note to the local area, and ask them to check the details of that person again, as detailed as possible.

If you have nothing else to do, you can go back.Don't spread the matter about Kongming Lantern to the outside world, it is only known to you Tanqi.I will greet the baggage camp, and they will send you the relevant materials, so there is no need to apply for them. "

"Don't worry, my lord, this subordinate will definitely do it properly. This subordinate will go down and get ready!"

Song Qinghe waved his hand, watched Lin Zedong leave, the smile on his face remained undiminished, and picked up the two Kongming lanterns that Lin Zedong made just now to play with, but there was another concern in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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