one's door

Chapter 16

Chapter 16
The change in Fishback Mountain Fortress came so suddenly.From top to bottom, all the old hands of Yubei Mountain Fortress can easily detect the difference between the two generals in charge of the fortress.

In the past when General Liu was around, the sound of the horn on Yubei Mountain was always frightening, because when the horn sounded, it meant that the enemy was close at hand, and life and death were often on the line.

And now that General Song came, just over a month later, the sound of the horn on Yubei Mountain became less panicky.Because the horn is sounding now, there is still a long period of time before the arrival of the enemy. Not only can we make full preparations so as not to rush, but we also need to be more calm psychologically.

At the beginning, no one took seriously the "Traveling Banner" which was obviously just a "flag" organization but was in charge of the general level. Didn't everyone think that the fortress was just for defending?Do you want to fight the monster race in the wild by setting up a wandering explorer flag?I think it's just a gimmick made by General Song when he took office.

But when the guard posts were deployed one by one, and the patrol flag began to be on guard day and night in a planned way, the battle in the fortress was no longer hasty.

Often when the enemy is far away from sight, a clear black smoke column can be seen rising from the fortress.And the fortress will blow the horn and start to prepare for battle in a calm manner.

At night, a kind of lantern that is said to be able to fly was placed in the sentry post by You Tanqi. Once you find that kind of light that rises slowly to a height of more than a hundred feet, although it is too far away to be dazzling, it can be seen in the dark night. But it can still be easily seen, that is the signal of enemy attack.

Flying lights?Everyone is curious, but except for those who travel to Tanqi, there are all hearsay outside, and no one has seen the real thing, and there is an order in the army, so don't talk about it, so even if you feel as uncomfortable as a cat scratching, you can only suffer with.

It was these changes that quickly made the people traveling Tanqi famous in Yubei Mountain Fortress.From when no one took it seriously at the beginning, to now they give thumbs up, which shows that it is normal.After all, Yu Tanqi's anticipation of the enemy actually reduced the casualties on the fortress by about [-]%.

Eat and deliver the best things in the fortress.

To use is to give the most and the best.Even the leather armor is the kind inlaid with wire, which can only be enjoyed by warriors in other camps, but in You Tan Banner, everyone has two pieces!

However, Youtanqi's battle damage also began to climb slowly.

The monster race is not a fool, and there is no difference between the spiritual wisdom and the human race.Seeing the beacon fire in front and the flying lanterns rising in the night, where do you not know Yubeishan's new move?
If you see a trick, just dismantle it.If you build a sentry post, then I will remove your sentry post.You have a small group of elites, don't I?
Under the premise that neither side was prepared to ignite the battle at Yubei Mountain, the tit-for-tat confrontation began, and You Tanqi was the first to bear the brunt.

Even though the number of fighters in the Tour Tan Banner accounted for [-]%, which was the most densely populated place in the entire Yubei Mountain Fortress, it still suffered a lot from the monster clan's countermeasures.

Generally, warriors in the middle stage of Body Tempering Realm can kill low-level monster soldiers one-on-one, and even fight with middle-level monster soldiers.But when encountering the first-class monster soldiers, the warriors in the middle stage of the quenching state are somewhat difficult to resist.What's more, if the monster soldiers infiltrate in a small group, the long Yubei mountain range can't be leaked with sporadic guard posts. After the monster tribe sneaks in, they will encounter or sneak attack, and it is often the bigger loss on the side of You Tanqi.

So the pressure is now on Lin Zedong.

If You Tanqi's loss is too large, then the overall loss of the fortress will be equalized again, and Song Qinghe's series of actions immediately lose most of their meaning.

Let's see how Lin Zedong responds.He needs to keep the battle damage as low as possible while maintaining the existing sentry effect.

Of course, Yaozu's response to Song Qinghe and Lin Zedong was also expected in advance, and they never thought that the other party would only be beaten but not fight back.It's just that I didn't expect the other party's response to be so fast.Originally they thought it would take at least two to three months for the Yaozu to respond.Now it seems that he still underestimated the other party.

However, although it was half a beat slow, the new tricks on Yubei Mountain have already started, and it will have the expected effect after they are all rolled out.

Inside the Exploration Banner Camp.

"Old Yu, isn't your broken leg clip too small? The monster race is much bigger than our human race. I'm afraid this clip won't be able to hold them?"

"Don't worry about whether the clip can hold it or not, just tell me if you have learned it?"

"I've pretty much thought about it, but there are some small problems. I always accidentally bump into the mechanism when I pretend. Do you think this thing is too easy to provoke?"

"Bah! How can you trap people if you are not sensitive? Let me tell you, when the actual layout is made, these blades will be sprayed with medicine. If you still touch the machine like this, once you hurt yourself, then hey-hey."

Apply medicine?The man swallowed, he wouldn't put some tonic on the trap, would he?So he looked at the shelf in his hand and the haystacks for practice beside him, sighed, and continued to practice honestly.

Not everyone can dance with knives and do fine organ arrangements.It takes high-intensity repeated practice.That's why You Tanqi has been able to see not weak warriors lying in front of the haystacks all day long in the past half month, sweating profusely and throwing traps and artifacts.Many people talk in their dreams when they sleep, they are scolding Lao Yu and other veterans who are responsible for teaching them how to set traps.

There are clumsy ones and there are also dexterous ones.For example, Madman Zhang.

When the crazy Zhang Yan was thought by everyone to be unable to learn how to set traps, unexpectedly, he learned it in just one click, and even in three or two strokes, he was able to reach the level of a soldier who was born as an old Orion. The level is just dumbfounded.

Just kidding, when Zhang Yan was on the earth, he often opened ancient tombs with those who were fighting all over the world, such as Tianzhu, Guluo, and Inca. How many traps did he dismantle and cover up how many murderous intentions he relied on Longhushan's physiognomy?The tricks of Orion taught by Old Yu are not even superficial to him, and he will be able to get started after reading it twice, which is not difficult at all.

Crazy Zhang still has this ability?
Song Qinghe mentioned that Madman Zhang might be the descendant of the "Miscellaneous Learning" lineage, and Lin Zedong also had to pay attention to it. Now seeing that Zhang Yan seemed to be very familiar with the traps of the agency, he waved Zhang Yan's hand. Yan also regarded it as a temporary "teaching", and asked him to step up assault training against other stupid people in the flag with Lao Yu and the others.

Time waits for no one!The Yaozu's reaction was too fast, and Yubei Mountain had to speed up, otherwise You Tanqi would not be able to bear the loss like now.

(End of this chapter)

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