one's door

Chapter 98 Dazed

Chapter 98 Dazed
Chang Shan was slightly taken aback, but instead of waiting for Shi Xuan's answer, he waited for a jade box pushed in front of him.

This jade box is very delicate, but it doesn't look like an antique, so the strange thing Shi Xuan mentioned should be something in this jade box.So Chang Shan didn't think about it any more, opened the box, and saw two small gray-black balls neatly placed inside, and a refreshing fragrance wafted out from the box when he opened the box, faintly Lingering nose.

Looking carefully, the surface of the two small balls is not only smooth and abnormal, but also has a little streamer turning, which looks even more mysterious.

"Military Commander, excuse me for my poor eyesight, this is the first time this old man has seen it, and I don't know what it is."

Shi Xuan frowned slightly, and said with a smile: "Mister, why should you be so modest? Although this thing is mysterious and few people know about it, but as everyone in the miscellaneous studies, sir, you must know it. And since I have brought it out, I must be right." It knows a thing or two, so sir can speak frankly."

Hearing Shi Xuan's words, Chang Shan was even more strange. He snorted and asked curiously, "What does the Commander-in-Chief mean? This is because I am sure that the old man knows this thing but deliberately keeps it secret. Is that what it means? But the old man It’s true that I don’t know anything about this thing, and it’s indeed the first time I’ve seen it.”

Chang Shan looked carefully at the two small balls in the jade box again, and shook his head for a while before asking questions curiously.He claimed to be knowledgeable, but this time he really hadn't seen what was in front of him, and there was something in Shi Xuan's words that made him unable to figure out why the other party said such words.

Shi Xuan also put down the teacup in his hand in doubt, and said: "This thing is called Bone Strengthening Pill, and it was forged by the mysterious method of the lineage of miscellaneous studies. How could you not know, sir?"

"Huh?! Commander-in-Chief, where did you hear that? Since when did this thing become a means of my miscellaneous studies?!" Chang Shan had a surprised expression on his face, leaned forward a little, and spoke urgently and unexpectedly .I never thought that this thing would be pinned on the head of miscellaneous studies.And what is this thing for?
"What about the Eight Diagrams Array and the Kongming Lantern? They are not the means of miscellaneous studies that you know?" Shi Xuan's mind was spinning rapidly, and his words were deliberately changed.

Shi Xuan originally thought that Chang Shan had come to find someone to ask his teacher for punishment.After all, miscellaneous studies have always been practiced in Tibet, and knowledge is rarely made public. It is even said that the rules are strict, and those who dare to spread miscellaneous methods will be punished by the teacher.

But now looking at Chang Shan's expression and tone, and Shi Xuan's understanding of Chang Shan, it seems that the other party really doesn't know anything about Chang Shan, and it's not like he thought he was looking for someone to question him.

How could the mist at the end of Changshan be related to the Eight Diagrams Formation and the Kongming Lantern?But he also replied affirmatively: "What the commander said is true, this thing, as well as the gossip array and Kongming lanterns that I asked just now, are not miscellaneous methods that I know.

Today, the military commander always has something in his words, as if he is hiding something, which makes people very curious, and I ask the military commander to say frankly, the old man can't figure it out. "

Shi Xuan laughed and said: "Sir, don't blame me, I would be wrong, otherwise, how could I sell it?" Then I will talk about Zhuanggu Dan, Bagua Formation, Kongming Lantern, Zhang Yan, the relationship between these four and the relationship between them. Some background events were briefly told to Chang Shan.Most of them were introduced by Zhou Cang when he came here before, and the rest were learned by Shi Xuan when he read the military newspaper on weekdays.It can be regarded as clearly explaining the cause and effect of Zhang Yan and those few things.

"What?! This thing can stimulate the potential of warriors and increase the strength of muscles and bones according to the ratio?! And the person who refined this thing is actually the same person who took out the eight trigrams array and made the Kongming lantern?! It is said to be a method of miscellaneous learning ?!"

After hearing this, Chang Shan was so startled that he couldn't sit still. He wanted to stand up, but he felt impolite after standing halfway, so he sat down again.The surprised expression on his face was not concealed at all.

Although it is not said that Changshan is the top of miscellaneous learning, but it is "everyone" among them who is as cheap as Shi Xuan.The understanding of miscellaneous studies is definitely very deep.

It is said that miscellaneous learning is obscure, but in Chang Shan's eyes, this is not the case. It is just because miscellaneous learning is too complicated and requires a lot of accumulation. It is very different from the current knowledge system, so it has to be passed down in a small range.First, it was a last resort, and second, it was to ensure the purity of miscellaneous studies and not be eroded by traditional knowledge.

It can be said that miscellaneous studies also have their own inheritance and precipitation.

But Chang Shan had never heard of the Kongming Lantern, nor did he know about the Eight Diagrams Formation, nor did he know that there were such strange things as the so-called Strong Bone Pill in the jade box in front of him in the world.

The Kongming Lantern and the Eight Diagrams Formation are not bad, indeed, in Chang Shan's view, there are some miscellaneous shadows, which is why he is so eager to find someone to investigate.Before, he had a chat with some old friends from the school of miscellaneous studies, wondering if a certain faction of miscellaneous studies living outside was trying to make a name for himself?That's why he came to the camp of the Eastern Army.

But this Bone Strengthening Pill is really too mysterious, even if it came from Shi Xuan's mouth, Chang Shan still remained skeptical about it.

"It happens that the master is here, so try it and see if it will be exaggerated?"

"Very good! The old man is also curious whether that Zhang Yan is really so miraculous that it can refine such a heaven-defying medicine." Although he was suspicious in his heart, Chang Shan did not bother the other party's identity as a "miscellaneous learning".Because he has never met anyone, and there are too many paths in miscellaneous studies that he doesn't know all about, so leave some room and see before it's too late.

Shi Xuan didn't shy away either.Call a personal guard, explain the stakes and let the other party choose whether to test the medicine or not.As a result, the other party said "Thank you for your gift", picked up a bone-strengthening pill and swallowed it.Zhou Cang's adjutant was not stupid before, and now Shi Xuan's personal guard is not stupid either. How could such a thing be risky?It's clearly a reward you can't ask for, just grab it, how dare you hesitate?

Shi Xuan and Chang Shan didn't bother, just watched the personal guard experience the effect of the medicine right after taking the Bone Strengthening Pill.After waiting for a long time, there was an obvious reaction on the guard.

"This is?" Chang Shan is not a warrior, so he wondered if the guard's reaction was normal.

Shi Xuan explained from the side: "This is the effect of the medicine. It also has a similar effect when using Jingusan. It seems that this bone strengthening pill is exaggerated, but it is definitely not useless."

After a while, the guard opened his eyes, and then told his experience in detail.Basically, the effect of the medicine is similar to that known to Shi Xuan before.Gaining [-]% of the muscles and bones is only at least, and there will definitely be more effects when the medicine continues to work.

Hearing the conclusion of Qin Wei's drug test, although it is not complete, it also shows that this bone strengthening pill has not exaggerated its efficacy at all, but is a veritable treasure medicine!The significance to warriors is far beyond that of the muscle and bone powder that is currently on the market.

"This..." Changshan's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

And Shi Xuan picked up the remaining bone strengthening pills on the table and smiled meaningfully.

(End of this chapter)

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