one's door

Chapter 18 Three Trigrams

Chapter 18 Gossip
There are too many representative figures in Taoism, but most of them are in the legendary age of the earth.After the decline of spiritual qi, many Taoists broke away from the foundation of spiritual qi and explored the natural sciences between heaven and earth. This is recorded in Longhushan's miscellaneous notes.

Among them, there are not a few who have made various exploratory attempts based on the famous "Bagua Pan" of Taoism and achieved breakthrough results.

For example, Zhuge Kongming, the founder of the Kongming Lantern that Zhang Yan used to exchange credit for before, is a typical representative of the post-Daoist era who is biased towards natural sciences.

Now that we have taken Kongming Lanterns, it makes sense to take another Eight Diagrams Formation, right?

The "eight trigrams formation" is actually different from the "formation" mentioned by the monks. It is more of a battle formation, but there are many differences from the battle formation.

Moreover, Zhang Yan has long been familiar with the gossip array.I think that when he was learning Taoism with his master, he always played the Bagua formation as a puzzle game, and often sat opposite the master to compare the deduction of the Bagua formation.Winning or losing comes second, and the main reason why Zhang Yan likes Bagua array is to make the master forget to inspect the reciting of Taoist scriptures.

Of course, the reason why Zhang Yan chose the Bagua formation this time is not only because he likes the Bagua formation, but also because it is just right for the Bagua formation to be placed on Yubei Mountain.

Use the existing and artificially changed environment to form a visual effect similar to "blindfolding".For example, it is obviously a detour, and you seem to feel that you are walking in a straight line.Or you may mistakenly think that you have turned around and returned to the previous place where you have not gone, and choose to go backwards, resulting in such erroneous perceptions.

If nuisances such as traps are added, it is even possible to form some ambush and siege points in the gossip formation.Not to mention that using this kind of effect similar to blindfolding can completely warn the sentry in advance.

Zhang Yan even felt that if the effect was good, the Yaozu would choose to hesitate because of the unknown fear of this method.

It's just that this matter can't be rushed, you need to figure it out slowly, make good use of your status as a temporary instructor set up as a trap, and set up a sentry bit by bit as an example.When the actual effect comes out, there is no need for Zhang Yan to promote the Bagua formation by himself, and the leaders of Yubeishan Fortress will naturally come to praise him.At that time, it will be a big deal to throw your head on the "miscellaneous learning" that hangs in the air.

In addition, another reason why Zhang Yan dared to take out the gossip array is that this is the barren world, not the earth, and there are many strange things that do not exist on the earth.For example, the "thorny vine" he and Lao Yu mentioned before when they set up traps.

The thorny vine in the wild sky is a kind of vine with poisonous thorns and abnormal toughness. It grows quickly and is easy to transplant. If it is attached to the trees, it is easy to form a thick thorny vine wall. This thing can climb several feet high.

With thorny rattan, which can be called a natural "wall-building" material, Zhang Yan has the confidence to move the Eight Diagrams Array to Yubei Mountain.

The situation is also going well, Zhang Yan put forward an idea, isn't the rookie who is old in this institution stunned for a while?Even if Qin Hao knew about Zhang Yan's actions, he nodded and agreed, because Zhang Yan's transformation did indeed have obvious benefits.On the same day, Qin Hao asked two warriors to find a lot of thorny vines from the bottom of the ravine and move them up, and inserted them according to the position Zhang Yan said.After that it's all about waiting and adjusting.

When Zhang Yan was stationed at the sentry post, he often went over to see the growth of the thorny vines, which was almost the same every day. After just five days, the positions of the plastic walls around the sentry post that he figured out were closed, and the long thorns seemed to make people feel uncomfortable. People don't want to be close.The only downside is that it's not tall enough and not thick enough.It is estimated that it will take half a month to grow into the shape Zhang Yan expected.

In fact, don't look at this thorny vine growing like crazy, in fact, this thing can't naturally appear in a large area, because it attracts insects.A tiny flying insect that stings thorn vines.Unless someone specially deworms it, the thorny vine will be eaten up by bugs after a year or two.

Apart from the bugs, the only way to clean the thorny vines is to saw them bit by bit, which is time-consuming and troublesome. If you are not careful, you can easily get hurt by the poisonous thorns on it. Even scratching a little bit of oily skin can make you want to die. Huge itching for several hours.

fire?Zhang Yan really tried.But the thorny vine is not afraid of being burned by you at all. Even if you use kerosene, you can only burn the part that is stained with oil, and will not burn down.To describe it in terms of the earth, this thing is flame retardant.

What's more, there are Yushan fruit trees on Yubei Mountain. Neither the monster race nor the human race will set fire to the mountain. Otherwise, if the fire gets out of control and the Yushan fruit trees are burned, wouldn't they throw stones at their own feet?
Half a month passed quickly, and no one noticed the wonderful changes brought about by those thorny vine walls that gradually grew taller and thicker.It's just to facilitate the arrangement of traps on the various trails.

Until the last thorn rattan wall was perfectly closed in Zhang Yan's expectation.

"Huh? Why can't I get through this place?"

"Go forward, the thorny vine wall is closed here, we have to go around a little bit ahead."

Zhang Yan followed in the team, looking at the closed thorn vine wall, he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.He didn't say a word when he heard the conversation between the gang leader Qin Hao and his companions.If you are here, you will naturally have to stop by and try to see how effective the Eight Diagrams Array has been arranged here after spending more than a month.

"No, why did this road go around again?!"

"That's right, the front is the trap area we set up. I still remember the rock next to it, but how did we come back when we kept going forward?"

"Something's wrong! Everyone be alert! Don't get lost, go back!" Qin Hao looked vigilant, his body strength rose, and he was ready to fight at any time.

But when the group returned along the "original road", they entered a real dead end.In front of you, you can either turn over the high thorny vine wall, or go to the trap-filled path by the side of the river, or go back.

Except for Zhang Yan, everyone's faces became ugly. An inexplicable sense of tension made them feel that something was wrong but they didn't know what the problem was.

After going around for an hour, I finally turned into that dead end again.

Qin Hao's face was already ashen.Because he found that he didn't seem to know how to lead his subordinates out of this weird circle.What's even more weird is that this is still near their sentry post. He couldn't think of a good terrain and he was familiar with it by heart. Why did it suddenly become like this?And he didn't even smell the enemy's breath.

At this time, Zhang Yan, who had been smirking in the team and was regarded as crazy, stood up and said to Qin Hao: "Boss, why don't you take a break? I know the way, why don't I take it?"

(End of this chapter)

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