one's door

Chapter 22 Vipassana

Chapter 22 Vipassana
In any case, Zhang Yan came from time travel, experienced life and death, and also experienced trade-offs. Although the final result was not as perfect as he had planned before, it can be regarded as a way out by him.Now that he has lost his identity as a criminal soldier, he has also gained a relatively relaxed cultivation environment.It's a pity that he was temporarily held on this Yubei mountain and couldn't walk.

In the past six months, relying on the extreme superposition of the effects of a tent of spirit-gathering talismans, and Zhang Yan's constant adaptation to the breathing technique of "Sweeping the Sky", now his efforts have finally paid off.

After a violent tremor of the Wanxiangzhu in his chest, a sudden enlightenment appeared in his heart, and his consciousness immediately followed the Wanxiangzhu's first resonance with it.

"Wanxiangzhu is awake!"

This kind of enlightenment appeared in Zhang Yan's heart with certainty, and he was overjoyed and relieved, because Wanxiangzhu was indeed as he had guessed before, using the aura exhaled by Jiehu to nourish himself and slow down. slow to reach the "wake-up" condition.

It was also because of this kind of nourishment that Zhang Yan completed the "refining" of the Wanxiangzhu, and officially became the new owner of the Wanxiangzhu.This is also the reason why with Wanxiangzhu's awakening, Zhang Yan felt more and more connected with his blood.

Now, after more than half a year of nourishment, Wanxiangzhu has a spirit, and has broken away from the self-proclaimed state, and has established a conscious connection with Zhang Yan.It seems that there is a huge message body in Zhang Yan's consciousness.

With the experience of receiving the body's original memory after time travel, Zhang Yan seemed very calm this time.

With his eyes closed, Zhang Yan also used the relationship between Wanxiangzhu to immerse himself in consciousness for the first time, and then followed the connection between consciousness and Wanxiangzhu to enter Wanxiangzhu.

Wonderful feeling.

Zhang Yan even felt that the word "watch" could be used to describe his current feelings.After he entered the Wanxiang Pearl following his consciousness, what he "saw" was actually a tall tower!There are nine layers stacked on top of each other.

Zhang Yan was shocked on the spot for a long time, and even in his consciousness, he could feel the terrifying oppression emanating from the towering tower in front of him, just like an ant looking up at a giant peak.

"The book once said that the Wanxiang Pearl is a thing in the fairy world, which can transform all phenomena and carry all things, so it is named "Wanxiang". Could it be that this tall tower is what is stored in the Wanxiang Pearl?" Zhang Yan said in a mood Unavoidably excited, he once thought that those classics in Longhu Mountain were all boasted by the predecessors, and they were all imaginary stories with no credibility at all.Now it seems that he is too self-righteous.The records in the classics should all be true.

The tower has no name, but the gate on the first floor is open. A kind of call makes Zhang Yan approach the gate unconsciously.

After entering the first floor of the tower, there is no concept of "architectural style" or "furniture" as Zhang Yan thought, and there is no sense of direction, except for many faint golden light spots hovering in the air. In addition, there is an upward staircase, and the rest is dark.

"Here. What are those?" Zhang Yan "walked" forward, and the sense of reality around him almost forgot that he just came here consciously at this moment.

There is no need to guess the upward stairs, it must be the passage to the upper floor of the tower, but after walking through it, I found that the passage was not open and I couldn't go up.Then a enlightenment struck, making Zhang Yan understand that the reason why he couldn't go up was because his cultivation base was too low, or he didn't have any cultivation base at all at this moment.The reason why he was able to enter the first floor was because he refined the Wanxiangzhu by chance.

Unable to go up the stairs, Zhang Yan turned his gaze to the floating golden lights around him.

If you get closer, you can see that these golden lights are actually small glowing beads, and the streamers on the beads are spinning, and when you touch them lightly with your hands, another understanding will flash in your heart, allowing Zhang Yan to understand what is in these beads.

"These are exercises?! There are also techniques?!"

As the dots of light touched one by one, Zhang Yan understood what was hidden in this tower.All of them are the first-class cultivation methods and techniques collected and preserved in the Wanxiang Pearl by the monks of Longhu Mountain.

At this time, Zhang Yan also figured out some of the abilities of his own consciousness for this Wanxiangzhu.

"What are the foundation-building techniques practiced by the heads of Dragon and Tiger Mountain in the past?"

With just one thought, more than a dozen golden beads stood out from the countless dots around, and flew to Zhang Yan like a shooting star.

There are more than ten kinds of exercises, all of which have detailed sources and generations of masters who have chosen them as their own foundation-building exercises, and the advantages and disadvantages of each exercise are clearly listed.

There are aggressive ones, and some steady ones.Although it is only a method of building a foundation, if a high-rise building is built on the ground, if the foundation cannot be solidified, it may be difficult to achieve too high achievements in the future.Zhang Yan doesn't know what realm he can cultivate, but he can do his best from the beginning.

Although radical exercises are more advanced, they are dangerous.The predecessors were able to choose because the predecessors had the guidance of a master, and if they went astray, they could be corrected in time.But Zhang Yan is now the only monk in Huangtianyu, who can he guide?He can only cross the river by feeling the stones.

Therefore, Zhang Yan will only choose among the stable foundation-building exercises.

In the end, after repeated comparisons, and because of the pleasing fate, Zhang Yan chose a foundation-building exercise called "Returning Qi Method".

There are two reasons for choosing this foundation-building exercise with a simple name.First, this is the most stable foundation-building technique chosen by all the successive heads of Longhu Mountain. The simple and unadorned step-by-step will bring about solidity and no pretense. Possibility of enchantment, so safe.

Second, the "Returning Qi Method" focuses on "breathing and continuation", which has the best effect on the use of the art of breathing, and is also the most suitable for monks like Zhang Yan who are poor and have no pills to assist their practice.

After choosing "Returning Qi Method", Zhang Yan chose three more techniques.They are the most basic means.He can't use more or more profound ones now.He understands the reason why you can't chew more than you can chew.

One light body technique "God Walking Step", one defense method "Five Elements Qi Shield", and one attack method "Entraining Qi Sword Art".

They are all means to start cultivation with zero threshold and zero foundation, and they can also be used as basic means to derive more advanced techniques, with high growth potential.

Finally, the issue that Zhang Yan is most concerned about is how to use the other side of the Wanxiang Pearl.

Storing everything is one of Wanxiangzhu's skills, and Zhang Yan has already seen it.However, Wanxiangzhu's "can transform all phenomena" has not yet been seen.

So the consciousness withdrew from the Wanxiangzhu, and glanced at the burning oil lamp beside it, the wick did not change at all, indicating that the experience of Zhang Yan's immersion in consciousness and hooking up with the Wanxiangzhu just now was only a moment. There is a huge difference in the sense of time.

He took off the Wanxiang Pearl from his chest, put the necklace on his wrist in a circle, and then learned to link the Wanxiang Pearl with his thoughts.

The result was unexpectedly smooth, and there was no jerky feeling at all. With Zhang Yan's thoughts here, the Wanxiang Pearl on his wrist has changed accordingly, and a dark red wooden sword appeared in his hand in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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