one's door

Chapter 24 Spiritual Food

Chapter 24 Spiritual Food
If you are used to the life on Yubei Mountain, you will not be able to relax.

Because on Yubei Mountain, the time for each meal is very tight, and every three days is a fight. Even if there is no horn sounding for a day, it is a rare opportunity to repair the city wall, prepare the defense materials and replenish manpower.Nothing like a day of fighting.

Even a crazy "idleman" like Zhang Yan would not really be idle.In addition to regularly inspecting the various sentry posts, he mainly checks whether the Bagua array needs to be adjusted, where there is a need for maintenance, the pest control of the thorny vine wall, and so on.Even the path of the gossip array needs to be changed from time to time, so as to avoid the loss of personnel due to the luck of the monsters who find the correct path.

In fact, Yaozu's attitude towards the gossip formation has stabilized over the past six months, and they are no longer so frightened that they dare not set foot in the formation as they were at the beginning.Now they can also see that the gossip array is a method of the human race, but they have never seen it before, but it arouses the desire to find out, and the spying on the sentry post is much more frequent than the beginning, almost every day. Will go there every two days.

But in the face of the Bagua Formation, a method that has been continuously evolved and improved in Taoism for thousands of years, Yaozu wants to figure it out without any foundation, and it is unnecessary to think about it for several years or even ten years.On this point, Zhang Yan was very relieved.

In addition to going round and round to inspect the guard posts, Zhang Yan also went to the area outside the defense line, which is the resource of Yubei Mountain that was actually contested by the human race and the monster race, that is, the Yushan fruit forest.

Before seeing the real thing, Zhang Yan would not have thought that the Yushan fruit tree would look like this, it looks different from a "tree" in the general sense.It's more like a wooden stake with some leaves attached and some fruits attached to it. There are almost no branches except the thick trunk, which looks very strange.And one after another always grows in patches, and the distance between two trees will not exceed two steps.

Moreover, dead leaves, young leaves, fruits, and flowers can be seen on the tree at the same time, which is so fantastic that it is incomprehensible.

The appearance of Yushan fruit is also very special, making Zhang Yan immediately think of corn on earth.It is also golden in color, and the granules on it are full, but the corn is columnar, while the Yushan fruit is round, the size of an adult's fist.If you get closer, you can smell the fragrance from the fruit, which makes people want to take a bite.

Zhang Yan did not go for a walk or play in the Yushan fruit forest, but General Song of the Yubeishan Fortress wanted him to go around and see if he could come up with a way to solve the problem of Yushan fruit harvesting, and fight for it as much as possible. Go in front of the Yaozu in the grab, instead of relying on soldiers to pick them one by one while bleeding.

It has to be said that now that Zhang Yan has confirmed his status as a "school of miscellaneous studies", many people in the Yubei Mountain Fortress have high hopes for him, hoping to use the methods of the school of miscellaneous studies to solve some of the problems they have been dealing with. Problems that have been at a loss for a long time.

Zhang Yan went to the Yushan fruit forest many times, and it's not that he didn't think of a solution, but he just kept thinking about it and didn't say it.On the contrary, the number of times he asked for Yushan fruit became more.

It's not a big deal to ask for four or five at a time. No one will be serious with Zhang Yan. I just hope that he will suddenly come up with some proud thoughts when he is happy.

The first time I ate Yushan fruit was actually purely out of curiosity. I heard that this stuff is also soft, glutinous and sweet, so I was greedy for a plate. It turned out to be really good. The texture and taste are much better than the noodle soup in the fortress. .

After one mouthful, Zhang Yan was stunned when he ate the second one. He actually felt a trace of aura spreading out from his stomach, and was captured by the "Returning Qi Method" that was running all the time, and finally flowed into the lower dantian.This is also the first time that Zhang Yan has not obtained the aura through breathing.

"This Yushan fruit actually belongs to the category of "spiritual food"?!" Zhang Yan was immediately shocked in his heart.

The so-called spiritual food literally means usable plants with spiritual energy.This is recorded in many classics and miscellaneous notes in Longhu Mountain.There are many kinds, and some are accompanied by ups and downs of legendary stories.For example, "Millennium Ganoderma lucidum", or "Millennium Ginseng", and even more exaggerated "Peach" and "Ginseng Fruit".Of course, the latter two can no longer be counted as spiritual food alone, and they can be called "the merit of taking away the good fortune".

However, spiritual food has long been extinct on the earth, earlier than the exhaustion of spiritual energy.So Zhang Yan saw it for the first time.

"In this way, strange species like Yushan fruit in the wild world may belong to spiritual food? Even if it is not spiritual food, there is a high probability that it can be related to spiritual energy. Then there will be no shortage of medicinal materials for alchemy in the future?"

Zhang Yan's first reaction was that he might really be able to bring the "Dao of Alchemy" in the Taoist school in the future.There must be no shortage of related doorways in Wanxiangzhu.

The types of medicinal materials may not be exactly the same, but as long as the medicinal properties are similar, they can be mixed and used.Maybe you can really practice the "elixir" of the eight classics.

But alchemy is still too far away for Zhang Yan now.He has just entered the door of cultivation and is in the early stage of entraining Qi, and alchemy requires a lot of real energy, which is far beyond what the Qi entraining can afford.According to the records in the classics, if one wants to make alchemy, the alchemist must have at least the Profound Vein Realm, which is the next big realm of Entraining Qi Realm, in order to be good enough.

After that, Zhang Yan really fell in love with the Yushan fruit tree.

According to many field observations and understandings, Zhang Yan already has a very clear understanding of the characteristics and distribution of Yushan fruit trees.This thing is called a "strange species" in the wild world, mainly because it is very different from other plants.It is very rare for a single flower to bloom and bear fruit in four seasons, not to mention that after brewing, it has a very good effect on strengthening the bones and tendons of warriors.

Since the four seasons are the picking season, it means that a normal harvesting method is needed, so as to maximize the profit under the premise of cooperating with the sentry.

In the end, Zhang Yan drew a prop on paper after returning home, and handed it over to the supply camp for their craftsmen to try to make one.When asked what it was, Zhang Yan said casually: Pulley.

He is not an expert in strategy at all, how could Zhang Yan come up with any way to "grab the harvest".The only thing that can be done after thinking about it is to shorten the delivery time after picking the fruit, in a disguised form, so that the fruit pickers have more opportunities to pick more fruits and transport them away, so as to achieve the goal of "grabbing harvest" that Song Qinghe hopes.

Zhang Yan went around the mountain a few times, and the area with dense fruit forests in Yushan is relatively flat, but it will be rough when going down, and the transportation is all carried by manpower in the back of the basket, and the efficiency is extremely slow.Of course, if there is no threat from the monster race, this method of transportation is not impossible. Anyway, Yushan fruit will not have any problems if it is left for a month.However, this mode of transportation is extremely inappropriate when there are monster races robbing it.

Therefore, Zhang Yan is going to try to see if he can get the pulley out, and then there will be a lot of articles to do on transportation.

(End of this chapter)

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