one's door

Chapter 96 Eastern Army

Chapter 96 Eastern Army
As a guard, Zhou Cang needs to report for leaving Langyuan City, and if he dares to leave without permission, it is a serious crime of losing his head.So he reported it in advance, and after getting the approval document from the general manager of the Eastern Army Taoist Office, he led more than ten guards on the road to the east.

Langyuan City belongs to Beijiang County, and the special geographical location of Beijiang County makes it different from other places in many ways.For example, Tonghu Pass, the largest pass on the border with Beiwu Kingdom.Another example is the Yamen, the general manager of the Eastern Army Daoxing, who is stationed with [-] troops all year round.

The general manager of the Eastern Army Daoxing Yamen controls all military affairs in the five counties of the Northeast region.Upwards, he was controlled by the Yamen of the Ministry of War of Nanyuan State, and enjoyed the right to act cheaply for a while, which can be said to be extremely powerful.

The person in charge of the Eastern Army is the person Zhou Cang is going to meet this time, the head of the Eastern Army's Taoism, Shi Xuan, the commander of the Eastern Army.

All the way to the east fast horse gallop.Except for the necessary rest, they are all on the way by changing horses at the post station.Six days later, Zhou Cang arrived at Tonghu Town, the destination of the trip.

Tonghu Town is fifty miles behind Tonghu Pass. It is the only town close to the pass, and it is also a veritable military town.

There is far more arable land in the town than a town should have, all of which are military fields planted by surrounding farmers. They belong to local grain storage, which can meet the needs of a large part of the army in Tonghuguan.

From the moment he entered the town, Zhou Cang had to pass the sentry post one by one.After going through the town for more than ten miles, you can see the huge military stronghold.The general manager of Taoism is in the military village.

Zhou Cang stood at the gate of the military village with a smile on his face.Every time he comes here, it brings back memories of the past.When he came out of the Martial Arts Academy, the first place he went to was the Eastern Army camp.It's just that he didn't stay here for long before being transferred to the garrison.Because the family hopes that he can go faster, and the guard is safer than the front line.

"My lord, Adjutant Chen said that the commander-in-chief happens to be free at this time, so we can hurry over."

"Let's go."

Like all the yamen in the military village, even the yamen of the head of Taoism is not big.It looks like a yard where houses are neatly arranged.

Unloading all the weapons on his body, Zhou Cang asked the adjutant to wait outside, and he followed all the way to Shi Xuan's office, and then called out loudly, and opened the door to go in after he was approved.

"Subordinate Zhou Cang will meet with the military commander next time!"

As soon as he entered the door, Zhou Cang knelt down on one knee and paid homage to the army.Sitting at the generous table in the room in front of him was an ordinary-looking man in a military robe. He looked over 50 years old, but his hair was a little gray, making it hard to tell his age.

This person is Shi Xuan, the general manager of the Eastern Army.

Shi Xuan raised his hand and said expressionlessly: "Get up. What's the matter here?"

Faced with Shi Xuan's blunt attitude, Zhou Cang didn't feel flustered at all, knowing that this military commander Shi has always been like this, not only towards him, but also towards others.

"Mr. Commander, this subordinate is here to present treasures to the Commander." Zhou Cang stated his purpose in a reckless manner.It seems that he didn't feel the sharpness in Shi Xuan's eyes in front of him.

"Treasure offering?" Shi Xuan frowned.He has been in charge of the Eastern Army for many years, and the soldiers under his command have always been strictly governed, and the military law has always been strict.This week, Zhou Yan is someone he knows his roots. He has a family of military and martial arts behind him, and he knows how to advance and retreat, so he has always had a good impression of this person.But I never expected that the other party would come to offer bribes in a grand manner, where did he have the courage?
Without further ado, Zhou Cang took out a jade box from his arms and presented it with both hands.Introduced: "Marshal Jun, this thing is a mysterious method of miscellaneous studies. It's called "Bone Strengthening Pill", and the subordinates have already tried it."

The thing is naturally the bone strengthening pill that Zhang Yan refined for Zhou Cang before.Because after knowing the effect and limitations of this thing, Zhou Cang decisively gave up taking it continuously, and used it when he was going to break the realm, so as not to waste too much.At the same time, I also thought that the person who is more suitable to take this thing at this time is Shi Xuan in front of me.

Last year, there were rumors outside that Shi Xuan, the commander of the Eastern Army, had once again reached the bottleneck of cultivation, and was expected to go further and reach the middle stage of Duanshan Realm.Even at this time, Zhou Cang could clearly feel the sense of surging vitality in Shi Xuan's body, which was a sign after the bottleneck of his cultivation was hindered, as long as he was a warrior, he had encountered this situation.Especially in some martial artists who have been trapped in one realm for a long time and have difficulty advancing.

"Huh? One can increase the strength of muscles and bones by half? Is the same effect on me?!" Shi Xuan was stunned for a moment, then interrupted Zhou Cang's introduction, thinking that the other party had made a mistake.

But Zhou Cang nodded firmly and said: "Yes, Commander, Zhuanggu Dan is different from Jingusan. Its gain is fixed to a certain amount, and it is calculated according to the strength of the muscles and bones of the user. It's amazing. But this thing also has a limit, that is, you can take up to ten pills, and the effect will diminish
The subordinates offered this thing without asking for anything, nor was it a bribe to the military commander.I just hope that this item can help the military commander to express his respect for the military commander's hard work in guarding the eastern border all the time. "

Aside from the sycophantic talk, what Zhou Cang said about the efficacy of this bone strengthening pill made Shi Xuan's eyes brighter the more he listened.He picked up the jade box in his hand and looked at it, his heart was burning.

Warriors refine their muscles and bones, transform their vitality.Muscles and bones come first, supplemented by vitality.Although the further you go, the leap of the realm is not only the strength of the muscles and bones, but also the focus will be deflected in the direction of "breathing the air through the world".But directly increasing the strength of the muscles and bones is still the best choice for warriors to increase their strength the fastest.And often after the hard power goes up, the realm barrier will be loosened in many cases, or it will be easier to perceive where the opportunities for breakthrough are.

Just like Shi Xuan now.He has been trapped in the early stage of Duanshan Realm for many years, and only after a long period of slow accumulation did he touch the barrier in the middle stage.It's one thing to touch a barrier, quite another to try to break through it.At least for now, Shi Xuan has no clue about the breakthrough.But it’s not enough to be anxious, and I’m even ready to be stuck at this bottleneck for several years or even longer.

Now what Zhou Cang handed over after saying "offer a treasure" turned out to be a surprise.

There are two pieces in the jade box. Looking carefully, Shi Xuan also finds it novel. He has never seen this kind of "medicine" that seems to have flowing light on the surface.

"Miscellaneous studies? They still practice this kind of thing?" Shi Xuan knew in his heart that this thing was indeed what he needed.And the focus is not even on the pill itself, but on the person who made it.

Compared with Zhou Cang, Shi Xuan knows more about miscellaneous studies. He even knows a few people of miscellaneous studies and makes good friends with them.But I've never heard of miscellaneous studies and the ability to refine such good things.Of course, he didn't think Zhou Cang would lie to him about this matter, so he was even more curious about who made Zhou Cang such a strange thing.

(End of this chapter)

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