one's door

Chapter 99

Chapter 99
The hard work of the day came to an end after the last door panel was fastened.Even though Zhang Shun was sitting in a wheelchair, he was no less relaxed than the able-bodied people in the store. He was also busy greeting inside and out, and chatting with some customers about the experience of using the wheelchair from time to time.

At the end of the day, Zhang Shun's physical strength was also tested, and his words were almost broken.Both arms were also sore and limp.

In fact, it is much better now. At the beginning, Zhang Shun was so sore when he pushed the wheelchair around for a day, and his arms were so sore that they were going to be broken. Now his arms are thicker, and although he is also tired, he will not be sore the next day.

After closing the store door, they simply took stock of today's harvest, and then they left together.In addition to Liu Carpenter and Zhang Huiyuan, the younger sister who was nailed in the shop, there was also Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan said that the business in the store is good now, and the money tickets are collected every day, and the road at night is not safe, so he can gain momentum when he comes here.With more than two years of experience in the military, this statement is still very convincing.Not to mention anything else, three or five people like Qingpi will definitely not be able to enter Zhang Yan's body, which has been fulfilled before.

When they arrived at Zhuzui Lane, the group saw the guards patrolling over, and felt a sense of security in their hearts.During this period of time, the garrison's frequent patrols on Zhuzui Lane made everyone in Zhuzui Lane both surprised and happy.The simplest effect is that after the garrison strengthens the patrol here, even thieves and thieves can hardly be seen here.

Carpenter Liu returned to his home as usual, and it was his son who hadn't seen him for a long time who opened the door for him.Recently, Zhang Yan also heard that Carpenter Liu is planning to let his son come to the shop to help.The business is so good that he can't make so many orders by himself.

That's right, it's an order.Now the "Zhang Ji" wheelchair workshop has been in short supply.The inventory made before the store opened has bottomed out.Now I can only accept a deposit, and then pay out bit by bit.Zhang Shun even regretted that he didn't listen to Zhang Yan's advice and rented a bigger store. There were too many people, and the store was already crowded, which prevented the experience store from being able to maximize its significance.

Back home, it was a table of delicious dishes prepared by Wang Lanping.The whole family sat around the table talking and laughing while eating, it was very lively.This scene fell in Wang Lanping's eyes, always grinning from ear to ear.The children in the family have things to do and are striving for success, so she, as a mother, feels at ease.In a few months, we will really start talking about a marriage with the boss Zhang Shun as the second son said.

Looking at the chattering little girl Zhang Huiyuan again, Wang Lanping decided to come down and ask the little girl, this daughter's family should also make preparations earlier.It's just that I don't know which family can be lucky enough to find a good girl like myself.Wang Lanping said secretly.

After dinner, it was Zhang Yan who helped wash the dishes.Zhang Shun was inconvenient, Zhang Huiyuan was too tired and didn't want to move, so Zhang Yan naturally wanted to help.

When they came out after washing the dishes, Zhang Shun and Zhang Huiyuan couldn't talk anymore, and each yawned frequently.

"I'm so sleepy, what are you talking about? I'm going to boil some water, and you can go to sleep after washing. Yan'er, go outside and bring back two buckets of water, or I'm afraid it won't be enough tomorrow morning."

"it is good!"

The biggest inconvenience in Zhuzui Lane is going to the toilet and taking a shower.The second is water.The only water intake point in the whole alley is the large well on the flat dam in the middle of the alley.The water inside is the source of living and drinking water for everyone in the alley.

To say how clean it is, Zhang Yan dare not say, he can only ensure that there is no peculiar smell, and then boil it to drink.

When I came out with a load, the sky was already dark, and it would be curfew time soon, so there were not many people wandering outside, even at the usually bustling well, there were not many people around at this time.

At this time, a gust of wind blew, and the few people who were chatting by the well couldn't help shivering. They looked at the sky one after another, didn't stay any longer, and went home.For a moment, Zhang Yan was the only one left in this Pingba.

And Zhang Yan looked around, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he didn't know what he was laughing at.

"Bang!" Throw the bucket down, stir it twice to fill it up, lift it up, and then pour it into the two buckets brought by Zhang Yan.After the sound of the rushing water, there was still a little light in the water to form a reflection, but what was printed was not only Zhang Yan's face, but also a human face behind his head, which was pale with a bit of resentment. Xi's long hair fell down and almost fell to Zhang Yan's face.

Zhang Yan: "."

Relying on "Yin Yang Pupil Art", Zhang Yan naturally saw everything clearly, knowing that a female ghost was approaching very close behind him.But with the Qi shield pinched on his body, the magical steps under his feet are also prepared, and even the Wanxiang beads in his sleeves are ready to respond at any time.There is also a feeling of dancing on the tip of the knife, but at least I know it well, and I dare to do it when I am sure that I will not be hurt.

Just when Zhang Yan was about to bend down to bring up another bucket of water, he clearly felt a strong force coming from his back, pushing him forward. Seeing that Zhang Yan lost his balance and would fall into the well, Zhang Yan Yan's feet twisted for some reason, and his body moved a few feet smoothly with a very strange movement. Not only did he not fall into the well, but he also took off the thrust behind him.

When he regained his footing, he was already holding a strange long sword in his hand, smiling at the female ghost frowning by the well.The push behind him just now was done by the opponent.

Zhang Yan didn't even need to guess to know the idea of ​​the female ghost behind it.It was also after he pretended to be ignorant of the other party before, that the other party's judgment seemed a little too indifferent to him.

If it were any other ordinary person, with the push behind the back and the posture of bending over to carry the bucket, they would definitely be pushed into the well.Then the female ghost only needs to float down and hold the opponent's head to prevent the opponent from breathing, and she can smoothly create a death scene of "accidentally falling into the well and drowning".

Without other injuries, who can say one, two, three about the real method of death by drowning?
It's a pity that Zhang Yan is not an ordinary person. Even if he is not a warrior, the Taoist methods he has learned are not bad for moving alone.Especially after suffering from poor body shape once, even if he still walks like a god, but after adding the understanding of escapism, Zhang Yan's body shape has long been different from before.

Also, the sword Zhang Yan was holding in his hand at this time was no longer the mahogany sword, but replaced with a real magic weapon: the five-coin sword.

Wuqian refers to five copper coins of different ages and styles.It represents the five emperors of heaven, so it is called "five emperors' money".Each of these copper coins is refined with a magic weapon, and then these copper coins are bound into swords with brass wires to form a whole magic weapon long sword with its own magic circle combination.

Before the female ghost could open her mouth, Zhang Yan raised her hand and sprinkled a handful of talismans, turning into sparks all over the sky, and disappearing again in a few breaths, covering a radius of more than ten feet with an invisible blindfold.

The Big Dipper has seven yuan, and the spirit dominates the sky.

The great sage of Tiangang is extremely majestic.

Heaven and earth, cut off the source of evil.
Gold talismans emerged out of thin air following Zhang Yan's chanting, densely packed and locked all the escape routes around the female ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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