one's door

Chapter 94 Spiritual Medium

Chapter 94 Spiritual Medium
Wu Qingling dismissed the three of Xiao Chongwen with a wave of his hand.These three people are becoming less and less useful to him now, and if he doesn't deal with them for the time being, he also wants to deal with Zhang Yan first and then deal with them again, so as not to cause complications.So leave it for now.

The three of Xiao Chongwen who were sent away were also in a fog all the way.They thought that Wu Qingling came to the door this time to teach the Zhang family a lesson, and when they happened to meet Zhang Yan in the store, they were secretly excited. It would be great if Wu Qingling had a spark with Zhang Yan on the spot. .

Thinking of Ma Shan's weird "face-changing" scene before, the three of Xiao Chongwen can't get rid of it like a nightmare, and they wish Zhang Yan could die quickly.After a long delay, they even worried that one day they would die as strangely as Ma Shan.And the only one they can rely on now is Wu Qingling.

But Wu Qingling actually went to the store to buy a wheelchair and left. Before leaving, she left a message for Zhang Yan, as if she wanted to do business with Zhang Yan.What's the idea?
After dismissing Xiao Chongwen and the others, Wu Qingling did not wander around, but walked straight towards the Wu Mansion.Of course, he didn't know that there was a paper figure talisman floating in the wind behind him that was "watching" him all the time.

When approaching the gate of the Wu Mansion, Wu Qingling suddenly paused, as if standing still and thinking about something, the few followers around him didn't take offense, they just surrounded him for protection.

And just when Wu Qingling stopped in his tracks, the female ghost who was following behind them jumped onto Wu Qingling's back as agreed with Wu Qingling, and then embedded into his body.The whole process takes less than three breaths.Then Wu Qingling continued to walk forward with her usual expression, and entered the gate of Wu Mansion.

"It's actually attached to Wu Qingling's body?!"

Through the paper figurine, Zhang Yan just "saw" the scene where the female ghost possessed Wu Qingling, and was very surprised.Because although Wu Qingling's face looked pale and her body was quite thin, it was only caused by the injury caused by alcohol and sex, not because of the damage caused by the entry of Yin Qi into the body when possessing the body.Even Wu Qingling couldn't feel the remnants of Yin Qi at all.This is very different from what it looks like after being possessed by a demon.

Zhang Yan couldn't help recalling all the details when he saw Wu Qingling before, that was an ordinary person, not a monk or a warrior.

But now that Wu Qingling was clearly possessed by a fierce ghost, not to mention hiding the other party's evil spirit, she was able to keep her own Yang energy from being corroded, and even her sanity was not affected at all.From the appearance alone, it doesn't look like a person possessed by a ghost. Even Zhang Yan can only sense a very weak sinister aura emanating from Wu Qingling's body, even if he peeps through the paper figurine. It can easily be overlooked.

Why is it so strange?
He kept pondering in his head, walked out of the wheelchair shop, and Zhang Yan was startled when he reached the door of his house, and two words popped out of his mind: psychic medium!
Only this kind of possibility can explain the strange situation in front of Wu Qingling.

The so-called psychic medium is actually not a kind of doorway, but more appropriately, it should be a special kind of physique.This kind of physique is very rare, and generally speaking, one in ten thousand people may not be able to find one.And some special stimulation is needed to activate the ability of this physique.

It seems very mysterious to say it, but in fact there is only one ability of a psychic medium: he can use himself as a container to store ghosts.

In other words, ghost possession, which is extremely harmful to ordinary people, has a different meaning for psychics.As long as the ghost does not stay for a long time, the psychic can almost be immune to the erosion of Yin Qi caused by ghost possession, let alone allow Yin Qi to enter the body.

In Longhushan's records, psychics are a typical example of both good and evil. Some of them use their own physique to use the power of ghosts to do evil, and some of them use this ability to dissolve the hostility of ghosts and perform acts of salvation.

Moreover, psychics are born with yin and yang eyes without any magical assistance. For them, the world is very different from the world in the eyes of ordinary people from the very beginning.

"Psychic mediums are inherited by blood. In this way, it is not easy to come down from the Wu family's blood. Could this be the reason why those fierce ghosts took shelter in the Wu mansion, and the mysterious "king" came to the Wu family?"

Zhang Yan thought to himself while trying to let the paper figurine talisman fall into the Wu residence.It's a pity that as soon as the paper figurine talisman crossed the courtyard wall, there was an aura covering it, so Zhang Yan could only sigh inwardly, and controlled the paper figurine talisman to fall with the wind like ordinary paper scraps, and finally landed outside the courtyard wall.

This is also the reason why Zhang Yan has not been able to cut into Wu's mansion to observe closely. There are powerful warriors in the mansion who are waiting day and night, and they will not let go of any trouble.He didn't dare to try it either. Once the other party was aware of the existence of the paper figurine, it might lead to many changes. This was not what Zhang Yan wanted.

After the paper figurine fell to the ground and was silently and spontaneously burned to ashes, Zhang Yan regained his full consciousness.Pushing open the door of the house, he greeted Wang Lanping who was already serving the dishes with a smile
At the same time, Wu Qingling, who had just stepped into the gate of the Wu Mansion, didn't know that the secret on him was discovered by a piece of inconspicuous confetti that followed him from afar. He waved his hand and turned away the followers behind him.

"Clean up the chairs, and I'll take them to grandma myself later." After speaking, Wu Qingling followed the housekeeper to lead her to the study at home.

Wu Yuan didn't go to work today, so he practiced calligraphy in the study after lunch.

"Father." Wu Qingling knocked on the door and promised, pushed the door open and entered the study, closed the door, and bowed to Wu Yuan who was writing seriously at the desk.

"Yeah. Are you back? Is things going well?" Although Wu Yuan doesn't have much official business, he would sit in the yamen even if he is free, instead of staying at home like today.It was all because Wu Qingling's trip today was unusual that he stayed at home and waited for the result.

"Well, it went well. I ran into Zhang Yan as soon as I entered the store. His attitude was not hidden, nor was he pretending to be stupid. It was clear that the "comer was not kind". The leak should have made Zhang Yan stare at me."

Speaking of Ma Shan, Wu Qingling's face was a bit ugly.Up to now, Ma Shan's death is still inexplicable.Most of those bastards were caught, but the matter of Sha Mashan was full of weirdness.Because those bastards also said in unison that they clearly saw that the person who was beaten up was Zhang Yanyun, but it matched the words of Xiao Chongwen and the others.

"How to say?"

"I'd better let Chu Hongyi tell you. I didn't dare to communicate with her all the way. I'm worried that I really have eyes and ears like you guessed." Wu Qingling shook her body as she said.

Following Wu Qingling's shaking, a figure in a red dress broke away from him.It was the female ghost who was attached to him to hide his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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