one's door

Chapter 19 Shocked

Chapter 19 Shocked
"Zhang Yan, do you know the way?" Qin Hao looked at Zhang Yan suspiciously. Even though Lin Zedong asked him to take care of him and the matter of the sky lantern, he still thought that Zhang Yan was a lunatic.The situation is unclear right now, so this lunatic should stop messing around.

"Don't worry, boss, I made this road, so I will recognize it naturally."

"Huh?! You made it?!"

"That's right, I was the one who messed around with the arrangement of the thorny vines before. Naturally, I know the route after the thorny vines grow into the wall. Just follow along, and you will be able to reach the guard post soon." Zhang Yan said as he spoke. Yuezhong walked ahead and did not give Qin Hao a chance to continue questioning.The crazy look is on full display.

The roads are still those roads, but the way of walking is different.

It was obviously a detour, but under the leadership of Crazy Zhang, he didn't go back.It was clearly a "dead end", but when I got closer, I opened a grass cage and found that there was still a road ahead.Not only perfectly avoided all the thorny vine walls, but also avoided all areas with traps.

It took less than half a stick of incense from the time Zhang Yan led the way until he appeared at the sentry post again after seven turns and eight turns.There is almost no difference from the normal walking time in the past.

When seeing the familiar sentry post, it was not Qin Hao and others who spoke first, but a group of people who were trapped inside the sentry post.They have been trapped here for two days, that is, after the last wall of thorn vines was closed until now.If Qin Hao and the others hadn't come over, these people were already ready to tear down those thorny walls to survive.

"How did you get in?!"

Qin Hao and the others: "." They also wanted to ask this question, and finally all eyes fell on the smiling lunatic Zhang in the team.

"Hey, it's just a trick, it's just a trick." Zhang Yan didn't think about explaining anything in the past. Although the gossip formation is not like Kongming Lantern, it can't be explained to these people, but it can't be explained clearly in a few words, let alone Qin Hao and others. What's the use?It won't be too late to talk about it in detail when Lin Zedong finds him.

Following Zhang Yan, he led the group of the previous batch of guards out of the sentry post, asked the other party to remember the route, and then led the other party in and out twice. The burning eyes of Qin Hao and others.

"Madman, if you don't tell us clearly about today's matter, you will definitely not be able to run away and beat me up! The boss said it!"

"Yes! It caused us to walk an hour of injustice!"

"My little heart, I was so frightened that I thought it was some kind of trick up by the monsters, lunatic, are you lacking in morality!"

Zhang Yan took two steps back, only to find that the back road was blocked by two warriors, and he knew in his heart that he still had to spend some saliva.To be honest, he didn't think he would be able to understand if he told these people in the group.

"Don't get excited, everyone. It's just a trick, not a sophisticated method. I just tell everyone to listen to it."

Sure enough, within half an hour, everyone except Qin Hao had already started yawning.It was boring as hell to hear.

Tsk, I thought it was a great skill, but it turned out to be a trick to deceive people?What's the difference between this and those street tricks?Also come up with some new terms, who are you fooling?

Only Qin Hao's face was frowning from beginning to end and he listened very seriously.He had a hunch that although he tried his best to understand [-]% to [-]% of what Crazy Zhang said, this method would definitely not be as simple as it seemed.And he always feels that this is not just for "deceiving people", there are many changes in it, if it is another occasion, it should be of great use!

Just being able to deceive one's own people won't surprise people much. If one can deceive the Yaozu to that point, it will be the time to see the truth.But at the guard post, this kind of situation will definitely not wait too long.

Since this month, although the battle damage of You Tan Banner has dropped significantly due to the spread of traps, there have been few sentry posts that have been touched by the elite of the monster race without knowing it. Defenseless.But compared to the initial period when the sentry was first set up, the battle damage was still not low.

In addition, because the sentry posts are often raided by elite monsters, they cannot maintain their vigilance tasks around the clock, which also causes the fortress' "predict the enemy first" strategy to have a lot of effect.

This kind of situation may put more and more pressure on the Youtan Banner set up to implement the new policy.Losing the most warriors, if the effect is barely enough, it means "losing money" and failure.Whether or not the You Tan Banner will exist in the future has to be considered.

The soldiers at the bottom didn't feel it deeply, but Qin Hao, as a small leader, still had some feelings, especially from the brows that were hardly stretched in the general Lin Zedong's daily life.

Qin Hao hoped that the equally strangely named "Eight Diagrams Formation" created by Crazy Zhang would have a miraculous effect.

On the second night of guarding the post, the Yaozu came.The dense sound of bells is a warning that the trap has been triggered, indicating that an enemy has broken into the guard range of the sentry post and triggered the mechanism.

Qin Hao and his gang waited for a long time on guard, maybe there was time for a meal?According to past experience, the monster clan who came to attack at this time should roar and appear within the range of the firelight.But today, I only heard roars in the distance, but I haven't been able to see the enemy's figure.

"Boss, I'm afraid it's not that those beasts were trapped inside by lunatics, right?" Someone immediately thought of the tricks that were separated by thorny vine walls to form the "eight trigrams array" that lunatic Zhang said, and their tone was a little bit eager to try.They were cheated out of temper before, and those monster races might not be able to please them, right?
"Go, go to the ambush point!" Qin Hao also became interested, and he greeted, and everyone in the group followed him to the place that Zhang lunatic called "the ambush point".From that position, you can observe the movement of the people trapped in the formation, and you can also wait for the opportunity to choose whether to take the initiative to kill.

When we got to the place, we couldn't see it as clearly as in the daytime under the night, and we couldn't get too close to avoid being detected by the monsters, so we could only watch from a distance. For the time being, Qin Hao didn't have the idea of ​​taking the initiative to attack.But you can still see the scene that made Qin Hao happy and familiar.

Those monster races roared inexplicably panicked, but they couldn't get on the right path as they went around, and they were hurt by hidden traps from time to time, or even accidentally scratched by thorn vines. It was very ear-piercing at night, but it made Qin Hao and his party quite happy to hear it.

This scene lasted until the early morning, when Yaozu finally found a way to retreat, and hurriedly ran down the mountain carrying a wounded person and a corpse as if fleeing.

Qin Hao didn't close his eyes all night. Seeing the Yaozu retreating without a fight, and even forcing people in, he subconsciously clenched his fists and thought to himself: This gossip array is really useful!
(End of this chapter)

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