one's door

Chapter 95 Murder

Chapter 95 Murder

The female ghost detached from Wu Qingling's body, floated in the room, and bowed slightly to Wu Yuan who was in front of the desk as a courtesy.

"Chu Hongyi, can you see that Zhang Yan clearly?"

"Well, I see clearly."

"How?" Wu Yuan put down the pen in his hand, raised his head and looked at the female ghost in red with a rare serious expression.

The female ghost seemed to hesitate, and said after a while: "That Zhang Yan is not a person of the Eucharist, and he does not have the sense of tolerance that is unique to the Eucharist."

As soon as the female ghost said this, Wu Yuan nodded. This matter did not exceed his expectations.

But the female ghost went on to say: "But although Zhang Yan is not a person of the Holy Body, he has an aura that makes me very uncomfortable. I want to avoid him from a distance. And his soul is very strong, far stronger than ordinary people. people."

"The soul is very strong? Does it make you feel uncomfortable? You mean that Zhang Yan hides his strength, but he is actually a warrior with high strength?" Wu Qingling next to him glared, very alert to the female ghost's discovery.Because if Zhang Yan was not an ordinary person, then Ma Shan's death might have something to do with Zhang Yan.

However, the female ghost shook her head and rejected Wu Qingling's guess, saying: "Zhang Yan is not a warrior, and his aura is completely different from that of a warrior. It makes me feel even more uneasy."

Having said that, Wu Yuan nodded, and said, "Is it the method of miscellaneous studies?"

Wu Yuan's words made Wu Qingling look over, and asked curiously: "Father, are you talking about Zhang Yan?"

"That's right, I was talking about him. You failed to get rid of Zhang Yan as soon as possible, and Zhou Cang intervened and wanted to protect him with a tough attitude. I asked someone to check Zhang Yan's details in the army. Because The records of military exploits are very strict in the army, so it took a lot of time for the news to come back this time.

In the army, the reason why Zhang Yan was able to plead guilty in just two years and made friends with important figures in the army was due to the means of miscellaneous studies.For example, the wheelchair they opened in Zhangjia this time is exquisite and practical, and it is also a thing in miscellaneous learning.

According to legend, there are very few people in the line of miscellaneous studies, and most of them hide from the world, and what they learn and seek are the principles of the world and the mysteries of heaven and earth.The number of ways is far from that of martial arts, but it is not simple.

The most famous master of miscellaneous studies is "Chen Tang", you must have heard of it, right? "

Although Wu Qingling is a dude, she is not an ignorant person. Hearing the name Chen Tang, a large section of books and records immediately popped up in her mind.

"My son has heard of it. Chen Tang is a friend of the legendary martial sage Xu Fengyang. He helped Xu Fengyang overcome difficulties several times. Later, Xu Fengyang wrote "The Essence of Martial Arts" and it was Chen Tang who helped sort it out and spread it to the world. However, father , you don’t want to say that Chen Tuan is a person of miscellaneous studies?”

"Hehe, of course. Chen Tang is not only a member of the school of miscellaneous studies, but also one of the founders of the school of miscellaneous studies."

Wu Qingling had also heard of miscellaneous studies, but had never seen it, and had never taken it to heart.Now hearing from his father that he has such a big background, he is shocked.

"Father, according to what you said, if Zhang Yan is also a person of miscellaneous studies, wouldn't it be difficult for us to touch him?!"

Wu Yuan shook his head, paced around the room, and said after a while: "It's not that you can't move, but you need to be famous. And now that Zhang Yan's methods are displayed, there may be more variables if this drags on. I'm afraid there will be more than one Zhou Cang who jumped out to protect him."

"Father, could the news be wrong? That Zhang Yan was an ordinary person before, and his mind was not bright, why did he suddenly..."

Wu Yuan waved his hand and interrupted his son's words, and said: "The school of miscellaneous studies originally insisted on hiding in the market and not being disturbed by foreign objects. It is normal for Zhang Yan to keep his face. But you coveted the two rooms in his hands. The shop almost lost his life when he was caught off guard. Why would he continue to hide his weapon for revenge now? Naturally, he came out of nowhere."

Wu Yuan didn't blame his own son, that was the result of Wu Yuan's indulgence.It's just a mere grassroots, if you suppress it with tricks, who knows how unjust your death is?This is not the first time this kind of thing happened, what can be done?
But now it's getting more and more difficult.

Even when Zhou Cang came forward to protect Zhang Yan, Wu Yuan didn't pay much attention to it.But after learning the news that Zhang Yan was from the miscellaneous school, he couldn't help frowning.

Zhou Cang was just a city guard, and he couldn't control Wu Yuan's head. Before, he was concerned about the other party's face, so he took it easy, and after a month or two, he was going to find an excuse to take that Zhang Yan into the yamen.As long as you enter the yamen, what shit can't be buckled on you?

In the current situation, I'm afraid I can't wait for this month or two months.Letting Zhang Yan's fame spread, coupled with the examples in the army, and the wheelchair KitKat that must be popular, it must be to alarm people in higher positions.

And there was another reason why Wu Yuan felt that the matter was difficult.That is, for more than two years, the Sheriff's Mansion has been ignorant of him, the city official of Langyuan City.This is not normal anywhere.It also made Wu Yuan inexplicably feel a pressure from top to bottom, and he felt more and more wrong.

There can be no more troubles at this juncture.Don't do it well, but there will be big problems.

So the most important thing now is to get rid of Zhang Yan unconsciously.After that, Wu Qingling was asked to deal with all the handles in his hands.Neither things nor people can leave traces.

Turning his head, Wu Yuan looked at Chu Hongyi who was floating in the air beside him.The "spirit" Wu Yuan, who was used to seeing this kind of separate soul existence since he was a child, didn't think the other party was so scary.Even in his eyes, these "spirits" are "sharp knives" that he can use.This time, it might be necessary to rely on these "sharp knives" to help the end.

"Miscellaneous learning is a mysterious method, so far outsiders know little about it. Since Chu Hongyi feels that Zhang Yan is different from ordinary people and makes you feel uncomfortable, is it possible that Tang Niu's disappearance is also related to him?"

Chu Hongyi was silent for a while, and said: "Tang Niu hunted the mass graves to hunt for wandering spirits before, but he never returned. Tang Wan, who was implicated in Tang Niu's soul, became restless and restless like never before. The inexplicable big pit is also strange. On the surface, something may have happened to Tang Niu. However, it cannot be judged that this incident is related to Zhang Yan just because Zhang Yan did not return home that night, even if he does not look like an ordinary person and has a breath eccentric."

Wu Yuan was obviously dissatisfied with Chu Hongyi's words, frowned, and continued, "Are you sure that Zhang Yan has nothing to do with Tang Niu?"

"It can't."

"If you can't, follow the words of the Holy King and eliminate all possible hidden dangers, so that the "Lingzi" living in Langyuan City can grow smoothly. You will not forget this responsibility, Chu Hongyi, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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