one's door

Chapter 17 Arrangement

Chapter 17 Arrangement
Zhang Yan has adapted to his current life.Except for the fear every time I follow the patrol out of the fortress, everything seems to be going well.

And compared to the offensive and defensive fights on the city wall, Zhang Yan felt that You Tanqi was clearly taking care of him on purpose. He was obviously an assassin, but he was placed in the center of the battle formation, not like an assassin. As far as the back end is concerned, he can be protected by all aspects, at least he can have a buffer in case of unexpected changes.

In addition, from time to time, the general manager Lin Zedong would come over to chat with Zhang Yan, both overtly and secretly trying to trick him.Zhang Yan was taken aback for several times when he mentioned the words "Miscellaneous learning is also a treasure of wisdom, not inferior to martial arts".

What does this mean?Have you noticed something about me?
It shouldn't be!Even if the origin of the Kongming Lantern is unclear, it is still useful.

However, Lin Zedong's words seem to have other insinuations, and what does the "miscellaneous learning" repeatedly mentioned mean?Could it be that the strangeness in me in his eyes comes from this so-called "miscellaneous learning"?
Zhang Yan also felt a little taste in his heart.Combined with the care he received in Youtanqi later, it seems certain that Lin Zedong has treated him as a special talent belonging to the "miscellaneous studies".

As for what "miscellaneous learning" is, this Zhang Yan has no way to ask, so he can only deliberate on his own.Fortunately, with the Kongming Lantern as a reference, at least I can guess a little spectrum.

"Perhaps, the so-called miscellaneous studies are not considered mainstream in this world, and even belong to an extremely unpopular school of natural science?" Although he is not sure, Zhang Yan feels that it should not be too far behind.

And this guess is also the most referenced by the precedent of the earth.On Earth, after the aura is exhausted, the schools of practice also show signs of slowly shifting from the root of practice to the study of natural sciences.Perhaps there is a similar situation in the wild world.

This is definitely great news for Zhang Yan.

Although the unknown can arouse people's thirst for knowledge, it can also attract repulsion and hostility at the same time.The former is fine, but the latter is not something Zhang Yan can bear at present.If it weren't for earning credit as soon as possible to clear his crimes, he would not take out the Kongming Lantern to take the risk.Deliberately deepening the impression of people around him as "crazy" is also a remedy for worry.

But if someone else took the initiative to find a reason, it would be a great thing for Zhang Yan.

Miscellaneous studies, although Zhang Yan doesn't understand the specific context, is definitely his best windshield so far.

"Is it possible to use this so-called miscellaneous learning to gain some benefits for myself?" Zhang Yan thought that if the time was right, he could try again.

The recent incident of You Tanqi's traps being tossed around made Zhang Yan see some opportunities.

Now that life has settled down, Zhang Yan habitually thinks about the things around him, especially about You Tanqi, which may be a matter of life and death, so he can't help but think about it.

For example, Zhang Yan has personally experienced the recent loss in Youtanqi twice.After the Yaozu understands the purpose and usefulness of the sentry post in front of the Yubei Mountain Fortress, they will definitely not stare blankly. Targeted removal and destruction are the inevitable results, which will lead to the wandering flag soldiers who go to the sentry post to lurk and patrol. The small group of Yaozu is attacking the target against the force.

It was also Zhang Yan's first time encountering the attack of a high-ranking demon soldier. Seeing the opponent's violent power that could break mountains and crack rocks with his fleshy palm, he felt like he was two of the low-ranking demon soldiers he had stabbed to death. Different species, the difference in strength during the period is simply beyond his imagination.

Fortunately, the team leader Qin Hao's strength is also not bad, he is a warrior in the middle stage of the Kaiyuan Realm who has cultivated inner strength and vitality, and he can face the best monster soldiers with ease, and even be able to cut the opponent under the sword in the end.

Of course, the two magic spells and the yellow paper exorcism charm on Zhang Yan's body are equally effective. Others think that the opponent's demon soldier made a mistake or lost his mind, but Zhang Yan understands that all the low-level demon soldiers who died in his snatch can't escape affected by invisible weakening.

But the fact that Zhang Yan and his group can escape danger doesn't mean that others can too.

Therefore, Youtanqi had an advanced strategy after encountering the attack of the monster soldiers on the sentry post.That is to use the trap area along the road as an early warning and defense for the sentry.

Monster soldiers have rough skin and thick flesh, maybe ordinary traps can't kill or maim them, but if they are smeared with poison, the situation will be different.Moreover, the trap can also be connected with some mechanisms such as ringing bells, so that the lurking monster soldiers can expose their whereabouts in advance and be discovered by the soldiers of the patrol flag, so that they can actively choose to retreat or fight.

Zhang Yan still has some research on mechanism techniques, but he is not optimistic about Yubeishan Fortress's strategy of using traps to contain the monster race, and even thinks it is a bit too simple.

After all, although traps can indeed warn, it seems too weak to block the monster clan's attack on the sentry post by relying on traps alone.After all, the effect of the trap will be greatly reduced when the Yaozu has been on several occasions and is prepared.

Zhang Yan thought about it for a while, and he knew it. He had the means to show off.

On this day, Zhang Yan's group went out of the fortress again to patrol and rotate the guard posts.It is also necessary to repair the beacon tower on the sentry post, and arrange and supplement some necessary traps.

"These places have been destroyed. Rearrange them. In addition, pay attention to the traces on the trees, and don't miss them. Don't let those monsters take advantage of them."

When he arrived at the sentry post, Qin Hao immediately ordered the people in the group to start working after replacing the former garrison soldiers.

Zhang Yan belongs to the temporary teaching of traps, and is also the main force in setting traps in the group. At the same time, he and Lao Yu are responsible for checking and modifying the traps set by his companions.

"Old Yu, don't you think it would be better to plant a thorny vine in this place? In that case, the road on the side can be cut off. At that time, unless those monsters violently cut the thorny vine, they will have to leave us. The road with traps. And we can hang some bells on the thorny vines as a warning."

"How did you come up with this?" Old Yu was dumbfounded.At first, I thought Zhang Yan was insane. Who set up a trap and moved a piece of thorny vine to plant it?But after hearing it, there was a feeling of sudden enlightenment.Because the method Zhang Yan said is indeed feasible, and the effect should be very good, and the path leading to the front guard post can be successfully strangled.

Zhang Yan pouted.For a rookie who only knows how to arrange traps according to local conditions but does not know how to actively change the environment to increase the effect of traps, he is really not interested in explaining.

And what Zhang Yan is doing is not just setting up traps?
Changing the environment is just a means, and the purpose is to form an ancient means from the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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