one's door

Chapter 20 First Aid

Chapter 20 First Aid

If a low-level leader like Qin Hao can also feel the huge pressure of You Tanqi recently, then as the leader of You Tanqi, Lin Zedong's heart can be described as burning with anxiety.

If You Tan Banner can't play an obvious role, it will be a big failure for Yubei Mountain Fortress. Even if Song Qinghe can carry it on it, it can't change the fate of You Tan Banner being abolished.And Lin Zedong's official career will also be cast a shadow, and it will not be so good in the future.

But it is too difficult to maintain the guard post outside the fortress with minimal loss, especially in places like Yubei Mountain where the terrain is so dangerous that it is impossible to build fortifications.The trap defense that had been given high hopes before has been rolled out for a month, but the effect seems to be unsatisfactory.

If you continue to let the situation slip like this, then You Tanqi may not be able to survive this year.

But the good news came out of nowhere, which made Lin Zedong a little unbelievable.

"What did you say?"

"My lord, I dare not lie. Zhang Yan, the assassin under Qin Hao's command, recently set up a lot of thorny vine walls at the No. [-] sentry post, saying that it was to maximize the effect of the trap. But just three days ago, Those thorny vine walls suddenly formed some kind of weird trick, making it difficult to get in and out, and no matter how you marked the route, it would go around in circles."

It is not so much a report as a complaint.The garrison who was replaced by Zhang Yan and the others had been tossed miserably by the gossip formation in the past few days, and the damage was not serious, but the psychological fear and depression of the unknown was hard to describe.Now when I came back, I happened to report the news to Lin Zedong. On the one hand, I wanted to get some credit for being "the first to report", and on the other hand, I wanted to vent my depression.

When Lin Zedong heard that "It is difficult to get out with all the methods. After thinking about it, there is no other way than sawing through the thick thorny vine wall, or breaking through the trap area." , the surprise on his face could hardly be concealed.

After walking a few steps back and forth in the camp, Lin Zedong decided to go and see for himself.So he asked the gang leader who had brought the news back to lead the way, and led more than a dozen personal guards to slip directly down the fortress to the sentry post after being tossed by Madman Zhang.

Because he was mentally prepared in advance, and also curious about what kind of weird method the so-called "weird thorny vine wall" was, Lin Zedong didn't ask the leader who led the way to point out the correct way, and he didn't ask anyone to inform the guard Qin Hao and others stationed there.Instead, I want to experience it for myself, to see if I and the dozen or so guards under my command can transfer out of it.

After a stick of incense, Lin Zedong saw Qin Hao.But it wasn't that they passed through this weird path easily, but because a guard accidentally touched the warning trap on the tree trunk, which made the sentry behind notice.Afterwards, it was discovered that it was actually Lin Zedong and his party. Qin Hao naturally came out to meet him when he saw this.

"Zhang Yan, what does the thorny vine here have to say?" Lin Zedong looked at Zhang Yan who was hiding in the crowd behind Qin Hao with burning eyes and asked.He understands that only Zhang Yan, the instigator of the changes here, knows best.Moreover, Song Qinghe mentioned before that Zhang Yan is likely to be from the "Miscellaneous Studies" lineage, but now Lin Zedong firmly believes it.

"Returning to my lord, there is nothing to say about those thorny vines. They are just used to shape the wall, and then build some paths to make them attractive. The criminal soldiers called it the Eight Diagrams Formation."

Another trick?Are people of miscellaneous studies so humble?Or is this Zhang Yan's unique temperament?
For a while, Lin Zedong became more cautious, subconsciously unwilling to treat Zhang Yan with the attitude he used to treat criminal soldiers.

"Hehe, Zhang Yan, your tricks are not simple." Lin Zedong turned his head and waved to Qin Hao, telling him to take his team back to the sentry post to continue serving, while Zhang Yan was left behind.

"Then you can walk with me, and tell me honestly what is the mystery of this gossip formation?"

"My lord, please!" Zhang Yan bowed slightly, letting Lin Zedong go first, while he followed half a step behind.

To be honest, Zhang Yan didn't look like a lunatic at all.Especially after Lin Zedong thought that he had seen through Zhang Yan's identity, he regarded Zhang Yan's usual maverick as a man of "miscellaneous studies", and no longer thought it was "crazy".

After turning around, Lin Zedong was really convinced.There are no weird things, but the most common and ordinary things are used. After modification, it can even deceive the senses of an early-stage martial artist like him.If it hadn't been for personal experience, Lin Zedong would have found it hard to believe that there are such subtle means in the world.

Of course, after Zhang Yan's explanation and clarification of some of the inside ways, Lin Zedong has already learned to distinguish those tricks.But Lin Zedong also knew that this was a sign that he knew the details and reversed it, so it seemed easy.He wasn't sure if he was in another place, would he be able to see through the gossip formation immediately when he was unprepared?
Hard to say.Lin Zedong was not absolutely sure about this either.Xindao: Maybe a warrior at the Hundred Refining Realm like Mr. Song can easily see through this kind of blindfold with his spiritual sense?

But if you understand it, it’s like someone telling you how to cook a certain dish and what skills are needed. Will you understand it after listening to it?Obviously not.

The same goes for the Eight Diagrams array.Lin Zedong understands this truth, and also knows that the only person who can solve this problem is Zhang Yan.

"So, this method can be used anywhere, right? You only need to use some local conditions, such as the thorny vine on Fishback Mountain to transform the path?"

"Well, it can be said that way. But the specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail. But there is no problem in the implementation of Yubei Mountain, but it will take a certain amount of time for the thorny vines to grow." Zhang Yan did not dare to say too much. Man, only Yubei Mountain is where he can control it with his own hands, so he dares to agree.

Hearing Zhang Yan's answer, Lin Zedong was also satisfied.It can be heard that Zhang Yan is leaving a way out for him, but this is human nature, and it also shows that the other party is not a lunatic.

"From today onwards, you will follow my guards and run through the guard posts one by one. After you know what you know, you will start to arrange it immediately. I ask you to mention it casually, as long as it is not too much. But I need to see this The gossip array can cover all the guard posts on Yubei Mountain. How about it?"

Although he was still giving orders, his tone was different from before.Zhang Yan also heard this.

"Don't worry, my lord, by the end of this month at the latest, all the sentry posts on Yubei Mountain can be covered with thorny vines first, and then we only need to adjust some details regularly, and there will be no delay.

By the way, we also need some special potions for deworming thorny vines. This requires an adult to coordinate, and there is no preparation in the fortress. "

"Well, you don't need to worry about the potion. It will be delivered within five days. Then let's start today. Your preparations will be temporarily assigned to my personal guard."

"It's an adult."

(End of this chapter)

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