one's door

Chapter 93 Meeting

Chapter 93 Meeting
Zhang Yan's eyes subconsciously twitched when he saw the young man in Jinpao. In his memory, he had seen him far away downstairs in the flower building a few years ago, and knew his name: Wu Qingling.

Say this is a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken, right?Zhang Yan felt that it was inappropriate, after all, in his eyes, he was not a chicken to be slaughtered, and Wu Qingling was not a ferocious monster that could not be resisted.

But it is inevitable that the other party is uneasy and kind.

"Brother Zhang, we heard that your family has set up a shop selling chairs. Mr. Wu just heard that an elder in his family also has inconvenient legs and feet, so we accompanied him to see if there are any suitable chairs. Brother Zhang , would you like to introduce Mr. Wu?"

Zhang Shun and Zhang Huiyuan knew Xiao Chongwen and the other three. Although Ma Shan died, they hated the three of them quite a bit.Originally, he wanted to go up and scold, but Zhang Yan stopped him by raising his hand.

"I didn't expect Mr. Wu to be face to face. It's really disappointing. Please don't blame me, Mr. Zhang Yan." Zhang Yan responded with a smile, but he didn't go to see Xiao Chongwen and the others. But the waist was straight, saying that it was "too far away", but at this time, he didn't even arch his hands.

It's time now, there's no need to play dumb in front of Wu Qingling.Zhang Yan wants to see what the other party is going to do.

The clerk in the store was also a frequent visitor to the market, and after a few more glances he recognized who Wu Qingling was, so he hurriedly approached Zhang Shun, the owner, to tell him, and at the same time let Zhang Huiyuan listen.Only then did the two realize that the rather pale young man in front of them was actually Wu Qingling, the only son of Langyuan City's biggest dandy, the city administrator Wu Yuan's only son that had been rumored for a long time! ?
The reputation of being a wicked young man was not something that was blown out, it was a real deterrent to ordinary people like Zhang Shun and Zhang Huiyuan, the two of them felt a little nervous for a while, they didn't know the purpose of the other party's coming.

Especially Zhang Shun, when he saw Xiao Chongwen and Wu Qingling coming all the way, his heart trembled fiercely, and he secretly guessed: the person behind the frame of Zhang Er was Wu Qingling, right? !
The others kept guessing in their hearts, but Wu Qingling smiled and put her hands behind her back. Seeing that Zhang Yan was only responding to a few polite words but didn't even bother to greet him, this posture was basically clear.

So Wu Qingling smiled and said, "Blame? If I want to blame you, this small shop of yours will be closed tomorrow. Do you believe it?"

Zhang Yan also laughed, and said: "Mr. Wu's words are not true in Langyuan City? Naturally, the grassroots believe it. But the things in the small shop are solid and good things, and I think they should satisfy you."

"Hehe, then just tell me, I want to buy one for my elders with handicapped legs, which one should I choose?" Wu Qingling looked at the calm Zhang Yan in front of him with a half-smile while talking.The other party's calm look made him feel more and more annoying.But he didn't show it directly.

Zhang Yan casually took a trial chair from the side, pushed it in front of Wu Qingling, and said, "My lord, you can try this one. It's made of high-quality green iron wood. It's not only durable, but also light and flexible to use." "

Although he was introducing the chair in his hand, Zhang Yan's heart suddenly trembled, because after Wu Qingling came in, he smelled a special smell, which did not belong to a living person.

But Wu Qingling is indeed a living person, and she is not in a state of being possessed by a ghost.The only possibility is that Ben came in with Wu Qingling, and unclean things came into the shop.

So Zhang Yan took advantage of explaining the stalls of the wheelchair to Wu Qingling, opened up his perception to the maximum, and at the same time opened the "Yin-Yang Pupil Technique" to make his vision both yin and yang.So he found a woman's face that had penetrated into the house on the beam of the shop in the corner.

It was the adult-looking ghost that I had seen on the execution platform before.

Feeling carefully, only one came this time, and the other ghost child that Zhang Yan had seen did not come over.But Zhang Yan was a little strange.He had clearly arranged many paper figurines around the Wu Mansion as his eyes and ears, why didn't he know that the female ghost had left the Wu Mansion this time?Didn't realize it until the other party showed up?

From Zhang Yan's point of view, there were only two possibilities in this situation.One is that there is some kind of magic weapon that can shelter the female ghost, and taking it out of Wu's mansion avoids the superficial monitoring of the paper figurine, and Zhang Yan didn't know about it in advance.

Another possibility is, possession.By attaching to a living person to cover up one's own evil spirit, one can also avoid the induction of the paper figurine.It's just that this method generally has a huge disadvantage, that is, it will cause damage to the possessed person.And the longer the possession time, the greater the damage.

The former possibility, now Zhang Yan dare not be as sure as before, after all, he discovered the existence of suspected ghost cultivators in the previous battle at the mass grave in Langyuan City, so he can no longer be sure that the world Without monks other than him, it is hard to say whether the device must not exist.

But even if there is a magic weapon, it is not something the Wu family can use.Because the Wu family came in and out of the mansion, the peeking of the paper figurines never found any aura of monks.

And the female ghost is not a ghost cultivator, and she can't open the magic weapon to take shelter on her own.

So relying on the magic weapon to pretend the female ghost to avoid the surveillance of the paper figurine talisman, this possibility was quickly discarded by Zhang Yan.The odds are too low.

Then the only thing left is possession.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yan had some confidence in his heart.But he was a little curious about the person who let the ghost possess him as a vehicle.If it goes on like this, most people are afraid that they will fall ill within a few times, or even become insane.The secrets of the Wu family are hard to hide.Is it possible to use this as a breakthrough to explore the inside of the Wu family?

Zhang Yan was planning in his heart, but he didn't hesitate at all. Compared with the guys in the shop, he introduced wheelchairs as well, and he was as sharp as a professional for this.

In the end, Wu Qingling actually bought a wheelchair, and also a set of embroidered satin for the kit.A large bill was still on the cash drawer, and he waved his hand and said no to the change.

But before going out, he seemed to suddenly think of something, turned to Zhang Yan and said, "Your family's business looks pretty good now, do you want to go out? Make it a big business that spreads across ten cities? Don't Answer me in a hurry, think slowly, come to the money shop to find me when you figure it out, I will pay, and I will give you [-]% of the money!"

After Wu Qingling finished speaking, she turned and left without waiting for Zhang Yan's answer.Behind them, Xiao Chongwen and the others followed, and another follower came in and took away the wheelchair that Wu Qingling had bought.And Zhang Yan also sent it to the door. First, he looked around at the attendants behind Wu Qingling, but he didn't find the sick-looking person he thought.

So Zhang Yan threw a piece of paper figurine out without leaving a trace, and it floated far above his head like the wind, following Wu Qingling and the female ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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