one's door

Chapter 25

Chapter 25
Zhang Yan didn't know how difficult it was to manufacture the pulley, so when the first wooden pulley weighing ten catties appeared in front of him, he didn't dislike it. Instead, he took a closer look at the structure and found that apart from being much larger, Besides, it is basically not much different from his sketches.

After the structure is determined, it is necessary to further improve the size.After all, the most basic use of the pulley is to serve as a support point for "fixation" and "directional movement".

Zhang Yan didn't want to think about steel cables, which required extremely high craftsmanship, but hemp ropes as thick as an arm's length could be used as a substitute.

After several times of repeated revisions, a pulley box weighing five catties, moderate in size, and made of a mixed structure of wood and iron was made, and after many suspension and sliding experiments in the station, it basically reached the tension. Yan expected appearance.

The Yubei Mountain Fortress is no stranger to Madman Zhang's crazy words and weird behaviors.Coupled with the appearance of the Eight Diagrams Array and Kongming Lantern, everyone has a little more respect for this lunatic.Although he didn't know what he was fussing about all day long, he agreed tacitly and didn't bother him.

Until the day when Zhang Yan was going to officially let the pulley meet with the high-level officials of Yubeishan Fortress.

The place was chosen in a Yushan fruit forest. Except for Lin Zedong, everyone in the fortress who could get out of the fortress was present, even the chief general Song Qinghe came in person.

This was the first time Zhang Yan met the person in charge of Yubei Mountain Fortress.What Zhang Yan felt was that the other party was not like a general, but more like a teacher. Even though he had the strong oppressive force of a warrior, at the same time, the calm and breezy affinity was even stronger.

"Subordinates see the general!" Zhang Yan hastily followed the rules here and saluted Song Qinghe honestly.He also didn't expect Song Qinghe to come here in person.

"Hehe, don't be too polite. Zhang Yan, I heard that you made another interesting thing. I happened to have time to come over with Lin Zedong to have a look. This thing was made by you repeatedly asking the supply camp to help you out. What is a pulley, right?"

"Yes, my lord, this time it is thanks to the manager of the supply battalion, otherwise this thing would not have been produced so quickly." Zhang Yan would never let things go smoothly, and he was still standing behind Song Qinghe with a smile on his face. The Blooming Baggage Battalion thanked the Chief Ma Sanqiang.

Song Qinghe also turned his head to look at Ma Sanqiang, smiled, and continued to say to Zhang Yan: "I didn't know the purpose of the pulley you made before, but now it seems that it is a means for the Yushan fruit tree? Can you tell me? "

"My lord, the pulley is actually an aid. The purpose is to allow a faster method of moving things to be realized on Yubei Mountain. It is more troublesome to explain in words. Now that my lord is here, let's see the actual effect, so that it will be easier to understand." .”

"Okay, let's see what changes this pulley can bring to Fishback Mountain."

It's just a single pulley, not a pulley block, so the transformative nature of this thing has not been shown right now, and Zhang Yan doesn't need it to do disruptive things at the moment, he just needs to make it easy to transport Yushan fruit.

"Your Excellency is optimistic." After finishing speaking, Zhang Yan waved his hands, and a group of people who were ready at the side began to move.

The man who cooperates with Zhang Yan is Lin Zedong's personal guard of Youtanqi.These people were already familiar with Zhang Yan, and they knew that this seemingly crazy person was actually a very powerful geek.Even if they haven't seen the final use of the pulley, they can guess a thing or two in their hearts after many experiments.Now that there are so many high-level officials in Yubeishan Fortress, they also puffed up their chests. It is definitely a face-lifting thing to be able to participate in this matter.

Seeing that more than ten of Lin Zedong's personal guards began to arrange them with a bundle of hemp ropes as thick as an arm, one end was tied to a huge Yushan fruit tree that was almost hugged by two people, and the other personal guard was holding the big The hemp rope began to climb down the mountain, and a few people who moved up and down flexibly reached a place more than ten feet below, and then also found a thick and big tree to tie the other end.Then, the hemp rope was repeatedly drawn to a lower place to form a ladder-like appearance.

"My lord, my subordinates call this a hanging basket. It is something used with a pulley. It is actually an ordinary bamboo basket with a rope that can be hooked." After Zhang Yan waited for the hemp rope to be arranged, he looked at the angle. Very steep, almost the same as expected when stepping on the spot before.Then I took out a bamboo basket with a capacity of [-] jin and the pulley box that had been made, combined the two phases simply, and hung them on the hemp rope bridge that had been built.

After filling the basket with Yushan fruits, Zhang Yan turned to look at Song Qinghe and said, "My lord, please be careful, this is what the pulley is for." After speaking, he pushed hard, and the basket of [-] catties of Yushan fruits was moved along due to the pulley. Sliding on the rope bridge, coupled with the inclination of the rope bridge itself, the speed of the decline is getting faster and faster, but after reaching a certain speed, the speed of the decline seems to be slowed down by something. Slide to the first "step" at a controlled speed.

Then the guard on the first "step" quickly took off the basket, hung it on the second descending rope bridge and continued to repeat the above action.
"My lord, as you can see, this is what the pulley is for. Not only can it make the weight on the rope bridge smoother without slipping, but it can also control the speed of sliding within a range so that it will not lose control and be difficult to access. .

According to this speed of transportation, picking and transporting can be made easier, and the role of sentry posts can be utilized to the maximum extent.It can also achieve the purpose of speeding up the "grabbing harvest" sideways. "

Zhang Yan didn't say much, the reality is right in front of him, the spreader equipped with pulleys can quickly transport heavy objects to the lower place under controllable conditions, ignoring the obstacles in the middle, and directly shorten the transportation time to It used to be [-]% or even [-]% of the previous level, so the manpower freed up during the transportation process can be used to pick Yushan fruits, and the so-called "grab harvest" has been achieved.

The result was similar to what Zhang Yan expected.In the future, it is estimated that the tension of the pulley will be adjusted, or a rope bridge will be added for insurance and stability.These are all simple and do not require much effort.

Although I heard some speculations beforehand, Song Qinghe was shocked from ear to ear when he saw with his own eyes that a small pulley can make the rough mountain road so easy.

It is not that no one has thought of using a rope bridge to slide down Yushan fruit before, but the speed of the descent is too fast, and it is impossible to catch it steadily, and it will even cause great damage to the fruit and cause it to rot. This approach was abandoned.

"What a pulley! Make the impossible possible! The method of miscellaneous learning is really wonderful!"

(End of this chapter)

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