one's door

Chapter 100 Different

Chapter 100 Different

The female ghost Chu Hongyi was stunned!It was only a few breaths of time, how could there be such a big change?The attack and killing that seemed to be going well at first suddenly reversed, and she became a thing in the urn instead.

Speaking of which, the attack and killing of Chu Hongyi tonight was rather reluctant.Because it's not her job.It was because of the selfishness of the Wu family father and son, who used Tang Niu's disappearance as an excuse, and then asked her to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Although she is a fierce ghost, Chu Hongyi has her own status, and the backing behind her gives her a clear meaning of existence.But under the persecution of Wu's father and son, she was worried that Tang Niu's matter would be misunderstood by Wu's father and son, and she would be punished in front of the "king", so she finally chose to compromise.

I really don't want to get close to that ordinary person named Zhang Yan.Chu Hongyi always felt that that person would give her an extremely dangerous feeling, and wanted to avoid it far away.Just like the beast facing the wildfire.

Resisting the urge to stay away, Chu Hongyi still tentatively approached Zhang Yan, and repeatedly approached. After several times, she was sure that the other party did not seem to be able to detect her existence, but the feeling on her body that made her feel dangerous was due to her approaching. And become bigger.But no real damage.

Only in this way did Chu Hongyi feel relieved, laughing at himself for being too sensitive.Thinking of finding a suitable time to kill this person and eat his soul before leaving.Now Langyuan City is not stable, and she still has no clue about Tang Niu's disappearance.Even Tang Wan was held down by her in the deep well of the Wu Mansion and not allowed to come out.

It is not difficult for Chu Hongyi to kill a person as if he died accidentally.So when she saw Zhang Yan bending over to fetch water, she moved, her intention was exactly the same as what Zhang Yan guessed afterwards, that was to drown him.As a result, Zhang Yan usually slipped away without saying a word, and the battle that took place within a few breaths was so shocking that Chu Hongyi couldn't utter a word with his mouth open.

The subsequent changes were even more rapid and shocking. Chu Hongyi saw that Zhang Yan had a strange long sword in his hand at some point, and at the same time bursts of inexplicable tones sounded, the voice was indescribably solemn and shocking, like a With a huge hammer, it struck her soul body fiercely again and again.This feeling was something Chu Hongyi had never experienced before, and she even found that something in her soul was being beaten out invisible by these syllables.

At this moment, Chu Hongyi had no idea to think about why the Zhang Yan in front of him, who hadn't noticed her before, suddenly became like a killing god.She felt that if she didn't think of a way, today would be dangerous.

Perhaps, as the father and son of the Wu family said in the words of killing people with a knife, Tang Niu had an accident when he went hunting in the mass graves. It was really Zhang Yan who happened to be out of the city at the time. !

Zhang Yan on the opposite side didn't know that the female ghost he faced would have so many thoughts in such a short time.Now that he has learned the lesson from the previous mass graves, it is best not to talk to the fierce ghosts in the Wu Mansion, since they can't ask anything anyway, it is better to cut the mess quickly and save the other party first, so as not to change later and throw them away A big piece of fat.

So when Zhang Yan came up, he took the lead in "The Big Dipper Mantra". At the same time, he used the five-coin sword in his hand to amplify the power of the mantra, and then aroused the righteousness of the world to integrate into the golden seal produced by the mantra. He hoped to use the fastest The speed first washes away the evil and hostility in the body of the ghost in front of you, and then facilitates the follow-up "The Wonderful Sutra of Resolving Injustice and Eviction" to complete the process.

But just after reading two paragraphs of "The Big Dipper Great God's Curse", the power started to take effect, Zhang Yan saw that the female ghost trapped in the imprint of the magic spell began to struggle against other ghosts.

I saw the female ghost rushing left and right, and even wanted to sneak into the ground, but after being stopped by the mark of the divine curse, she changed her tricks.He actually turned his hands into two long knives, slashing wildly like a praying mantis, and it can be seen that the number of ways he slashes is quite methodical and not random.Even through the feedback on the imprint of the divine spell, the strength and sharpness of the opponent's chopping are still extremely high.If it wasn't for the divine mantra to conquer evil and the five-money sword, she might have cut some flaws.

"What method is this?"

The methods of Li Guihui are limited, either hallucinations, or ghost claws and ghost howls, or possessing to harm people, at most, add some skills such as soul devouring.But why did it ever say that Li Gui can turn his soul into a weapon and fight with disciplined martial arts?

This has never appeared even in Longhushan's miscellaneous notes.

"This should be considered a kind of magic technique, right?" Zhang Yan secretly speculated in his heart, and at the same time, the "Big Dipper Curse" in his mouth also slowed down.He wanted to try more on what the other party's weird method was.

So Zhang Yan's figure flickered, and his feet were as nimble as oil on the female ghost, and the five-coin sword in his hand confronted the opponent one by one.It was soon determined that the opponent really knew the sword technique, but it was not the kind of sword technique on earth, but the unique warrior technique in the wild world.And the weirdest thing is that the opponent's weaponized hands actually showed strong resistance when facing the five-coin sword, instead of being cut by the five-coin sword like a pure soul body.

"Through weaponization to evade the evil spirit in one's own soul, to the point where it can compete with a magic weapon like the five-money sword?!"

Zhang Yan was really shocked.What surprised him even more was the intelligence of the other party.The words first begged, then threatened, and finally tried to hope that Zhang Yan would negotiate a strike with it.He even said that as long as Zhang Yan lets go, he is willing to help Zhang Yan kill Wu's father and son to avenge Yunyun
If this is another occasion, how is this female ghost different from a normal living person?
This kind of wisdom is very rare in Li Gui.Because generally speaking, ghosts are not equal to living souls, and there will always be a shortage of spiritual inheritance, which causes them to behave strangely.But for the one in front of him, Zhang Yan really couldn't feel the difference in intelligence between the other party and a normal living person.

Perhaps because he sensed that Zhang Yan was "teasing" on purpose, like a cat playing with a mouse, Chu Hongyi couldn't stand it anymore, and understood that he was in danger today.In the end, he could only utter cruel words, saying that if Zhang Yan killed her, bad luck would soon come. At that time, Zhang Yan and the Zhang family would struggle in the quagmire of pain, and finally become the object of their mouths.

Zhang Yan didn't take the other party's threats to heart at all.He even looked forward to the "trouble" after saving this female ghost. It would be best if the hidden "King" could come and increase his knowledge, at worst, use the "God's Arrival Technique" again, anyway, his Biqing Dan already has an idea and can afford it.

With this thought in mind, there is no longer any new ability to detect the other party.Zhang Yan jumped out, no longer entangled with the other party, and continued to recite the "Bei Diou Da Shen Mantra" to continue to squeeze the evil spirit and hostility in the other party's soul, ready to complete the transcendence.

(End of this chapter)

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