one's door

Chapter 97

Chapter 97
Zhou Cang did not stay long in the Eastern Army camp.After sending the Bone Strengthening Pill to Shi Xuan's hands, he said goodbye and left, and as he said, he didn't ask for anything just because he offered something.He just told about the origin of the bone strengthening pill without reservation.

There is ample time.He didn't want to get something in return immediately, and it was the purpose of Zhou Cang's trip to remember it as a favor.

The favor of Shi Xuan, the majestic head of the Eastern Army's Dao Xing, is a good thing that can't even be imagined.Now Zhou Cang can't help but smile when he thinks about it.Although his family is also a military family, it is only considered second-rate in Nanyuan Kingdom, and if he really wants to enter the top ranks of the army, he still has more energy than he wants.It is possible only by borrowing strength.But borrowing strength is not something you can borrow if you want, so why should others help you?
So this time, the bone-strengthening pill brought Zhou Cang a very rare opportunity, and he used it to catch up with Shi Xuan. In the future, as long as he manages with his heart, it is not difficult for Zhou Cang to have the opportunity to test the high position.

Compared to Zhou Cang who left contentedly, Shi Xuan in the Eastern Army Camp stared at the jade box in front of him in a daze.

Two pills, one of which was obviously reserved for him as a test medicine.After all, this thing is not available outside, even with his knowledge, it is the first time he has seen it, so there is no ability to distinguish good from bad, and it can only be determined by testing medicine.Zhou Cang didn't say anything about this, but the meaning was obvious, which was the same as what Zhang Yan did before.

If Zhou Cang has a trusted confidant, Shi Xuan naturally has one too.He is dressed in a military uniform, and any one of his personal guards is a dead man who can risk his life for him, not to mention testing medicine, and even more dangerous things will not frown.

In addition, this matter is actually not dangerous from an intellectual point of view, just be careful.After all, no matter how you look at it, there is no possibility for Zhou Cang to murder Shi Xuan in this way.

But just as Shi Xuan was about to find one of his personal guards to test the medicine, the adjutant outside came in and reported: Commander-in-Chief, Mr. Chang Shan is visiting, and he is drinking tea in the main hall at this time.

"Oh? Mr. Changshan is here?" Shi Xuan stood up immediately when he heard the words, and was about to go out to receive him, but he stopped after taking two steps, and turned his head to look at the jade jade with the bone strengthening pill on the table. He picked it up with a smile, then left the office, and walked quickly towards the main hall.

The person who can directly enter the Eastern Army Daoxing Yamen, and can sit in the main hall and drink tea, and let Shi Xuan call "Sir" is naturally not a simple person.Even in Shi Xuan's heart, this "Mr. Changshan" can be called a "strange man", and he even feels that he is a profound person who is both a teacher and a friend.

Soon, Shi Xuan's hearty laughter resounded in the general manager's office.The guards on Gongwei's side understand that this is a rare time for their own military commander to smile. Maybe only a friend like Mr. Chang Shan can make the military commander smile so happily when he visits?

"I don't know that Mr. Chang Shan came, but Shi Xuan never greeted him from afar, so please don't blame him!"

"Hahaha, Shi Junshuai, it's boring for you to flatter the old man like a mediocre man. It's just that I've been busy recently, so I came to your place to ask for a bowl of tea and chat with you to pass the time."

Sitting in the main hall, the old man who saw Shi Xuan coming in and got up to return the salute was the Mr. Chang Shan that Shi Xuan was talking about. In his 70s, most of his hair has turned white, and his aging is obvious.However, he is in good spirits, especially in those eyes, which are not cloudy like the old man's, but clear and lively.

A fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy stood behind Mr. Changshan in a clean body.

"Sir, you are just joking. Mister, you travel all over the world to learn about heaven and man. How can you be free? Besides, Xiao Hao'er has grown up now, so teaching is not easy, right?" Shi Xuan kept a smile on his face, shaking his head , obviously don't believe the word "leisure" that the other party said.He knew the habit of the other party very well. He was a person who could watch waterfalls for several months, and finally figured out a whole set of strange wheels. It was strange that he was able to relax.

"Not to mention anything else, but the commander-in-chief was right about Zeng Hao. This kid looks smart, but he is actually a smart kid. It is too hard to teach. Half of the white hair on my end is thanks to him. Thanks!" Speaking of this, Chang Shan's beard fluttered a few times, obviously remembering something and still angry.And the half-grown man behind him lowered his head with a blushing face and dared not speak.It should not be the first time being trained by Chang Shan.

Shi Xuan naturally persuaded him: "I watched Xiao Haoer grow up. He was smart when he was young. How can he be just smart? I'm afraid it's because you are too strict, sir. Maybe it will be different if you slow down and take it step by step. After all, knowledge and martial arts actually have a lot in common, and sometimes there is no rush, and only when you slow down can you get some precipitation and gain."

Chang Shan smiled and nodded when he heard the words, expressing his agreement with Shi Xuan's words.

The two chatted for a while about past events, Chang Shan put the teacup on the table, and asked seemingly casually: "I don't know how much the military commander knows about the situation at Yubeishan Fortress in Chonglan County?"

"Huh? It's far away from the east and the west of Beijiang County. Although they are both in the army, some of the deployments are not known to us in the East Army. Moreover, the secrets in the army have never been communicated across roads, but only to each other. The Yamen of the Ministry of War is in charge. I just don’t know what exactly the gentleman wants to ask.”

Shi Xuan is also cautious about matters related to confidentiality. Even if he is an old friend, he still needs to understand the purpose of the other party before distinguishing the importance.

Chang Shan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in the secrets of the army at all, but recently I got together with some old friends and heard a strange thing, and it's related to Yubei Mountain. It is related, I think you should have heard about your high position in the army, so I come to ask you to help, see if I can give you a letter."

"Oh? Say it first, sir, and see if I understand."

"A gossip array was set up at the Yubei Mountain Fortress to cover the outposts outside the fortress, and with a strange local plant called thorny vine, it will have an excellent effect. Useful. And there is also a kind of flying lamp, which has caused the battle damage of Yubei Mountain to drop sharply in the past two years, and the guard Song Qinghe is also quite commendable. Does the commander know about this?"

"Well. This is not a secret. It has been mentioned many times in military newspapers."

"Okay, since the commander-in-chief also knows about this, it's easy for me to open my mouth. The old man wants to know where the kid who is rumored to have made the gossip array and the Kongming lantern is now? Can the commander-in-chief do the old man a favor and look it up? "

Shi Xuan had only one thought in his mind: what a coincidence!

So he didn't answer, but took out a jade box from his bosom and put it on the coffee table between the two of them, saying: "I'm not busy at the moment, I just have a strange object here, and I want my husband to help me identify it."

(End of this chapter)

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