one's door

Chapter 23

Chapter 23
It was a mahogany sword, and it was Lao Muxin's best ancient mahogany sword.

Zhang Yan also had this kind of sword before, which was passed down from his master. It is said that it was made by a certain generation of masters from a thousand-year-old peach wood.

In the past, Zhang Yan naturally scoffed at such claims as "exorcising evil spirits and suppressing demons", "magical uses of Taoism", and so on. Even though he later relied on this set of arguments to resign, in the final analysis, he did not take those claims from the legendary era seriously.

It's different now.

According to the classics, monks can choose the most basic and simple magic weapon as a handheld when they start practicing.The mahogany sword is a natural thing with a certain magic weapon attribute.

Of course, the mahogany sword in Zhang Yan's hand is not a general mahogany sword, although it is almost exactly the same as the one handed down by his master in Zhang Yan's memory.


With another thought in his mind, the mahogany sword in his hand disappeared in the blink of an eye, replaced by a colorful bead hidden in Zhang Yan's sleeve.

This is the ability of Wanxiangzhu to "transform all phenomena".

Then Zhang Yan seemed to be playing vigorously, and the Wanxiang Pearl in his hand kept changing its appearance.Eighteen kinds of weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds were changed by him, even steel armor and shields were tried.It's just a pity that the pistol, a weapon that shoots projectiles, can't be transformed, or it can't be used after it has been transformed, because Wanxiangzhu can't separate itself as a bullet.

"At present, I can only change some ordinary things. The mahogany sword is still the most suitable for my current situation."

I changed everything I could think of, and finally returned to the mahogany sword.At any rate, this thing can have a little bit of the characteristics of Taoism, and it will also have a buff effect when combined with the magic technique that Zhang Yan got out of the Wanxiangzhu this time.In addition, having an extra wooden sword in his hand wouldn't make people suspicious, at most, it would just add an extra touch to his madman's name, which was irrelevant.

After tidying up his mood, Zhang Yan was extremely happy.

Another change after the awakening of the Wanxiangzhu is that it will no longer retain Zhang Yan's aura as before, but will only absorb [-]% of the aura in Zhang Yan's body for nourishment, and the remaining [-]% can be retained To do Zhang Yan practice income.

In other words, Zhang Yan can finally practice normally from now on.

Exhale. Exhale. Exhale. Exhale.
It is still the art of breathing in "Sweeping the Sky". Zhang Yan has completely adapted to it in the past half a year. He does not need to deliberately adjust his breathing rhythm. With the inclusion of aura.Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to wake up the Wanxiang Pearl so quickly.

But when Zhang Yan cooperated with the "Returning Qi Method", the breathing technique "Sweeping the Sky" seemed to become another method that was completely different from before.

"Breathing." Although the rhythm of breathing has not changed, the effect of each exhalation has changed greatly.Whether it's the turbid air spit out or the spiritual energy in the body, they are all going up somersaults.

Doubled. Doubled. Finally stopped at five times the previous breathing effect before it stabilized.If there are any changes in the future, it will be time for the "Returning Qi Method" to be refined.

In the dead of night, Zhang Yan was not sleepy in the tent. He sat cross-legged on the bunk, closed his eyes, and calmly practiced the first time in his life.Feeling the wisps of aura in his breath being tempered by the breathing technique and the "Returning Qi Method", and then following the trajectory of the "Returning Qi Method" for a week, it finally gathered in his lower dantian and stored it.

One strand after another, unconsciously Zhang Yan could feel his lower pubic region slowly begin to warm and fill, and those auras also seemed to slowly form themselves and shake regularly.

I have never eaten pork, and I have seen pictures of pigs in books.Zhang Yan had never experienced spiritual energy entering his body before, neither his master nor his master's master had this experience, but fortunately he had read a lot of classics and miscellaneous notes in Longhu Mountain, and he knew everything he should know, and now put himself in the same place Not too flustered.

"Aura forms a ball, and when it trembles, it is an opportunity to spin!" Such a sentence was written on the front of the Longhushan people's practice books, and it can be seen in almost every practice book, and it is still vivid in Zhang Yan's memory. new.

Now the aura has gradually formed into a group in the lower dantian, and it does vibrate autonomously and regularly, just like the precursor to the formation of a cyclone described in the classics.

"But... isn't this too fast?!"

Zhang Yan was extremely surprised, he never thought that he would be able to rush to the level of a condensed cyclone the first time he absorbed the aura seriously for the first time.According to the records in the classics, under normal circumstances, it takes half a year or even a year to slowly accumulate spiritual energy to form a cyclone, and it takes at least four or five months for a few geniuses to do it.

And Zhang Yan, just one night is enough to form a cyclone?

"Could it be that I sensed something wrong?" Zhang Yan was also a little uncertain.

But as the aura cluster in the lower dantian became tighter and the tremor became more and more obvious, Zhang Yan realized that he couldn't wait any longer, and this should really be the sign of the formation of a cyclone as mentioned in the classics.As for why he was able to achieve such an effect in just one night, there can only be two reasons to explain: First, the aura in the Desolate Heaven Territory is so abundant that just one night of breathing can be worth as much as The amount of half a year before the earth's aura is exhausted.Second, the cultivation talent of Zhang Yan's current body is ridiculously high, and it belongs to the kind of monster-level figure that appears once every ten thousand years.

But whether it is the first reason or the second, or both, Zhang Yan has no way to tell for the time being.He devoted himself to operating the "Returning Qi Method" he practiced for the first time, and carefully stirred the cloud of spiritual energy in his lower dantian with the method of moving the spiritual energy in it.

I don't know how long it took, the tense emotions in Zhang Yan's heart finally relaxed after the aura in the lower dantian began to slowly rotate in one direction.


In Zhang Yan's induction, the air mass in his lower dantian has started to rotate in an orderly manner under his careful guidance, forming a complete cyclone.And the aura that is subsequently incorporated into the body will consciously submerge into this cyclone instead of flowing randomly like before.

After the cyclone started to rotate, it even brought the aura in Zhang Yan's meridians to circulate much faster.This means that the efficiency of Zhang Yan's respiration in the future will become faster than before.It is equivalent to the art of breathing, the circulation of the sky, and the dantian, which now form a complete and effective closed loop under the interspersment of the cyclone.

As the saying goes: Qi enters the pubic region and forms a whirl, generating new energy to assist Zhou Tian, ​​and after that, the life cycle goes on and on, which is called the state of entraining Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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