one's door

Chapter 15 Spirituality

Chapter 15 Spirituality

"Crazy, tell me, how did the flying lantern fly? It obviously doesn't have wings, so why can it fly so high?"

"That's a Kongming lantern! Go away, old Chen, I'll ask."

Zhang Yan found that he had underestimated people's desire to explore unknown things. Even after the gag order was issued, many people in his tent still came over to ask for more information The "inside story" about Kongming Lanterns.What they are curious about is why Kongming lanterns can fly into the sky without wings, which is subversive to their cognition.

If Lin Zedong hadn't made one himself before, there would definitely be people who suspected that Zhang Yan had used a certain technique while making it while everyone was not paying attention.

Faced with these various temptations, what can Zhang Yan say?He had nothing to say.Because if he said that the reason why Kongming lanterns can fly is the reason of "hot air buoyancy", then is he going to explain what is "air" and what is "buoyancy" and the origin of these theories?Is it over?

What's more, Zhang Yan only has a degree from Pheasant University. If you ask him to explain the origin of those scientific theories, it's simply too difficult for him, and he doesn't have that ability.

So "I don't know" became Zhang Yan's only magic weapon to deal with the people around him.

Anyway, I am a "lunatic", so don't expect a madman to talk to you well.Zhang Yan thought of this in his heart, and at the same time felt for the first time that it was not bad to have the title of "lunatic" on his head.

After asking around, they just said "I don't know", and the people around were also bored. Even though they felt that Zhang Yan was not showing face with obvious anger on their faces, they didn't directly get anxious with Zhang Yan.

Crazy, why did you provoke him?Do you really treat him as a normal person?Can't do it!

Zhang Yan breathed a sigh of relief, sat cross-legged on the bunk, and started today's homework.The people around saw it, forget it, the lunatic started again and broke up.

Although I was still shocked by the scene of flying lanterns flying into the sky, no one went around Zhang Yan anymore.

No one is interested in Zhang Yan's appearance in meditation, his weird posture, who would torment himself like this unless he has a problem with his mind?No one will notice that Zhang Yan's breathing rhythm is even more strange, fast and slow, and the length of breathing is always changing.

"Sweeping the Sky" is not difficult for Zhang Yan, after all, he had already learned it when he was on Earth. At first, his master forced him to learn it. Later, the master passed away, and the earth has no aura to breathe out. "Sky" was like a decoration, so Zhang Yan stopped.

Now the difficulty in picking up "Sweeping Sky" again is not the breathing technique itself, but Zhang Yan's wish to replace his previous normal breathing method with the breathing technique.In other words, Zhang Yan's plan is to get used to the breathing rhythm of "Sweeping the Sky", so that he can breathe in the aura around him all the time in the future.

After more than half a month of deliberate work, Zhang Yan can barely replace his normal breathing method with exhalation in normal times.But it didn't hold up when fighting or sleeping.

In the final analysis, it is still not familiar enough.When there is no need to deliberately maintain the breathing rhythm but still maintain the same breathing technique, when "Luotian" is completely practiced, it will be able to achieve the greatest practical effect of "Luotian".

Zhang Yan now has four spirit-gathering talismans on his body, and the time of the breathing technique has also increased a lot, the effect of his breathing spiritual energy has naturally increased several times compared to the beginning.

What remained the same was that none of the aura that had been absorbed into Zhang Yan's body remained in Zhang Yan's dantian, and was cut off by the Wanxiang Pearl on his chest just like before.

There are also changes, that is, the multicolored streamer on the Wanxiang Bead is now more vivid, and at the same time exudes a wonderful atmosphere that makes Zhang Yan feel "connected by blood".

This reminded Zhang Yan of an ancient book he had read. There were many texts on it that he read as legends, and one of them was aimed at "immortal artifacts".

It is said that the fairy artifact has its own spirituality, and it needs to be warmed by the user to exert its power like an arm and a finger, and there is also a saying of "awakening".

This is also something that Zhang Yan has been thinking about recently.He speculated that the Wanxiangzhu used to be because the spiritual energy on the earth was exhausted and there was no longer any power to drive it. In order to keep itself from being rotten by the environment of the exhausted spiritual energy, it closed itself and was finally regarded as a dragon and tiger. The mountain is in the scroll of tears sealed in the age of legend and family rules and ancestral precepts.

Later, Zhang Yan obtained the Wanxiang Pearl by chance, and the flowing light flowing on it showed that it hadn't decayed like other so-called magic weapons in Longhu Mountain.

Zhang Yan remembered that when he was caught in the danger of death in the underground palace of the Tianzhu Kingdom, the Wanxiangzhu moved first, taking a breath of some kind of poisonous mist that turned people into bones from the underground palace mechanism, and then took him across to the barren sky. .

Is there a possibility that the poisonous mist actually contained a lot of aura, and Wan Xiangzhu relied on the aura in the poisonous mist to fight hard, and only after crossing over did Zhang Yan become what he is today?Now the aura that Wan Xiangzhu cuts Hu Zhang Yan into the body is actually a kind of active "warm nourishment", those breaths that make Zhang Yan feel "connected by blood" are the effect of "warm nourishment".Then all he needs to do is wait for the Wanxiangzhu to be slowly awakened by the spiritual energy?
However, although the speed at which the spiritual energy enters the body is several times faster than at the beginning, Zhang Yan understands that this is far from enough, at least there is still a lot of room for improvement in the gains he can achieve.

On the second day, Zhang Yan and his group did not go out of the fortress, but practiced in the camp. From this day on, Lao Yu began to teach them how to set up various traps.

In his spare time, Zhang Yan went to the Quartermaster in Qili and asked for a lot of yellow paper, a thick stack, and some cinnabar.

I drew four spirit-gathering talismans and one exorcism talisman with thin wood chips before, all of which were effective, and Zhang Yan also wore them all the time.However, the effect of the talismans painted on ordinary wood chips is greatly reduced. Now that it is convenient to rely on the Kongming Lantern, it is natural to further optimize the talisman thing.

Just when others thought that the lunatic Zhang was going crazy again, Zhang Yan crushed and threw away all the wooden talismans before, and replaced them with regular yellow paper talismans that were much more effective.And posted twenty pieces of spirit-gathering talismans for himself in one bite!

Although the previous wood chips were thin but hard, it was not easy to place too many close to the body.But the yellow paper is different, hands, feet, front, chest and back, sticking to the underwear will not affect the activities at all, and it is not easy to fall off.

In this way, the efficiency of directly incorporating Zhang Yan into the spiritual energy has increased by nearly ten times again!
However, doing so made it appear that Zhang Yan's behavior was different from ordinary people.Who would stick yellow paper with inexplicable drawings on clothes?What's more, Zhang Yan also explained that it was "safety paper".

Pooh!As expected of a lunatic.

(End of this chapter)

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