one's door

Chapter 21 Identity

Chapter 21 Identity
In the previous battle on the city wall, Zhang Yan got the credit for killing three demon soldiers in a row; later, he got credit for two more demon tendons by taking out the Kongming lantern to solve the problem of the location defect of Yubei Mountain sentry post. .After counting, there are three credits plus a small section of demon tendons in my hand.

According to Nanyuan Kingdom's law of purging criminal soldiers, the merits of the three demon tendons can reduce the crime by one rank, and the capital crime can be reduced to a living crime.And Zhang Yan fell into this category. The death penalty of "arson and murder" on his back was no longer carried on him after he took out the Kongming lantern, and was replaced with the felony of "exile for three thousand miles".

When Zhang Yan was still on the city wall before, Huagou settled the accounts for him, saying that he could almost wash away his sins with the credit of collecting enough four monster tendons.Even if there is a discrepancy, it will not be too big.He also said that he can make up enough for a year at most.

Now it seems that Huagou still underestimated Zhang Yan's ability.In addition to the stabbing method with a spear in one hand, he also has many Taoist methods brought from the earth in his hand, which also allowed him to earn the credit of more than four demon tendons in more than two months.

Of course, to say "more than four roots" is to count the later item about the Eight Diagrams Formation.According to the weight of the Kongming Lantern before, no matter how you say it, the Eight Diagrams Formation can at least reach two monster tendons, right?In fact, the Eight Diagrams Formation was determined to be the credit of the three demon tendons, which is more credit than the Kongming Lantern.

In this way, Zhang Yan had the credit of six monster tendons in his hands, not only could he be cleared of the crimes on his head and restored to a commoner status, but also had two monster tendons to spare.With what Zhang Yan learned before, the two monster tendons can already live in the countryside for a self-sufficient field.

Although the merits are clearly counted, there was no delay in clearing the crime, even before Zhang Yan mentioned it, he got the clearing document, which had the official seal of General Yubeishan's mansion and Song Qinghe's own signature on it.With this document, Zhang Yan can settle down anywhere in Nanyuan Kingdom without being treated as a refugee or a bandit.

However, the credit is clear, and even though the paperwork was given, it would be a little troublesome to leave the Yubei Mountain Fortress.It was also something that Zhang Yan hadn't considered before.

"It's still easy to think about."

Zhang Yan secretly reflected in his heart, thinking that he had gained some advantage in the Huangtian Territory with the news of another world, so he underestimated the people here.They may not be aware of Kongming Lanterns or gossip formations, but they are no less sophisticated and scheming than those on Earth.

Because there was a "special call-up order" in Shen Hao's hand along with the cleansing documents, which clearly stated that Zhang Yan was required to stay in Yubeishan Fortress to listen to the instructions, and the time limit was two years.

Zhang Yan went to ask the establishment officer, and the other party said that there was no problem with this call-up order, and it complied with the laws of Nanyuan Kingdom.Unless Zhang Yan suddenly becomes disabled or there are special circumstances that make it impossible to continue to listen to the tune, otherwise this call-up order must be executed.

This meant that Zhang Yan's idea of ​​leaving Yubei Mountain immediately after clearing his crime was directly defeated.

In fact, thinking about it, Zhang Yan himself was too careless.He exposed the Kongming Lantern and the gossip formation, and he deliberately moved himself closer to the so-called "Miscellaneous Learning" to find cover. After this action, whether it was Lin Zedong or General Song Qinghe, how could it be so easy? let him go?

But maybe you don't want to overdo it.Moreover, the layout of the gossip array around the sentry post has not yet been fully completed, so Lin Zedong took the initiative to find Zhang Yan and gave him a high salary as a comfort.And he was given the position of a team leader.You must know that the gang leader of Youtanqi is half a level higher than the average gang leader, which is considered a great privilege.

"Actually, according to Zhang Yan's current achievements, it is enough to give you the title of an idle official. But your previous status as a criminal soldier has not allowed us to give you any post with a title. But you Don't worry, we will use the way of demon tendons to paste your salary, and we will definitely not let you work in vain."

Facing Lin Zedong's words, what can Zhang Yan say?As long as he is in his right mind, he will not say a word with negative emotions to a Shangfeng holding a knife in the army.Even if I actually don't want to stay in my heart.

On the lips, he replied respectfully: "Thank you for your praise, my subordinates will definitely do things with all their heart and live up to your expectations."

Sure enough, seeing Zhang Yan so obedient, Lin Zedong felt relieved.Before, I thought that forcing the opponent to stay would lead to a certain amount of backlash. After all, people in the miscellaneous school line have been said to have weird tempers, and it is not impossible to turn their faces directly because of a call-up order.Lin Zedong even received Song Qinghe's instruction to suppress Zhang Yan with some tough measures if necessary.

Looking at it now, everyone is happy if everything goes smoothly.

"It's best for you to stay with peace of mind. At present, the gossip formation of the sentry post has achieved initial results, and the monsters are too frightened to step into it, which greatly reduces the battle damage of the sentry post. It has been ten days since no one died. Yes. This is all thanks to you. General Song also said that in addition to regularly controlling the arrangement and maintenance of the gossip formation, you don't need to go to battle anymore.

In addition, if you need anything, you can directly ask the quartermaster in the banner. If you don’t have it in the banner, you can also go to the supply camp and ask. The army will try its best to meet your requirements.

However, if you have any good ideas about the military, or things like Kongming lanterns and gossip arrays, you should speak up as soon as possible.Understand? "

"My subordinate understands."

After leaving Lin Zedong's tent, Zhang Yan didn't need to go back to the previous Datong shop to rest for the first time. Now he is not only a naked gang leader, but also has his own separate tent.Lin Zedong even assigned him an auxiliary soldier who specially "takes care" of him, and someone helped him with all chores.

Zhang Yan was not at all dissatisfied with having one more person staring at him all the time.What to do, do not be afraid that the other party will look at it.

What's there to be afraid of?Seeing it doesn't mean understanding it.

For example, Zhang Yan asked the quartermaster to bring more yellow paper and cinnabar, and covered the inside of his tent almost completely, until he could no longer feel the buff effect of adding spirit-gathering talismans.The spirit-gathering talisman has been superimposed to the limit.It also made the effect of Zhang Yan's breathing technique "Sweeping the Sky" reach the extreme that he can do so far.And all this except himself, who else knows what he is doing?
For the next six months, Zhang Yan stayed in his tent and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the practice, except for going to various sentry points on schedule to maintain Satengqiang and Bagua Formation.Based on the change of the Wanxiangzhu in his chest, he felt that the day when the Wanxiangzhu would be awakened was coming.

One day, Zhang Yan, who was sitting cross-legged in the tent and meditating, suddenly felt the Wanxiang Pearl in his chest vibrate violently, and accompanied by a warm breath permeated his skin, and then spread all over his body.

At the same time, a mysterious enlightenment, like a change in consciousness, suddenly created a bridge in his mind, and the other end of the bridge was the Wanxiang Pearl on his chest.
(End of this chapter)

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